1914-1953 Mi.104-109, 284-286, 408-414 (2), 443-450(2), 457-464, Bl.6, 961-966, 976-978, "Satzbriefe" - complete set on letters or big parts, i.a. Exposition Philatelique 1930, 6x R-Ex-Let letter; nice compilation, only as used stamps cat. 226€
1930-1938 7 airmail letters and cards, nice frankings, 1x mixed Czechosl. - Belgian, mostly with arrival CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT, 1x returned letter from Belgian Congo
1937 BRUSSEL - PRAGUE, 2 airmail express letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 1x franked with airmail and special delivery stamps, Mi.399, 304 and 1x with multicolor franking of postage and two airmail stamps, Mi.399 2x, 424 6x, 419, CDS BRUSSEL 19.4.37 and BRUSSEL LUCHTHAVEN 16.5.37, arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT and PRAGUE TGF, through Prague pneumatic-tube post; good condition
1885 EASTERN RUMELIA Mi.14IBa, 16IBb, 18IIBb, 22IB (!),24I, 26I; in addition ** block of 8 unissued 1Pia with Opt "Lion" type II (8.9.1885), cat. without block of 8 is 380€, very interesting compilation of!
1928 SOFIA - BERLIN, Registered and airmail letter to Germany, franked with. i.a. 1. airmail issues, stamps with Opt, Mi.206-209, CDS SOFIA 10.9.28, transit WIEN FLUGPOST 11.IX.28, air-mail frame red cancel. BERLIN C.2. and on the back side arrival BERLIN C 11.9.28; good condition
1918 letter to Saxony with Mi.1B (4x), 2 (2x), 2x pair of 5 K + pair 15K, provisional postmark KURESSAR; nice quality, exceedingly rare franking of first issue (!) and good destination - island Saaremaa
1918-1919[COLLECTIONS] very old collection / business supply in small stockbook; overprints on stamps Reaper and Parliament (without 10f and 10K) in catalogue included to sum only as cheapest machine Opt, collection contains also more expensive hand-made Opt of various types (6 types); cat. min. 4.970€, very low starting price
1918-1924 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 8 sheets in smaller stockbook A4, contains used and also unused stamps, various sets, blocks of four etc.; high catalogue value
1849-1900 comp. of 14 stamps of classic period, i.a. Mi.5, 9a, 38a with CDS SAIGON, Mi.77 gutter, telegraph Mi.6-8, postage-due Mi.8 and oths.; various quality, cat. min. 1.200€
1900 Mi.85, Allegory 2Fr brown, blok of four, on blue paper, lower pair mint never hinged; perfect complex with certificate A. von der Weid, cat. 540€ ++
1852 letter with Mi.9a, Napoleon III. 25c blue, issue with "B" in medallion, numeral postmark "2017" and CDS MOISSEY, at the back missing 1 lapel of envelope; otherwise perfect, stamp with wide margin
1922 Mi.144, War victims 2c+1c, complete sheet incl. margins, gutter and plate numbers, total 150 stamps; sheet cross are for collectors very favourite
1937 Bl.3, souvenir sheet exhibition PEXIP, mint never hinged, souvenir sheet without hinges, with small gum flaw at lower margin, stamps VF, cat. only as stamps 320€ (souvenir sheet ** 600€)
1853 local printed matter (!) - strip of 2 with Mi.10a (2), Napoleon III. 5C green, pair, irregular margins, numeral postmark and CDS VERDUN SUR SAONE, sent to Gergy (very small village); very nice and rare franking, only stamps cat. 200€
1929-1937 5 years. entires, 3 letters to Prague 1x with Mi.308; then let.-dopis to China i.a. with 2Fr+5FrMerson; card 1. flight with Mi.307 from Marseille to S. America without mezipřistání, shoz above Kapverdami arrival postmark PRAGUE - CABOVERDE
1937-1938 2 special picture postcard 20C and 40C PEXIP 1937 and 2 envelope/-s with Mi.427 - World Championship in football 1938, hinge / label FIFA and as well added-print and postmark Philatelic exhibition in/at Metz;, interesting and unusual entires
1941-1960 12 letters and envelopes, i.a. Mi.493 Reg letter with cenzorship sent to Opava, printed matter (!) to Czechoslovakia with Mi.765, Mi.495, Bl.4 on envelope Citex Paris, 947-953, 885+890, 1117-1118, 1136-1141, only stamps ca. 200€
1947 comp. 4 pcs of Reg or airmail letters with Mi.748-750, 3x to Czechoslovakia, 1x corner 40Fr with coupon, nice "Bedarf" letters; right franked entires with this issues are rare
1931 OMNIBUS/ Colonial Exhibition in Paris 40C - 1,50F, compilation of 25 sets of various colonies as Gabon, Mauritania, Togo, Chad etc.; overall very nice quality, rare offer, cat. over 500€
1937 OMNIBUS/ compilation of 19 sets International exhibition Paris 1937, issue for 19 various French overseas colonies; luxury, cat. $360, favourite colonial issue
1931-55[COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection of general colonial issues, complete sets, contains i.a. 21x Exhibition Paris, 24x Exhibition New York, 24x souvenir sheet Exhibition Paris 1937 (part viewing of quality recommended), 15x set From Chad to Rhein etc.; overall very good quality, placed in stockbook A4, cat. 1.200€+
1941Mi.39-40, Towns 1,50+1,50Din and 4+3Din with golden Opt Hrvatska, 2 complete printing sheets with 16 stamps and 9 coupons, perf A + B, last right perf 11½;, sheet contains Mi.39I - engraver mark on pos. 9; spots, Mi.40 1x thin place in margin outside stamps, hinges on margin, cat. only as single stamps 1.300€
1942 Mi.65, 81, 2x block of four (*), TCP Landscape Banja Luka 100 Kuna, original color blue-violet and red-brown + block of four (*) Exhibition Banja Luka 100 K with characters F. I. blue-violet + 1x TCP red-brown **; exp. Wieneke, trial printings for exhibition issue in different colors are rare!
1941-1942 Mi.69U, Exhibition against Bolshevism 4 K, imperforated blocks of four + 4 TCP Mi.70-73, Model Exhibition; outer prints in original colors on stronger white paper
1942-44 Mi.91-92, 162-164C, Ustaše Youth, complete printing sheets with vertical and horiz. gutter + souvenir sheets State labour service, perf 11½;; mint never hinged, several minor faults in margins
1943 TCP for Klb.97, Zagreb 700 years, 8x 3,50K dark ultramarine imperforated on original paper, on reverse in addition phase print in blue-green; cat. only as imperforated block 450€, TCP in this combination of colors is rare!
1942-1944 Bl.1-3A,B, Klb.97, 5A,B,6,7,Klb.162-165,Klb.91,92 (!), Klb.154-157; Mi.3B with folds in corner and not counted; on sheets Letra, cat. min. 460€
1945 TCP for prepared, but for the reason of the end of WWII unissued stamp Josip Fon 86 + 43K dark red, on paper without gum with wide bottom margin; rare
1852Sass.10, Coat of arms 50 Baj blue, very nice quality, with original gum and wide margins, in certificate Raybaudi with small (leggermente) reparation; cat. 30.000€, scarce, extraordinary offer!
1852 Sass.3d, Coat of arms 15C yellow, printing error "CETN" instead "CENT", black oval pmk; right lower small tearing in margin, otherwise very nice quality, cat. 1.650€
1852 Sass.10a, 2x Coat of arms 40C blue, printing error "CENT 49" instead "CENT 40", light and dark color shade color, very nice quality, original gum, cat. 1.000€
1857 Sass.9i, Coat of arms 10C pink, INVERTED "N" in "CENT", black oval pmk; in UL corner small repair and thin place, after all very good piece of one of the most expensive Modena printing errors, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 7.500€
1859 Sass.13b, Governo Provisorio, Coat of arms 15C brown "bruno nerastro", blue postmark, repaired left margin, otherwise very nice piece, rare stamps, certificate. Dr. Colla, cat. 9.000€, brown 15C are the most expensive Modena stamps and always missing in collections, in this shade evidently unrepeatable offer!
1852-1855compilation of 35 stamps Coat of arms, 5C-40C, 1L, 9C; with dots behind numeral and also without dots, black also blue postmarks; overall above avarege quality, very nice compilation, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 2.850€
1858 whole folded letter addressed to France, with issue 1852, 40c 2x and 10c, Sass.10 2x, 9, CDS MODENA 20.April. 1858, arrival PARIS 25.Avril.58, this combination stamps on letter 8.250€, one 40c stamps in addition with plate flaw numeral 40 instead of 49 (!) stamp on letter 6.500€, all stamps cut from one side, photo-certificate Avi, SBPV