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1878-1879 Sc.37, Pers.31, Heraldic Lion 5 Krans gold, pmk SCHIRAS; lower closer margin, otherwise very nice piece with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Scott $750 U:A5
1878-1879 Sc.40, Pers.28A, Heraldic Lion 1 Toman bronze red on blue paper; very nice quality, exp. Thier with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Scott $8.000, very rare stamp with edition only 500, today preserved max. 80 pieces! U:DR
1887 BRITISH (INDIAN) POST V PERSIAN GULF, port Bandar Abas, postal stationery cover 2A blue uprated with Indian stamps Victoria 1 Anna and 2 Annas, CDS and port framed pmk BANDAR ABAS, to Vienna, via Italian BRINDISI and then by train, rare entire in perfect quality U:A5
1892 BANDAR ABBAS - post off. of East Indian Company Hormus channel, telegram to Diego Suarez (Madagascar) sent via Aden as Reg letter franked with Indian stamps SG.Z57, Z64, with pmk "B", Bandar Abbas type Z10, rare letter and interesting destination! U:A5
1921 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. 5 coloured franking of postage stamp issue 1913, CDS KOBE 25.6.21; good condition U:A5
1935 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with multicolor franking of airmail and postage stamps, CDS; decorative U:A5
1938 commercial airmai letter sent from Tokyo to Prague, franked with five-coloured franking stamps 5, 7, 10 and 25SEN, CDS TOKIO 13.9., on the back side arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 22.IX.38; passed through censorship, decorative U:A5
1961 letter sent from Japanese Science station "Syowa Base" in Antarctica, with Mi. ... (2x), red special postmark SYOWA BASE/ 30.1.1961 + ship CDS SOYA SHIP/ 36.1.30 (= 30.1.61), addressed to Germany U:A5
1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps in 6-sheet stockbooks, from 1960 unused, also several blocks; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100€ U:Z
1946 USA GOVT. before 1948, Mi.2-6, provisional overprint issue on Japanese stamps 5Ch/14 Sen- 5W/17 Sen, 6 stamps from each values, cat. 216€ U:A5
1959 Mi.187-190A + Block No.1, International book exhibition, cat. 150€ U:A5
1953 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.52, 53, CDS GAISUNG (Kaesong) 19.10.53, sender member of the Repatriation committee in Kesong; good condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between 2 military units on the occasion of 5. anniv of Korean Peoples army (8.2.1953); 2x field post CDS, in upper part printed promotional text about fight against imperialists from USA!; interesting document, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between 2 military units on the occasion of 5. anniv of Korean Peoples army (8.2.1953); in upper part printed promotional text about fight against imperialists from USA!; in dark brown color, interesting document, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between 2 military units on the occasion of 5. anniv of Korean Peoples army (8.2.1953); in upper part printed promotional text about fight against imperialists from USA!; in red wine color, lower different inscription, interesting document, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST FP card of DPRK army, format 14,8x10 cm, used, in front lower date 8.3.1953; interesting offer, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST FP card army DPRK, format 15,1x9,8 cm, used, at the back lower hand-made date 10.3.1953; interesting offer, sound condition U:A5
1953 surtax propagandistic view card with imprinted stamp 5+5W, uprated with stamp Mi.49 2x, CDS from 18.12.53, sent by airmail to Czechoslovakia by member of Repatriation committee Col. LLD. Paul Winkler in Kesong; decorative good condition U:A5
1953 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.73, 52 2x, CDS GEAISUNG (KOESON) 20.11.53, sender member of Repatriation committee in Kesong; decorative, good condition U:A5
1954 decorative Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.46, 52 2x, CDS KOESON 20.2.54, arrival PRAGUE 9.III.54, sender member of Repatriation committee in Kesong; decorative, good condition U:A5
1954 airmail postcard to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.46, 52, 73, CDS from 11.1.54, sender member of the Repatriation committee in Kesong; decorative, only small tearing in margin U:A5
1954 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.46, 49 3x, 53, CDS GEAISUNG (KOESON) 11.1.54, sender member of the Repatriation committee Col. LLD. Pavel Winkler in Kesong, on reverse note by censor; decorative, good condition U:A5
1953 airmail letter sent to USA, with Mi.75, 142, 143, 160-162, CDS SEOUL 30.12.53; interesting franking, rare occurrence, good condition U:A5
1951 SG.439-449, Portraits and junks, 1Avo - 5Pat; several dots, otherwise perfect set, cat. £690, rare offer! U:A5
1932-1958 Mi.53-54, 56-58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 99, 115-117, 128-129, comp. of stamps on card A5, incomplete sets; MNH, several small gum flaws, cat. ca. 580€ U:A5
1932-46 Mi.55-58, 67, 68, 70-74, comp. of stamps on card A5, incomplete sets incl. highest values; Mi.55-58 + 67 *, cat. ca. 360€ U:A5
1951 Mi.76, Lenin 3T, block of four; mint never hinged, luxury, cat. ca. 240€ U:A5
1953 Mi.98-99, 1. Anniv of death Choibalsana 3T and 5T; highest values in blocks of four!, MNH, cat. ca. 420€, interesting U:A5
1955 Mi.111, Lenin 2T blue, strip of 10 with L margin!; mint never hinged, cat. ca. 160€ U:A4
1919 IRAQ - MOSUL, Brit. occupation, SG.2a, Turkish fiscal "Toughra" 20 Para with Opt POSTAGE I.E.F. "D" 1 ANNA, pair with OMMITED PERF; lower horiz. fold, cat. £900 U:A5
1923 IRAQ, SG.O54s-O65s, official ON STATE SERVICE, Motives ½; Ann - 10Rupees, SPECIMEN; rare! U:A5
1924-1925 SG.O66s-O77s, official ON STATE SERVICE (Opt - new type), Motives" ½; Ann - 10Rupees, SPECIMEN; rare U:A5
1949-1952 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 20 airmail entires sent to Vienna, i.a. uprated postcard 15Pr, franking from first Israel issues, all with censorships in Austria, rare and attractive! U:A5
1950 Mi.114A-121A, 114B-121B, 75 years UPU, perforated and also imperforated set, evidently unofficial issue, Mi. -.- , rare U:A5
1960 SG.126-130, Mi.200A,B-205A,B, Olympic games 2B-20B, complete set, perforated and imperforated; SG. doesn't report, Mi.160€ U:A5
1964-1965 SG.R58, Ryal Issue "Qara", pair originally consular stamps 5 + 5 Bogshas dark purple, for post. purpose with green provisional Opt "YEMEN, porto and Arabic year", from period of civil war; on ministry FDC as Reg letter to Sidah, CDS CAMP MANSUR and ROYAL MAIL QUARA, notice "cease fire day 8.nov 64"; perfect quality, certificate RPSL, cat. only as used stamps £1.500, very rare stamps with minimum edition, on letter unique! U:DR
1965 Kingdom Yemen, civil war 1962-1967, letter sent in Jemen and sent airmail as Reg letter via Beirut to Vienna, with Mi.137, resp. Mi.138, postmark SHAHARAH ROYAL MAIL and UQD ROYAL MAIL (Red Cross hospital), additional postmark Delayed in transit trough enemy lines U:A5
1931-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 9 sheets from stockbook, i.a. Mi.21-44 (block of four Mi.26), 47-52, 1951 postage stamps and also airmail more often, many other 4- blocks, stripes and outer pieces, incl. air-mail sets; cat. ca. 1.150€, SG. £1.350 U:O4
1939-1967 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of interesting destination in album Leuchtturm, from 1948 **, i.a. Mi.21-26, 56-57, 58-63, 139-142, 143-146, Bl.21, 409B-419B, postage-due D20-D27; incl. major-part of souvenir sheets, sought imperforated sets "B", favourite motives sport, fauna, Kennedy, cosmos and others., cat. ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1944-1956 Mi.268-274, A283-F283, 268b, 269b, Opt POSTAGE on revenue stamps, set 1Mil-100Mils and 1Fils-100Fils; almost all **, cat. 825€ U:A5
1923 SG.1, INVERTED OVERPRINT "KUWAIT" on Indian George V. ½P green; perfect piece with original gum, cat. doesn't report U:A5
1923 SG.1E, India stamp George V. ½P green, OVERPRINT "KOWEIT"!!, essay; perfect piece, rare stamp with originally intended type of Opt, then used definitive Opt "KUWAIT", only 24 pieces recorded!, very scarce, unrepeatable offer, certificate Ceremuga from 2003 U:DR
1923 SG.1b, vertical pair of India stamp George V. ½P green, on lower stamp showing OMITTED OVERPRINT "KUWAIT"; rare variety, ex. Dr. L. Phillips, cat. £1.800, rare offer U:DR
1923 SG.1a, DOUBLE OVERPRINT "KUWAIT" type I on Indian George V. ½P green; cat. £350 U:A5
1923 SG.1a, DOUBLE OVERPRINT "KUWAIT" type II on Indian George V. ½P green; cat. £350 U:A5
1924 Mi.22-25, Olympic Games 1924, complete set; kat.130€ U:A5
1975 SG.212-214, Sc.190A-190C, complete used issue "National day 1975" with Opt "1978", new values 40/150b, 50/150b and 75/250b; rare issue, cat. Gibbons £1.100, Sc. $3.150 U:A5
1920 SG.28, Bale 28F, 3mill light brown, London issue 1918 with Arabian - Hebrew - English Opt PALESTINE, ERROR PALESTINF; perfect quality, certificate Kaufmann, SG no records., Bale $2.200, according to certificate is known only 5 of these printing errors! U:A5
1920 SG.30a, Bale30D, block of four 1mill brown, London issue 1918, with Arabian - Hebrew - English Opt PALESTINE, INVERTED OVERPRINT; luxury quality, certificate Muentz (Tel Aviv), SG * £1.800, Bale $3.200, for ** cat. £3.600, exceedingly rare! U:DR
1923 SG.D1-D5, postage due 1m-13m, issue Jerusalem; luxury blocks of four, 2 outer, cat. ca. £520 U:A5
1923 SG.D3, Postage due stamp 4m red, pair with gutter; rare, cat. doesn't report U:A5
1937-39 PALESTINE, TUNISIA IRAN, ALGERIA comp. of 8 airmail letters sent to Czechoslovakia, 3x Palestine, 2x Tunisia, then Morocco, Algeria, 1x Syria (envelope opened from 3 sides), franking of airmail and postage stamps, various transit and CDS; interesting destination U:A5
1948-67 [COLLECTIONS] PALESTINE - EGYPT OCCUPATION very nice old collection of overprint issues and other issue of Egyptian occupation of Palestine, contains complete sets, also various variants, some also not recorded, i.a. sets Mi.1-3, 4-14, 15-19, 33-51, airmail Mi.20-31, 52-63 (incl. double Opt atd.), 70-87 etc. + Transjordan occupation of Palestine, overprint issues 1948 -1949; in 16-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value, very nice quality, major part **, exceptional offer U:Z
1921 issue HEJAZ - Sc.L15f, 1/8 Pia orange, black DOUBLE OVERPRINT and in addition INVERTED; interesting piece, 2x short tooth, signed Wilson, cat. $500 U:A5
1921 issue HEJAZ - Sc.L16a, 1/4 Pia green, corner ! block of four, black INVERTED OVERPRINT, pmk MECCA; original gum, several small gum flaws, partially detached perf, otherwise perfect outer multiple with certificate Wilson 2003, cat. doesn't report, exceptional offer U:A5
1921 issue HEJAZ - Sc.L16e, 1/4 Pia green, black DOUBLE OVERPRINT, from that unframed Opt INVERTED; perfect piece with certificate Wilson 2002 "...not seen one before", cat. $600, rare U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Sc.L119, 1½; Pi violet, blue Opt on stamp issue 1922 with golden Opt, block of four; cat. $360++ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Sc.L131, 2Pi orange, red Opt on stamp issue 1922 with golden Opt, block of four; cat. $600++ U:A5
1949 Mi.34, Airmail 100 Guerche, violet; luxury highest value, cat. 170€ U:A5
1934 SG.316-327, the first issue of Saudi Arabia as Kingdom, so-called. "Proclamation set", imperforated, 1/4 Guerche - 1Sovereign; cat. £2.750, rare set missing in major collections! U:DR