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1890 JÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ cabinet místopisná photo, F. Pietschmann, Hirschberg; good condition U:A5
1906-60 LIBEREC selection of 27 pcs of novodobých photos from original negatives (2 pcs of přefocené) old Liberec, major-part with description and date origin, size 13x18cm, very interesting photos; rare collection! U:A5
1945 RESISTANCE comp. of 3 B/W photos Revolučního railways NV in Přerov; interesting U:A5
1900 PLZEŇ - Pub Martin Merce, cabinet card on/for passe-partout, atelier Veselý - Plzeň U:A3s|
1925? POPLER Rudolf (1899-1932), one from best known všestranných dostihových jezdců inter-war Czechoslovakia, participant 2 Olympic games, in 1932 zahynul near/in/at dostihu after/around Velké Pardubice; B/W portrait photo postcard in/at jezdeckém oděvu, very good condition, interesting U:A5
1860? PURKYNĚ John Evangelista (1787-1869), Czech fyziolog, anatom, biolog, poet and philosopher, cabinet card small format; rare U:A5
1914 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY ateliérová group photo officers Austria-Hungary army, Letzte-100 1911-14, mounted on passe-partout, size 26x19cm U:X
1875? ROMANOV Vladimír Aleksandrovich (1847-1909), son Russian tzar Alexander II., i.a. president Russian academy krásných art, mecenáš; small cabinet card, rare, interesting U:A5
1880 RUDOLF HABSBURSKO-LOTRINSKÝ (1858-1889), Austrian korunní prince, son emperor Franz Joseph I. I., tragicky zahynul together with his milenkou baronkou von Vetsera by/on/at castle Mayerling (sebevražda); cabinet card in uniform, issued Czihak Wien (Vienna), size 164x108mm, very good condition U:A5
1893 ŘEZNÍČEK Charles (1845-1914), important Czech traveller, cabinet colored photo from ways after/around Japan (Jokohama), in/at kimonu, on reverse signature; interesting and rare U:A5
1870? TYRŠ Miroslav (1832–1884), founder Sokol, cabinet card, atelier Bartoš; good condition, rare U:A5
1888 TESTER VETSERA Mary Alexandrine (1871-1889), Austrian šlechtična, last milenka Austrian crown prince Rudolf Habsbursko-Lotrinského (1858-1889), together tragicky zahynuli by/on/at castle Mayerling (sebevražda); 2 cabinet card (1x as graphic/prints) 164x108mm, issued Blümke and Scholtz, slightly toned, otherwise very good condition, interesting U:A5
1920 ZAHRADNÍK-BRODSKÝ Isidor (1864-1926), important priest, diplomat, politician, member of parliament Empire council/court, minister railways, original cabinet card, atelier Langhans; very good condition U:A5
1935 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE absolventi commercial school in Uzhhorod, photo tabla, size 21x17cm U:A4
1944 [COLLECTIONS] TOTÁLNÍ NASAZENÍ big album photos and Ppc totally on a mission George Tichého in/at German Emmendingen (Bavaria) from year 1944, collection contains total 272 photos and 76 Ppc, i.a. interesting documentation work camp, then inserted various personal documents, for example. personal pass, labour evidence card, order on/for stravu, ticket/-s, entrance ticket etc..; placed in big photoalbum, very good condition, interesting U:Z
1940-50 MLADÉ TESTER - 5 pcs of original graphic artist Czech umělců: Lion Šimák, M. Salcman, V.V. Novák, J. Želibský, B. Hoffstädter; total 5 graphic sheets, all signed by pencil, paspartovány, inserted in/at original papírovém cover, inserted introductory text Z. Kotíkové; excellent condition, interesting offer U:X
1940-50 MLADÉ TESTER - 5 pcs of original graphic artist Czech umělců: Holý, Miroslav – Woman drhnoucí podlahu, color xylograph 108x177 + Kotík, Pravoslav – Dříví-uhlí, B/W xylograph 155x198 + Čapek, Joseph – Koupání, lino-cut 124x180 + Špála, Wenceslas – Woman with košíkem fruit, lino-cut 165x113 + Hofman, Vlastislav – Podobizna man, lino-cut 222x105; 5 graphic sheets, all signed by pencil, paspartovány, inserted in/at original papírovém cover, including introductory text Fr. Kovárny; rare album, on envelope folds, graphics sheets in very good status, interesting offer U:X
1743 KARLOVO NÁMĚSTÍ - NOVOMĚSTSKÁ RADNICE / KORUNOVACE MARIA THERESA of Austria V PRAGUE 1743 copperplate 70x36cm, author předlohy I.I. Dietzler, engraver Johann Andréas PFEFFEL (1674-1748), from product Ramhoffsky J.H. : Drei Beschreibungen; very good condition without usual tearing, rare U:X
1904 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), unknown illustration "Holčička with doll" on/for titulu journal Besídka small, year/volume XXI., 1904 - child journal rising in years 1879-1896 and 1901-1913; Nosek doesn't report, signs of age, toned, povolená binding, exceedingly rare U:A5
1925? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939) / exlibris VOSTŘEBAL; in years 1903-1925 made A. Mucha only 5 exlibris secesního character (Balasi, Polívka, Růžička, Scheiner, Vostřebal); good condition, only R lightly dented paper, definitely interesting U:A5
1919-20 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Vybrané spisy good authors XI, XIII - Emil Zítek - Štěstí, comp. of 3 color variants envelopes with illustrations A. Mucha; Nosek doesn't report, toned and small tearing, exceedingly rare U:O5
1931 ZA RECITÁTORKOU BOŽKOU VOLDÁNOVOU - No. 26, copy on white paper Holland, signature Frederic Voldan - private anthology in memory of B. Voldanové, i.a. illustration A. Mucha, Fr. Bílek, Simon etc.. + unnumbered copy on/for velínu; rare U:K
1950 SEDLÁČEK Vojtěch (1892-1973), 5 pcs of original graphic artist Czech artists, incomplete, missing 2 pieces (V fields, Vláčení); in original cover, lithography, lynoryt, very good condition U:X
1878 ALEŠ Mikoláš (1852–1913) / author Exlibris, with datací 17/3 78; format 9x12,5 cm, after/behind upper corners mounted on/for underlay paper U:A5
1900-90 [COLLECTIONS] EX LIBRIS extraordinary collection Exlibris in cardboard box, contains 133 pcs of Exlibris Ladislav Joseph Kašpar (1915-1997), graphic artist, illustrator and painter, all signed, various formats and motives, part on carton paper + collection 79 pcs of Exlibris with motive of erotika, part signed + large collection 718ks Exlibris inland also foreign origin, much signed, partially on carton paper, total 7 album/-s; components/parts set is also book Braungart R.: Deutsche Exlibris and andere kleine Kleingraphik, Munich (München) 1922; interesting offer U:K
1920-70 [COLLECTIONS] FOŘTOVÁ-ZLÁMALOVÁ Pavlína (1886-1974), Czech painter, grafička, ilustrátorka and historička art, collection lithography, gravures and drawings, 77 author, proof also definitive prints, big part signed, i.a. author's imprint PF Francis Schwarzenberg, Alois Jirásek etc.., then part personal correspondence, personal printings known also neznámých motives; very interesting collection, placed in stockbook U:Z
1850-1900? [COLLECTIONS] large collection gravures important personalities, noblemen and vojevůdců 17.-19. century, total 97 pcs of (!), ca. 1/2 in passe-partout, i.a. René Descartes (1596-1650), filosof, matematik and fyzik; Philip V. Španělský (1683-1746), Spanish King of the House of Bourbonů; Arthur Wellesley, 1. duke from Wellingtonu (1769-1852), Brit. vojevůdce, politician; Lewis Philip Orleánský (1773-1850), French King; Kurt Christoph von Schwerin (1684-1757), Prussian Field Marshal etc..; interesting collection, part toned, placed in cover U:Z
1929 Railway map Czechoslovakia with kalendářem and advertising firm on/for typewriters REMINGTON, format 104x70cm; folded, in very good status, decorative U:A3s|
1940 Map West war zone/-s, "Westlicher Kriegschauplatz Calaic - Belfort", issued Ravenstein - Frankfurt; good condition U:A4
1942 Map Sudetenland, "Sudetengau", scale 1:600.000, issued in/at Liberec, size 77x31cm; folded, good condition U:A4
1944 Map to náletové situaci, German - Czech map Germany and Protectorate with zvukovými signály air-mail poplachů, issued Joseph Handlíř, Prague, format A3; good condition U:A4