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1908 TÝN N. V. - collage port in/at future, colored; bend in corner U:A5
1897 DĚČÍN - letter-card without printed stamp., inside 3-views lithographic postcard, print Otmar Zieher München (Munich); good condition U:A4
1910 JUDAICA - HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ - synagogue, colored, čelní view, Un, superb U:A5
1899 NECHANICE - multi-view color lithography, print Kabátník Jičín, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1899 CHRUDIM - color multi-view lithography, print K. Schwidernoch, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1903 KOLÍN - collage town in future, Kolín after/behind 100 years; long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1898 KROMĚŘÍŽ - color multi-view lithography, issued A.Oliva, long address, Us, only bend in UL corner U:A5
1901 KROMĚŘÍŽ - color multi-view lithography, castle with interiérem, č.2745, long address, Us, only wrinkled corners U:A5
1899 KOSTELEC N. L. - multi-view B/W. lithography, i.a. sugar-factory, additional printing advertising Franck, issued F. Koblík Pardubice, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1928 KOSTELEC N. L. - collage town in future, B/W, painted; Us U:A5
1912 PARDUBICE - collage town in future, colored; Us, bumped corners U:A5
1925 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc, 1x B/W Velká Chuchle, 3-views Chuchle, 3-views color Přerov nad Labem, B/W Bechyně; all Us U:A5
1898 OPOČNO - color multi-view lithography collage, print F. Hoblík Pardubice, long address, Us, small fold in UL corner U:A5
1895 TEPLICE - exhibition "Gewerbe- Exhibition Teplitz 1895", single-view color lithography postcard exhibition areálu, long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1895 TEPLICE (Teplitz Schönau) - color multi-view lithography, bathhouses, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1898 TŘEBÍČ - multi-view color lithography, issued J. Lorenz, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1905 ÚSTÍ N. L. - collage town in future, B/W collage; long address, Us, bend in corner U:A5
1898 ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ - multi-view color lithography, i.a. railway-station, long address, issued J. Mikolecký, Us, good condition U:A5
1903-20 NÁDRAŽÍ comp. 12 pcs of Ppc railway-station, i.a. Jablonné above Olricí, Litice, Nový Bydžov , Čenkov, Řevnice, Pečky etc..; 3 pcs of Un, overall good condition, interesting U:A5