Public auction 46 / Collector`s Literature

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173803 - 2000-08 Specialkatalog Karpaten - Ukraine, author G. von Ste
2000-08 Specialkatalog Karpaten - Ukraine, author G. von Steiden, München (Munich) 2000, 192 sides, German - ukrajinsky, good condition + Kárpátaljai postatörténeti füzetek, H. Lajos (Postal history Carpathian Ruthenia to year 1918), Neírtelek 2008, 60 sides, Hungarian, good condition
Starting price: CZK
173460 - 1963 Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) des Sudetenland, author Dr
1963 Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) des Sudetenland, author Dr. J. Hugo Hörr, issue II 1963, 480 page.; manual for Sudetenland, slightly toned
Starting price: CZK
173774 - 1981-2007 RUSSIA - comp. 6 pcs of monografií and catalogues
1981-2007 RUSSIA - comp. 6 pcs of monografií and catalogues; Dobin: Postmarks of Russian Empire; Skipton/Levin: The Mute Cancels of Russia 1914-1917 part I. + II.; Skipton/Prigara : The Russian Post in The Turkey, China, Kingdom Poland; c.v.. Standard 1857-1960; specialized catalogue Russian p.stat 1845-1917 issued. 2007 - very důležitá publication!
Starting price: CZK
173771 - 1990 TURKEY - Picture Monograph I.a The 2nd issue TUGHRA and
1990 TURKEY - Picture Monograph I.a The 2nd issue TUGHRA and DULOZ, issued Vedat Kocak i.a. on/for base his/her/its světově proslulého exhibit; 200 sides with pictures and descriptions stamps letters, types, PLATE PROOF, postmarks and oths. specialities; publication ukazuje bohatost these issues, "strukturu" Turkish classic and is skvělou názornou pomůckou for every zájemce about/by old Turkey; in addition specialized catalogue Pulhan 1968 with very valuable introductory part/-s about/by razítkách
Starting price: CZK
173773 - 1999-2006 STANDARD - in světovém měřítku expertly the b
1999-2006 STANDARD - in světovém měřítku expertly the best specialized catalogue on/for Russia and USSR, part 1. - Russia, předznámková postmark and letters; part 2. - Russia 1845-1917; part 5. - USSR 1923-1940; as new
Starting price: CZK
173775 - 2009 STANLEY GIBBONS - Middle East 2009; specialized catalog
2009 STANLEY GIBBONS - Middle East 2009; specialized catalogue, contains all Arabian states incl. Egypt, whole Middle East, Iraq and Israel
Starting price: CZK
172005 - 2012 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2013, Commonwealth &
2012 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2013, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970; prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; signs of usage, overall however good condition
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 46 / Collector`s Literature - Information

Sběratelská literatura

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