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1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder, contains i.a. Hradčany 10h green imperforated, light folded opposite facing 2-stamps gutter 3h, 5h hinged, Parliament 3K**, issue Chainbreaker 50h red and green with plate variety "little-egg in waist" **, Congress, Festival, Small Landscapes, Prague, Tatras etc..; c.v.. ca. 20.000CZK U:Z
1918-35 [COLLECTIONS] selection of unbound older choice sheets with stamp. hinged, contains issue POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, SO1920 (overprint), incomplete set in more pcs. etc.., supplemented with zásobníčkem with stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, c.v.. ca. 6.000CZK U:O5
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection in old big stockbook vázaném in/at leather, contains drobnosti from period of typography, incomplete set, part values in stamp. 30. years, coupons, corner blocks of four, plate number i.a. For Children-issue 1936 set in blocks of four, etc.., c.v.. ca. 16.000CZK U:Z
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Stibůrek, i.a. Scout, Legionaire, then Hradčany, i.a. 25h ultramarine, Festival, Congress, Airmail I and II issues.., SO and oths.; c.v.. ca. 6.000CZK U:Z
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., WORLD remaining selection after/around businessman, contains mint never hinged stamps, printers waste, plate proofs stamp. Czechoslovakia I., then scattered cancel. stamps in packets + in/at notebooks + first day sheets and other entires, i.a. several more interesting PLATE PROOF, the bottom bnd-of-10 stamp. Legionaire 100h "with coupons" etc.., from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 i.a. several miniature sheets from old currency, corner miniatures, printing sheet etc..; in cardboard box U:K
1918-1926 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 27 pcs of chosen interest - offsets, double perf, ST, paper crease, unissued, plate variety, i.a. Pigeon-issue 30h right the bottom corner Pr with plate number; issue Agriculture and Science 1920 500h green, line perforation 13¾; with control-numbers and offset on gum; 2x cancel. issue Chainbreaker 50h red with plate variety little-egg in waist, Legionaire 75h imperforated, 50h with offset etc.. U:O5
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in big stockbook A4, especially from year 1920, contains Airmail, coupons, a lot of plate number, souvenir sheets, London 1943; postage-due incl. PLATE PROOF U:Z
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in album Stibůrek, Hradčany, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint), Masaryk SO, then Festival + Congress, stamps on/for normálních labels and especially from y. 1923 on/for labels "Schonfalz" (stains); starting price results from nepoškozených pieces U:Z
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook A4, lot of also ** of material, i.a. lot of plate number from 20.- 30. years, gutter, corner pieces etc..; c.v.. ca. 9.000CZK U:Z
1918-1953 [COLLECTIONS] collection on album sheets, contains cancel. stamp. and hinged, i.a. issue overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ, Airmail 1920, Festival * and cancel. + Congress, London MS 1943, from Czechoslovakia II. i.a. miniature sheet May 46 T II. and oths. U:Z
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection of stamps hinged, in older stockbook, contains POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, T. G. Masaryk 1920 125h ultramarine, wide opposite facing pair Pigeon-issue 20h orange, Festival, Congress, stamp. from miniature sheets Anthem-issue, 1. airmail issue etc.., cat. min. 15.000CZK U:Z
1920-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 135 corner blk-of-4 with plate number, various issue as Pigeon-issue, Prague, Tatras, Coat of arms, Smetana, Arras, Landscape, Towns etc..; on 5 two-sided full cards A4, only 6 pcs of **/*, cat. according to owner 7.720Kč U:O4
1926-37 [COLLECTIONS] selection of corner stamp. with plate number, various issue postage stmp., also air-mail, newspaper, postage-due, major major-part stamp. mint never hinged (stamp. hinged marked), issue Prague, Tatras, Coat of arms, Anthem-issue, Arras, Landscape etc..; on 5 two-sided full cards A4, cat. according to owner 8.240Kč U:O4
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of entires from various period, i.a. bisected franking Charles 20h, forerunner, parallel, issue issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, surtax, Field post, postcard Sokol, advertising added prints etc.., supplemented with several entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.; various quality U:K
1918-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 250 pcs of interesting entires, significantly contains Czechoslovakia I., then Protectorate and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., obsaženo lot of Reg, special delivery letters, postcard, p.stat, FDC, cut-squares etc.., various interesting frankings, CDS, surtax and oths.; i.a. Czechoslovakia I.: for example. PC CDV31, uprated by. complete sets Congress; Reg letter with Jubilee 300h, Pof.179; Reg letter with Red Cross, Pof.170-172, then several Hradčany-issue entires etc..; all placed in/at carton little-box, it is worth seeing U:K
1919-37 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 18 pcs of entires, from that 5x Postage due stmp, 10x as Registered, 1x Reg letter franked with. simple franking stamp. issue Chainbreaker 185h orange, 1x forerunner franking stamp. Charles 20h etc.., various franking U:O5
1919-38 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires, contains smaller part letterpress issues as Hradčany and issue Agriculture and Science, then 30. years, Postage due stmp, part Reg or Ex-, abroad, machine postmark, special postmark, multiple franking etc.., several cuts and cut-squares, small addition entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.; mainly in good quality U:K
1924-31 [COLLECTIONS] off. PC without frankings odesílané from Konzulátů Czechoslovakia abroad, for example. in/at Zurich, Stuttgart, Wien (Vienna), Wrocław, or jim returned; various varieties pre-printed text, colors paper and places sending, major-part through prodloužení validity travel documents/attributes, some with pre-printing "Kurýrem"; total 32 pcs of, good condition U:O5
1935 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 45 pcs of entires also with contents sent to India on/for noted cestovatele, Carl Hujera, from that 24 pcs of Ppc, several Reg or airmail letters, interesting rich frankings, mainly redirected; various quality, interesting destination also personality authors texts U:O5