Public auction 46 / Picture Postcards / Theme / Propaganda - Nazism

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173063 - 1933 A. Hitler and J. Goebbels (!), E. Röhm (!), evidently
1933 A. Hitler and J. Goebbels (!), E. Röhm (!), evidently still unknown and according to available pramenů nikde neuvedená original photo postcard; Munich (München) (?), decorative margin, on reverse violet owner's mark in/at Russian alphabet and red "снято с учёта" (vyřazeno from control), rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
173055 - 1934 A. Hitler, postcard according to picture from Hanse Toe
1934 A. Hitler, postcard according to picture from Hanse Toeppera (1885-1956, nejvýznamější portrétista nacionálně soc. art), issued A. Ackermann - Munich (München), on reverse hints of mounting, fold in corner; interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
173075 - 1938 A. Hitler and map with TESTER Austria, Ein Volk-ein Rei
1938 A. Hitler and map with TESTER Austria, "Ein Volk-ein Reich-ein Führer" to 10.4.38 - odhlasování Anschlussu; then ordinary card "Ein Volk-ein Reich-ein Führer" with eagle and on reverse with plakátkem with A. Hitler.; is square known more takových pieces - evidently was/were small part of edition this cards before/(in front of) hlasováním 10.4. like that mounted, rare occurrence, in addition with daily propagandistic postmark "Am 10. April dem Führer dein Ja" already from. 8.4.38
Starting price: CZK
173051 - 1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard Dem Führer die Juge
1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard "Dem Führer die Jugend" (youth Vůdci), decorative margins, issued Hoffmann - Munich (München), Us, rather rare view with R. HESSEM & Co
Starting price: CZK
173050 - 1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard Unerwartete Begegnun
1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard "Unerwartete Begegnung" (neočekávané meeting), decorative margins, Us in Linz, issued Hoffmann - Munich (München)
Starting price: CZK
173052 - 1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard A. Hitler. and Rudol
1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard A. Hitler. and Rudolf HESS (!) on/for meeting (Vídeň?); with Austrian and German stmp and special Viennese postmark
Starting price: CZK
173070 - 1938 official memorial view card with imprinted stamp Und Ih
1938 official memorial view card with imprinted stamp "Und Ihr habt doch gesiegt !" (A přece jste zvítězili !), to 15. Anniv mnichovského puče from 9.11. 1923, patřičné special cancel., luxury quality
Starting price: CZK
173046 - 1939 A. Hitler, atypical photo portrait with map Empire and
1939 A. Hitler, atypical photo portrait with map Empire and inscription "Der Schopfer des Grossdeutschen Reiches" (Creator of Greater German Reich); on reverse annual postmark "Unser Führer 50 years", TESTER with cancel. "Munchen / Tag der deustchen Kunst"
Starting price: CZK
172574 - 1939 AUTOSCHAU - ceremonial hall with swastika, on/for exhib
1939 AUTOSCHAU - ceremonial hall with swastika, on/for exhibition cars in Berlin, author: Prof. W. Brinkmann; used, light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
173059 - 1940 Walter Koch (1915-1943), major, legendary commander eli
1940 Walter Koch (1915-1943), major, legendary commander elitní paradesantní unit "Koch" from 1. Fallschirmjägerdivision, recipient high medal i.a. "Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes", later critic A. Hitler., murdered in Berlin in 1943; portrait ex. Wolfgang Willrich, sent from Wien (Vienna) to Český Brod, rare!
Starting price: CZK
173062 - 1941 A. Hitler, original photo postcard Der Führer auf dem
1941 A. Hitler, original photo postcard "Der Führer auf dem Ehrenfriedhof von Langemarck" (Führer on/for čestném cemetery in/at Langemarck), sent from Wien (Vienna) on/for PP435543; issued Hoffmann - Munich (München), rare photograph A. Hitler. on/for cemetery German soldiers of killed in slavné battle by/on/at Langemarcku (Belgium 10.11.1914), r. 1943 as Langemarck pojmenována SS Vlámská legion
Starting price: CZK
173080 - 1941 DAS ALLES SIND INFANTERIE WAFFEN (To all are pěchotní
1941 DAS ALLES SIND INFANTERIE WAFFEN (To all are pěchotní weapon/-s) 15 original photo postcard from East front, various technology etc..; issued E. Gutjahr, Berlin; superb selection of
Starting price: CZK
173081 - 1941 EWIG JUNGE INFANTERIE (Věčně young infantry) 6 origi
1941 EWIG JUNGE INFANTERIE (Věčně young infantry) 6 original photo postcard from East front; issued E. Gutjahr, Berlin; superb selection of
Starting price: CZK
173079 - 1941 INFANTERIE GREIFT AN (Pěchota útočí) 10 original ph
1941 INFANTERIE GREIFT AN (Pěchota útočí) 10 original photo postcard from East front; issued E. Gutjahr, Berlin; superb selection of
Starting price: CZK
173082 - 1941 INFANTERIE KENNT KEINE HINDERNISSE (Pěchota doesn't re
1941 INFANTERIE KENNT KEINE HINDERNISSE (Pěchota doesn't report no překážky), 11 original photo postcard from East front; issued E. Gutjahr, Berlin; superb selection of
Starting price: CZK
173084 - 1942 Russian front - Tanky and scenes from battle field, 16
1942 Russian front - Tanky and scenes from battle field, 16 Ppc according to akvarelů war zpravodajů Hensela and W. Schneidera; issued E. Gutjahr, Berlin; luxury quality
Starting price: CZK
172380 - 1942 SS - Die Police im Fronteinsatz, color; Us, good condit
1942 SS - Die Police im Fronteinsatz, color; Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
173077 - 1942 Exhibition WIEN-MESSEPALAST 1942, motive Eagle with swa
1942 Exhibition WIEN-MESSEPALAST 1942, motive Eagle with swastika above by coat of arms habsburským and emblem Austrian with inscription "Georg Ritter von Schonerer, Künder and Wegbereiter des Grossdeutschen Reiches" (vizionář and pioneer Greater German Reich), on reverse with German stamps and vídeňskými special postmark
Starting price: CZK
173048 - 1943 Ernst Udet (1896-1941), air-mail ace WWI.., from y. 194
1943 Ernst Udet (1896-1941), air-mail ace WWI.., from y. 1940 empire marshal and generálplukovník Luftwaffe (airforce); Us in Vienna, facsimile signature
Starting price: CZK