Public auction 47 / Exclusive items
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1869 Mi.32, Napoleon 5F, numeral pmk "35"; nice quality without usual thins U:A5
1904-1908 SG.64, Edward VII. 1£; dark purple and black / red, on cut-square with CDS GIBRALTAR, cat. £700 + 25%; luxury piece of this rare stamps, nice postmark! U:A5
1860 Sass.15, Mi.8, Coat of Arms ½Tor blue, marginal piece!!, very wide margins on 3 sides, right close margin, almost complete framed pmk ANNULLATO !; certificate RPSL, cat. 15.000€, very nice piece, in this quality rare offer U:DR
1856 NEWSPAPER Sass.2, Stati Parmensi 9C blue, grid pmk, on newspapers GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DI MILAN; stamp ordinary to large margins (the first issue without regular margins for cut - major-part of used pieces is cut through 2 corners of ornament, perfectly cut pieces occur only exceptionally); according to certificate Sorani "leggermente mal tagliato da un lato", overall very fine quality; cat. 20.000€, rarity! U:DR
1853 Sass.6, strip of 4, 4Cr gren-blue + Sass.4, 1Cr red, on letter to Edinburgh, str-of-4 lower closer margin (usual for multiples), 1Cr perfect, black grid pmk, CDS P.D. FIRENZE, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival AUG 26 1853; rare destination and franking, only str-of-4 4Cr on letter cat. 35.000€, with other stamps min. 40.000€; this unique letter originate from important collection, interesting starting price! U:A5
1855 Sass.6, pair 4Cr green-blue + Sass.8b, 9Cr violet-brown on "funeral" letter to England "Inghilterra", CDS MONTECATINI, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival OCT 16 1855, PETERBOROUGH and ABOYNE; addressed to duke of Huntly to Peterborough, redirected on mansion to Aboyne Castle in Aberdeenshire and then again to Peterborough (!), marked POSTAGE DUE FOR TWICE RESENDING "2" (Pence); signs of age unimportant, scarce franking and destination, cat. min. 7.500€; prestigious offer from important collection! U:DR
1859 SG.1-3, blocks of 6 Victoria 1/2P, 1P, 2P (corner piece !); perfect quality, certificate Bolaffi, cat. only as single stamps £1.715, from very old and important collection!, scarce U:DR
1931 Mi.478U, 479U, Zeppelin 1 Pengo and 2 Pengo, IMPERFORATED pairs corner and outer; exp. Stolow, cat. 1.400€ only as single stamps; very rare, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1923 Mi.260KII, Rhein-Ruhr-Hilfe 1000M/20M, BACKROUND PRINT INVERTED; luxury marginal piece with certificate G. Bechtold, cat. 1.000€; important rarity of German inflation! U:A5
1948 two Reg letters to New York with overprint Mi.1-20, CDS BERLIN 20.12. 48, arrival postmark, perfect quality, certificate Sismondo; very rare entires, only used set Mi.1-20 shows cat. 2.400€ ! U:A5
1870 folded commercial letter to Berlin, franked with Russian stamp Coat of arms 10K, 1K and 3 K, value 3K with printing error - background "V"s instead of "3"s, Mi.19xF, Fisher 19s, additional round railway pmk EKSPEDYCYA POCZT DWORZEC WARSAW, red round AUS RUSSIA ÜBER EISENB. POST. 21.5.70; horiz. fold, scarce letter U:A5
1850 Mi.1HIII, strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow on cut-square with single-circle pmk FALGENDORF B.H. 4/10; rare U:A5
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, type III., str-of-6 on cut-square, round CDS BRÜNN 15/10, on 3rd stamp omitted print in UL corner, on 2nd stamp plate flaw white stain in ribbon, certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 3.750€ + 25%, very nice, rare and decorative piece U:A5
1839 ESSAY - Charles Whiting; winning, but then refused and unrealized competitive design for the first stamp of world in UK, "POST OFFICE 1 PENNY" red / blue, very nice piece with typical small margins; extraordinary offer! U:DR
1839 ESSAY - Charles Whiting; winning, but finally refused competitive design of first stamp, "POST OFFICE 1 PENNY" red / green, in upper corner small thin place, otherwise very nice piece with typical small margins; extraordinary offer! U:A5
1839 ESSAY - Charles Whiting; winning, but finally unrealized competitive design for the first stamp of world in UK, "POST OFFICE PERMIT 1/2 OUNCE 1d." red / black, very rare and perfect piece with typical small margins; extraordinary offer! U:DR
1840 SG.2, Penny Black black, plate 5, letters Q-K, original gum, full to wide margins; perfect quality, certificate RPSL, cat. £12.500, extraordinary offer, very rare! U:DR
1840 SG.2, Penny Black plate 9, letters J-A; certificate BPA, rare plate, cat. for * £21.000 U:DR
1841 SG.8, 1P red-brown, on cut-square with red (!) Maltese cross; at top irregular margins in outer line, otherwise perfect quality and nice postal imprint, certificate Brandon, cat. £4.800 + ca. 25%; very attractive and rare! U:DR
1841 TRIAL PRINT for SG.13, 2 Pence blue, print from so-called. "Trial Plate" without characters; perfect and rare; cat. SG.Spec. DP43 £1.800 U:DR
1854 IMPRIMATUR SG.17, 1P red-brown AF, plate 183; upper marginal piece in perfect quality; exists only 21 imprimatur prints from this plate, cat. Gibbons Spec. "from £1.300" U:A5
1867-1883 SG.137, £5 orange, white paper, wmk "anchors"; exceedingly quality, piece with significant color and with beautiful CDS CARLISLE, cat. £4.750++ (in addition "lightly used", so + 75%) U:DR
1875 SG.140, 2½P pink, plate 2, printing error letter combination LH - FL, numeral pmk "466"; very nice piece, rare stamp, cat. £2.600 U:DR
1892 SG.206, 4½P green / carmine, LL block-of-20 with sheet margin; stamps **, cat. £400 ++ U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black - black, plate 7, letters G-G, on letter from Dublin to Thurles, "Irish Vorläfer"; wide margins and also postmark, cat. £800 ++; rare! U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black plate 8 letters L-A (marginal piece) on cash paid 1 penny letter from AMPTHILL 31.1. 1841 (mistake in pmk with year 1840) to OLD BRENTFORT, here uprated with stamp and redirected to London; certificate Brandon, cat. for plate 8 on letter £1.000; as redirected letter, once without franking and then franked, it is rare entire! U:DR
1902 SG.266, £1 dark blue-green, vertical pair (!), light circular pmk; cat. £1.650++, nice multiple U:DR
1906 BRITISH LEVANT SG.15, Edward VII. 2P with Opt LEVANT and in addition with local Opt "I Piastre" - so-called. Beirut provisional, CDS REGISTERED BEYROUT; perfect quality, exp. Kossack, cat. £700, this stamp often missing in collections, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1840 Mulready "Envelope" SG.ME2, 1 Penny, sent from London to Edinburgh, luxury postal imprint of red Maltese cross, rarely with additional postmark T.P. PALL MALL, i. e. T(wo) P(ence) paid on London post office in the street Pall Mall; rate 2 pence was for letter above 1/2 Loth, very nice quality and very early usage 13. May 1840; cat. £1200 ++ U:A5
1840 Mulready "Letter sheet" SG.ME1, 1 Penny, from London to Colchester with rare pmk - Maltese cross with number "10", arrival postmark COLCHESTER, perfect quality, in addition "Advertisement - Atlas Assurance"; cat. £4.500 for envelope with Maltese cross 10 and without advertising!, for advertisin + 100%, i. e., cat. price approx. £9.000; unique offer! U:DR
1840 Mulready "envelope" SG.ME4, 2 Pence, envelope with pmk type 1844 č."6" and with CDS CHELMSFORD, arrival LONDON; very nice quality, only on reverse patina and hinges of mounting, cat. £2.400; in addition rare late usage in 1862! U:A5
1840 Mulready "Letter sheet" SG.ME3, 2 Pence, very nice envelope with luxury print of pmk type 1844 nr. "11", arrival postmark JAMWORTH; cat. £2.400, rare! U:DR
1847 Sc.1b, Franklin 5C orange brown with blue grid pmk, perfect piece with certificate P.S.A.G., cat. $1.000, very fine quality U:A5
1893 Sc.230-240, Columbus, comp. of 11 values 1C-50C; 1C*, 2C**, 3C**, 4C*, 5C**, 6C**, 8C*, 10C (*), 15C*, 30C*, 50C*; cat. $1.650 U:A5
1893 Sc.245, Columbus 5$ black, light postmark ("kopffrei" ), very fine, cat. $1400 U:A5
1864 Sc.31P1, Kamehameha 2C red - vermilion, TRIAL PRINT for SG.31 on paper type India 41/45mm, so-called. "large die proof"; perfect and rare, cat. $900 U:A5
1864 Sc.33P3 and 34P3, two pairs of TRIAL PRINT for Sc.33a and Sc.34, 6C and 18C, in definitive colors blue - green and dull pink, on paper India and mounted on carton, perfect and rare, cat. $1400 ++, extraordinary offer from big specialized collection! U:DR
1957 Sc.CB9a, air AEREO 1957, Opt on stamp Red Cross 15C+50C, INVERTED OVERPRINT; luxury marginal piece exp. Sanabria, with certificate Sanabria, exists only one sheet - 50 stamps with these printing errors; extraordinary offer! U:A5
1867 GUADALAJARA local issue, Sc.2, 5, 8, "Franco en Guadalajara" 1R+2R+4R on cut-square with decorative postmark; perfect quality, certificate MEPSI; rare, according to available records exist only 12 covers and 6 cut-squares with three and more stamps with this issue! U:A5
1904 Reg postcard with 5 overprint stamps PANAMA, sent from town Colón, through New York to Hamburg on ship S.S. Hungaria; CDS AGENCIA POSTAL NACIONAL COLÓN, N. YORK and arrival HAMBURG, provisional registry label REPÚBLICA DE PANAMA and departure Reg label NEW YORK; very nice quality; extraordinary entire from rare destination! U:A5
1878 SG.86b, Britannia, 2x provisional 1P on 5Sh dull pink, UNCUT PAIR with perf in the middle, as always lower part with original face-value removed, at top folds in corners, right tearing, otherwise very nice and rare piece, certificate BPA, cat. £2.500, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1903 Sc.83, 85-88, 100. Anniversary of Independence, 2C-50C, 5 values with INVERTED CENTER; 1x fold, very attractive and rare printing errors! U:A5
1938 SG.130a, corner block-of-4 George VI. 1Sh green / brown, "REPAIRED CHIMNEY", £650, significant and sought plate flaw! U:A5
1943 SG.112ba+112b, pair George VI. 5Sh green / yellow, stamp with printing error "BROKEN E", in LEEWARD joined with normal stamp, very rare plate flaw, cat. £1.235++ U:DR
1867-1870 TCP for SG.15, recess printing St. Ursula 4P in yellow color on carton paper, 48/50mm, rare print, according to our records are these TCP (1867-70) contrary of issue 1866 much more rarer! U:A5
1857 SG.Z1, GB Victoria 1P red-brown as forerunner on St. Lucia, with pmk A11; perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £1.300, rare stamp in extraordinary quality! U:DR
1864 SG.11a, two outer pairs originally creating block of four, Victoria 1C black, IMPERFORATED, wmk CC "reversed", with certificates Brandon 1979 and BPA 1985 for each pair separately, again joined in block of four in collection of P. Jaffé; rare and exceedingly interesting! U:A5
1881 SG.11b, Victoria 1/2P on 1Sh pale blue, Opt with short dividing line, very nice piece with significant color; cat. £1.500, rare stamp! U:A5
1881 SG.14a, Victoria 1/2P on 1Sh violet, printing error Opt - "WITHOUT FRACTION STROKE"; excellent quality, with certificate RPS London, cat. £700 U:A5
1881 SG.35, Victoria 2½P on 1P dull red; perfect quality, £1.500, rare stamp! U:A5
1843 Sc.3, "Bull's Eyes" 90 Reis black, "Intermediate Impression"; wide margins, small thin place, rare offer, cat. for stamp without gum $4.000 U:DR
1863 Sc.26b, Mi.21F, Coat of arms 50C red, exceedingly rare TRANSFER ERROR in sheett of 20 Centavos (red color instead of green), with pmk BOGOTA; perfect piece with certificate Bortfeldt FRPS London, cat. $5.500 U:DR
1890-1895 SG.5aa, "Light and Liberty" 1A blue-green, printing error "ANL" instead "AND"; lower margin - 5. stamp lower 6th line; new gum, very nice quality, cat. £1.000, rare offer U:A5
1904-1905 Official SG.O11as,O13as, Edward VII. 1 Ann and 8 Annas with Opt O.H.M S., both with omitted dot after "M", in addition SPECIMEN, certificates RPSL, cat. for these printing errors without Opt SPECIMEN £800, rare! U:A5
1922-1927 SG.100s, George V. 10£ black / green, SPECIMEN, luxury, cat. * £700, for ** much more; rare stamp! U:DR
1922-1927 SG.101s, George V. 20£ red / green, SPECIMEN, cat. £800; rare! U:DR
1922-1927 SG.105s, George V. 100£; red / black, SPECIMEN, perfect with original gum, exp. Bartels, cat. * £3250; exclusive and evidently unrepeatable offer of famous value U:DR
1922 TCP for SG.26, 27, 28 "Arab Postman" 2Pia, 5Pia, 10Pia, imperforated, in original colors on stamp paper with wmk "crescent and star", in addition Opt SPECIMEN, rare! U:A5
1921-1923 TCP for issue "Arab Postman" small format SG.30-36, print gravure of picture of stamp (printed from 2 plates) on chalky carton 92/60mm, note by pencil "18 July" and "2", rare print ex. De La Rue Archives, sought issue also destination! U:A5
1935 SG.68a, corner airmail 10Mill black / carmine with Opt 15 Milliemes, Opt DOUBLE, right 2 short teeth, stamp **, sign. D. Forester, cat. * £1000 ( ** + 100%), in addition corner piece, rare stamp! U:A5