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1975 SG.1102, "mourning" souvenir sheet King Faisal 40P, issued right after king´s assassination; cat. £475 U:A5
1934 SG.209-299, Sc.C57-C66, Airmail 50C-100Pia; perfect quality, cat. £325 U:A5
1934 SG.258-289, President Ali Bek and sultan Saladin, highest values 10Pia-100Pia; luxury marginal blocks of 4, cat. * £684, for ** ca. +100% U:A5
1961-65 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 80 airmail entires sent to Czechoslovakia by one sender, from that several Registered letters, small part Ppc, interesting frankings, mainly CDS HOMS; interesting, good condition U:A4
1922 SG.37a-44a, Palestina 1m - 9pia, with Opt "East Jorda" and "Arabian East Govt."; complete set, perfect quality, cat. £430 (Mi. 610€), only rarely offered set! U:A5
1923 SG.55-60, 62-68, nominal complete set 2m-5Pia and 1m-20Pia, golden and black Opt "Arabian East Govt." on stamp for Brit. Palestina issue 1920; perfect quality, cat. ca. £560 U:A5
1923-1924 SG.89-97, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Govt." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, 4x 1/8 Pia - 5 Pia; then additional issue with new face-value SG.96,97, 2 x 1/4Pia on 1/8Pia and 10Pia on/for 5Pia, and also 2x SG.110 also as additional Opt of new face value 1/2Pia on/for 1½Pia violet, various colors, 1x overprint offset (spots); overall very nice quality, cat. £386 U:A5
1924 SG.132, 132c, 133, 133b, 2x blocks of 9 3Pia Saudi Arabia with three-line Opt, 2. stamp in 1. line with PRINTING ERROR "1343"; then block of 18 Pia with 1. stamp in 3. line with PRINTING ERROR "1242", perfect and interesting blocks, cat. for ** ca. £650 U:A5
1923 SG.D113a,114a, 115a, postage-due 1Pia blue with 3. line Opt on postage stamp SG.91 and additional Arabian "postage due" ORIGINAL 3-LINES OVPT INVERTED!; 1½Pia violet additional ovpt. inverted; 2Pia orange (thin place) additional ovpt. inverted; cat. £158 U:A5
1923 SG.D115, D115a, two blocks of four 2Pia orange, postage stamp SG.93, with Opt Arabian "Postage due", one block of four, Opt INVERTED, signs of age (spots), cat. £490+ U:A5
1923 SG.D116, D116h, Postage due stamp 3Pia brown with 4 line Opt and additional Arabian "Postage due", block of four with Opt, and stamp with ADDITIONAL DOUBLE OVERPRINT; nice, exp. Th. Champion, cat. £470 U:A5
1923 SG.D117-D122, Postage due stamp 1/2Pia-5Pia, 4 x , 1½Pia as strip of of 5, cat. £240 ++ U:A4
1929, 1944 POSTAGE-DUE, SG.D189-194, D244-248, complete and luxury sets 1C-50C and 1C-20C, cat. * £135 U:A5