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1918 RUSSIA/ CIVIL WAR heading letter Celoruského ústředního výkonného committee "VCIK" with rozkazem, in text among others. declared ... "Nesplnění this rozkazu potrestat zastřelením on/for místě.", postmark office and autograph chairman Sverdlova; folds U:A4
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA/ PROTEKTORÁTNÍ ANNOUNCEMENT about/by closing/conclusion Czech high schools from 17. November 1939, red paper format 95x63cm; only folds U:A3s|
1942 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA/ ATENTÁT NA HEYDRICHA comp. 2 pcs of posters, 1x order with filled odměnou 100.000K on/for hledaného Miroslava Valčíka, from 28. May 1942 (format 32x47cm) and 1x Bohemian and Moravian order with filled odměnou 10.000.000K on/for dopadení pachatelů assassination, from 30. May 1942 (format 60x42cm), good condition, only folds U:A3s|
1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA/ PROVOLÁNÍ K NÁRODU propagandistic Bohemian and Moravian poster, Dr. Emil Hácha, size 43x60cm, folds U:A3s|
1947 RESISTANCE/ KOMUNISMUS confirmation Ministry national defence about/by Partisan activity/-ies, in the name of Augustin SCHRAMM (1907-1948) - sudetský Němec, communist functionary and agent NKVD. In 30. year was/were member of Central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, after/behind WWII organizoval parašutistické výsadky řízené NKVD vysílané in territory of former Czechoslovakia, especially to Slovakia; Schramm is often obviňován from participation on/for death minister abroad John Masaryk 10. March 1948, in/at May 1948 was/were murdered, probably StB; exceedingly interesting document! U:A4
1884-1908 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE comp. of 2 mourning cards, SMETANA Frederic (1824–1884), important Czech composer period romantismu, folds and small tearing + ČECH Svatopluk (1846-1908), poet, prose-writer, journalist and traveller, folded, small tearing U:A5
1913 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE mourning card, SCHWARZENBERG Charles IV. (1859-1913), Czech nobleman and politician, member Panské sněmovny, i.a. complete titulatura; rare (!), signs of age, folded, tearing, after all exceedingly interesting U:A4
1914 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE contemporary mourning card místodržitelského council/court in Příbram from 29. June 1914 about/by zavraždění FRANTIŠKA FERDINANDA d´ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince rakousko-uherského throne, synovce emperor Franz Joseph I. I., and his women Žofie countess Chotkové in/at Sarajevu 28.6. 1914; křižné folds, otherwise good condition, interesting U:A5
1948 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE mourning card, MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, notification Vlády of Czechoslovakia + passport for insertion to funeral procession; very good condition, interesting, rare U:A4
1937 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE mourning card, MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President, notification Czechosl. Sokol Community in Prague III; interesting, cross fold, small tearing, rare U:A4
1937 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE mourning card, PEKAŘ Joseph (1870-1937), one from best known Czech historiků, rektor university Charle's; very good condition, interesting U:A3s|
1945 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE - NAZISM satirické mourning card about/by zániku Greater German Reich; folded U:A4
1929-70 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE - comp. of 2 funeral oznámení: KAMINSKÝ Bohdan (one's own name Charles Bušek, 1859-1929), Czech poet, translator; DRDA John (1915-1970), journalist, politician, spisovatel-prozaik and dramatist; interesting, overall good condition U:A3s|
1942-68 FUNERÁLIE/ PARTE - comp. of 4 funeral oznámení: ŠVABINSKÝ Max (1873–1962), Czech painter and engraver; ŠIMON Tavík Francis (one's own name Francis Simon 1877-1942), Czech painter, graphic artist – dřevorytec; SCHEINPFLUGOVÁ Olga (1902–1968), Czech actress and authoress; ŠINDLER Valentin (1885-1957), member opera ND; interesting, folded, good condition U:A4
1930-45 [COLLECTIONS] KLECANDA Vojtěch Vladimír (1888-1947), important Czechoslovak legionnaire, General, functionary Union of scouts Republic of Czechoslovakia etc..; large collection 147ks accepted letters sent to V.V. Klecandu incl. envelopes, mainly letters private povahy, incl. messages about/by nepříčetnosti the first women Zinočky, which/what si přivezl from Russia, then podstatná part correspondence from scout - scout organization, incl. club/association ukrajinských of scouts, Sokol organization, public činovníků, artists, legionaries, Aeroklubu, tenisových clubs/associations etc.., request about/by podpory, protekci, incl. offer on/for placing žadatele as tajného agenta, letters from important representatives Czechosl. army etc.., součásti correspondence also notification of zatčení LLD. Šámala, about/by převozu to prison on/for Pankráci etc..; placed in 3 albums with exlibris George Bouda with signatures, exceedingly interesting set documents U:Z
1945-48 [COLLECTIONS] OCCUPATION, RESISTANCE collection documents about/by post-war action Partisan group/-s in/at Liberec and in Česká Lípa, contains lot of various listings, doporučení, posudků, oběžníků, accounting and other correspondence, incl. diploma Partisan unit "Konstantin" udělujícím memorial badge (badge including); placed in 4 folders in/at smaller box, interesting contemporary documents U:K
1947 [COLLECTIONS] OCCUPATION, RESISTANCE, NATIONAL SOUD court protokoly and rozsudky above Rudolfem Beranem ((1887-1954), Czech agrární politician, chairman Agrarian side/party and Czechoslovak ministerial chairman in time so-called. II. republic; generálem Janem Syrovém (1888 - 1970), Czechoslovak military General, chief main staff, commander Czechosl. legions in Russia, Prime Minister in time Mnichovské agreement, defence minister, national hero; LLD. Jiřím Havelkou, LLD. Otakarem Fischerem and LLD. Josefem Černým from 21.4. 1947. Total 352 sides strojopisných court zápisů, on/for last side off. cancel. NATIONAL SOUD V PRAGUE, signature LLD. John Gottwis; exceedingly interesting documentation incl. vylíčení single svědectví, rozsudky also zproštění obžaloby etc..; very interesting contemporary document to poválečnému revolučnímu soudnictví so-called. III. republic (1945-1948) U:Z