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1939 Alb.2-22, Overprint issue, Alb.19b *, Bratislava 10CZK with lower coupon; c.v.. 14.400Sk, major-part exp. by Kaufmann U:A5
1939 Alb.5PP, Coat of arms 25h green, block of four with inverted opt; exp. by Mahr BPP, Kozák , hinged, c.v.. 5.040Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.9, Beneš 50h, UR corner blk-of-4 with shifted overprint L-wards to picture secondary stamps U:A5
1939 Alb.10, Štefánik 60h violet, marginal piece, overprint through/over significant fold; quite rare! U:A5
1939 Alb.20SOP, Poděbrady 4CZK red, UR corner piece with coupon and smykovým print overprint and machine offset overprint on gum; exp. by Synek., interesting U:A5
1939 Alb.21, Olomouc 5CZK with lower margin, overprint offset on gum; exp. by Mahr BPP, Nov U:A5
1939 Alb.22a, 10CZK blue, highest value, exp. Synek U:A5
1939 FORGERY forgeries of overprint on stmp 10CZK and 3,50CZK, red Opt, Alb.22 and Alb. 19a; marked forgery Synek U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing "A" in red color, block of four on paper from poster, all pos. identifikována U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing "A" in blue color, blk-of-9, on reverse paper with národopisnými motives, slepá perf 12½;, pos. 145-147, 165-167 and 185-187 - overprint combination types I. and II; expertized Mahr BPP "Probedruck", c.v.. Alb. shows this overprint trial printing only in red color, blue Opt for the first time in auction!! U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF proof print overprint "C" in red and blue color, horizontal pair, on reverse paper národopisný motive, pos. 81 and 82; exp. by Gilbert., catalogue misvalues U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF proof print overprint "C" in red color, vertical pair on paper from poster, slepá perf 12½;, pos. 4 - overprint type II with open the second numeral "9" and pos. 11 with insufficiently leptaným picture overprint on printing plate U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF proof print overprint "C" in blue color, on reverse paper with národopisnými motives, pos. 96 according to plate variety, slepá perf 12½; "on stmp" also "coupon"; exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. Alb. doesn't report U:A5
1939 Alb.1, blue Štefánik 60h, block of four with upper margin, superb U:A5
1939 Alb.1, blue Štefánik 60h; c.v.. 900SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.23B, 23C, 24C, 28C, comp. of stamps Hlinka 50h green, line perforation 10½; + line perforation 12½; : 10½; (dirty perf on R side), 1 Koruna red, line perforation 12½; : 10½;; 30h violet with upper margin, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, 3x exp. by Kaufmann U:A5
1939 Alb.23B, 23C, 24C, 28C, comp. of stamps Hlinka 50h green, line perforation 10½; + line perforation 12½; : 10½;, 1 Koruna red, line perforation 12½; : 10½;; 30h violet, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, 3x exp. by Kaufmann U:A5
1939 Alb.24SOP, Hlinka 1 Koruna red, full mashine copy of overprint U:A5
1939 Alb.M23B, Hlinka 50h green, 2 joined 4-stamps. horiz. gutter, line perforation 10½;; exp. by Synek., c.v.. 10.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.M23B(4), Hlinka 50h green, 4-stamps. horiz. gutter with upper margin sheet, line perforation 10½;; exp. by Synek., minor gum fault on one stamp U:A5
1939 Alb.M23B(4), Hlinka 50h green, 4-stamps. horiz. gutter, line perforation 10½;; exp. by Synek., c.v.. 5.000Sk U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing "SLOVAK REP." in/at červemé color (!) for stamp. Alb.24, Hlinka 1Ks with blue overprint; LR blk-of-25, pos. 116-120/ 136-140/ 156-160/ 176-180/ 196-200, with plate errors/flaws overprint on pos. 196 and 197; catalogue on this stmp red Opt doesn't report (!), biggest still offered multiblock, quite extraordinary offer, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, combination C2, c.v.. 3.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.N30Y, Hlinka 1 Koruna red, horiz. imperforated pair; c.v.. 6.000Sk U:A5
1939 KNIHTISKOVÝ FORGERY Alb.30, Hlinka 1 Koruna red, with lower margin of sheet, grid with different inclination 22° (see c.v.. Földes 2007 str.46), paper without watermark with smooth gum, line perforation 12½;; printed in/at 50-stamps. sheets, on reverse horiz. gum crease, marked and exp. by Synek U:A5
1940 Alb.N48, Tatra 10h brown, imperforated pair with wmk P2 lower; c.v.. 8.000Sk U:A5
1940 Alb.N50, Tatra 25h grey-brown, imperforated LR corner blk-of-4 with plate mark "A1", wmk P2; still single known piece with plate mark (!); exp. by Mahr BPP, Gilbert, quite exceptional offer U:A5
1944 Alb.N98-105, Princes, complete imperforated set in horiz. pairs, superb; rare occurrence, exp. Möbs, Mahr BPP and mark M.D.V.P./pošta; c.v.. 64.000Sk U:DR
1944 Alb.N115-N118, Pred ohnivým drakom, complete imperforated set in/at marginal blocks of four (!), on reverse M.D.V.P. POST; superb, nejmenší usage in/at imperforated variant from all stamps Slovakia 1939-45; c.v.. 76.800Sk++, missing in overwhelming majority collections and exhibits, quite extraordinary, in the market first-time after/around 70 year on offer!! U:DR
1939 letter addressed to to Hungary franked with. imperforated str-of-3 30h Hlinka in front + imperforated stamp. 20h (2x), 30h (1x) and 30h str-of-3 Hlinka on reverse, slogan pmk BRATISLAVA 1/ 12.VI.39/ BUDUJME NOVÉ SLOVAKIA! (2x), on reverse arrival Hungarian CDS (illegible domicile)/ 939.JUN.14; usual quality U:A5
1939 commercial cheque envelope to Prague, with Hlinka 1 Koruna in vertical pair, Alb.30yA (vertical grid), CDS BRATISLAVA 18.VIII.39; exp. by Sablatura., light vertical bend in the middle U:A5
1939 comp. 3 pcs of entires to Protektorátu: 1x letter franked with. 4 stamp. green Štefánik 50h, Alb.8, CDS POPRAD 30.V.39 + 1x letter franked with. blocks of four Hlinka 30h, Alb.28N + 20h, Alb.27A, CDS ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO 13.VI.39 + 1x PC emblem 50h uprated with stamp Coat of arms 20h and overprint Štefánik 50h, Alb.8, train post KOŠICE-BOHUMÍN 23.IV.39; good condition U:A5
1940 comp. 9 pcs of letters, i.a. 1x local Reg letter with NÁVRATKOU, nice franking with CDS POPRAD, mostly Reg or Ex- sent to Vienna, various franking, censorship U:A5
1940-44 comp. 11 pcs of Reg letters, from that 2 pcs of addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, various interesting frankings as issue Memorandum, sports, Railway etc..; good condition U:A5
1940-44 comp. 15 pcs of letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, from that 1x Reg, 14 pcs of same recipient; all censored U:O5
1942 comp. 2 pcs of Ex+R-dopisů to Bohemia-Moravia BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, multicolor frankings, censorship, good condition U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 entires sent to Bohemia-Moravia, part R, years., censorship, various franking years. also postage stmp.; various quality U:O5
1940-41 [COLLECTIONS] nice selection of 21 Reg letters, from that 7x to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x C.O.D. abroad, various franking, censorship etc..; overall good condition U:O5
1943 Reg and airmail letter sent from Bratislava to Prešov, franked with. airmail stamp 2 Koruna, 1Ks, 5oh and 2x 30h, CDS BRATISLAVA 28.VI.43, on reverse arrival PREŠOV 1/ 29.VI.43; right franking, decorative entire intrastate of air forwarding U:A5
1939 Alb.NV1-NV9, Newspaper stamps 2h-1Kč, blocks of four, except values 1CZK all marginal, all exp. by Gilbert or Mrňák U:A4
1939 Alb.NV14Y, Newspaper stamps 10h, small/rare counter 50 pcs of sheet, on/for margins hinged, in the middle fold; extraordinary offer, usage 10-12ks, c.v.. ** 30.000Sk U:A4
1939 Alb.D1-D12, Postage due stmp 5h-20Ks, complete set bloks of four with plate number 1, all with first hinge, value 5 Koruna small tearing in lower margin, vertical grid; 2 Koruna horiz. grid, 1Ks horiz. grid, II. variant etc..; c.v.. as * ca. 6.000Sk U:A4
1939 Alb.D9, D11, Postage due stmp 2 Koruna and 10 Koruna, vertical grid U:A5
1939-43 comp. 5 pcs of FP cards, various varieties blank forms, CDS POL. POST 6/a (2x), 6/b, 8/a, 8/b; chosen nice imprints CDS, sound condition U:A5
1941 FP card with mixed Slovakian - Russian franking 5h + 100Rbl, CDS POL. POST 8/ 6.VIII.41 and 2 additional frame cancel. in violet color on face-side; nice quality U:A5
1939-40 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) interesting comp. of 12 entires with cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), i.a. STARÉ HORY, TESTER [TRENČIANSKE] TEPLICE, ILAVA, BREZOVÁ P. B. etc.., various franking, part censorship U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice accumulation in/at full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains well zastoupenou overprint issue incl. bloks of four, then higher values 3CZK, 3,50CZK, 4CZK, 5CZK, i.a. Alb.19b (exp. by Synek.) + 1x * with plate variety on pos. 18, then blue Štefánik cancel., 2x miniature sheet For Children-issue + 1x cancel., various complete set, some more times, then Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp D1-D12 vertical grid * etc..; c.v.. more than 10.000SKK, interesting offer U:Z
1939-40 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of more than 20 pcs of entires, multicolor frankings on/for commercial correspondence, part as Registered, or Ex, 1x letter with from overprint issue, part with postmarks special postmark; good condition U:O5
1939-44 Zber.CPLa+b+c, comp. 11 pcs of certificates of mailing, from that 1x zlatožlutý, 1x žlutozelený and 9x olivovozelený U:A5
1943-44 comp. 11 pcs of dispatch notes without L cut with imprinted revenue 50h (8x) or 1Ks (3x), 2x dotištěný supplementary revenue, 2x additionally mounted revenue stamp., 7x uprated by. postage or Postage due stamps.; non-philatelic documents/attributes from postal transport, interesting U:A5