1919 CPŘ30, CPŘ36, comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian PC, 1x Crown 8f with two-sided perf for typewriter, 2x Crown 10f, all uprated with stamp Hradčany, CDS SZAKOLOVA, NAGY TOPOLSANY and POZSONY; good condition
1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10f red with printing note. "1918", sent as Registered to Prague, uprated by. 5+25+25h Hradčany, CDS HÓLAK (Trenčianská Teplá)/ 919 JUL.25., in front commercial cancel. Trade Banky; sound condition
1918CSV Austrian PC 8H Charles with oblique 1-řádkovým overprint "Czech post", Kralovické issue (Fontanův overprint), uprated by. express stamp. 2H - triangle with same horiz. overprint (see Monograph No.1, str.60-61), CDS BEROUN 3.XII.18; sender is author overprints J. Fontana, recipient his son, pozoruhodný text; interesting entire, L lower 2x thin/light fold, as multiple good, express stmp exp. by Gilbert
1919CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent as R-Ex to Vienna (Floridsdorf), uprated Hradčany 20+25+40h, CDS PODIVÍN; exact franking in/at I. postal rate; very good condition, rare!
1918-19 CDV1, 2x Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, 1x Us - uprated with stamp Hradčany 3x 1h and Spěšnou stamp. 2h with CDS HAIDA 14.XII.19, 1x Un with significant oblique shift initials; good condition
1919 CDV1a, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, sent as Registered to Vienna, uprated with stamp 25h Hradčany, CDS SAAZ 23.III.19; from part/-s blackened address
1919 CDV1a+b, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, comp. 7 pcs of, commercial correspondence from II. postal rate, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h, from that 2x blue Opt; good condition
1919 CDV7 sent as Registered in II. postal rate to ChodovéPlané, uprated with stamp 5+20+40h Hradčany, CDS PRAGUE 12/ 29.XII.19; commercial correspondence, in front minor faults., on reverse hinged
1919 CDV10 sent as Registered in II. postal rate to Kokořína, uprated with stamp 5+50h Hradčany, CDS DAUBA 26.V.19, recipient was/were owner castle Kokořín; sound condition
1919 CDV10, PC Hradčany 10h red without initials sent as Reg in/at II. postal rate, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h + 2x 25h blue, Pof.3, 10, posting nationalized CDS LUKA N. JIHLAVOU 6.VIII.19, nationalized Austrian Reg label; good condition
1919 CDV10, sent as Express in II. postal rate to Prague, uprated with stamp 5+30+30h Hradčany, CDS SUCHÉVRBNY 1?.VIII.19 - thin/light print, on reverse arrival postmark PRHA TGF./ 15.VIII.19; good condition
1920 CDV15, PC 15h Hradčany, comp. 2 pcs of, 1x in II. postal rate as Registered to Prague, uprated with stamp 50h Hradčany, CDS JILEMNICE 25.2.20; 1x in IV. postal rate to Předměřic, uprated with stamp 5+10+10h Hradčany, CDS ČÁSLAV 25.VIII.20; right value postage, good quality
1920-1921 CDV23, PC issue Chainbreaker 40h brown, uprated for IV. postal rate on/for R stamp. T. G. Masaryk 125h blue, CDS DALVICE U KARL.VARŮ 26.II.21, this stmp is on/for p.stat rather rare; good condition
1922-26 [COLLECTIONS] CDV24, CDV28, selection of 44 pcs of PC 50h issue Chainbreaker green, from that 1x R, 2x Ex, 2x abroad, 1x CDV28 clear, good condition pieces
1920 CZL1, Hradčany 20h sent in IV. postal rate, underpaid 3 pcs of stamp. 10h Hradčany, Pof.6A, nice print posting CDS STAŠKOV 12.VIII.20, without margins