Public auction 46 / Our Tips
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1885 EASTERN RUMELIA Mi.14IBa, 16IBb, 18IIBb, 22IB (!),24I, 26I; in addition ** block of 8 unissued 1Pia with Opt "Lion" type II (8.9.1885), cat. without block of 8 is 380€, very interesting compilation of! U:A5
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] very old collection / business supply in small stockbook; overprints on stamps Reaper and Parliament (without 10f and 10K) in catalogue included to sum only as cheapest machine Opt, collection contains also more expensive hand-made Opt of various types (6 types); cat. min. 4.970€, very low starting price U:Z
1852 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50 Baj blue, very nice quality, with original gum and wide margins, in certificate Raybaudi with small (leggermente) reparation; cat. 30.000€, scarce, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1852 Sass.1-9, compilation of 45 stamps Coat of arms, contains i.a. Sass.1Aa * 1/2B violet, str-of-3 2a 1B blue-green, 3A 2B white, cut square 1B+2B+5B with rare pre-philatelic cancel. ARGENTA, Sass.7(5), 8(5); all very nice, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 4.300€ U:A5
1857 Sass.9i, Coat of arms 10C pink, INVERTED "N" in "CENT", black oval pmk; in UL corner small repair and thin place, after all very good piece of one of the most expensive Modena printing errors, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 7.500€ U:A5
1859 Sass.13b, Governo Provisorio, Coat of arms 15C brown "bruno nerastro", blue postmark, repaired left margin, otherwise very nice piece, rare stamps, certificate. Dr. Colla, cat. 9.000€, brown 15C are the most expensive Modena stamps and always missing in collections, in this shade evidently unrepeatable offer! U:A5
1852-1855 compilation of 35 stamps Coat of arms, 5C-40C, 1L, 9C; with dots behind numeral and also without dots, black also blue postmarks; overall above avarege quality, very nice compilation, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 2.850€ U:A5
1858 whole folded letter addressed to France, with issue 1852, 40c 2x and 10c, Sass.10 2x, 9, CDS MODENA 20.April. 1858, arrival PARIS 25.Avril.58, this combination stamps on letter 8.250€, one 40c stamps in addition with plate flaw numeral 40 instead of 49 (!) stamp on letter 6.500€, all stamps cut from one side, photo-certificate Avi, SBPV U:A5
1860 Sass.15, Mi.8, Coat of Arms ½Tor blue, marginal piece!!, very wide margins on 3 sides, right close margin, almost complete framed pmk ANNULLATO !; certificate RPSL, cat. 15.000€, very nice piece, in this quality rare offer U:DR
1859 Sass.13, Coat of arms 20Gr; original gum, light fold lower, very nice piece of this rare stamps, exp. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 18.000€ U:DR
1858 Sass.14, Coat of arms 50gr pink-brown, cancel. ANNULLATO; average margins and small thin place, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 5.000€, Scott $2700! U:A5
1861 TRIAL PRINTS Sass.17, 20, 23, 24, comp. of 4 trial printings, issue 1861, values 1/2t, 2gr, 20gr and 50gr, (cat. C.E.I.N. P22, P25, P28, P29), certificate Raybaudi, cat. 12.000€ U:DR
1852 Sass.5, Lily 40c blue, wide margins, certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, cat. 7.000€ U:A5
1852-1857 Sass.1, 2(2), 3(4), 5, 5a, 6a, 9(2), 10, so i.a. (*)15C 1852, 40C grey-blue (undervalued) 1852, used 5C 1853, * 25C 1857; Sass.5a cut, 3(*) close margin, otherwise very nice set, ex. Dr. Rieger, stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. 8.740€, sought destination! U:A5
1851 Sass.3, Emanuell II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, rare classic stamp, cat. 34.000€ U:DR
1851-1854 Sass.2, 5, 8, Viktor Emanuel II., 3x 20C blue, 3 various issue, whole postmark, Sass.2 light fold, otherwise perfect classic stamps, exp. Diena, Unger, Hofmanex, Dr. Rieger, cat. 1.500€ U:A5
1855 Sass.13f, Victor Emanuel II, 5C "verde smeraldo scuro", pair on cut square with CDS GENOVA; right margins in outer line, otherwise nice, sign. Pofis, cat. 2000€+ U:A5
1859 Sass.14A, Viktor Emanuell II., 10C šedo brown, printing error INVERTED STŘED, lower margins in margin, otherwise very fine piece with certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 25.000€, very rare stamp, in addition with savojským postmark Moutiers (today in France) U:DR
1855-1863 Sass.13-16, specialized compilation of 20 stamps 5C-40C, various colors, some sought and rarer shades; i.a. 13A, 14B, 14a, 14Ca, 14Caa, 14Db, 14Dc, 15b, 15Db, 15Dc,15Ac, 15f, 16a, 16Ab, 16Eb, 16Da; very nice compilation, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. Sassone 8.800€, for etermination of colors used "Tavole cromatiche, Quarta emissione di Sardegna 1855-1863" U:A5
1858-1862 Sass.17, 17C, 17Da, 3x Victor Emanuell II. 80C, brown-orange 1858, yellow-orange 1861, yellow 1862; very nice quality, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. 2.750€ U:A5
1861 Sass.18A, 3 Lire bronze "rame vivo", black CDS "...3 MAG....", R margin cur in the frame, otherwise very nice piece, rare stamps, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. 7.000€, (Scott $3.650) U:A5
1851 Sass.1a, Lion 1 Quattrino "nero" on blue paper, vertical (!) str-of-3 on cut-square with cancel. P.D.; very wide margins, very nice quality, rare multiple and certificate Dr. Enzo Diena, c.v.. 12.000€++ U:DR
1851 Sass.2e, Lion 1 Soldo "arancio" on grey paper; right margin with repaires, otherwise very nice piece with new gum; certificate Raybaudi, cat. for (*) 7.000€ (for * 28.000€ !), very attractive and rare U:A5
1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi "scarlatto" on blue paper, nice dark color shade, grid pmk.; R lower cut, otherwise very nice and rare classic stmp in/at original status, certificate. Raybaudi, c.v.. 14.000€ U:A5
1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi "scarlatto" on blue paper; small thins on right and lower in the place of wmk, on unoriginal background, certificate. Raybaudi; cat. 14.000€, rare stamp missing in the most collections! U:A5
1851 Sass.4e, Lion 1Cr "carminio bruno" on grey paper; lower by/on/at wmk small thin place, wide margins, original gum; certificate Sorani, c.v.. 16.500€ U:DR
1851 Sass.5f, Lion 2 Crazie green-blue on grey-white paper "verde azzuro su grigio"; usual irregular margins, otherwise very nice and rare stamp without folds and thin places, cat. * 10.000€, for (*) 2.500€ U:A5
1851 Sass.7c, Lion 6Cr "azzurro scuro" on blue paper; new gum, very nice piece with certificate Sorani, cat. for (*) 4.125€ (for * 16.500€!) U:A5
1851 Sass.7d, Lion 6Cr "azzurro" on grey paper; new gum, very nice piece with certificate Sorani, cat. for (*) 3.750€ (for * 15.000€!) U:A5
1859 Sas.16a, Governo Provvisorio, Lion 9Cr "bruno grigio lillaceo", nice piece with usual margins, cat. Sassone 9.000€ U:A5
1860 Sass.22, Governo Provvisorio Coat of arms 80C orange brown (carnicino); bright colour, original gum, average margins, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 48.000€, unrepeatable offer one of the most precious Italian stamp! U:DR
1851-1860 compilation of 35 stamps "Lion" and "Coat of arms" (Governo Provisorio), some more often, various shades incl. better - for example 4Cr dark green on cut-square, 6Cr blue-violet, Sass.12 and oths., color postmark; average to wide (!) margins, 6 pcs with thins, otherwise very nice; interesting compilation, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 8.400€ U:A5
1853 folded letter addressed to Bologna, franked with. str-of-3 1Cr, blue paper, Sass.4a, 5-lines dumb postmark supplemented with bicircular CDS FIRENZE/ 4.MAR.1853 + blue commercial cancel., arrival postmark BOLOGNA/ 5.MAR.53 on reverse; exp. Star, cat. min. 6.000€ U:A5
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sass.15, 16, 17, local provisional, Opt REGNO D´ITALIA VENEZIA GIULIA 3.XI.18., on stamp of Austria-Hungary 1916, 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer, 4Kr, all with CDS TRIESTE, cat. 3.300€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue before general ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.Posta Aerea 1,2, pairs of Greek stamps 1Dr and 2Dr (1935) with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, signed, Sass. * 280€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue before general ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamps, 4x air-mail letters with POSTA AEREA Sass.4, Postage Sass.15, 17, 20; pairs of Greek stamps 1935-37 always as one stamp with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA; CDS ARGOSTOLI , all with arrival NAPOLI; some spots, on 2 sheets from old collection; rare! U:A4
1893-1941 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES - Libya (also year 1960), Cirenaica, Eritrea, Somalia, stamps also complete sets incl. many overprint issues, on sheet from stockbook, i.a. Libye ** Sass.171-177+ A45, Ethiopie 1-7; cat. min. 2.000€ U:Z
1913 Mi.120F, 121, complete sheet Turul 50f, with sheet margin and with sought printing error 35 Filler instead of 50 Filler on pos. 13, only pair 35F+50F cat. 950€, very nice multiple! U:A3v–
1933 Mi.499-507, Emergency Relief - Wagner, favourite valuable set, cat. 2.400€ U:A5
1941 LATVIA, CDV Mi.P2, USSR 20Kop red with Opt LATVIJA 14.VIII 41, CDS LIEPAJA, to Riga, advertising inscription "POLZUJTĚS AVIAPOČTOJ", cat. 250€ (Mi. 2003) U:A5
1919 Mi.32, Fisher 33, Cracow issue Crown 10h violet with Opt POCZTA POLSKA; perfect piece with certificate Ceremuga, printing only 2.250, rare, catalogues undervalue, Mi.500€, Fisher 1.300Zl U:A5
1918 LOCAL ISSUE - LECZYCA, 2½Pfg-30Pfg (Gen. Gouv. Warsaw) with provisional Opt "Polska Poczta Leczyca" on envelope, all with CDS LENCZYCA; cat. only used stamps 400€, rare offer, rare issue! U:A5
1918 LOCAL ISSUE - SKIERNIEWICE, 2½Pfg-60Pfg (Gen. Gouv. Warsaw) 10 pcs with provisional Opt "POLAND", on cut-squares with black CDS SKIERNIEWICE; on old sheet, cat. only as used stamps 500€, rare offer! U:A5
1870 folded commercial letter to Berlin, franked with Russian stamp Coat of arms 10K, 1K and 3 K, value 3K with printing error - background "V"s instead of "3"s, Mi.19xF, Fisher 19s, additional round railway pmk EKSPEDYCYA POCZT DWORZEC WARSAW, red round AUS RUSSIA ÜBER EISENB. POST. 21.5.70; horiz. fold, scarce letter U:A5
1893 Mi.87-92, King Carlos I, set PROVISORIO 5R-80R; cat. 400€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, Ferch.2HPIIIa, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, type IIIa hand-made paper, small fold in upper corner originally caused by the fragility of the gum, otherwise perfect, 2 Kreuzer stamps from issue 1850 with lowest printing, cat. Ferchenbauer 450€, undervalued U:A5
1850 Mi.3, Ferch.3HP Ia, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer "ziegelrot", ERSTDRUCK with blue CDS ZERHOWITZ 2.8. (1850), luxury piece with wide margin U:A5
1850 Mi.3, Ferch.3MIIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer T III. "rosarot", machine made paper; in LL corner outside of picture of stamp small fold, wide margins and attractive stamp, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. 130€ U:A5
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, Ia type, str-of-4 + 1 piece on small cut-square, round CDS WIEN 23/JUN, on 3 stamp. plate flaw - "color stain in crown", certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.750€ , very nice and decorative piece U:A5
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, type III., str-of-6 on cut-square, round CDS BRÜNN 15/10, on 3rd stamp omitted print in UL corner, on 2nd stamp plate flaw white stain in ribbon, certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 3.750€ + 25%, very nice, rare and decorative piece U:A5
1858 Ferch.10I, 14I, 15I, comp. of 3 cut-squares, 2 Kreuzer SISSEK on unoriginal cut-square, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva; 10Kr REICHENAU, RECOMMANDIRT (300MüP), 15 Kreuzer SZATHMAR, very nice compilation of, cat. 610€ and 320MüP U:A5
1858 unused envelope, most attractive type of "decorative letters", partially coloured copper print, image of 4 towns and on reverse allegory; evidently Czech origin, from 50s of 19. century, is known similar letter from y 1859 Tábor, see. Ferch.II, with. 448; rare curiosity! U:A5
1861 4 local letters with Ferch.19, 3 Kreuzer green, CDS PRAG, WIEN, cat. 360€ U:A5
1866 folded letter addressed to Genoa, with 2+2+2+15Kr, CDS TRIESTE 17.3., additional cancel. "P.D.", on reverse arrival GENOVA 18.MAR.66; interesting franking, good quality U:A5
1907 Reg letter from Liberec to Montevideo, franked with 8-coloured franking, stamps issue 1904-1907, i.a. on letter very rare 12h violet 1907, CDS and Reg label REICHENBERG, arrival postmark and Reg label MONTEVIDEO; small size and rare destination! U:A5
1851 Ferch.6Ib, Sass.6, 6a, 2x blue Mercure 0,6Kr on laid paper, grey-blue (*) and typical grey-greenblue (celeste) with gum, small flaw, exp. Matl, certificate Raybaudi, perfect margins, ribbed Mercure with gum (i. e. really unused) is rare, Ferchenbauer. undervalues, Sass. 4.000€, both stamps total 5.000€! U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, blue Mercure 0,6Kr, original gum, very wide margins, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. 220€ U:A5
1890 Newspaper stamps revenue, 2 Kreuzer 1877 + 1 Kr 1890, cut square from newspapers with mixed franking of newspaper fiscal stamps, cancel. K.u.K.. NEBENZOLLAMT I, WEIPERT (at railway-station Vejprty line Annaberg-Weipert); fee for 3 copies of German newspapers; average margins, mixed franking of these issues are rare, cat. Ferchenbauer 750€ U:A5
1850 letter from Pavia to France, 2x Ferch.5HIII + 1HI, 5+45+45C, exact franking 95Cts=19Kr, corresponding to Lombardy rate + French rate 12Kr, CDS PAVIA, transit VIA DEGLI STATI SARDI, arrival PARIS; few tiny margin repairs, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. Ferchenbauer 13.500€, Sass.27.500€, scarce franking! U:A5
1890-1900 comp. of 7 letter cards, 5x for inland, 1x for Levant 1Pia (!) and 1x local 6h orange; in various language varieties, i.a. Illyrian and Ruthenian; all with trial postmarks WIEN / POSTWERTZEICHEN-VERSCHLEISSTELLE; rare, 1x damaged corner, otherwise luxury condition, interesting compilation! U:A5