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1946 SG.401-406, Peace reconstruction, postage stamps, 6 pcs, cat. £60 U:A5
1860-1863 TCP for SG.18, "steamship Washington" 12½C blue, pair in blue color and single piece in dark blue; on paper type India, ex. American Bank Note Company archives (sold at Christie´s 1990) U:A5
1863 Sc.16, "Numerals" 2C black on grey-white paper, red CDS HONOLULU; faults near the margin, certificate Hawaiian Phil. Society, cat. $850 U:A5
1863 Sc.16, "Numerals" 2C black on grey-white paper; wide margins, small thin place, otherwise very nice piece, certificate Hawaiian Phil. Society, cat. $1.000, rare stamp, exists only 131ks! U:A5
1864 Sc.22, "Numerals" 5C blue on blue paper; marginal piece (!) with complete margins, under the hinge thin place, certificate Hawaiian Phil. Society, $575 ++ U:A5
1890-1935 comp. of 12 p.stat and letters, 1x Reg letter, 3x SPECIMEN, Jubilee SG.143-146 (only 25C on letter cat. £96), 2x commemorative pmk BUY BRITISH GOODS U:A5
1954-63 SG.201-216, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, almost all marginal pieces, perfect, cat. £95 U:A5
1875 SG.16, Victoria 3P yellow-brown with Opt of new face value "ONE PENNY"; very nice piece, cat. £450 U:A5
1953-62 SG.135-150, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, perfect, cat. £130 U:A5
1856 Mi.1c, Insignia 3C dark carmine; perfect piece with rarer round dumb cancel with dot in the middle U:A5
1905 Mi.38, Facit 29var, 4C blue / yellow-brown; very nice piece with inverted wmk, cat. 3.500SKr, rare! U:A5
1881 SG.21c, Victoria "HALF - PENNY", violet, PRINTING ERROR "OSTAGE" instead "POSTAGE"; very nice quality, original gum, cat. £190 U:A5
1891 SG.47a, marginal blok of 6 Queen Victoria 8P grey-brown with Opt 2½P, 3 opposite facing pairs, perfect quality, cat. £150 ++ U:A5
1873 Sc.57, Amadeo "Una Peseta" brown, very nice piece, on reverse mark "Echt", highest value and the most expensive satmp from period 1857-1898, cat. $325 U:A5
1873-1914 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 7 sheets, quite complete, i.a. * Sc.89a, 111, some all sets as Alfonso XII. and Alfonso XIII., Impresos complete etc., cat. $715 U:Z
1862 SG.7, 5 pcs of "Spring well" 6P grey purple; new gum, usual irregular perf, 2x very attractive dark color shade, cat. £850, ex. F. Borromeo Collection U:A5
1876-1878 SG.18, pair "Spring well" 4P orange; very nice pair with original gum and in very attractive color, cat. £340 ++, ex. F. Borromeo Collection U:A5
1882-1890 SG.29a, Victoria 2½P ultramarine with sought plate flaw "Top Left Triangle Detached"; original gum, cat. £750; this plate flaw was only on one position on whole sheet (3. line 3. column plate 2) U:A5
1882-1890 SG.31a, Victoria 4P grey with sought plate flaw "Top Left Triangle Detached"; original gum, cat. £750; this plate flaw was only on one position on whole sheet (3. line 3. column plate 2) U:A5
1882-1890 SG.33a, Victoria 6P brown with sought plate flaw "Top Left Triangle Detached", cat. £800; this plate flaw was only on one position on whole sheet (3. line 3. column plate 2) U:A5
1882-1890 SG.34a, Victoria 1Sh violet with sought plate flaw "Top Left Triangle Detached"; original gum, i.a. exp. Thier, cat. £1.600; this plate flaw only on one position in whole sheet (3. line 3. column plate 2), very rare stamp! U:DR
1883 SG.35, block of 8 of bisected 1 Penny light violet (lilac-mauve) with provisory violet Opt "NEVIS ½d", pmk A09; rare multiple in very nice quality, cat. £440 ++, in addition uncatalogued plate flaw on original stamp, "damaged I in NEVIS" L lower!, ex. F. Borromeo Collection U:A5
1883 SG.35a, bisected stamp 1 Penny light violet (lilac-mauve) with provisory violet Opt "NEVIS ½d", DOUBLE Opt, pmk A09; perfect piece, cat. £350 ++, ex. F. Borromeo Collection U:A5
1893 Sc.133, "Landing of Columbus" (400 years anniv.) 3C dark green; very nice piece exp. Galvez; one of most expensive stamp of Puerto Rico, missing in most collections, cat. $250 U:A5
1873-1899 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 6 sheets, overprint on Spanish stamps for Cuba, i.a. Sc.1-7, set Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII and oths. cat. $470 U:Z
1938-50 SG.68-77, George VI. - Motives; complete set, almost all marginal pieces, cat. £80 U:A5
1897 letter to Nova Scotia with SG.43, 44 (2), 46, CDS ST. LUCIA., transit NEW YORK and arrival CANZO, interesting tricolour and exact franking 5P, rare destination! U:A5
1881 SG.34, local overprint provisional Victoria 1P/6P bright green; very nice piece with part original gum, cat. £450 U:A5
1858-1910 [COLLECTIONS] smaller compilation of used and unused stamp. on card A4, contains various issue and issue, i.a. Mi.137-152 etc.; various quality, high catalogue value U:A4
1854-1861 Mi.21 + 22, Numerals 280R and 430R so-called. "Coloridos"; perfect quality, perfect color and original gum, rare classic stamps, cat. 500€ U:A5
1876-1899 [COLLECTIONS] smaller compilation of used stamps on card A4, contains various issues, i.a. Mi.38-47, 115-124 etc.; various quality, high catalogue value U:A4
1938-52 SG.308-319, George VI. - Motives; complete set, only 96C *, cat. ca. £100 U:A5
1862 Sc.11, pair Columbus 1c green-yellow, wide margins, London print; perfect, cat. $135 U:A5
1853-1910 [COLLECTIONS] smaller compilation of used stamps on card A4, contains various issues of Columbus, then Mi.8-12, 79-93 etc.; various quality, high catalogue value U:A4
1865 Mi.32a, Coat of arms with condor 1P bricky red; o. g., very fine, cat. 150€+ U:A5
1865 SOBREPORTE - Surcharge for letters abroad, Yv.3-5 (Mi.36-37), Coat of arms 25C, 50C, 1Peso, whole issue; very nice quality (25C with small thin place in the place of missing gum), cat. 390€ U:A5
1856 Sc.2, Rising Sun 80c green, at top thin place, otherwise very nice piece, exp. F. P. Diaz and Schlesinger, cat. $500 U:A5