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1909-1912 compilation of bloks of four and single stamps Coat of arms ½P, 1P, 2½P, 1Sh, 7Sh6P, 2£, 5£; from Waterlow company, demonetized against fraud; interesting U:A5
1954-56 SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. ½P-£1; complete set, MNH; cat. ca. £120 U:A5
2000 SG.662a, "Dawn 2000" 20P, IMPERFORATED pair, rare, according to available records exist only 25 pairs! U:A5
2000 SG.663a, "Dawn 2000" 30P, IMPERFORATED block of four; rare, according to available records exist only 25 pairs! U:A5