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1920 TUSAR Slavoboj, Prague - Mikulášský cathedral and Týnský church, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with reproductions xylographs, issued ARTĚL Prague, Un, good condition U:A5
1899 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), French issue F. Champenois, Paris, comp. of 10 various pieces, lithography without printing address lines on reverse, rare large multiple, superb! U:DR
1909 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Šestero blahoslavenství, comp. of 6 picture-postcards: Blessed be the Pure of Heart; Blessed be those Who Bring Peace; Milosrdní; Lkající; Chudí Duchem; Blessed, which/what protivenství trpí for spravedlnost; issued Union Prague, very good condition, all Un U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Champenois, Serie 5 (Weill.71), Menu for a Banquet (Menu pour un banquet), French issue; long address, Un, very good condition U:A5
1914 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Spring Festival; Un, little bumped corners, otherwise very fine U:A5
1920 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), "Matice Znojemská"; with Opt, Un, very good condition, interesting U:A5
1920? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Zodiac (Zodiac); Us, issued Ferdinand Navrátil, Ivančice; exceedingly rare, here for the first time in auction! U:A5
1921 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939): Frescoes - Municipal Building - Prague - Indomitability, Independence, Maternal Spirit, The Voice of creative and Justice; 5 pcs of, very good condition, Un U:A5
1921 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939): Frescoes - Municipal Building - Prague - Svornost Slavic nations; 2 pcs of, very good condition, Un U:A5
1925 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Č.S. Y.W.C.A. (Weill.159); Un, L lower small bend in corner, otherwise very good condition U:A5
1925 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Russia Restituenda (Weill.160); Un, very good condition U:A5
1928 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Bohemian Heart Charity (Weill.138), on reverse additional printing; Us, very good condition U:A5
1928 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Jubilee Festival, Pěvecké community Czechoslovak 1928; Un, very good condition U:A5
1928 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), The Slav Epic, Exhibition (Weill.163); Un, very good condition U:A5
1900 ŠVÁB Joseph No. 38A, dvoustránkový letter paper with pre-printed text; excellent condition U:A5
1900 ŠVÁB Joseph No. 68A, dvoustránkový letter paper without text; superb condition U:A5
1926 JUDAICA B/W photo postcard, president T. G. Masaryk accompanied by head rabína in Jerusalem in 1926, additional printing on reverse, issued Jeschiwa - Aktion der Agudas Jisroel Jugendgruppe in Bratislava; Un, preserved U:A5
1900 NAPOLEON I. color lithography, Stengel 29006, reproduction picture P. Delaroche; Un, slightly wrinkled rúžky U:A5
1913 PÉGOUDŮV VZLET V PRAGUE 25. and 26. PROSINCE 1913, pilot before/(in front of) his/her/its aeroplánem; Un, clear, slightly wrinkled corner U:A5
1914 PÉGOUDŮV VZLET V PRAGUE 25. and 26. PROSINCE 1913; Us, on reverse připsán text about year; sound condition, genuine historical document! U:A5
1913 VZDUCHOLOĎ LZ "SACHSEN (SAXONIA)" during the landing on/for airport in Leipzig; postally Un, sound condition U:A5
1927 4 postcard VIII. STAHLHELMTAG BERLIN, Congress union frontových soldiers; union Stahlhelm was/were založen in/at December 1918, působil during Výmarské republic, in 1933 podřízen SA, 1935 annulled A. Hitler, 1951 obnoven; luxury quality, only rare occurrence - is dochováno relatively little picture documents odkazujících on/for this de facto protinacistickou organization! U:A5
1935-1939 3 postcard from the file "Deutscher (German) Blutadel in aller Welt (world)", selská girl from Holstein, girl from Tyrol, vůdkyně German women in/at Romania; according to pastelových or temperových portraits Wolfganga Willricha, propaganda themed rasové nadřazenosti U:A5
1936 Festpostkarte REICHSPARTEITAG NSDAP NORIMBERG 1936 lithography with motive of eagle, gold / red/ black, franked stamps Sjezdu NSDAP 6Pfg and 12Pfg, CDS REICHSPARTEITAG NSDAP NORIMBERG, small fold in upper corner, otherwise perfect quality; this rather rare Ppc occures only rarely U:A5
1936-1939 2x Festpostkarte REICHSPARTEITAG NSDAP NORIMBERG 1936 lithography - eagle and knights , CDS REICHSPARTEITAG NSDAP NORIMBERG; in addition view card with imprinted stamp NSDAP NORIMBERG 1939 lithography - plaque, minor faults; issued by "Zentralverlag der NSDAP" U:A5
1937 atypical 2-postcard with 2 portraits of A. Hitler and Mussolini, with stamp 6Pfg and with special postmark BERLIN / STAATSTREFFEN MUSSOLINI-HITLER U:A5
1937 Tag der German Kunst, (Munich) 1937, color Ppc franked with stamp 6Pfg from souvenir sheet A. Hitler, with special pmk U:A5
1938 A. Hitler, original photo postcard "Der Führer als Tierfreund" (Führer as friend animals), decorative margins, issued Hoffmann - Munich (München) U:A5
1938 Nationaler Feiertag des Deutschen (German) Volkes 1. May 1938, issued Heino Kohlhoff, Brunswick; with stamp 6Pfg and with CDS FAHRBARES POSTAMT WIEN; in front original spots postmark color, rare Ppc, low starting price U:A5
1938 comp. 4 pcs of A. Hitler with children, all Us post, 2x broken corner, otherwise nice; issued Hoffman-Mnichov, Hoffmanovy issue are for collectors very favourite U:A5
1938 UNTER DEN LINDEN, atypical night view of famous street in front of Brandenburg Gate U:A5
1939 4 pcs of p.stat Ppc Mi.P278/02 A. Hitler. with brigadýrkou, A. Hitler. and holčička, A. Hitler. and gratulující children, interesting view A. Hitler. with group girls from BDM (Federation German girls), 3x cancel. Wien (Vienna), 1x CDS ALTENBURG 20.4.39 (birthday A.H.), rare selection of! U:A5
1939 A. Hitler, 3 p.stat postcard P278/2-4, portrait; with children; with group girls U:A5
1939 A. Hitler, 4 p.stat postcard P278/1-4, 2x portrait; with children; with group girls; all with CDS WIEN U:A5
1939 B/W propagandistic photo postcard - meeting Hungarian and Polish soldier on/for Czechoslovak border by/on/at Uszoku after occupation in/at březnu 1939; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1939 SLOVAKIA propaganda Ppc "HEIL HITLER"; on reverse special postmark CEKLÍS 15.III.1939 SA VRÁTIL K VLASTI with with Coat of arms 10h brown; very good condition U:A5
1939-40 comp. of 3 propagandistic Ppc A. Hitler.; 2x Un, 1x with CDS; very good condition U:A5
1940 2 postcard from the file "Deutscher (German) Blutadel in aller Welt (world)", Ingeborg Teuffenbach - korutanská poetess and selská girl from Lower Saxony; according to pastelových portraits Wolfganga Willricha, propaganda themed rasové nadřazenosti U:A5
1940 3 postcard from the file DER DEUTSCHE (German) SOLDAT, according to portraits (pastely), Mountain huntsman, Soldier on/for stráži, Soldier from útočné unit (Stosstruppenkämpfer), favourite line U:A5
1940 Football match reprezentací Germany / Italy, červenec 1940, footballers saluting nazism pozdravem; rare historical document from practically unknown sports event/-s, sought collector's motive U:A5
1941 2 postcard from the file "Deutscher (German) Blutadel in aller Welt (world)", young woman from TRANSILVANIA and girl from Lower Saxony; according to portraits (printings) Wolfganga Willricha, propaganda themed rasové nadřazenosti U:A5
1942 A. Hitler, portrait "Unser Führer", according to printings Professor. von Kursella, sent field post U:A5
1959-65 COSMOS comp. 12 pcs of propagandistic Ppc USSR with motive of kosmonautiky, Un, only 1x with mounted stmp, very good condition U:A5
1908 ADLER Schreibmaschine, color advertising view card with imprinted stamp on/for typewriters, on reverse additionally printed stamp. Franz Joseph 3h violet issue 1908; Un, good condition U:A5
1900-20 [COLLECTIONS] NOVOROČNÍ CONGRATULATORY big collection 130 pcs of New Year's wish French origin, various supplemental motives as y., four-leaf clovers, gnomes, piglet/-s, angels, horseshoe, money, car, trains etc.., making as lithography, collage, embossed, photo etc., major-part Us; all in big stockbook for Ppc, estimate price 18.000CZK, it is worth seeing U:Z