1928 Reg airmail letter to USA (!) franked with airmail stamp Mi.144 (3x) and Mi.145 with Opt "Rep. Shqiptare" in front + multicolor franking of 19 (!) postage stamps at the back, CDS SHKODÉR/ 21.11.28, Reg label No.107 and handwritten notice "Via Tirané - Vlon - Brindisi"; at the back total of 14 postmarks, i.a. TIRANE 21.11.28, NEW YORK 5.12.28 and other, in USA redirected; small format, rare offer, exhibition entire
1915 Mi.121-128, Landscapes 35C-10Fr on paper sheet with FRENCH CDS "ST. ADRESSE 27. X. 15 POSTE BELGE -BELGISCHE POST" (small village in Normandia, 1914-1918 - center of Belgian exile governance); interesting contemporary document, only as used stamps cat. min. 170€
1941-1942 Mi.Bl.11 and 12, souvenir sheets Orval, both 2x, 2 of with small gum flaw, in addition 2x with for collectors favourite private added prints - Block III.II, IV.I, cat. 120€
1937 BRUSSEL - PRAGUE, 2 airmail express letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 1x franked with airmail and special delivery stamps, Mi.399, 304 and 1x with multicolor franking of postage and two airmail stamps, Mi.399 2x, 424 6x, 419, CDS BRUSSEL 19.4.37 and BRUSSEL LUCHTHAVEN 16.5.37, arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT and PRAGUE TGF, through Prague pneumatic-tube post; good condition
1915-1949 compilation of 19 interesting entires, i.a. R, Ex-, censorships, high frankings, airmail letter of Belgian Congo with frankotype, dispatch-note with issues "V" 1945, German occupation 1915 with 1Fr25C and 2Fr50C; Mi.186 corner, high values Mi.624, 655 on Reg-Ex-letters, set Mi.979-986 on Reg letter to Czechoslovakia; very interesting compilation
1928 SOFIA - BERLIN, Registered airmail letter to Germany, franked with i.a. 1st airmail issue, stamps with Opt, Mi.206-209, CDS SOFIA 10.9.28, transit WIEN FLUGPOST 11.IX.28, air-mail frame red cancel. BERLIN C.2. and on the back side arrival BERLIN C 11.9.28; only vertical light fold in envelope, sound
1852 folded letter, small format to Aarhuus, with Coat of arms 4S brown, Mi.1 (cat. AFA 1Ia), dumb postmark type II + CDS SOROE 21/7 1852; patina, light vertical bend
1855 folded letter, small format to Helsingor, with Coat of arms 4S red-brown, Mi.1 (cat. AFA 1IIb), on 3 sides complete margins, numeral pmk + CDS HELSINGOR 23.4.1855
1855-5912 folded letters with 4S, Mi.4 (AFA4), various numeral postmarks, good condition, mainly wide margins and clear postal imprints, estimate price 4.000CZK
1858-60 comp. 6 folded letters, 3x small format, with Coat of arms 4S, Mi.4, various numeral circular pmk, i.a. "121", "128", "182" etc., various CDS, 1x stains
1859folded letter to Sweden, franked with horiz. strip of 4 (!) 4S brown, cat. Mi.7, triple circle numeral pmk "1" and CDS KJÖBENHANV 13.9., inside hand-made "13.Sept.1859", transit pmk HELSINGBORG 16.9. in front, arrival postmark at the back badly readable; rare frankings
1859-62comp. of 10 folded letters with 4S, Mi.7 (AFA7), various numeral postmarks, good condition, mainly wide margins and clear postal imprints, estimate price 3.000CZK
1863 3 folded letters franked with Coat of arms 4S red-brown, Mi.9, 3x numeral circular cancel., 1x to Vyborg, 1x to Brunswick + 1x to Randers, various CDS
1934 air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.143-145, CDS KOBENHAVEN 23.3.34, arrival on front side PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 24.III.34; good condition
1870-80[COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection of 337 various numeral postmarks on stamps of various values of issues Two colored oval 1870 and 1875, i.a. contains number 21, violet 131 and 146, then 172, 177, 260, 261, 285 etc., placed with descriptions on 4 stock-sheets A4, supplemented with 1 sheet with duplicates, work of specialized collector!, estimate price 6.000CZK
1875[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of stamps, issue Two colored oval 1875 on 12 unbound sheets, supplemented with 16 entires and 2 album sheets with dublets + specialized collection with overprint Mi.113 and 130 on 2 album sheets; chosen pieces - nice, it is worth seeing
1910-78[COLLECTIONS] collection of used bloks of four in 32-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets and issue, various postmarks; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€
1930-2010[COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting!
1933 Mi.121-122, Flight Rome - Chicago, Italian stamps 5,25+19,75 and 5,25+44,75, Mi.445-446 in different colors, with Opt "ISOLE ITALIANE DELL´EGEO", outer strips-of-3; cat. 160€+
1934 Mi.137-145, World Championship in football, complete set incl. air-mail, Italian stamps Mi.479-483 with Opt ISOLEITALIANE DELL´EGEO"; cat. ca. 500€
1935 Mi.157-163, air-mail + Mi.164-165, 100 years of medal of honour, Italian stamps Mi.505-513 in different colors with Opt "ISOLE ITALIANE DELL´EGEO", complete set, cat. 890€
1912 STAMPALIA (very small island Astypalea), letter with Sass.2, 50C with Opt EGEO, general Italian issue for occupied islands, CDS POSTE ITALIANE STAMPALIA (Egeo), to Athens; perfect quality, cat. 220€, letters from small islands as Stampalia are rare!
1919-2000[COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in full 8-sheets stockbook A4, contains various postage stamps, issues, air-mail, several blocks, 2x souvenir sheet etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€
1866 Mi.9Bx, 2x pair Coat of arms 40P pink - carmine (2 shades), on ordinary paper, 1x blue CDS of small town IKALIS; average quality of perf, cat. 400€ ++
1910-1928 13 mostly complete dispatch-notes with frankings of issue Russian Finland 1901 and issue Republic of Finland 1917-1925, several with postmarks of small villages, i.a. rare postal-agency KUTALA; interesting compilation
1852 Mi.12(2),15(2),16(2), Napoleon III. 2x 10C, 2x 40C, 2x 80C on cut-square of letter from La Rochelle to New York; very attractive tricolour franking!
1775-1851 comp. of 5 prephilatelic letters; rare letter from 1775 through Ostende to England with pmk IN ALL and note 2 Shill., then from 1837 to London with pmk T. P. RATE 2P, from 1847 to Madrid with partial porto (FP-postmark.) and with Spanish porto rate 6R, police letter with half porto from ca. 1820 and cash paid 25C letter from 1851
1876-1900 4 Ppc and 7 letters with stamps Allegory (Peace and Trade), i.a. 2 exhibitions Ppc Paris 1900 with CDS PARIS EXPOSITION, 3 money letters, printed matter to Netherlands with 25C (!), 15+10C to New York; interesting letters, small formats, rarer frankings!
1862-1871 7 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON (perforated), 2x mixed franking with CERES 1870 and 1871, 2x Reg, 1x money letter and oths., interesting posting and additional postmarks
1871-1875 8 letters franked with issue CERES, 2x 40C to Netherlands and to Rome, 30C and 5+25C to Switzerland, 15+25C to Genoa, 3x5+25C - twice heavier letter to Paris and oths.; chosen quality, interesting compilation
1890Reg letter from January 1893 to San Francisco franked with single franking of Allegory 50C Mi.81, CDS PARIS / R. LAFAYETTE, through New York; recipient didn't caught, atypical THIRD NOTICE (3. proclamation) under return Reg label NEW YORK EXCHANGE; notice "en cas d´absence hotel de l´ Europe Singapore" and "en cas d´absence rue Vivienne 53 Paris", after all returned in March 1893 directly to Paris, many REg and tranzit postmarks, arrival SAN FRANCISCO and PARIS rare letter in very nice quality!
1914 Exhibition Lyons, official postcard EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE with Mi.11, with two original exhibition labels, sent to Budapest; very attractive and rare "exhibition" entire!
1925Mi.Bl.1, Exhibition Sheet Paris 1925, various small flaws, stamps luxury, also with official exhibition envelope EXPOSITION PHILATÉLIQUE INTERNATIONALE used for VIP invitation cards; with Mi.167 and four (!) exhibition labels, all with exhibition CDS; rare entire and souvenir sheet from estate of famous French collector Raymond La Pierre
1921 Ppc from Normandy franked with Mi.136 15+5C Red Cross, in addition with label PAX VERITAS / LIBERTAS / JUSTITIA peace conference, CDS TINCHEBRAY, to Budapest, combination PAX and Mi.136 is rare!
1925-1938 comp. 6 pcs airmail letters with better frankings, i.a. Merson 2Fr, Mi.294 and oths., 1x to Czechoslovakia, first flights Paris-Nice and Paris-Lyon, letter from Meeting D´Aviation La Baule 1938 and oths.
1935 airmail letter - first flight Paris - Nantes, with Mi.166(3) + 162, addressed to POSTE RESTANTE, extra paid (!) with stamp 30C, atypical air-mail label, CDS LE BOURGET - PORT AERIEN, flight cachet "Liaison Postale Aérienne Sté Air Bleu Ligne Paris-Nantes"; rare entire!