Public auction 46 / Most interesting by clients

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173798 - 1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS]  very old collection / business supp
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] very old collection / business supply in small stockbook; overprints on stamps Reaper and Parliament (without 10f and 10K) in catalogue included to sum only as cheapest machine Opt, collection contains also more expensive hand-made Opt of various types (6 types); cat. min. 4.970€, very low starting price
Starting price: CZK
174018 - 1849-1900 comp. of 14 stamps of classic period, i.a. Mi.5, 9
1849-1900 comp. of 14 stamps of classic period, i.a. Mi.5, 9a, 38a with CDS SAIGON, Mi.77 gutter, telegraph Mi.6-8, postage-due Mi.8 and oths.; various quality, cat. min. 1.200€
Starting price: CZK
173575 - 1936 Mi.321, Air mail 50F banknote, UR corner piece with mar
1936 Mi.321, Air mail 50F "banknote", UR corner piece with margin, hinged only in upper margin, stamp luxury, cat. 1.100€
Starting price: CZK
173796 - 1931-1939 16 entires with Mi.316, 317, 359, 360 and oths., e
1931-1939 16 entires with Mi.316, 317, 359, 360 and oths., envelope Frech Line with cancel. and label NORMANDIE / LE HAVRE NEW YORK and with Mi.297
Starting price: CZK
173343 - 1941-1960 12 letters and envelopes, i.a. Mi.493 Reg letter w
1941-1960 12 letters and envelopes, i.a. Mi.493 Reg letter with cenzorship sent to Opava, printed matter (!) to Czechoslovakia with Mi.765, Mi.495, Bl.4 on envelope Citex Paris, 947-953, 885+890, 1117-1118, 1136-1141, only stamps ca. 200€
Starting price: CZK
173289 - 1938 OMNIBUS/  40. Anniv of discovery of radio 1.75F + 50C,
1938 OMNIBUS/ 40. Anniv of discovery of radio 1.75F + 50C, compilation of 21 stamps of various French colonies; cat. min. 300€
Starting price: CZK
173294 - 1931-55 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection of genera
1931-55 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection of general colonial issues, complete sets, contains i.a. 21x Exhibition Paris, 24x Exhibition New York, 24x souvenir sheet Exhibition Paris 1937 (part viewing of quality recommended), 15x set From Chad to Rhein etc.; overall very good quality, placed in stockbook A4, cat. 1.200€+
Starting price: CZK
173142 - 1852 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50 Baj blue, very nice quality, w
1852 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50 Baj blue, very nice quality, with original gum and wide margins, in certificate Raybaudi with small (leggermente) reparation; cat. 30.000€, scarce, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
172791 - 1852 Sass.1-9, compilation of 45 stamps Coat of arms, contai
1852 Sass.1-9, compilation of 45 stamps Coat of arms, contains i.a. Sass.1Aa * 1/2B violet, str-of-3 2a 1B blue-green, 3A 2B white, cut square 1B+2B+5B with rare pre-philatelic cancel. ARGENTA, Sass.7(5), 8(5); all very nice, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 4.300€
Starting price: CZK
173132 - 1859 Sass.13b, Governo Provisorio, Coat of arms 15C brown br
1859 Sass.13b, Governo Provisorio, Coat of arms 15C brown "bruno nerastro", blue postmark, repaired left margin, otherwise very nice piece, rare stamps, certificate. Dr. Colla, cat. 9.000€, brown 15C are the most expensive Modena stamps and always missing in collections, in this shade evidently unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
172790 - 1852-1855 compilation of 35 stamps Coat of arms, 5C-40C, 1L,
1852-1855 compilation of 35 stamps Coat of arms, 5C-40C, 1L, 9C; with dots behind numeral and also without dots, black also blue postmarks; overall above avarege quality, very nice compilation, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 2.850€
Starting price: CZK
173134 - 1859 Sass.13, Coat of arms 20Gr; original gum, light fold lo
1859 Sass.13, Coat of arms 20Gr; original gum, light fold lower, very nice piece of this rare stamps, exp. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 18.000€
Starting price: CZK
172774 - 1858 Sass.14, Coat of arms 50gr pink-brown, cancel. ANNULLAT
1858 Sass.14, Coat of arms 50gr pink-brown, cancel. ANNULLATO; average margins and small thin place, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 5.000€, Scott $2700!
Starting price: CZK
172776 - 1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE Sass.17-24, compilation of 20 stamp
1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE Sass.17-24, compilation of 20 stamps Victor Emanuell II., various colors, i.a. 10C with "2x embossed printing head", stamps without gum considered according to the catalogue, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. 3.750€
Starting price: CZK
173133 - 1859 Sass.14A, Viktor Emanuell II., 10C šedo brown, printin
1859 Sass.14A, Viktor Emanuell II., 10C šedo brown, printing error INVERTED STŘED, lower margins in margin, otherwise very fine piece with certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 25.000€, very rare stamp, in addition with savojským postmark Moutiers (today in France)
Starting price: CZK
172781 - 1861 Sass.18A, 3 Lire bronze rame vivo, black CDS ...3 MAG..
1861 Sass.18A, 3 Lire bronze "rame vivo", black CDS "...3 MAG....", R margin cur in the frame, otherwise very nice piece, rare stamps, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. 7.000€, (Scott $3.650)
Starting price: CZK
173131 - 1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi scarlatto on blue paper; small thi
1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi "scarlatto" on blue paper; small thins on right and lower in the place of wmk, on unoriginal background, certificate. Raybaudi; cat. 14.000€, rare stamp missing in the most collections!
Starting price: CZK
173137 - 1851 Sass.4e, Lion 1Cr carminio bruno on grey paper; lower b
1851 Sass.4e, Lion 1Cr "carminio bruno" on grey paper; lower by/on/at wmk small thin place, wide margins, original gum; certificate Sorani, c.v.. 16.500€
Starting price: CZK
173136 - 1859 Sas.16a, Governo Provvisorio, Lion 9Cr bruno grigio lil
1859 Sas.16a, Governo Provvisorio, Lion 9Cr "bruno grigio lillaceo", nice piece with usual margins, cat. Sassone 9.000€
Starting price: CZK
173767 - 1893-1941 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES - Libya (also year 1960), C
1893-1941 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES - Libya (also year 1960), Cirenaica, Eritrea, Somalia, stamps also complete sets incl. many overprint issues, on sheet from stockbook, i.a. Libye ** Sass.171-177+ A45, Ethiopie 1-7; cat. min. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
173634 - 1871 Mi.1-6, Franz Joseph I. 2Kr-25Kr, lithography, 8 stamps
1871 Mi.1-6, Franz Joseph I. 2Kr-25Kr, lithography, 8 stamps, values 2 Kreuzer and 10Kr with different shades; various quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
173348 - 1940-90 [COLLECTIONS]  MINIATURE SHEETS  collection of souve
1940-90 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS collection of souvenir sheets in 2 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. Mi.Bl.11*, 16, 19, 29, 31A, Kl.999*, Kl.1065 etc., major-part 50s-80s; cat. min. 350€
Starting price: CZK
173826 - 1850-1911 comp. of 76 stamps and cut-squares, some middle an
1850-1911 comp. of 76 stamps and cut-squares, some middle and better values, Prussia, Bavaria, Baden, Bremen etc.; on 2 cards A5, high catalogue value for a very low starting price!
Starting price: CZK
172463 - 1850-61 Mi.2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-18, compilation of 93 stamps,
1850-61 Mi.2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-18, compilation of 93 stamps, contains pairs, strips of 3, cut-squares, postmarks, mainly good quality, cat. ca. 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
173580 - 1900 Mi.63-66, Scenes - Reichspost 1M-5M, value 5M types I +
1900 Mi.63-66, Scenes - Reichspost 1M-5M, value 5M types I + II..; cat. 1.380€
Starting price: CZK
173563 - 1930 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet IPOSTA, right size 105x148mm; h
1930 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet IPOSTA, right size 105x148mm; hinged, lower small thin place, cat. as * 550€
Starting price: CZK
173564 - 1935 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet OSTROPA with special postmark K
1935 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet OSTROPA with special postmark KÖNIGSBERG PR OSTROPA/ 27.6.35; cat. 1.100€
Starting price: CZK
172662 - 1936 Mi.Bl.5z + Bl.6, souvenir sheets Olympic Games in Berli
1936 Mi.Bl.5z + Bl.6, souvenir sheets Olympic Games in Berlin, with special postmark BERLIN OLYMPIA-STADION/ 4.8.36, souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.5z strong paper (dickes paper) 0,19mm; usual folds, on reverse 2 hinges, cat. 365€
Starting price: CZK
172681 - 1945 Mi.909-910, SA + SS organization, complete set, c.v.. 9
1945 Mi.909-910, SA + SS organization, complete set, c.v.. 90€
Starting price: CZK
173457 - 1922-1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION  compilation of 47 complet
1922-1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION compilation of 47 complete sheets of inflation issues, incl. margins (!); high catalogue value, various quality
Starting price: CZK
173572 - 1926-41 [COLLECTIONS]   comp. of stamps and souvenir sheets
1926-41 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and souvenir sheets on sheets, larger part mint never hinged, cat. ca. 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
173571 - 1923-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  chosen compilation of better sets,
1923-1938 [COLLECTIONS] chosen compilation of better sets, major-part hinged, i.a. air mail, Zeppelins, Wagner, souvenir sheets Olympics, A. Hitler. etc., Mi.344-350, 355-361, 385-397, 423-424, 438-439, 529-539, 482-495, Bl.5-11 etc.; various quality, cat. ca. 4.300€
Starting price: CZK
173982 - 1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection on sheet in
1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheet in stockbook Leuchtturm, contains many complete sets, blocks etc., i.a. Mi.Bl.1 (viewing of quality recommended), Bl.4-8, Mi.395-397, 423*, 424, 455, 456*, 410-422, 539, 634-642, issue Germania, Scenes, inflation issues, several complete printing sheets etc.; various quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
173648 - 1920 SCHLESWIG  Mi.1-14, Official 2½Pfg-10M with Opt CI
1920 SCHLESWIG Mi.1-14, Official 2½Pfg-10M with Opt CIS; certificate Gronlund, perfect sought set, cat. 2.200€
Starting price: CZK
173632 - 1945 SOVIET ZONE - OST SACHSEN  Mi.41, POTSCHTA 12Pfg; MNH,
1945 SOVIET ZONE - OST SACHSEN Mi.41, POTSCHTA 12Pfg; MNH, signed, cat. 650€
Starting price: CZK
173926 - 1945 CAMP POST / DACHAU  comp. 6 pcs of miniature sheets of
1945 CAMP POST / DACHAU comp. 6 pcs of miniature sheets of Red Cross Bl.1-3, always perf and imperforated miniature sheet; supplemented with about/by set stamp., good quality
Starting price: CZK
173443 - 1818 CZECH LANDS  comp. 2 pcs of letters with oval cancel. I
1818 CZECH LANDS comp. 2 pcs of letters with oval cancel. IGLAU in/at various making, catalogue Votoček. 875/1 and 872/2, superb print
Starting price: CZK
173441 - 1841-49 CZECH LANDS  comp. 2 pcs of letters with oval postma
1841-49 CZECH LANDS comp. 2 pcs of letters with oval postmarks various making FRAINERSDORF Vot.544/1+1a; superb print also condition
Starting price: CZK
173295 - 1830-60 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of 35 mainly prephilateli
1830-60 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 35 mainly prephilatelic letters with postmarks from Czech countries, Slovakia, Hungary, Galicia, i.a. blue round TIRNAU, black GAYA, ROKITZAN, BUDWEIS atd.
Starting price: CZK
172759 - 1850 Mi.3, Ferch.3MIIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer T III. rosar
1850 Mi.3, Ferch.3MIIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer T III. "rosarot", machine made paper; in LL corner outside of picture of stamp small fold, wide margins and attractive stamp, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. 130€
Starting price: CZK
173887 - 1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, Ia type, str-of
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, Ia type, str-of-4 + 1 piece on small cut-square, round CDS WIEN 23/JUN, on 3 stamp. plate flaw - "color stain in crown", certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.750€ , very nice and decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
172753 - 1858 unused envelope, most attractive type of decorative let
1858 unused envelope, most attractive type of "decorative letters", partially coloured copper print, image of 4 towns and on reverse allegory; evidently Czech origin, from 50s of 19. century, is known similar letter from y 1859 Tábor, see. Ferch.II, with. 448; rare curiosity!
Starting price: CZK
172597 - 1866 folded letter addressed to Genoa, with 2+2+2+15Kr, CDS
1866 folded letter addressed to Genoa, with 2+2+2+15Kr, CDS TRIESTE 17.3., additional cancel. "P.D.", on reverse arrival GENOVA 18.MAR.66; interesting franking, good quality
Starting price: CZK
173597 - 1891-96 Mi.63-66, 67-68, Franz Joseph I. 20Kr-50Kr and 1G-2G
1891-96 Mi.63-66, 67-68, Franz Joseph I. 20Kr-50Kr and 1G-2G; mint never hinged, mint never hinged, 20Kr short tooth, c.v.. ca. 192€, Ferch.280€
Starting price: CZK
172648 - 1910 Mi.175, Jubilee 2 Koruna carmine red / olive, almost co
1910 Mi.175, Jubilee 2 Koruna carmine red / olive, almost complete light CDS MONDSEE; c.v.. 280€
Starting price: CZK
172126 - 1916-17 Mi.220D, Express stamp 5h rectangle, block of 8 with
1916-17 Mi.220D, Express stamp 5h rectangle, block of 8 with rare perf LZ 12½; : 11½;; left marginal vert. perf abraded, 2x stamps with spots, min. 4 pcs of stamp. in perfect quality, cat. Ferchenbauer for quality stamps 3.600€
Starting price: CZK
173091 - 1907 Reg letter from Liberec to Montevideo, franked with 8-c
1907 Reg letter from Liberec to Montevideo, franked with 8-coloured franking, stamps issue 1904-1907, i.a. on letter very rare 12h violet 1907, CDS and Reg label REICHENBERG, arrival postmark and Reg label MONTEVIDEO; small size and rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
173128 - 1851 Ferch.6Ib, Sass.6, 6a, 2x blue Mercure 0,6Kr on laid pa
1851 Ferch.6Ib, Sass.6, 6a, 2x blue Mercure 0,6Kr on laid paper, grey-blue (*) and typical grey-greenblue (celeste) with gum, small flaw, exp. Matl, certificate Raybaudi, perfect margins, ribbed Mercure with gum (i. e. really unused) is rare, Ferchenbauer. undervalues, Sass. 4.000€, both stamps total 5.000€!
Starting price: CZK
172757 - 1851 Ferch.6IIIb, blue Mercure 0,6Kr with right margin 8mm,
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, blue Mercure 0,6Kr with right margin 8mm, CDS "...25. NOV.", very nice piece, side margins are rare, cat. for R or L margin 5mm 305€, 8mm ca. + 50%, for this piece 450€
Starting price: CZK
172758 - 1851 Ferch.6IIIb, blue Mercure 0,6Kr, original gum, very wid
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, blue Mercure 0,6Kr, original gum, very wide margins, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. 220€
Starting price: CZK
173577 - 1933 Mi.555A, WIPA 50g+50g, white paper, stamps with upper m
1933 Mi.555A, WIPA 50g+50g, white paper, stamps with upper margin, cat. 320€
Starting price: CZK
168117 - 1922 Mi.III, unissued Flugpost, luxury vertical pair; exp. A
1922 Mi.III, unissued "Flugpost", luxury vertical pair; exp. A. Matl, in catalogue undervalued stamp missing in most collections
Starting price: CZK
167860 - 1929 WIEN - PRAG, commercial registered airmail and express
1929 WIEN - PRAG, commercial registered airmail and express letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with multicolor franking of airmail stamps (12 stamps), CDS WIEN 24.VI.29, supplemented with CDS WIEN FLUGPOST 24.VI.29, arrival PRAGUE - LETIŠTĚ 24.VI.29; good condition
Starting price: CZK
173581 - 1945 Mi.674-692, 693-696 II, overprint issue Österreich, MN
1945 Mi.674-692, 693-696 II, overprint issue Österreich, MNH, commercial mark Kosina, cat. 660€
Starting price: CZK
172752 - 1850 letter from Pavia to France, 2x Ferch.5HIII + 1HI, 5+45
1850 letter from Pavia to France, 2x Ferch.5HIII + 1HI, 5+45+45C, exact franking 95Cts=19Kr, corresponding to Lombardy rate + French rate 12Kr, CDS PAVIA, transit VIA DEGLI STATI SARDI, arrival PARIS; few tiny margin repairs, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. Ferchenbauer 13.500€, Sass.27.500€, scarce franking!
Starting price: CZK
172761 - 1850 Mi.4, Ferch.4HIII, pair Coat of arms 30Cts brown, compl
1850 Mi.4, Ferch.4HIII, pair Coat of arms 30Cts brown, complete CDS FONZASO; luxury quality, c.v.. 75€++
Starting price: CZK
173777 - 1851-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  over 400 letters, franked parcel ca
1851-1918 [COLLECTIONS] over 400 letters, franked parcel cards, prephilatelic letters, commercial correspondence etc., some interesting, i.a. Mercure on stripe, quantum letters with The 2nd issue, decorative 5 Kreuzer letter 1867, Reg letters 1890 and others.; in box, low starting price
Starting price: CZK
174020 - 1868-1871 Mi.17-28, 3 complete set, Duke Charles I.; several
1868-1871 Mi.17-28, 3 complete set, Duke Charles I.; several usual thins, otherwise very nice, especially margins, cat. 540€
Starting price: CZK
172023 - 1932-33 Mi.407-9, 410-19, 412-13, 422-23, 424-26, comp. of 5
1932-33 Mi.407-9, 410-19, 412-13, 422-23, 424-26, comp. of 5 sets, Express, Polar Year, Gorkij, Exhibition, Marx; total cat. 210€
Starting price: CZK
172025 - 1932 Mi.420AX, 15. anniv of revolution, highest value 35k, v
1932 Mi.420AX, 15. anniv of revolution, highest value 35k, vertical wmk Wz.7, cat. 280€
Starting price: CZK