Public auction 45 / Philately / Topical Stamps (Motive)

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171912 - 1924 SPORT/ Winter Olympic Games 1924: Ppc from Chamonix 192
1924 SPORT/ Winter Olympic Games 1924: Ppc from Chamonix 1924, with 30c Sower, MC illegible, sent 31.1.24 to MD. J. Gruss, member of Czechosl. Olympic committee (!); rare offer, good condition
Starting price: CZK
171913 - 1928 SPORT/ Summer Olympic Games 1928: official postcard IX.
1928 SPORT/ Summer Olympic Games 1928: official postcard IX. Olympic Games in Amsterdam, sent as registered by airmail to Switzerland, franked with complete set Mi.205-212, special postmark OLYMPIADE AMSTERDAM/ 18.8.28, airmail label, Reg label and arrival postmark ZÜRICH- FLUGPLATZ/ 18.VIII.28 in front; decorative entire, fine quality
Starting price: CZK
171931 - 1928 SPORT/ Summer Olympic Games 1928: Ppc (Amsterdam) sent
1928 SPORT/ Summer Olympic Games 1928: Ppc (Amsterdam) sent from IX. Olympic Games to Česká Lípa, with Mi.205C, 206B and 209C, special postmark OLYMPIADE AMSTERDAM/ 10.8.28; small fault between stamps - brown stains after glue, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
171914 - 1936 SPORT/ Winter Olympic Games 1936: printed matter franke
1936 SPORT/ Winter Olympic Games 1936: printed matter franked with meter stamp "IV. Olympische Winterspiele, 3Pf, GARMISCH - PARTENKIRCHEN 2/ 23.10.36, Bürgermeister Ga-Pa"; sought meter stamp, high catalogue value, luxury condition
Starting price: CZK
171937 - 1970-90 [COLLECTIONS]  FAUNA  smaller motive collection in 6
1970-90 [COLLECTIONS] FAUNA smaller motive collection in 6-sheet stockbooks A4, i.a. butterflies, African fauna, birds, various stamp countries as Guinea, Congo, Mali etc., sets, several souvenir sheets etc.
Starting price: CZK
171891 - 1976 [COLLECTIONS] motive collection 200 years of Declaratio
1976 [COLLECTIONS] motive collection "200 years of Declaration of Independence", contains many special souvenir sheets, printing sheets, complete sets etc., various stamp countries as Grenada, Cayman islands, Nicaragua etc.; placed in stockbook A4; cat. according to owner 650€
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 45 / Philately / Topical Stamps (Motive) - Information

Na filatelii je možno nahlížet mnoha způsoby, mimo jiné také jako na vědní obor, který je definován svým specifickým objektem zkoumání, metodami a technikou práce, terminologií, vymezenými pojmy apod. K prezentaci získaných poznatků i ve filatelii od počátků slouží odborná literatura, která sběratelům pomáhá určit směr jejich sběratelské činnosti a případně naznačuje „co má a nemá smysl".