1870-80[COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection of 337 various numeral postmarks on stamps of various values of issues Two colored oval 1870 and 1875, i.a. contains number 21, violet 131 and 146, then 172, 177, 260, 261, 285 etc., placed with descriptions on 4 stock-sheets A4, supplemented with 1 sheet with duplicates, work of specialized collector!, estimate price 6.000CZK
1933 Mi.121-122, Flight Rome - Chicago, Italian stamps 5,25+19,75 and 5,25+44,75, Mi.445-446 in different colors, with Opt "ISOLE ITALIANE DELL´EGEO", outer strips-of-3; cat. 160€+
1934 Mi.137-145, World Championship in football, complete set incl. air-mail, Italian stamps Mi.479-483 with Opt ISOLEITALIANE DELL´EGEO"; cat. ca. 500€
1935 Mi.157-163, air-mail + Mi.164-165, 100 years of medal of honour, Italian stamps Mi.505-513 in different colors with Opt "ISOLE ITALIANE DELL´EGEO", complete set, cat. 890€
1925Mi.Bl.1, Exhibition Sheet Paris 1925, various small flaws, stamps luxury, also with official exhibition envelope EXPOSITION PHILATÉLIQUE INTERNATIONALE used for VIP invitation cards; with Mi.167 and four (!) exhibition labels, all with exhibition CDS; rare entire and souvenir sheet from estate of famous French collector Raymond La Pierre
1965 ITU - comp. of 9 stamps, i.a. French Polynesia, T.A.A.F., French Comoros, New Hebrides, St. Pierre and Miquelon etc.; mint never hinged, cat. 480€
1894-1910compilation of 66 stamps of French post in China (i.a. Sc.12A, 5Fr, 13), Alexandria (i.a. Sc.15 5Fr), Port-Said (i.a. Sc.16), Morocco (i.a. Sc.6,7 1Fr,19), Zanzibar (i.a. Sc.28 5Fr) and other destination, cat. $800
1853-1945[COLLECTIONS] box with thousands of stamps on cards in envelopes and on sheets, issues Napolenon, Ceres, Allegory, Merson, also colonial issues and several interesting entires; from old estate, suitable for next elaboration and sale, very low starting price!
1871-1980[COLLECTIONS] nice collection of unused stamps in 3 stockbooks, mostly MHN; contains also rarer old stamps and sets, also annual volumes, joined printings, corner pieces, favourite issue Personalities more often, souvenir sheet PEXIP (*) and oths, cat. min. 2.700€
1857-1859 SG.Z10, GB 4P red issue 1857, forerunner usage with cancel. "G" and in addition the same stamp with cancel. "M" - forerunner usage on Malta SG.Z18, cat. £100
1904-1908SG.64, Edward VII. 1£; dark purple and black / red, on cut-square with CDS GIBRALTAR, cat. £700 + 25%; luxury piece of this rare stamps, nice postmark!
1855-1857 Sass.F3, "Falso dell´epoca" FORGERY TO DEFRAUD THE POST - Bologna, 5Baj greypink; perfect piece with typical close margins, on cut-square with grid pmk, rare offer, certificate Pfenninger
1852-1859 Sass.1-4 and oths. from issue Coat of arms and Governo Provisorio, i.a. Sass.1(*),9 (2), total 32 stamps, mostly II. quality, but also perfect pieces; 1 Lira Sass.11 (4.250€) is forgery and UNCOUNTED, cat. others total 4.290€, very low starting price!
1858 Sass.3-10, 43 pcs of Coat of arms 5x 1Gr, 5x5Gr, 10Gr, other 2Gr, various plates, colors, plate flaws, counted as the cheapest variants, cat. 2.400€, interesting set ex. Dr. Rieger
1860Sass.15, Mi.8, Coat of Arms ½Tor blue, marginal piece!!, very wide margins on 3 sides, right close margin, almost complete framed pmk ANNULLATO !; certificate RPSL, cat. 15.000€, very nice piece, in this quality rare offer
1851-1854 Sass.2, 5, 6(2), 8, 8b, 9, stamp 40C 1853 exp. Pfenninger, various quality, we doubt about stamp 40C 1854 Sass.9 (5.500€) and is UNCOUNTED; cat. fro the rest 4.550€, very low starting price
1858-1862 compilation of 28 stamps Victor Emmanuel II. mostly with interesting postmarks, i.a. 40C hand obliteration, 2x 5C with first Sardinian postmarks, 10C with "grill" of Papal State, color CDS, red PD, cut-squares, better colors etc.; major-part in perfect quality, high catalogue value!
1851Sass.4b, Lion 1Cr carmine on blue paper; very nice piece with large part o.g., small fold in the place of wmk, wide margins; certificate Chiavarelo, cat. 14.000€
1857Sass.12, Lion 1Cr carmine; very nice piece with original gum, left dark spot, very wide margins; certificate Diena originally for pair, cat. 16.500€, rare stamp just for symbolical price!
1857 compilation of 34 stamps "Lion" and "Coat of arms", i.a. Sass.8a, 10(2), 12, 13 - 2Cr blue strip-of-3 on cut-square (2.700€), and oths. typical various margins, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 13.300€
1853Sass.6, strip of 4, 4Cr gren-blue + Sass.4, 1Cr red, on letter to Edinburgh, str-of-4 lower closer margin (usual for multiples), 1Cr perfect, black grid pmk, CDS P.D. FIRENZE, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival AUG 26 1853; rare destination and franking, only str-of-4 4Cr on letter cat. 35.000€, with other stamps min. 40.000€; this unique letter originate from important collection, interesting starting price!
1961Mi.I, Flight of president G. Gronchi to South America 205 L violet (lebhaftviolett), printing error with wrong borders of Peru; sought by specialists, cat. Michel 1.400€, Sassone 1.900€
1859SG.1-3, blocks of 6 Victoria 1/2P, 1P, 2P (corner piece !); perfect quality, certificate Bolaffi, cat. only as single stamps £1.715, from very old and important collection!, scarce
1918-19[COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection of first overprint issue on Bosnian stamps, issues Landscape, Express, Charitable stamps, Franz Joseph and Porto, blocks of four and strips, production overprinting flaws as inverted, double, shifts, color errors, language error varieties, stamps with inverted opt Mi.30-32 and other Opt Mi.27-29 with certificates Velickovic, complete sheet value 2 K Mi.46 with oblique Opt, plate flaw Opt, supplemented with 7 entires, on 9 stock-sheets in spiral folder, high catalogue value, rare and valuable complex!
1919[COLLECTIONS] Baranya, Temesvár, Neu Rumanien, Banat, Báczka, Debrecen specialized collection of stamps with overprint from occupied territory, various types, colors, inverted Opt, blocks, corner and marginal pieces etc.; placed on sheets with descriptions, interesting, high catalogue value
1919[COLLECTIONS] collection of provisionals after WWI., ARAD, BACSKA, BARANYA, DEBRECZEN, SZEGEDIN, and others., also Rumanian occupation - KLAUSENBURG and GROSSWARDEIN; many better stamps and Opts, in old album, cat. ca. 1.400€
1859-1884 6 cut-squares with forerunner color and multiple frankings, Brit. Victoria with pmk MALTA A25, some rare combination for example. SG.Z30 + 4x Z34, Z34 + Z62, Z34 + Z23, very nice quality; cat. only as single stamps £320, intersting forrerunnurs compilation from big specialized collection of Brit. stamps from overseas!
1851-70 [COLLECTIONS] BADEN, BRAUNSWEIG, HANOVER, LÜBECK, OLDENBURG small collection of German states in small old stockbook, various quality, part reproductions, only several pieces expertized
1852-57 Mi.1-3, 4-8, 9, comp. of 10 stamps from issues 1852, 1853 and 1857, value 4/4 Gr, Mi.9, 2 pcs, from that 1x cut square with strip-of-3 3/4Gr, nice well preserved pieces, cat. 2.235€
1923Mi.260KII, Rhein-Ruhr-Hilfe 1000M/20M, BACKROUND PRINT INVERTED; luxury marginal piece with certificate G. Bechtold, cat. 1.000€; important rarity of German inflation!
1920-24[COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains sets as Mi.1-15, 16-20, 53-62, 93-98, 123-129, 177-190, postage-due Mi.1-14 etc.; only as special postmark cat. min. 1.200€, part with CDS !, list inserted
1948-1990[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm in screw folder, according to owner complete, contains i.a. Mi.1-20, all exp. Rehfeld, Mi.21-34, part stamps incl. value 2M exp. Schlegel, Mi.42-60, 61-63, 68-69 (Mi.69 exp. Schlegel), Mi.Bl.1, 75-79, 82-86, 91-100 etc., also contains many bloks of four, outer pieces with control-numbers and others.; very good quality, high catalogue value, min. 7.600€
1949-96[COLLECTIONS] nice collection of used stamps and souvenir sheets in one big stockbook A4, mainly complete incl. better sets, i.a. Mi.113-115, 117-120, 139-140, 141-142, 143-146, 156-159, 173-176 etc., cat. ca. 2.900€, estimate price 6.000CZK
1895-1919[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of German colonies on 16 cards A5, contains Caroline Isl.; Cameroon; Marocco; Deutsch Südwest Africa etc.; used also unused, also with higher values of stamps Emperor´s Yacht; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 11.000€
1890-1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection of German colonies in 12-sheets stockbook A4, contains used and also unused stamps, several higher values of Emperor´s Yacht, i.a. Samoa, Cameroon, Caroline Isl., Togo, Marianen etc., supplemented with occupied territories, Morocco etc.; higher catalogue value
1931 LIECHTENSTEIN / LIECHTENSTEINFAHRT Ppc of Zeppelin LZ 127, franked with Zeppelin stamp Mi.114, red special postmark VADUZ/ JUNI 1931/ POST nach LAUSANNE, supplemented with CDS VADUZ/ 10.VI.31, arrival postmark LAUSANNE/ 10.VI.31 in front; nice quality
1940-44 C.C. BUCHENWALD PC with 6Pf Hindenburg, CDS WEINMAR 22.8.40 worse readable, addressed to Brno, sender prisoner nr. 7566; on address-side handwritten notice written by sender "Beachte die Lagerforschriften: nicht mehr Post senden, als erlaubt" + confirmation of mailing for parcel with weight 9,6kg addressed to C.C. Buchenwald, with 1 K A. Hitler, Pof.84, CDS KREMSIER 2/ 28.IX.44; nice
1940 C.C. ORANIENBURG comp. of 2 entires from the same prisoner, addressed to Bohemia and Moravia: 1x pre-printed envelope with Hindenburg 12Pfg, CDS ORANIENBURG, incl. content + preprinted postcard with Hindenburg 6Pfg, CDS ORANIENBURG, both with censor round pmk K.L. Sachsenhausen/ E, resp. G.; good condition
1860-2000[COLLECTIONS] business supply of mainly used stamps in 15 stockbooks and folders, in box Ikea, contains German states, colonyies, Deutsches Reich, Gdańsk (Danzig), Bohemia and Moravia and postwar issues; estate of dealer, over 26kg of material!
1833CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of ex offo letter sent in the place, offícial postmaster single circle pmk K.u.K.. POSTAMT/ NICOLSBURG(Vot.3964=300b), catalogue Votoček shows oldest usage in 1845!; rare occurrence, fine quality
1835CZECH LANDS/ large folded letter with handmade note "in causa criminali", with frame pmk v.GROTTAU (Hrádek nad Nisou, Vot.709/2./ I. condition, =300b!), nice imprint, on reverse seal; sought pmk, rare occurrence, sound condition
1835? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with oval pmk type C.74/ REGENS (Řehořov, Vot.1998/1.=170b), addressed to Třebíč, handwritten note by ruddle; nice print
1837CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter addressed to Třebíč, oval pmk ZNAYM (Vot.2782/2.) supplemented with still unknown pmk "recom:" italic (!), handwritten note. about postage rate; sound condition
1838CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with atypical oval pmk K.K.B.S./ KUNSTADT (Vot.1179/1.=200b!), specialist sought postal-agency (!), "K.K.B.S." (=Kaiserliche Königliche Briefsammelstelle), inside hand-made date "18.Dezbr.838", handwritten note by ruddle "6", addressed to Třebíč, on reverse half of paper seal; rare entire, here for the first time in auction, nice quality
1846 CZECH LANDS/ cover Reg letter with atypical pmk RECOMMANDIRT/ GOLDENBRUNN/ 2.4M, catalogue Votoček type C.197, nice print, handwritten note by ruddle "88", addressed to Brno; on reverse green arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 5.APR. and broken seal, sound condition