Public auction 47 / Collections
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1870-80 [COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection of 337 various numeral postmarks on stamps of various values of issues Two colored oval 1870 and 1875, i.a. contains number 21, violet 131 and 146, then 172, 177, 260, 261, 285 etc., placed with descriptions on 4 stock-sheets A4, supplemented with 1 sheet with duplicates, work of specialized collector!, estimate price 6.000CZK U:Z
1875 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of stamps, issue Two colored oval 1875 on 12 unbound sheets, supplemented with 16 entires and 2 album sheets with dublets + specialized collection with overprint Mi.113 and 130 on 2 album sheets; chosen pieces - nice, it is worth seeing U:Z
1910-78 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used bloks of four in 32-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets and issue, various postmarks; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€ U:Z
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting! U:Z
1919-2000 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in full 8-sheets stockbook A4, contains various postage stamps, issues, air-mail, several blocks, 2x souvenir sheet etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1920-60 [COLLECTIONS] OMNIBUS/ smaller business supply of colonial issues in stockbook A4, contains various issues, i.a. International exhibition in Paris 1931 etc., mainly incomplete; various quality, after all interesting U:Z
1853-1945 [COLLECTIONS] box with thousands of stamps on cards in envelopes and on sheets, issues Napolenon, Ceres, Allegory, Merson, also colonial issues and several interesting entires; from old estate, suitable for next elaboration and sale, very low starting price! U:K
1871-1980 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of unused stamps in 3 stockbooks, mostly MHN; contains also rarer old stamps and sets, also annual volumes, joined printings, corner pieces, favourite issue Personalities more often, souvenir sheet PEXIP (*) and oths, cat. min. 2.700€ U:Z
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection of first overprint issue on Bosnian stamps, issues Landscape, Express, Charitable stamps, Franz Joseph and Porto, blocks of four and strips, production overprinting flaws as inverted, double, shifts, color errors, language error varieties, stamps with inverted opt Mi.30-32 and other Opt Mi.27-29 with certificates Velickovic, complete sheet value 2 K Mi.46 with oblique Opt, plate flaw Opt, supplemented with 7 entires, on 9 stock-sheets in spiral folder, high catalogue value, rare and valuable complex! U:Z
1919-23 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on ca. 80 sheets built as exhibit item, specialisation for the first issue of SHS - issue for Slovenia, ca. 700 stamps + 40 various entires, aimed on flaw prints, paper creases, omitted perforations, color, shades, multiple prints etc.; all described, nice adjustment, it is worth seeing U:Z
1919-43 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on album sheets Schaubek, contains various issues, complete sets, i.a. Mi.243-248, 285-298, air-mail Mi.340-347, 393-407, exile souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.2 ** etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1912-72 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and souvenir sheets in stockbook A5; according to owner cat. 926€, with list of contents U:Z
1912-45 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on 3 cards A5, contains used Mi.126-139, Mi.107* and others.; used also unused (hinged), various quality, higher catalogue U:O5
1919 [COLLECTIONS] Baranya, Temesvár, Neu Rumanien, Banat, Báczka, Debrecen specialized collection of stamps with overprint from occupied territory, various types, colors, inverted Opt, blocks, corner and marginal pieces etc.; placed on sheets with descriptions, interesting, high catalogue value U:Z
1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection of provisionals after WWI., ARAD, BACSKA, BARANYA, DEBRECZEN, SZEGEDIN, and others., also Rumanian occupation - KLAUSENBURG and GROSSWARDEIN; many better stamps and Opts, in old album, cat. ca. 1.400€ U:Z
1860-1900 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of German states in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains Baden, Hamburg, Prussia, Würtenberg, Saxony, Bavaria etc., incl. better values, also several strips and smaller blocks; cat. more than 6.000€, interesting offer U:Z
1850-70 [COLLECTIONS] PRUSSIA, SAXONIA, SCHELSWIG-HOLSTEIN, WÜRTENBERG small collection of stamp of German states in stockbook A5; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing U:Z
1920-24 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains sets as Mi.1-15, 16-20, 53-62, 93-98, 123-129, 177-190, postage-due Mi.1-14 etc.; only as special postmark cat. min. 1.200€, part with CDS !, list inserted U:Z
1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.96-100, set in complete sheets; Mi.99 partially loosened perf, rare occurrence, cat. min. 100€++ U:A3v–
1948-52 [COLLECTIONS] ALLIED ZONE Mi.73-100, Buildings, specialized collection (accumulation) uf used stamps in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 + A5, specialisation to perf, types, editions and others.; interesting U:Z
1945-48 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in 16-sheets stockbook, contains unused and also used stamps, some more often, various sets and their parts etc., i.a. Ost-Sachsen, Thuringen, Sowjetische Zone, Berlin etc.; higher catalogue U:Z
1947-59 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheets in spring folder, contains i.a. complete sets as Mi.206-225, then 291, 292, 305, 316, 344-346, 380-399, 409-428 etc.; cat. according to owner over 2.000€ U:Z
1947-57 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in stockbook A4, contains complete sets, i.a. Mi.291, 337, 351-353, 380-399, 409-428 etc.; cat. according to owner 600€ U:Z
1948-1990 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm in screw folder, according to owner complete, contains i.a. Mi.1-20, all exp. Rehfeld, Mi.21-34, part stamps incl. value 2M exp. Schlegel, Mi.42-60, 61-63, 68-69 (Mi.69 exp. Schlegel), Mi.Bl.1, 75-79, 82-86, 91-100 etc., also contains many bloks of four, outer pieces with control-numbers and others.; very good quality, high catalogue value, min. 7.600€ U:Z
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] nice smaller incomplete collection of used stamps in one stockbook A4, contains several better early issues as UPU, Buildings, Goethe, Olympic games etc., also according to volumes, cat. ca. 1.700€, estimate price 4.000CZK U:Z
1949-91 [COLLECTIONS] collection 700 letters and FDC, various frankings, incl. better issues, only period 1949-55 cat. ca. 2.700€; all chronologically arranged and placed in 6 stockbooks for entires; cat. 5.500€, interesting offer U:Z
1949-2004 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.Bl.1-65, complete set of souvenir sheets FRG, incl. Mi.Bl.1; cat. ca. 350€, placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1949-96 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of used stamps and souvenir sheets in one big stockbook A4, mainly complete incl. better sets, i.a. Mi.113-115, 117-120, 139-140, 141-142, 143-146, 156-159, 173-176 etc., cat. ca. 2.900€, estimate price 6.000CZK U:Z
1895-1919 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of German colonies on 16 cards A5, contains Caroline Isl.; Cameroon; Marocco; Deutsch Südwest Africa etc.; used also unused, also with higher values of stamps Emperor´s Yacht; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 11.000€ U:K
1890-1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection of German colonies in 12-sheets stockbook A4, contains used and also unused stamps, several higher values of Emperor´s Yacht, i.a. Samoa, Cameroon, Caroline Isl., Togo, Marianen etc., supplemented with occupied territories, Morocco etc.; higher catalogue value U:Z
1860-2000 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of mainly used stamps in 15 stockbooks and folders, in box Ikea, contains German states, colonyies, Deutsches Reich, Gdańsk (Danzig), Bohemia and Moravia and postwar issues; estate of dealer, over 26kg of material! U:K
1926-44 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of gutter-pairs and coupons from stamp booklets in 1 stockbook A4, with complete listing, cat. over 4.000€ U:Z
1948 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.511-514, Help against tuberose, contains single values with various coupons + blocks with coupons; interesting, on 8 sheets in punched pockets, cat. ca. 450€ U:Z
1954-71 [COLLECTIONS] souvenir sheets and printing sheest on unbound hingeless sheets + 2 cards A4, it contains e.g. Mi.Klb.1177, 1761-68, 1808-1815, 2110-2117 etc.; cat. 840€ U:K
1899-1916 [COLLECTIONS] COURT DELIVERY STAMPS Ferch.1-3, small collection of delivery stamps 1.-3. issues, contains single stamps + 6 court blank forms, i.a. 1x Ferch.1, 17½H, line perforation 12½;; 2x 10h etc.; ex. Kořínek, placed in stockbook on sheets with descriptions U:Z
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of used also unused hinged stamps, all sets, some also more often, mixed perf etc., supplemented with dublets, all in one stockbook, cat. ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1880-1913 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY PNEUMATIC-TUBE POST collection 56 Used also Unused postcards, double PCs, letter cards and envelopes of pneumatic-tube post, from that 7 Used in Prague; good condition, high catalogue value U:Z
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Stiburek in spring folder, also incomplete, incl. Lombardia Venezia, Levant, Feldpost also postage-due stamps, high catalogue value! U:Z
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection / business supply on hingeless sheets in punched pockets and in 30-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. first issue, various postmarks, also II. - VI. issue, Jubilee 1908 and 1910 used/*, postage-due, newspaper, telegraph, issue for Bosnia, Austrian post office abroad and others.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with memorial album for the first issue anniversary with facsimiles; estimate price 20.000CZK U:Z
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets in punched pockets, contains complete sets, as Airmails, Landscapes, Rotary, Generals, Artists - Mi.447-467, 498-511, 518-523, 545-550, 551-554, 567-587, 598-612, 613-616, 617-622, 623-626, 632-637, 649-657, also postage-due, inflation issues and others.; high catalogue value, mainly hinged, interesting offer U:K
1918-62 [COLLECTIONS] remaining business supply of Austrian stamps, contains i.a. 3 complete sets of Flugpost 1918, Opt Carinthia, highest value of issue 1910, Tuberkuloza 1924, FIS 1936 in strip-of-3, Dolfuß (fold), other issues as Inventors, Physicians, Opt 1945 (unexpertized) etc., part with hinges or with worse quality, high catalogue value U:Z
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, i.a. Mi.1(2),2, 6, 10 orange, 11, 24-28, * issue 1890, 1900, 1904, used 1908, * 1910, 1916, some sets from 1920-1938, inflation, costume, Winter relief, issue afterr 1945 practically complete, also postage-due, newspaper , FP and others., hinged stamps considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 6.200€, very low price! U:Z
1883-1889 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of used stamps, from VII. issue 1883-1889, specialisation on colors, postmarks, plate flaws, flaw print; placed on sheets in full spring folder, estate of collector, high catalogue value U:Z
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in full 24-sheet stockbook A4, contains also better values, complete and incomplete sets, i.a. Mi.433-441* (2x), Generals used, air-mail, FIS, postage-due, inflation issues etc. U:Z
1880-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of ca. 100 entires, contains letters, FP cards, private p.stats, newspaper wrappers, Ppc etc., i.a. 1x card with complete issues Rotary, also entires from 1930´s franked with complete sets and with various special postmarks and so on; all in small box, estimate price 3.000CZK U:K
1918-1923 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 11 sheets, inflation, For Hungers, better papers, Opt colors, gutters, plate defects, Revolutionary forces, air-mail, some **, high catalogue value, interesting compilation U:Z
1948-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection in folder Schaubek, mostly used stamps and sets, incl. better pieces from period 1948-1952; cat. min. 1.500€ U:Z
1864-1923 [COLLECTIONS] box with thousands of stamps on cards, in envelopes and on sheets, Russian Empire, inflation, RSFSR, a lot of old issues Coat of arms (incl. more expensive pieces - i.a. Mi.9 unused etc.), issue for Levant, also China and many unused stamps; part of old estate, high catalogue value! U:K
1958-65 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES comp. of stamps of Spanish colonies on sheet in spiral stockbook A4, contains colonies as Spanish Sahara, Ifni, Spanish Quinea, Fernando Poo, Rio Muni etc. mostly unused stamps + supplemented with compilation of FDC of colonies in spiral stockbook for entires; estate of dealer U:Z
1850-1963 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in spring folder, i.a. Sitting Helvetia, Bl.2, 4, 7,8, popular Mi.Bl.11, also Bl.12,13,14,15; set PAX 10Fr *, otherwise **, Pro Juventute except 1912 and three stamps complete, Pro Patria set, cat. 3.900€ U:Z
1850-1944 [COLLECTIONS] very solid collection in album Leuchtturm, i.a. Sitting Helvetia imperforated (Strubel) and specialized for perforated stamps, Mi.19, 43, issue "Cross" and Standing Helvetia specialisation according to papers, wmks and perfs, also Tell, Pro Juventute and air-mail issue, in addition compilation of postage-due stamps, cat. 6.300€ U:Z
1969-92 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, ISLE of MAN, JERSEY nice compilation, various complete sets, souvenir sheets and PB, interesting motives (aircraft, ships, personalities, atp.); on 9 stock cards A4 two-sided, it is worth seeing U:O4
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE business supply of mainly used stamps in 19 stockbooks + 2 box with scattered stamps, contains Spain, Italy, Romania, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Switzerland, Belgium, France and other states; estate of dealer, a lot of material for other elaboration; placed in Ikea box, estimate price 7.000CZK, over 28kg of material! U:K
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CENTRAL EUROPE business supply in 17 stockbooks, 4x Poland, 2x Hungary, 4x Austria + 7 stockbooks of Czechoslovakia; mainly used, estate of dealer, full box Ikea , estimate price 7.000CZK U:K
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] 2 albums "Die Postwertzeichen des Krieges" with stamps of Austria, FP, Hungary, Germany and occupied territory (Belgium, Romania, General Government and others), also Bosnia, Fiume, first issues of succession states and oths.; incl. complete sets, interesting Opt, high catalogue value U:Z
1880-1983 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains classic also modern period, used also unused stamps; various quality U:Z
1860-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 16-sheet stockbook A4 + 2x card A4, contains classic also modern period, used also unused stamps, several souvenir sheets and others.; higher catalogue U:Z
1930-85 [COLLECTIONS] larger business supply of used stamps in 1 big older 15 sheets stockbook, mainly post-war issues with favourite motives U:Z
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRALIAN STATES, AUSTRALIA, ANTARCTIC TERRITORY compilation of more common classic and also modern used stamps in 1 stockbook A4 U:Z
1966-1970 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of sets and bloks of four from Mi.16-19, Churchill, Icebergs, Explorers 1/2P-1£ (6 and more often); cat. min. 230€ (included to sum cheapest variants) U:Z