Public auction 45 / Philately / Asia

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170119 - 1894 Sc.189, letter with stamp Mosque gate 2 Abasi black / g
1894 Sc.189, letter with stamp Mosque gate 2 Abasi black / green with red cancel. town BATILLA, in front notice so-called. changed Arabian type 1314 (year); very nice quality, rare letter!
Starting price: CZK
170113 - 1891 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.177-179, F1 1. issue of Afganian kingd
1891 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.177-179, F1 1. issue of Afganian kingdom "Small rectangle" with year 1309, 3 sets 1Abasi, 2Abasi, 1R, block of 9 of stamp for registered letters with inverted coil (!), in addition 2 letters with stamp 1Abasi, 1x with rare green postmark; on sheet from exhibit with English descriptions, rare offer, letters are rare!
Starting price: CZK
170118 - 1894 Sc.189, 190, F3, 22 pcs of Mosque gate 2Ab, 1Rup and st
1894 Sc.189, 190, F3, 22 pcs of Mosque gate 2Ab, 1Rup and stamp for registered letters 2Ab, black lithographic print from combined plate on color paper, various shades, various postmarks, colors, 2x printing error with missing characters, 2x rare DOUBLE PRINT; favourite and important issue!
Starting price: CZK
170116 - 1909 [COLLECTIONS]  Sc.205, Coat of arms 1Ab ultramarine, 2
1909 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.205, Coat of arms 1Ab ultramarine, 2 complete sheets of 50 in two shades; cat. $1400 ++, extraordinary!
Starting price: CZK
170115 - 1909-1919 [COLLECTIONS]  Sc.205-212, Coat of arms 1Ab-1Rup a
1909-1919 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.205-212, Coat of arms 1Ab-1Rup and added value 2Pa, specialized collection on sheet from exhibit; color, postmark, blocks of four, imperforated etc, cat. min. $1.060
Starting price: CZK
169695 - 1909 PROVINCE BRITISH INDIA, letter of Brit. field post in I
1909 PROVINCE BRITISH INDIA, letter of Brit. field post in India, with SG.150, Edward VII. 1 Ann, CDS BARRACKS.... 8.OC.09, sent to base of different unit in Burma, arrival postmark B.I. BARRACKS MAY MYO 13.OC.09 (British Infantry); very nice quality, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
170842 - 1933 SG.O330, Official 1A6P, block of 48 with sheet margins;
1933 SG.O330, Official 1A6P, block of 48 with sheet margins; spots, otherwise good condition, cat. for * ca. £170++
Starting price: CZK
169649 - 1933 SG.64 TCP, corner block of 4 Maharadha Rama Varma III 1
1933 SG.64 TCP, corner block of 4 Maharadha Rama Varma III 10 Annas blue, imprimatur print in definitive color on original paper, with wmk, lower production notice "Hand press 1. print 12 Dez/33 ", rare!
Starting price: CZK
169648 - 1946-1948 Official SG.O91, corner pair Maharadha Kerala Varm
1946-1948 Official SG.O91, corner pair Maharadha Kerala Varma III, 2 and 1/4 Anna yellow green with INVERTED OVERPRINT On/S/C/G, at the back joined printing of other 3 values from postage stamp issue 1946; OVERPRINT TCP on maculature sheet, very interesting and rare piece
Starting price: CZK
170134 - 1889 JAMNU-KASHMIR, Reg letter from Srinigar to Bombay, with
1889 JAMNU-KASHMIR, Reg letter from Srinigar to Bombay, with mixed franking of Kasmir SG.148,157 and Brit. India SG.88, 95, linear pmk "I", CDS KASHMIR, in front frame Reg postmark; very rare franking, very fine quality, certificate BPA
Starting price: CZK
171215 - 1883-1894 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation on sheet from stockbook
1883-1894 [COLLECTIONS] compilation on sheet from stockbook, i.a. - block of 8 4 Ann and block of 10 1/2 Ann black, also 8 postage stamps issue 1883-1894, from that 4 corner pieces, various colors
Starting price: CZK
170472 - 1890-1927 26 pcs of postcards and postal stationery covers,
1890-1927 26 pcs of postcards and postal stationery covers, mostly issue Victoria, some interesting, for example. East India Service Card, cover 2 Ann orange and also with Opt 2A6p, Opt Puttialla, Faridkot, Gwailor, surtax POSTAGE DUE 1 ANNA, 3x LATE FEE NOT PAID
Starting price: CZK
170374 - 1915 INDIAN EXPEDITION FORCES, Reg letter to Ireland, sent f
1915 INDIAN EXPEDITION FORCES, Reg letter to Ireland, sent from 3. Indian division (so-called. Lahore, from October 1914 to 1915 in France and Belgium), franked with stamps IEF 1/2P-1R and uprated to Register rate with stamp 2x 1P George V., CDS ARMY POST OFFICE 57 and censor pmk No. 1983, with Reg sent by major John Humphrey Barbour from Royal Army Medical Corps; scarce, rare occurance
Starting price: CZK
169275 - 1931-39 comp. of 15 airmail letters sent to Czechoslovakia,
1931-39 comp. of 15 airmail letters sent to Czechoslovakia, from that 3x as Registered, part commercial correspondence, franked with airmail and postage stamps, issue George V. and George VI., various transit and CDS, part censorship; overall nice quality
Starting price: CZK
171590 - 1974-75 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of 30 entires sent to Cze
1974-75 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 30 entires sent to Czechoslovakia, from that 28 registered and as Airmail (!), several pieces Ppc, mainly multicolor frankings, all from one sender
Starting price: CZK
168957 - 1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J20, 3$/1C, Brunei River black w
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J20, 3$/1C, "Brunei River" black with red Opt "Japanese imperial government" (SG.J1) and in addition with orange Opt "Imperial Japanese post. service 3$"; original gum, several dots owing to tropical weather, exp. Herbert Bloch, certificate BPA, cat. £9000; the second most expensive stamp from all British Colonies from period of Japanese occupation, extremely rare, recorded only several pieces
Starting price: CZK
170708 - 1902-1903 SG.117b-128b, Crown 1C-$1, perfect complete set, a
1902-1903 SG.117b-128b, Crown 1C-$1, perfect complete set, all with type "line through letter B in LABUAN"; rare, cat. £1.440, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
168963 - 1912-1923 SG.240d, George V. 500$, multiple wmk script Crown
1912-1923 SG.240d, George V. 500$, multiple wmk script "Crown CA", on cut-square with whole red fiscal pmk SINGAPORE $500 and hand obliteration; superb piece
Starting price: CZK
169105 - 1934-36 comp. of 9 airmail letters sent to Czechoslovakia, 7
1934-36 comp. of 9 airmail letters sent to Czechoslovakia, 7x from Straits Settlements, with issue George V. and George VI., various issues, i.a. 1x value $1, CDS SINGAPORE, PENANG + 1x CEYLON and 1x PHILIPPINES; various transit and arrival postmarks; interesting destination
Starting price: CZK
170131 - 1896 SG.53, Sultan Ibrahim 5$ purple / yellow; luxury highes
1896 SG.53, Sultan Ibrahim 5$ purple / yellow; luxury highest value, cat. £200
Starting price: CZK
170132 - 1903-1904 SG.54-55, 56-57, 58-60, comp. of 9 stamps Sultan I
1903-1904 SG.54-55, 56-57, 58-60, comp. of 9 stamps Sultan Ibrahim with Opt of new face values; 3 complete sets in perfect quality, incl. 3C/4C and 10C/4C without cancellation of original value, cat. £220
Starting price: CZK
170130 - 1904 SG.76, Sultan Ibrahim 50$ green / ultramarine; gum owin
1904 SG.76, Sultan Ibrahim 50$ green / ultramarine; gum owing to tropical weather yellowy, overall very nice; cat. £425
Starting price: CZK
170135 - 1904 SG.77, Sultan Ibrahim 100$ green / red; rare highest va
1904 SG.77, Sultan Ibrahim 100$ green / red; rare highest value, VF, cat. * £600, for ** ca. £1.200
Starting price: CZK
170136 - 1938 SG.D1-D5, Postage due stamp Numerals 1C-12C, perfect an
1938 SG.D1-D5, Postage due stamp "Numerals" 1C-12C, perfect and complete; cat. £200
Starting price: CZK
170127 - 1935 SG.21-39, Coat of arms 1C-5$, complete and perfect set
1935 SG.21-39, Coat of arms 1C-5$, complete and perfect set incl. 24a; cat. £190
Starting price: CZK
170128 - 1949-1955 SG.42-62, Coat of arms II, 1C-5$, incl. 46a, 47a;
1949-1955 SG.42-62, Coat of arms II, 1C-5$, incl. 46a, 47a; perfect quality, only 8C green small flaw, cat. £145
Starting price: CZK
170129 - 1957 SG.77, 78, 78a, 79, 79a, Motives 1$-5$, in addition per
1957 SG.77, 78, 78a, 79, 79a, Motives 1$-5$, in addition perf 13/12½ of values 2$ and 5$; cat. £95
Starting price: CZK
170137 - 1895 SG.66-79, Malayan tyger and Elephants 1C-5$, nice set,
1895 SG.66-79, Malayan tyger and Elephants 1C-5$, nice set, with common "tropical gum", 3$ and 5$ without gum (counted as 1/3 SG. catalogue value); cat. £1.650, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
170139 - 1938 SG.103-121, Sultan Iskandar 1C-5$, complete and rare se
1938 SG.103-121, Sultan Iskandar 1C-5$, complete and rare set in perfect quality; cat. £1.000
Starting price: CZK
170138 - 1950 SG.128-148, Sultan Izzuddin, 1C-5$, complete set incl.
1950 SG.128-148, Sultan Izzuddin, 1C-5$, complete set incl. colors SG.131a, 136a, mostly **, cat. * £146
Starting price: CZK
170124 - 1895-1899 SG.54-64, without nr. 60, Malayan tyger and Elepha
1895-1899 SG.54-64, without nr. 60, Malayan tyger and Elephants 3C-5$; very nice set; cat. £1.570, stamps 2-5$ are rare
Starting price: CZK
170125 - 1935 SG.68-85, incl. 70a, Mosque and Suleiman; complete set
1935 SG.68-85, incl. 70a, Mosque and Suleiman; complete set 1C-5$; value 5$ missing corner, cat. £200
Starting price: CZK
170126 - 1941 SG.86, 87, Sultan Hisamud 1$ *, 2S marginal ** and UNIS
1941 SG.86, 87, Sultan Hisamud 1$ *, 2S marginal ** and UNISSUED 5$ (gum flaws); cat. £295
Starting price: CZK
170096 - 1901 SG.145a, Coat of arms 10$ brown with INVERTED OVERPRINT
1901 SG.145a, Coat of arms 10$ brown with INVERTED OVERPRINT "BRITISH PROTECTORATE", with common lined postmark; VF, cat. £550, undervalued!
Starting price: CZK
170822 - 1918 SG.219-226, overprint Fauna 5C+2C - 24C+2C, Opt RED CRO
1918 SG.219-226, overprint Fauna 5C+2C - 24C+2C, Opt RED CROSS, all corner or outer blocks of 6!; mint never hinged, perfect quality, in blocks rare, cat. ca. £1.100
Starting price: CZK
169945 - 1939 SG.303-315, Landscapes, incomplete set 1c - 1$, only va
1939 SG.303-315, Landscapes, incomplete set 1c - 1$, only value 8, 10, 12, 20c and 1$ used, other hinged, cat. 143£
Starting price: CZK
170762 - 1947 SG.335-349, overprint set Motives 1C-$5; mint never hin
1947 SG.335-349, overprint set Motives 1C-$5; mint never hinged, cat. £90
Starting price: CZK
170765 - 1961 SG.391-406, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, high
1961 SG.391-406, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, highest values lightly hinged, cat. ** £160
Starting price: CZK
169941 - 1894 SG.78, value 18c Landscape, trial printing with black O
1894 SG.78, value 18c Landscape, trial printing with black Opt WATERLOW & SONS LTD./ SPECIMEN, LR corner piece with margin, without gum, certificate SG
Starting price: CZK
171475 - 1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J18-J19, Motives 4c and 8c with
1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J18-J19, Motives 4c and 8c with left margin and plate mark; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
171476 - 1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J18-J19, Motives 4c and 8c; min
1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J18-J19, Motives 4c and 8c; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
170035 - 1881 TCP - refused design for I. THAILAND stamps, White elep
1881 TCP - refused design for I. THAILAND stamps, "White elephant in ornament" SIAM / O PENNY ochre; issued lithographic trial printings, rare print and also destination!
Starting price: CZK
170036 - 1881 TCP - refused design for I. THAILAND stamps, White elep
1881 TCP - refused design for I. THAILAND stamps, "White elephant in ornament" SIAM / O PENNY gold and red; issued lithographic trial printings, rare print and also destination!
Starting price: CZK
171926 - 1955-90 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection in 6-sheet stockbook
1955-90 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 6-sheet stockbooks, contains various sets, souvenir sheets, motives, several imperforated sets; part stamps used
Starting price: CZK
171982 - 1919 Mi.1x-10x, National Symbols, set of 10 values in blocks
1919 Mi.1x-10x, National Symbols, set of 10 values in blocks of 30, with margins, all with CDS BAGOUT 26.10.19, total cat. 2.700€
Starting price: CZK
171621 - 1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set; cat. 150€
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set; cat. 150€
Starting price: CZK
168911 - 1961 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet World Championship in table ten
1961 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet World Championship in table tennis, issued without gum; small flaw - several small browny dots, sought, cat. 2.200€
Starting price: CZK
171976 - 1961 Mi.602-603, 40. Anniv of Mongolia, cat. 400€
1961 Mi.602-603, 40. Anniv of Mongolia, cat. 400€
Starting price: CZK
171975 - 1961 Mi.604-605, Military museum, cat. 260€
1961 Mi.604-605, Military museum, cat. 260€
Starting price: CZK
171622 - 1963 Mi.741B-743B, Monkeys, complete imperforated set, all s
1963 Mi.741B-743B, Monkeys, complete imperforated set, all stamps marginal; cat. 150€
Starting price: CZK
171516 - 1964 Mi.824-826A, strip of three 15. Anniv of Peoples Republ
1964 Mi.824-826A, strip of three 15. Anniv of Peoples Republic of China, small perf faults between 1. pair, cat. 300€
Starting price: CZK
170387 - 1898 SHANGHAI, postal stationery cover for local usage 1C, w
1898 SHANGHAI, postal stationery cover for local usage 1C, with red CDS SHANGHAI, uprated 1 Candareen with hand-made cancellation, sent via US post off. in Shanghai, here then uprated with tricolor franking 1C+2C+5C issue 1895 CDS U.S. POSTAL AGENCY SHANGHAI and sent via San Francisco and New York to Teplice (Bohemia - Austria-Hungary), arrival postmark TEPLITZ STADT; signs of age, unique mixed franking and entire!
Starting price: CZK
170375 - 1927 MANCHURIA Reg letter from Harbin to Czechoslovakia, fra
1927 MANCHURIA Reg letter from Harbin to Czechoslovakia, franked with overprint stamps - local issue for Kirin and Heilungkiang, Sc.1,7,11, Junk 1C, 5C (block of four) and 10C with Chinese Opt "to usage in district Ki-Hei", CDS HARBIN, transit Via Siberia; very nice letter
Starting price: CZK
169326 - 1937 1. FLIGHT CHINA - USA  comp. of 2 airmail letters sent
1937 1. FLIGHT CHINA - USA comp. of 2 airmail letters sent to USA, various franking, CDS CANTON 28.4.37, arrival postmark SAN FRANCISCO, added-print to first flights HONG KONG-SAN FRANCISCO and CHINA-USA
Starting price: CZK
171534 - 1953-57 comp. 11 entires to Czechoslovakia and USA, all from
1953-57 comp. 11 entires to Czechoslovakia and USA, all from one sender from Czechosl. Embassy in Beijing, LLD. Paul Winkler (member Repatriation committee in Korea), from that 3x Reg letter, remaining as Ppc, interesting multicolor frankings of postage stamps issue Gate, supplemented with 1 Ppc sent from Japan from same sender; good condition
Starting price: CZK
170133 - 1898 SG.52a, Victoria 96C grey-black with Opt 1 DOLLAR; with
1898 SG.52a, Victoria 96C grey-black with Opt "1 DOLLAR"; without Chinese marks, very nice piece, cat. £2.750
Starting price: CZK
170779 - 1941 SG.163-168, George VI. - Motives; complete set, cat. &#
1941 SG.163-168, George VI. - Motives; complete set, cat. £90
Starting price: CZK
170780 - 1975 Mi.268-281, Elizabeth II. 10C - £20; complete set,
1975 Mi.268-281, Elizabeth II. 10C - £20; complete set, cat. 160€
Starting price: CZK
171231 - 1876 Sc.15, Persifila 13, block of four Heraldic Lion 1 Shah
1876 Sc.15, Persifila 13, block of four Heraldic Lion 1 Shahi grey-black; part original gum, very nice block with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Pers. $350
Starting price: CZK
171234 - 1878-1879 Sc.36, Pers.30, Heraldic Lion 5 Krans violet, pmk
1878-1879 Sc.36, Pers.30, Heraldic Lion 5 Krans violet, pmk SCHIRAS; very nice piece at top with close margins, exp. M. Sadri and oths., cat. Scott $350
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 45 / Philately / Asia - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech Asie, zahrnuje mj. Indii, Čínu, země Blízkého východu, Japonsko, Malajsii atd. První poštovní známkou Asie byla indická Scinde Dawk (1852).