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1944-45 comp. of 2 mailing from members Protectorate army nasezaného in Italy, 1x envelope addressed to to Pardubice with FP sender 47248B (3. batt./guidon), CDS FP 21.10.44, passed through German censorship, supplemented with postcard franked with. Italian stamp. with arrival CDS PRAGUE 28.IV.45, sent from Rovereta; good condition U:A5
1940-42 comp. of 5 letters with meter stmp, 3x f. LÍPA AKCIOVÁ INSURANCE (3 various variants), 2x f. MONOPOL MAKARONY SPAGETTI 1,20 Koruna, BUDWEIS 1 U:A5
1941 meter stmp as commercial printed matter - OT (!), whole meter stmp f.. J.Tohn, textile, Dobruška, value 10h, DOBRUŠKA 29.1.41, additional printing about/by permit sníženého postage; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1942 blue meter stmp Melantrich on 2 copies/imprints (!) value 10h, PRAGUE 1/ 20.3.42, whole address newspaper wrapper U:A5
1942 CENSORSHIP Reg letter sent to Slovakia with mailing CDS SEZEMICE 8.XII.42, Us German censorship - returned back with straight line postmark Zurück (Return), unzulässig (prohibited)!, inserted rose censor card about/by nedovoleném sending stamps + supplemented with místopisnou fotopohlednicí adresovanou to Riga, franked on picture side with CDS SEZEMICE 6.II.42, passed through German censorship and sent back with red cancel. Anisichtskarte, unzulässig (prohibited)!; good condition U:A5
1944 letter to German Brod, franked with. sudetským meter stmp TRAUTENAU 15.2.44 ALLGEMEINE ORTSKRANKENKASSE 0,08Pfg, uprated by. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna, CDS NĚMECKÝ BROD 19.II.44 and sent Jaroměře; interesting, small tearing in R margin U:A5
1944 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA Reg letter to Croatia, returned back with frame cancel. COMMUNICATION FERMEE / RETOUR, with A. Hitler. 2x 2 Koruna + 2x 10h, CDS DAŠICE V Č. 22.IX.44, 2x passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition, sought U:A5
1939-44 comp. 14 pcs of letters with advertising machine print as VIKTORIA, ŠETŘI UHLÍM etc.., red daily postmark Victoria PARDUBICE, KOLÍN, 1x service letter with violet jednořádkovým propagandistic cancel. VIKTORIA and big "V" in circle; various quality U:A5
1939-45 interesting comp. of 12 entires with various special postmark, larger part Us, 2x censorship, various franking; overall good condition U:A5
1941 JUDAICA 2x pre-printed envelope of Jewish religion community in Prague with machine advertising postmark VIKTORIA PRAGUE 3 and PRAGUE 25; good condition, whole imprints U:A5
1945 Reg letter with two print special postmark postmark PRAGUE 1 / BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY!/ 1.II.45, Pof.PR117, with 4,20 Koruna - first day issue., rare combination, good condition U:A5
1939-42 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 38 pcs of entires with commemorative postmarks, postmarks action Victoria and postmarks Autopošty, smaller part on/for really Us entires; good condition, interesting U:O5
1940-42 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 15 pcs of commemorative sheets and envelopes and commemorative postmarks as Birthday of Hitler 1942, BRNO - exhibition zotavení and pohostinství 1942, PŘEROV - 100 years north railway 1941 etc..; good condition U:O4
1941 [COLLECTIONS] daily propagandistic postmark VIKTORIA PR58-72, all post outside Pardubice PR66, total 14 pcs of commemorative sheets Agricultural exhibition Pardubice 1941, on/for every 4 quality print red postmark U:O4
1939 commemorative sheet to 50. birthday A. Hitler, with mounted 19 pcs of Czechosl. stamp. Pof.248-252, 300, 302, 303, 305-313 and 344 as forerunner, with print red special postmark to this event/-s, 13 pcs of with PR3, from that 4 pcs of with distinctive character a), 3 pcs of with character b) and 5 pcs of with character c) and 6 pcs of with PR4, from that 3 pcs of with character a), 3 pcs of with character b); format A3, in the middle vert. fold, incl. original cover, interesting! U:A4
1939 service letter without franking, CDS PRAG 1/ DEUTSCHE (German) DIENSTPOST (service mail) - BÖHMEN-MÄHREN/ 08.11.39, additional round cancel. PRAG (Burg) DEUTSCHE (German) DIENSTPOST (service mail) BRIEF-STEMPEL and line DEUTSCHE (German) DIENSTPOST (service mail) BÖHMEN-MÄHREN POSTDIENSTELLE PRAG 1 (BURG); very good condition U:A5
1944 Un double PC with avízem with notification consignee about/by sending parcel and with part/-s for stvrzení his income/receipt, 8. issue from October 1944, on face-side aviza light yellowy stains, rare Un blank form, see Monograph 11. part page 162, this issue Monograph doesn't report U:A4
1942 COLLECTION CAMP comp. 4 pcs of larger part/-s parcel cards sent to cikánského camp in/at Hodonín by/on/at Kunštát, all franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with various posting CDS; good condition U:A5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection bands, coupons, gutter-pairs - issues Landscape (incl. highest values), sheets - Dvořák, Postilion, miniatures Heydrich, plate flaws, plate numbers Postage due stmp, guide points - Linden Leaves etc.., all on unbound pages, uchyceno on/for labels only in margins, high catalogue value, ca. 30.000CZK U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] slightly specialized collection, general line as Overprint issue incl. coupons highest values, rozpracovány coupons, plate number and plate mark on issue Landscape, other issue - coupons, gutter-pair, postage-due gutter etc., all on hingeless album sheets in spring folder, c.v.. ca. 18.000CZK U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation - accumulation in 2 zaplněních albums A4 + on stock-sheets A4, contains i.a. corner blocks of four for miniatures, coupons, various combinations */křížek, plate number, basic set, official, blocks, plate defects, Pof.96-97 L bands, overprint issue - blocks of four lower values, lipové sheets etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 22.000CZK, very good quality U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] business supply mint never hinged stamp., whole line interesting coupon variants, for example. Pof.36 VK-13 (3x); Pof.37 VK-11 and VK-13; Pof.40 VK-2a (6 fields), corner blk-of-4 2+2K over-printing plate, KH (5x), KD (4x); DR1 and DR2 corner blocks of 8 (2x); line color shades, plate variety nehledány, suitable to research also to sale; in quite full stockbook A4, nice quality, cat. min. 10.400Kč U:Z
1930-80 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET selection of complete sheets or their/its part/-s, contains i.a. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Newspaper stamps issue II NV10-13, NV16-18, 100 pcs of counter sheet Wagner, Pof.108-110 (spots), CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 4x complete sheet Pof.NT3; several bands London issue and other issues + several bands Czechoslovakia I.; various quality U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection, complete overprint issue supplemented with about/by coupons highest values (missing 10CZK KD), elaborated coupons on issue Landscape, other issue - coupons, Postage due stmp gutter (part hinged) etc.., all on hingeless album sheets in spring folder, c.v.. ca. 9.000CZK U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] CELISVOSTI collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires and commemorative sheets with Bohemian and Moravian special postmark, cuts, various correspondence, supplemented with about/by p.stat, franking, censorship etc..; various condition U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires Protectorate and Sudetenland, supplemented with several pieces entires Czechoslovakia, contains also franking with overprint issues, Official, Reg or Ex letters etc.., supplemented with cut-squares on album sheets with postmarks Sudetes post offices, part cuts dispatch notes, cut-squares with provisory postmarks etc.., including catalogue Pofis BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 2000; various quality, interesting, it is worth seeing U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of more than 60 pcs of entires, big part sent as Reg or Ex, supplemented with several p.stat, i.a. Us certificate of mailing for telegram, several pcs with mixed franking with Czechosl. stamps, part interesting frankings Surtax stamp., coupons, several whole franked with. newspaper wrappers etc..; good condition, very interesting U:O5
1939 CPL3, Czechosl. certificate of mailing for telegram with printed stmp Coat of arms 30h (defect in/at frame zn.), CDS TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE 24.VIII.39; in lower margin hints of gum, rare! U:A5
1943 CDV1, PC 50h green, yellowish paper, sent from Germany as TESTER, uprated by. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.27 (2x), 88 + German stamp. Mi.818, special postmark MUNICH/ 23.-24.1.43 and special Reg label, arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 28.1.43 on reverse; interesting decorative entire U:A5
1939 CTU1a, Telegram with printed stmp 40h Linden Leaves brown, incl. confirmations, 1. printing, rough perf 5¾;; 1x light vert. fold and light bend in corners, c.v.. 1.500CZK U:A4
1944 stationery Express Card No.1/ type III., used from Prague to Pardubice, CDS PRAGUE 25/ 14.II.45 -19, handwritten notice about/by delivery telefonem; good condition, 14. February - day big air raid on/for Prague U:A5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 44 pcs of mainly clear Un p.stat, as PC, double PC, picture PC CDV6/1-12, letter-card/-s, certificate of mailing for telegram CPL1, recording address card CAZ1, only several pieces Us PC and letter cards, c.v.. ca. 3.500CZK U:O5