Public auction 47 / Philately / Czech Republic / Stamps

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172135 - 1993 Pof.PL5, Europe - Contemporary Art, 2 pcs of, from that
1993 Pof.PL5, Europe - Contemporary Art, 2 pcs of, from that 1x with plate variety 2/A, c.v.. 1.350CZK
Starting price: CZK
176376 - 1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, marginal vertical blk-of-12 with p
1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, marginal vertical blk-of-12 with production flaw - shift values 5 CZK downward with date of print 13.IX.93
Starting price: CZK
175373 - 1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, comp. 5 pcs of pětipásek with da
1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, comp. 5 pcs of pětipásek with dates of print from three various nákladů: 9.IX.93, 15.IX.93, 16.XI.93 (dark green!, rare shade), 7.XII.93 (stronger value and 13.XII.93; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
175956 - 1994-2008 Pof.56, Christmas 2CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with
1994-2008 Pof.56, Christmas 2CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with plate variety on pos. 50/1 + Pof.543, Rosa 10CZK, L vertical bnd-of-20 with margin and date of print with production flaw - in/at L column omitted gold color background print rose, first 6 stamps with significant vynecháním, intensity with in the direction of downward zmenšuje
Starting price: CZK
176375 - 1995 Pof.63, European agreement 8CZK, marginal vertical stri
1995 Pof.63, European agreement 8CZK, marginal vertical strip of 4, with production flaw on pos. 21 - white circle and production flaw on pos. 26 - red line by paty letters "Á"
Starting price: CZK
174967 - 1995 Pof.63VV, European agreement 8CZK, corner blk-of-12 wit
1995 Pof.63VV, European agreement 8CZK, corner blk-of-12 with date of print, on pos. 13 production flaw - white circle on/for flag Czech Republic
Starting price: CZK
174969 - 1995 Pof.90VV, Art Nouveau 3CZK, quite omitted print blue co
1995 Pof.90VV, Art Nouveau 3CZK, quite omitted print blue color - missing name state (!); luxury piece with R margin, c.v.. 3.000Kč+
Starting price: CZK
176374 - 1998 Pof.140a  inverted harrow perforation, Stavební folder
1998 Pof.140a inverted harrow perforation, Stavební folder 4,60CZK dark rose, marginal block-of-4 with inverted frame perf, only part of edition from 1.9.98; c.v.. 7.400Kč, exceptional usage!
Starting price: CZK
175953 - 1997 Pof.A142/143, Beauties of Our Homeland - Jewish reminde
1997 Pof.A142/143, Beauties of Our Homeland - Jewish reminder in Prague, coedition, printing sheet + in addition 2x complete izraelský printing sheet with appropriate stamps Mi.1424 and 1425 and coupons; interesting
Starting price: CZK
175949 - 1998 Pof.197, 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia.
1998 Pof.197, 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia., comp. of 3 complete PB + 2x variants of coupons; c.v.. 4.100Kč
Starting price: CZK
175835 - 1999 Pof.219, For Children-issue 4,60CZK, complete corner mi
1999 Pof.219, For Children-issue 4,60CZK, complete corner miniatuta, new discovery - distance "CZK" from "4,60" is 0,3mm + plate flaws, for example. vertical pairs with plate variety 8/1 and plate variety 13/1, IV. type; all mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
174575 - 2001 Pof.283TV, Zodiac - Lion 12CZK, the bottom corner blk-o
2001 Pof.283TV, Zodiac - Lion 12CZK, the bottom corner blk-of-8 with flaw print 30 - almost quite omitted black in/at LR tlapě and in/at tail; decorative
Starting price: CZK
175365 - 2002 Pof.341DV, Slohový furniture 12CZK, lower corner blok
2002 Pof.341DV, Slohový furniture 12CZK, lower corner blok of 4 with plate variety 40/2 (only part of edition); one of most sought plate variety on stmp Czech Republic!
Starting price: CZK
174455 - 2003 Pof.PL354 V1, value 6,40CZK Rosa above Prague (I), blk-
2003 Pof.PL354 V1, value 6,40CZK Rosa above Prague (I), blk-of-9 with shift cut
Starting price: CZK
174267 - 2003 Pof.PL380 V1, Rosa above Prague, value 6,50CZK, additio
2003 Pof.PL380 V1, Rosa above Prague, value 6,50CZK, additional printing V032 CAMEL 90 years
Starting price: CZK
175450 - 2003 Pof.PL381, Lantern 9CZK, with stamps 2. variants grid /
2003 Pof.PL381, Lantern 9CZK, with stamps 2. variants grid /see c.v.. Pofis 2015, str.70/, in addition significantly lighter shade violet color (c.v.. doesn't report); sought
Starting price: CZK
174274 - 2005 Pof.PL424 V1+V2, Gate with peacock, value 7,50CZK, comp
2005 Pof.PL424 V1+V2, Gate with peacock, value 7,50CZK, comp. 5 pcs of PB with added-print P23653 170 years post Lanškroun, P36919 Mozart, P36925 Karův bridge, P36923 100 years turnajů šachu, P36917 Battle of Slavkov
Starting price: CZK
169883 - 2005 Pof.A439–A442, miniature sheet Krkonoše, violet zvon
2005 Pof.A439–A442, miniature sheet Krkonoše, violet zvonek
Starting price: CZK
174264 - 2006 Pof.PL459 V2, Bunch of Flowers II, value 10CZK, comp. 8
2006 Pof.PL459 V2, Bunch of Flowers II, value 10CZK, comp. 8 pcs of PB with added-print P36921, 10042 Mozart, P37309 World Championship in hockey 2010, P36937 Visit pope Benedikta, P38888 Valentýn, P36992 Czech komiks, P37442 + 37443 Zodiac
Starting price: CZK
174263 - 2006 Pof.PL459 V3, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, logo Czech post,
2006 Pof.PL459 V3, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, logo Czech post, additional printing P36444, Tower clock 600 years, printing error "2007" instead "2006"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
174262 - 2006 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers II, value 10CZK, comp. 2 pc
2006 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers II, value 10CZK, comp. 2 pcs of PB, 1x additional printing V168 Butterflies M. Švabinský + V130 Tower clock 600 years
Starting price: CZK
175168 - 2006-2013 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, logo Czech post
2006-2013 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, logo Czech post, P36444, 600 years orloje, printing error "2007" instead "2006" + PL643 with additional-printing Krása motorcycles Exhibition Brno-Řečkovice 2013, P47079
Starting price: CZK
174275 - 2006 Pof.PL467 V1+V2, Still-life with wine, value 12CZK, com
2006 Pof.PL467 V1+V2, Still-life with wine, value 12CZK, comp. 4 pcs of PB with added-print, V132 Mykologie Smotlacha, P37594 + P34596 Zodiac, P38895 Winter Olympic Games TORINO 2006
Starting price: CZK
175167 - 2006 Pof.PL484+485; 486+487, Kaktusy, comp. of 2 complete co
2006 Pof.PL484+485; 486+487, Kaktusy, comp. of 2 complete counter sheet, values 7,50Kč+7,50Kč and 10+10Kč
Starting price: CZK
174261 - 2007 Pof.PL511, Bunch of Flowers II, value 11CZK, additional
2007 Pof.PL511, Bunch of Flowers II, value 11CZK, additional printing V131 World Championship in basketbalu women 2010
Starting price: CZK
174582 - 2007 Pof.514VV, PRAGA 2008 11CZK, horizontal pair, productio
2007 Pof.514VV, PRAGA 2008 11CZK, horizontal pair, production flaw - slepá the bottom horiz. perf (2x); c.v.. 4.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
174576 - 2007 Pof.A519VV, miniature sheet Charles Bridge, production
2007 Pof.A519VV, miniature sheet Charles Bridge, production flaw - large rose circle by/on/at lantern L; one of the most significant ofsetových flaws Czech Republic
Starting price: CZK
175455 - 2007 Pof.539, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, marginal block-of-4 with sig
2007 Pof.539, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, marginal block-of-4 with significant shifted perforation L-wards (through/over right nožičku character A); c.v.. 3.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
174273 - 2008 Pof.PL544 V1, V2, Gate with peacock, value 10CZK, comp.
2008 Pof.PL544 V1, V2, Gate with peacock, value 10CZK, comp. 13 pcs of PB with added-print V156 Relikviář St. Maura, V170 Butterflies M. Švabinský + P32134 PRAGA 2008, P31900 100 years post Prague 6, P36884, 41642 Winter Olympic Games Vencouver 2010, P38780. 41648 Lukáš Bauer, P38909 Relikviář St. Maura, P40997 V. Havel, P37119 Tower clock 600 years, P41402 Petřínská outlook-tower, P38903 Prague maraton
Starting price: CZK
174277 - 2008 Pof.PL545, Still-life with wine II, value 17CZK, comp.
2008 Pof.PL545, Still-life with wine II, value 17CZK, comp. 5 pcs of PB with added-print P37595 Zodiac, P38904 F.Kafka, P38902 Prague castle, P38870 90 years of Czechoslovakia, P38907 Visit pope Benedikta
Starting price: CZK
175453 - 2008 Pof.549, PRAGA 2008 - J. Navrátil 10CZK, R marginal bl
2008 Pof.549, PRAGA 2008 - J. Navrátil 10CZK, R marginal blk-of-12 from reprint!, with plate variety 5/2, without plate variety 24/2 (!) and with significant plate variety 30/2 - light blue stain above head Wenceslas through/over whole mrak (only on/for reprint); this plate variety is in/at c.v.. significantly podceněna
Starting price: CZK
174653 - 2008 Pof.554, Azalka 3CZK, L upper corner blk-of-18 with dat
2008 Pof.554, Azalka 3CZK, L upper corner blk-of-18 with date of print, on pos. 1 quite (!!) omitted podkladová iredescentní color, on pos. 11, 21 and 31 her residue/scrap (partially omitted color in/at 1. column is overall common - part one of day print - with completely omitted color known still only ca. 15 pieces); on request exp. labour
Starting price: CZK
174276 - 2008 Pof.PL583 V1+V3, selection of 17 pcs of PB with added-p
2008 Pof.PL583 V1+V3, selection of 17 pcs of PB with added-print V181 Budějovičtí filatelisté, P41689 championship Liberec 2009, P36932 Karlštejn (castle), P40164 Aukro, P37593, 37591, 37592 Zodiac, P41398, P41687 Castle Červená Lhota , P41399, P41688 Hrada Bouzov, P41686, 41397 Castle Hluboká, P36935, P36934 Christmas 2009, P41401, P41685 PF2012
Starting price: CZK
174659 - 2009 Pof.591, Asian art 18CZK, PB with production flaw on po
2009 Pof.591, Asian art 18CZK, PB with production flaw on pos. 3 - yellow circle in/at lemu roucha lower (production flaw No.2); in catalogue underprized
Starting price: CZK
174604 - 2009 Pof.618, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with very sig
2009 Pof.618, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with very significantly smudge pink color through/over value 10 also whole upper part of the stamps; still unpublished
Starting price: CZK
174607 - 2010 Pof.621VV, Winter Olympic Games Vancouver 18CZK, margin
2010 Pof.621VV, Winter Olympic Games Vancouver 18CZK, marginal block-of-6 with date 9.XII.09, rovnoběžné horiz. red lines through/over pos. in 4 line
Starting price: CZK
174252 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, variant A, sharp c
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, variant A, sharp corners hologram and in/at address P.O.Box, comp. 5 pcs of stamp booklets according to single bklt sheets in/at printing form, missing only number 3
Starting price: CZK
173679 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, horizontal pair wi
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, horizontal pair with production flaw - without pin hole, plate 4, rare zelenomodrý shade (usage ca. 10x lower then light blue); c.v.. for common shade 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
175448 - 2010 Pof.634, A. Mucha E, complete booklet, 2. printing, sig
2010 Pof.634, A. Mucha E, complete booklet, 2. printing, significant shift pin hole L-wards; in this printing are shifts exceptional
Starting price: CZK
174279 - 2010 Pof.PL643, PL644, Philately development, values A + E,
2010 Pof.PL643, PL644, Philately development, values A + E, comp. 5 pcs of PB with added-print V139 Exhibition Dobříš 2010, P40029, P40104, P40105 Exhibition Vysoké Mýto, P38908 Budějovičtí filatelisté
Starting price: CZK
174620 - 400 Pof.664VV, Christmas 10CZK, corner blk-of-6 with product
400 Pof.664VV, Christmas 10CZK, corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 4/36 - „slunce“; sought
Starting price: CZK
176575 - 2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Pinďa, surplus print with
2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Pinďa, surplus print with inscription on reverse "Depo Karlovy Vary 70", MS pos. 2, production flaw on pos. 1 - stain above "Č" in the word ČESKÁ and production flaw on pos. 6 - significant stain above "Č" in the word NĚMEČEK; sought, both defects catalogue
Starting price: CZK
174251 - 2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Pinďa, variant A in/at add
2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Pinďa, variant A in/at address P.O.Box, complete set 6 pcs of stamp booklets according to single bklt sheets in/at printing form
Starting price: CZK
174558 - 2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Piňda, stamp booklets with
2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Piňda, stamp booklets with production flaw 3/6 - significant yellow stain R from palety, cataloged defect
Starting price: CZK
174577 - 2011 Pof.677, Eastern A (kuřata), 2x pair with production f
2011 Pof.677, Eastern A (kuřata), 2x pair with production flaw 29/3A - red stain in L bottom sheet, two location defects; cataloged defect
Starting price: CZK
174654 - 2011 Pof.681, Four-leaf clover - Bobík, 2x complete booklet
2011 Pof.681, Four-leaf clover - Bobík, 2x complete booklet, 1x extremely dark stamps (about the most significant color shade on stmp Czech Republic; according to c.v.. 2.000CZK), 1x light stamps, but extremely dark green wrapping (known only 2 pieces, c.v.. in this form doesn't report); exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
174655 - 2011 Pof.701, Pat and Mat, complete booklet, significantly d
2011 Pof.701, Pat and Mat, complete booklet, significantly dark green background, known only several pieces, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
136500 - 2011 Pof.701, Pat and Mat, production flaw 6/6, significant
2011 Pof.701, Pat and Mat, production flaw 6/6, significant red circle in/at blue cap; cataloged defect
Starting price: CZK
174278 - 2011 Pof.PL702, 703, Gate with peacock and Rosa above Prague
2011 Pof.PL702, 703, Gate with peacock and Rosa above Prague, value A, comp. 4 pcs of PB with added-print V178 140 years track Wien (Vienna) - Znojmo, V191 Wenceslas Havel, P42093 ČEZ Ches Trophy 2012, V179 140 years track Wien (Vienna) - Znojmo
Starting price: CZK
174646 - 2011 Pof.707, Christmas A, 1x rose background, LL corner blk
2011 Pof.707, Christmas A, 1x rose background, LL corner blk-of-4, field 1, 1x skidding print black, LR corner blk-of-4
Starting price: CZK
175449 - 2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, UR corner blk-of-4 with si
2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, UR corner blk-of-4 with significant shifted perforation L-wards, to picture of stmp.; c.v.. Pěnkava 16.000CZK, nabízíme after/behind less then 10% catalogue
Starting price: CZK
174681 - 2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, L bnd-o
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, L bnd-of-20, surplus print (nezdvojené perf. holes in margins), catalogue production flaw 3/2, 42/2 and 44/2, in addition production flaw 24/2 - yellow stain by L ribbon L from L leg falcon; very sought also as printing
Starting price: CZK
174609 - 2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, horiz. b
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, horiz. block of 8, L stamp. normal, postupně every other column with other shade to to brown, very rare, cat. only red-brown stamps 1.000 CZK, crossing colors significantly rarer!
Starting price: CZK
174260 - 2012 Pof.PL715, Regionální motive value A, comp. 6 pcs of
2012 Pof.PL715, Regionální motive value A, comp. 6 pcs of PB with added-print V192 Titanic, V194 Rozcestník p./S., V197 Philately Hobby + P41382 Česká Skalice, P41383 Česká Skalice, 42157 Sokol 150. Anniv
Starting price: CZK
175361 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas A, R corner block of 6, signific
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas A, R corner block of 6, significantly shifted pin hole R, horiz. shift unusual
Starting price: CZK
174613 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas A, corner blk-of-15, pos. 11, 12
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas A, corner blk-of-15, pos. 11, 12 and 14 very light value statement (A), on pos. 9, 13 and 15 přechodová stage, on/for small part/-s basic print, light value katalogizována
Starting price: CZK
167096 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas value A, upper corner blk-of-6,
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas value A, upper corner blk-of-6, significantly double pin hole all stamps also čárového pin hole between field; exceptional, c.v.. 5.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
174656 - 2012 Pof.750-51, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet w
2012 Pof.750-51, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with new hologram, on pos. 7-10 (lower two line) significantly skidding print black; c.v.. shows
Starting price: CZK
174660 - 2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with production flaw 1/1A - white circle R from head Myšpulína; sought
Starting price: CZK
174661 - 2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with production flaw 5/2A - white circle R from A values; sought
Starting price: CZK