Pof.7 STs+STp, 15h bricky red, UL block of 20, plate 1, contains 4x STs, 7x STp from that 2x combination joined bar types and spiral; luxury, cat. 4.500CZK
Pof.7 STs+STp, 15h bricky red, UR blk-of-25 with margin, joined spiral types pos. 49, joined bar types pos. 16, 17, plate 1; several small dots from inkoustové of pencil outside ST, cat. only ST 1.100CZK
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, complete 100 stamps sheet plate 1 (!), contains total 9x joined spiral types spiral, 10x joined bar types bar types combination, from that some combined, all ST marked by Pofis - Beneš; several times folded between stamp., through/over 5 stamp. outside ST protlačené grooves in paper, after all rare offer!
Pof.7a, 15 brown-red, block of 8, plate 1, pos. 31-34/41-44, very nice block, in/at mezeře between blocks of four vert. fold, unmarked; color prověřena expert, can be zajistit certificate
Pof.11 joined bar types, 25h violet, comp. 2 pcs of horiz. pairs with joined types II.+II., ZP4-5, plate 2, various color shades printing color also paper, in addition 1x also print color out of stmp.; c.v.. ca. 1.400CZK
Pof.11 STs+Ot, 25h violet, marginal block-of-4, ZP7-8/17-18, plate 2, bar types combination, on/for TESTER and TESTER bar and arc type; cat. min. 1.000Kč+
Pof.11 STs+STp+STo, 25h violet, UR blk-of-25 with margin, plate 2, contains 2x joined spiral types pos. 10, 27, 5x joined bar types, 6x STo, cat. only ST 4.500CZK
Pof.11, 25h violet, L half-sheet, plate 1, contains 3x joined spiral types, 9x joined bar types; cross fold, hints only in L margin, cat. only ST 7.500CZK
Pof.11, 25h violet, selection of various variants, all stamp. are pos. 59, TD2: and) parcel dispatch card segment franked with. i.a. Pof.11a Is, CDS PRACHATICE 11.XI.19; b) used pair Pof.11a joined spiral types, exp. by Karasek., Pithart; c) Pof.11 Is, mint never hinged; d) Pof.11b Is *, dark violet; c.v.. total 8.000CZK
Pof.18 joined bar types, 75h grey-green, block of four with joined bar types (!), pos. 19-20/29-30; others as spiral types only 1x in/at sheet, but rarer usage; exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 8.000CZK
Pof.18 joined spiral types, 75h grey-green, LL corner blk-of-4 with joined spiral types II. + I., plate 2; wide margins, L and lower light wrinkled paper; exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. 12.000Kč+
Pof.25, 500h brown with lower margin, print from original folder with odstraněnými control-numbers, for I. overprint issue airmail stamps, spiral type II and bar type I.; c.v.. 800Kč+
Pof.26DV, comp. 4 pcs of, all with same plate flaw, pos. 80: and) ústřížek dispatch-note with stamp. Pof.26a - marginal piece + 300h and 500h issue Agriculture and Science; b) Pof.26, double impression, * ; c) PLATE PROOF in black color; d) PLATE PROOF, pair in/at original color, in/at joined printing with value 400h, maculature; as multiple interesting
Pof.F22, 200h blue, Náchodský forgery to defraud the collectors, printed in/at osmikusových blocks on paper with gum, fine quality, on reverse marked "Padělek"; sought by specialists
Pof.IV.M, unissued opposite facing horiz. gutter 3h Hradčany violet + 2h Sokol green, on thin browny maculature paper, in the middle with control-numbers; viewing of quality recommended - after all interesting; exp. by Sablatura
Pof.F22, 200h blue, Vejprtský forgery to defraud the post, fragment CDS VEJPRTY 1/ ? III.20, standard margins; on reverse without expert's marks, photo-certificate Stupka from y 2014, c.v.. 8.000CZK
comp. of stamps Hradčany (also part SO1920 (overprint), Airmail) with various plate variety, ca. ½; katalogizována, contains corner pieces, blocks, various values, then i.a. Pof.L2A, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24/500h, spiral type I with plate variety on pos. 7/1 etc..; part stamp. hinged, placed on card A4
Pof.4C STp + plate flaw, 5h blue-green, perf line perforation 13¾;, UR block of 12 with joined bar type, pos. 18, plate 3, plate flaw pos. 9, 27, cat. 2.000CZK