Public auction 46 / Collections

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173662 - 1918-1924 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 8 sheets in sma
1918-1924 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 8 sheets in smaller stockbook A4, contains used and also unused stamps, various sets, blocks of four etc.; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
173294 - 1931-55 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection of genera
1931-55 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection of general colonial issues, complete sets, contains i.a. 21x Exhibition Paris, 24x Exhibition New York, 24x souvenir sheet Exhibition Paris 1937 (part viewing of quality recommended), 15x set From Chad to Rhein etc.; overall very good quality, placed in stockbook A4, cat. 1.200€+
Starting price: CZK
173664 - 1919-43 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection on album sheets Schau
1919-43 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on album sheets Schaubek, contains various issues, complete sets, i.a. Mi.243-248, 285-298, air-mail Mi.340-347, 393-407, exile souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.2 ** etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
173350 - 1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  box of stamps Hungary, various issu
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] box of stamps Hungary, various issues; thousands pieces
Starting price: CZK
173348 - 1940-90 [COLLECTIONS]  MINIATURE SHEETS  collection of souve
1940-90 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS collection of souvenir sheets in 2 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. Mi.Bl.11*, 16, 19, 29, 31A, Kl.999*, Kl.1065 etc., major-part 50s-80s; cat. min. 350€
Starting price: CZK
173457 - 1922-1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION  compilation of 47 complet
1922-1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION compilation of 47 complete sheets of inflation issues, incl. margins (!); high catalogue value, various quality
Starting price: CZK
173571 - 1923-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  chosen compilation of better sets,
1923-1938 [COLLECTIONS] chosen compilation of better sets, major-part hinged, i.a. air mail, Zeppelins, Wagner, souvenir sheets Olympics, A. Hitler. etc., Mi.344-350, 355-361, 385-397, 423-424, 438-439, 529-539, 482-495, Bl.5-11 etc.; various quality, cat. ca. 4.300€
Starting price: CZK
173982 - 1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection on sheet in
1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheet in stockbook Leuchtturm, contains many complete sets, blocks etc., i.a. Mi.Bl.1 (viewing of quality recommended), Bl.4-8, Mi.395-397, 423*, 424, 455, 456*, 410-422, 539, 634-642, issue Germania, Scenes, inflation issues, several complete printing sheets etc.; various quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
173280 - 1949-89 [COLLECTIONS]  basic collection in 5 luxury spiral c
1949-89 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in 5 luxury spiral covers on hingeless sheets SAFE, very complete, contains i.a. Mi.286, 288, also souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.8-9A *, 8-9B **; missing some better sets and souvenir sheets
Starting price: CZK
173565 - 1948-65 [COLLECTIONS]  GDR  business supply of mainly used s
1948-65 [COLLECTIONS] GDR business supply of mainly used stamps and souvenir sheets, part commemorative postmarks, in 16-sheet stockbook
Starting price: CZK
173295 - 1830-60 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of 35 mainly prephilateli
1830-60 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 35 mainly prephilatelic letters with postmarks from Czech countries, Slovakia, Hungary, Galicia, i.a. blue round TIRNAU, black GAYA, ROKITZAN, BUDWEIS atd.
Starting price: CZK
173561 - 1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply in 12-sheet stockbo
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in 12-sheet stockbook, first sets used, later also mint never hinged, blocks of four anniv. landscapes, overprint types, postage-due, cut-squares, parts of sheets etc., cat. ca. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
173570 - 1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps, cut-squares, postc
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, cut-squares, postcards and letters, on 2 cards A4
Starting price: CZK
173567 - 1858-1943 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply of stamps and souve
1858-1943 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of stamps and souvenir sheets in full older stockbook, according to owner cat. 6.000€
Starting price: CZK
174000 - 1954-92 [COLLECTIONS]  collection - business supply in 20-sh
1954-92 [COLLECTIONS] collection - business supply in 20-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets, souvenir sheets, blocks etc.; part stamps hinged
Starting price: CZK
174001 - 1865-1983 [COLLECTIONS] interesting, mainly used collection
1865-1983 [COLLECTIONS] interesting, mainly used collection in 5 albums Kabe on sheet, contains Empire era, strong 1930s, complete sets, i.a. Mi.379-382, 385-388, 397-400, 462-466, 483-487, 488-493, 494-498, Mi.499-508 etc.; high catalogue value, placed in box
Starting price: CZK
172047 - 1858-1941 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of Russian Empire
1858-1941 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Russian Empire and USSR, contains i.a. various issues Coat of arms, House of Romanov Mi.82-98, stamps of Civil war, local and private issues, post in China and Levant, Anniv of Revolution Mi.328-34, Nations Mi.429-49 etc. all in 2 stockbooks A5, various quality
Starting price: CZK
173298 - 1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  big business supply in full 14 stoc
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply in full 14 stockbooks A4 +2x A5, contains mainly unused and used issues from 50. years, various sets and their parts, smaller part also used stamp of Russian Empire and issues up to 1950, in addition supplemented with small stockbook with souvenir sheets from 50.-80. years + several imperforated sets from 50.-60. years; in cardboard box, over 20kg of material
Starting price: CZK
173667 - 1866-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 11 sheets, cont
1866-1920 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 11 sheets, contains used also unused stamps, princedom period, newspaper, then Mi.62-71, 76-83, 95-106, I-V etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 1.100€
Starting price: CZK
173669 - 1945-54 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on sheets, contains used s
1945-54 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets, contains used stamps, various sets, i.a. Mi.34-46 and others.; cat. ca. 500€
Starting price: CZK
173352 - 1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply of used stamps in f
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of used stamps in full 30-sheet stockbook A4, contains various issues as Victoria, Edward VII., George V., George VI., Elizabeth II., in addition supplemented with stamps of Ireland, Gibraltar and Malta
Starting price: CZK
173284 - 1956-71 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPA - CEPT  very nice collection i
1956-71 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPA - CEPT very nice collection in spiral stockbook on sheets Safe, contains i.a. Luxembourg Mi.555-557 **/*, almost complete, supplemented with used stamps i.a. with sets Luxembourg Mi.555-557
Starting price: CZK
173286 - 1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPE, WORLD  business suply, 2x s
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE, WORLD business suply, 2x stockbook A4 + 5x A5 + sheets; contains i.a. interesting part of Austria after 1945 incl. several better sets and issues, i.a. Mi.929-932, 1012-1016 etc., then various states, used and unused, small part classic period, 1x stockbook U.N., Liechtenstein 1972-74, sheets after 1945 etc.; all in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
164798 - 1870-1910 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 6 album sheets,
1870-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 6 album sheets, contains classic issues Eagle with wings , Victoria, Edward VII.; mainly used, incl. several better pieces
Starting price: CZK
172171 - 1930-50 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of stamp of China an
1930-50 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamp of China and some local issues, mainly 30´s and 40´s, also the beginning of Taiwan, various overprints etc.; 7 unbound stock-sheets
Starting price: CZK
173395 - 1950-70 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of mainly used stamp
1950-70 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps on 9 two-sided full album sheets, contains some better sets as Mi.689-698, 744-759, 811-818, 827-831 etc., some sets incomplete, cat. ca. 800€ + supplemented with small addition of Japan stamps
Starting price: CZK
173762 - 2003-2014 [COLLECTIONS]  TAIWAN - annual volumes, complete s
2003-2014 [COLLECTIONS] TAIWAN - annual volumes, complete set and souvenir sheets in 9 stockbook sheets, a lot of popular motives with high market value; rare offer of this unusual destination, face-value 9.800 NT$ !
Starting price: CZK
173456 - 1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in 1 album A4 + 1 album
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 1 album A4 + 1 album A5, contains mainly used stamps, various sets and their parts, also motives and others.
Starting price: CZK
173236 - 1860-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  Business suply - estate, 15 stockbo
1860-2000 [COLLECTIONS] Business suply - estate, 15 stockbooks A4 + 10 A5, contains various countries, Europe, i.a. GB, Germany etc. + overseas, Africa and others., mainly used stamps, part of classic period, incomplete sets and others.; placed in filled box, almost 30kg, personal taking-delivery required
Starting price: CZK
173737 - 1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS]   EUROPE, OVERSEAS, Czechoslovakia b
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE, OVERSEAS, Czechoslovakia big compilation of scattered stamps and waste prints divided according to countries to envelopes, supplemented with several old cards with stamps, part stamp of Czechoslovakia I., and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., estate of collector, whole banana box of material
Starting price: CZK
173349 - 1930-90 [COLLECTIONS]  MINIATURE SHEETS  collection of souve
1930-90 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS collection of souvenir sheets in stockbook A4 + 4x A5, contains various countries of Europe and overseas, interesting motives, mainly after 1945; various quality
Starting price: CZK
173455 - 1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  WHOLE WORLD  vARIOUS comp. OF used
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD vARIOUS comp. OF used AND also unused stamps, contains stamps of Commonwealth, 1x album Israel, also Fiume on album sheets, 1x card A4 of Andora, South America, Romania and others; placed on cards A4 and A5, 1x stockbook, all in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
173233 - 1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  various estate of dealer, contains
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] various estate of dealer, contains envelopes with scattered stamps of foreign coutries, Europe, overseas etc., also souvenir sheets + comp. various entires, FDC, Ppc, p.stat etc., various franking, destination, countries, Europe, overseas etc., entires mainly after 1945; placed in cardboard box, over 7kg of material
Starting price: CZK
1935-55 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES - EUROPE, AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA, ASIA collection of ca. 350 various letters from around the world sent to Czechoslovakia, interesting frankings, part as Registered, FDC, also Air-Mail etc., correspondence of collector, interesting
Starting price: CZK
173461 - 1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  ENTIRES -  WHOLE WORLD  collection
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES - WHOLE WORLD collection ca. 850 entires of whole world, contains various Reg also air-mail letters, more of Vietnam, USSR, Hungary, various frankings; over 7,5Kg of material, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
173938 - 1950-88 [COLLECTIONS]  POSTAL TESTER - Germany  collection o
1950-88 [COLLECTIONS] "POSTAL TESTER - Germany" collection of entires sent to various destinations, which/what was/were for political reasons returned, addressed to i.a. to Hong Kong, USSR etc..; interesting, placed on pages in/at pérovém stockbook, ca. 35 entires
Starting price: CZK
172209 - 1890-1995 [COLLECTIONS]   GERMANY, AUSTRIA, Czechoslovakia,
1890-1995 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY, AUSTRIA, Czechoslovakia, POLAND, HUNGARY, RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA ATD. collection of ca. 230 pcs of bank-notes from around the world, various quality
Starting price: CZK
173520 - 1903-1971 [COLLECTIONS]  GERMANY collection 228 pcs of Germa
1903-1971 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY collection 228 pcs of German bank-notes in spiral stockbook; index inserted, quality zohledněna, cat. according to owner 870€
Starting price: CZK
173359 - 1915-2011 [COLLECTIONS]  RATION CARDS  Austria-Hungary, Czec
1915-2011 [COLLECTIONS] RATION CARDS Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia I.PROTEKTORÁT, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., very nice collection ration cards in/at full spiral album, contains various order on/for potraviny (meat, mléko, chléb etc.., then clothing cards, blank form/-s, mainly parts of sheets; interesting set
Starting price: CZK
173560 - 1852-70 Miltner H. O., Neumann J. : Beschreibung der bisher
1852-70 Miltner H. O., Neumann J. : Beschreibung der bisher bekannten Böhmischen Privatmünzen and Medaillen, Prague 1852/1870, 838 page. + 85 lithographic tables with picture single coins and medals; original issue and binding, toned, after all very well in good condition piece, rare!
Starting price: CZK
172928 - 1797 FRANCIS II (I.) HABSBURG (1768-1835), last emperor of t
1797 FRANCIS II (I.) HABSBURG (1768-1835), last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Czech and Hungarian King, Austrian emperor, folded parchment document, a patent for patent of order of Teutonic Knights in Bruntál, with big emperor´s seal in wooden box, dated in Vienna 1797, size of document - 72x50cm; all in metal plate box, patina and stains, signature damaged!, after all very interesting, rare
Starting price: CZK
172238 - 1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC  extraordinary selection of mo
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC extraordinary selection of more than 100 (!) portrait photo postcard, photos and cards with signatures important foreign operních pěvců and pěvkyň, skladatelů and virtuózů, major-part determined, contains i.a. Walter Soomer, Lucie Weidt, Victor Hollander, Piotr Bakšejev, Hans Winckelmann, Dmitri Slavjanksý, Ada Sari, Rudolf Asmus, Janine Andrade, Berardino Trotta, Felicie Schiavi, Leonard Hokanson, Dmitri Hnaťuk etc..; very good condition, suitable to supplement collections and other elaboration, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
173523 - 1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  collection signatures writer and re
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection signatures writer and religionisty Victor Palivce in stockbook A4, contains mainly cut-squares and cards with signatures, i.a. : Peter Bezruč, Max Brod, Viktor Dyk, Alois Jirásek, Karolína Světlá, J. V. Sládek, Jaroslav Seifert, Charles Absolon, Vasil Bilak, Charles Kramář, Rudolf Medek+ supplemented with about/by autographs Czech politicians, musical artists, sportsmen; interesting, it is worth seeing, suitable to supplement collections
Starting price: CZK
172387 - 1854-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  AUSTRIA-HUNGARY   collection fiscal
1854-1920 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY collection fiscal valuable matters with revenues various issues, incl. several documents with revenues C.M. 1854, various interesting frankings, multiple etc.., contains invoices, release, contract/-s etc..; placed in smaller cardboard box, total 3kg of material, unworked
Starting price: CZK
172295 - 1850-1914 [COLLECTIONS]  AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  set documents in r
1850-1914 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY set documents in relation to personality primátora Prague Charles Grošovi (1865-1938), mayor in years 1905-1918, contains i.a. official permit Franz Joseph I. about/by receiving Russian carského order St. Stanislava uděleného Russian carem K. Grošovi in 1907, letter council/court town Paris sent to K. Groše + set documents kapelního master Stavovského theatre John Majera, i.a. appointive document Austrian club/association friends music from year 1838 etc.. + other collection various documents, part nobiliary correspondence; various condition, interesting collection!
Starting price: CZK
173353 - 1731, 1811 CHARLES VI. (1711-1740), FRANCIS II (I.) (1792-18
1731, 1811 CHARLES VI. (1711-1740), FRANCIS II (I.) (1792-1835) selection of two printed imperial circulars and order relevant to craft industry and shop, i.a. 1x dry imperial seal Carl VI.; hints staří, overall good condition
Starting price: CZK
173479 - 1900-1935 selection of 30 various Ppc, contains i.a. MUCHA -
1900-1935 selection of 30 various Ppc, contains i.a. MUCHA - Pokořena zmučena, Us; Circus Kludský, Circus Charles, 4x legionary propaganda Ppc, then postcard with American actors etc..; interesting, various condition
Starting price: CZK
173517 - 1934 GERMANY/ WALDORF-ASTORIA  album cigarette propagandisti
1934 GERMANY/ WALDORF-ASTORIA album cigarette propagandistic labels in album "Die Nachkriegszeit 1918-1934", complete, 252 pcs of; in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
172294 - 1880-1914 [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 150 advertising and graphic she
1880-1914 [COLLECTIONS] ca. 150 advertising and graphic sheets, various firm, mainly area/region Austria and Germany and other states Europe, various picture machines, products, factories etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIAN LEGIONS/ SIBERIA collection 80 pcs of legionaire photos and Ppc, from that 47 pcs of contemporary photos, placed in older stockbook for entires
Starting price: CZK
166697 -  comp. 4 pcs of spring folders Schaubek in red color; good c
comp. 4 pcs of spring folders Schaubek in red color; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167270 -  SAFE  12 superb spiral album/-s SAFE (U.N.), all with kazet
SAFE 12 superb spiral album/-s SAFE (U.N.), all with kazetou; as new
Starting price: CZK
173559 -  STOCK BOOKS comp. 10 pcs of used stockbooks, 2 pcs of 16-sh
STOCK BOOKS comp. 10 pcs of used stockbooks, 2 pcs of 16-sheet, 4 pcs of 12-listové, 1 pcs of 8-sheet, 3 pcs of 4-sheet; good condition
Starting price: CZK
173459 -  [COLLECTIONS]  collection used stamp. in/at full stockbook
[COLLECTIONS] collection used stamp. in/at full stockbook A4, incl. values 500h and 1000h + scattered stamps in packets + parts of sheets 1h, Postage due stmp - Hradčany 10h/3h; placed in box
Starting price: CZK
172978 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  slightly specialized incomplete colle
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] slightly specialized incomplete collection on/for 211 unbound album pages, contains basic issue stamp. as Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Legionaire, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk, Festival, all Airmail issue, SO1920 (overprint) etc.., specialisation as - various wmk, types, perf, coupons, plate number, papers etc..; mainly mint never hinged, smaller part hinged, minimum used stamp., part expertized, forgeries marked, c.v.. ca. 90.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
171741 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on 11 pages from stockbook
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 11 pages from stockbook A4, contains Hradčany, color, perf (also ministry), Airmail 1920-1930 i.a. Pof.L1A+B, Festival, lot of better coupons and plate number from 30. years, blue Štefánik, ** miniature sheet London 43, 2x gutter Pof.S1Ms (viewing of quality recommended); c.v.. by estimation 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
173211 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  selection duplication, mainly cancel.
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection duplication, mainly cancel. stamp., contains Hradčany, then mainly issue from 30. years, 2x stockbook A4, 2x A5, then on album sheets and cards A4 and A5, in addition supplemented with group of first day sheets + 1x choice notebook + scattered stamps in/at envelopes
Starting price: CZK
173458 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  disparate comp. of stamps., contains
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] disparate comp. of stamps., contains various issue, more semifinished issue Pigeon-issue - various marginal multiblocks, control-numbers, plate number etc.., + little box scattered stamp. mainly from 30. years
Starting price: CZK
173209 - 1918-90 [COLLECTIONS]   Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 19
1918-90 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, MOTIVE, WHOLE WORLD selection of several stockbooks and bags with scattered stamp., měnší part Czechoslovakia I., stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 on free sheets with label - part miniature sheets and sets mint never hinged, supplemented with stockbook with motives - Butterflies, duplication stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, paper bags with unstuck Bohemian and Moravian stamp. etc..; placed in larger box
Starting price: CZK
173290 - 1919-39 [COLLECTIONS]   CELISTVOSTI  selection of more than
1919-39 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of more than 120 pcs of entires, contains i.a. several Reg letters, picture PC for example. Finals TESTER cup, commercial letter with Hradčany 25h with perfin F.W. Wichterle - Prostějov, several letters Czechosl. field number of, PC abroad etc..; good condition, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK