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2013 Pof.759, Gold Crown 14CZK, PB with significant shift rose color L-wards on all pane positions; unusual U:A5
2013 Pof.762, Europe 25CZK, 2x PB from that 1x grey (very rare), 1x common grey-violet, but with stínovaným upper horiz. small frame U:A5
2013 Pof.766, Krtek A, 2 pcs of complete booklets, new pin hole and hologram, 1x very light stamps and 1x very dark stamps U:A5
2013 Pof.771, stamp booklets Kafka, production flaw 2/6 - significant violet stain L by/on/at circle hodinek; sole still known important defect on/for this booklet, sought!, katalogizováno U:A5
2013 Pof.772, St. Wenceslas 13CZK, block of four with significant shifted perforation downward and transport to picture of stmp; interesting, from jediného still noted sheet!; c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
2013 Pof.772TV, St. Wenceslas 13CZK, marginal block-of-6, stamp. in 9 and 10. column double skidding print, stamp. in 8 column normal print, i. e. 2x spojka: without flaw print + with flaw print + with significant flaw print; decorative and unusual, in/at this parts of sheet marked then in corners U:A5
2013 Pof.781-782, Tankuj levněji, 2x stamp booklets, from that 1x significantly light blue wrapping, 1x significantly dark wrapping (rare occurrence); booklet officially stažen in/at únoru 2015 from sale! U:A5
2014 Pof.797VV, Winter Olympic Games Soči 25CZK, corner block of four with production flaw 6/1 - circle closely below šálou (unusual position circle) + corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 8/1 - circle in/at blue kombinéze, catalogue defects, sought U:A5
2014 Pof.797VV, Winter Olympic Games Soči 25CZK, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 1/6 - three yellow stains on/for thigh lyžaře + marginal block-of-4, significantly dark color shade red kombinézy; color shades on this stamp. very rare, catalogue significant shade for the present doesn't report U:A5
2014 Pof.803VV, Zdeněk Kopal 21CZK, lower corner blok of 4 with production flaw 29/1 - red stain on spánku (c.v.. defect) + marginal block-of-4, darker shade all colors; interesting, shade very rare, catalogue misvalues U:A5
2014 Pof.A808, Prague castle - Rubens, 2 pcs of, 1x extremely strong inscription below picture - Peter Paul Rubens - meeting olympských bohů (in/at last word „bohů“ postupně zeslabuje), 1x thin/light inscription; rare usage, cat. only strong inscription 1.200CZK, crossing daleko rarer U:A4
2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele, 2 complete booklets, 1x dark green color (very rare), 1x standard color with production flaw 8/4 - blue circle in/at green area, catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele, complete booklet with production flaw 1/5 - significant yellow rabbet in R margin, catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.A814-817, miniature sheet the Beskids, production flaw - strong skidding print black inscriptions, interesting U:A5
2014 Pof.PL824, Art 25CZK - J. Schikaneder, on/for both bottom stamp. overlaps red color through/over inside upper frame; interesting U:A5
2014 Pof.PL826, Art 37CZK, PB with production flaw on pos. 3 "green stain R", pravidelná defect part of edition, cataloged U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A (J. Lada), 2x vertical marginal strip-of-3, 2x production flaw 13/3 significant rose round stain in L part/-s roofs, 1x at top and 1x in the middle (!!, still unknown position defects), catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A (J. Lada), vertical pair, very dark color shade all colors, for comparison also with normal stmp U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A (Joseph Lada), right marginal Pr, significantly double print (skidding) blue-violet color (very significantly name state also picture), quite exceptional, for comparison common stmp U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 37/3 - rose crescent by/on/at frame; sought catalogue defect U:A5
2015 Pof.832, Kaprálová 17 CZK, 2x vertical corner str-of-3, 1x with production flaw 11/1 - big white stain below „S“ Czech, 1x with production flaw 11/3 - long black line below „K“ Czech; catalogue defects U:A5
2015 Pof.833-36, S nimi přišla freedom A, 2x booklet, two nonstandard and very distinctive shades cover (green and grey-yellow; common is grey-brown), background stamps inside 1x grey-brown and 1x šedožluté U:A5
2015 Pof.833-836, S nimi přišla freedom A, stamp. booklet, through/over pos. 1 and pos. 2 vyražený other hole for hologram!; field 3, kuriózní and exceptional defect, katalogizováno U:A5
2015 Pof.837, Plzeň 25CZK, 2x printing sheet, 1x significant incomplete-printing black on/for L stmp and right normal, 1x incomplete-printing on/for R and L normal, interesting U:A5
2015 Pof.840, Večerníček A, 2x marginal block-of-4, 1x light blue color (significant shade, c.v.. shows, but doesn't evaluate - rare) and 1x skidding print black color (rozostřená jmén authors also čepice and texts in/at her - still unpublished); interesting U:A5
2015 Pof.842, Eastern A Hare, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 20/23 - green stain in rozkroku + corner str-of-3 with production flaw 43/3 - green stain on thigh, cataloged defect U:A5
2015 Pof.842, Eastern A Hare, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 41/1 - significant red stain below kolenem zajíce above characters LI; catalogue defect U:A5
2015 Pof.851, Beauties of Our Homeland – Rabí 17 CZK, counter sheet with shift red color up (very significant on/for right/genuine střechách), unusual U:A5
2012 PRIVATE STAMPS printing sheet 0001, VZ1-15, complete printing sheet, Časopis Filatelie 2012, printing 600 pcs of; luxury, estimate price 6.000CZK U:A4
2012 PRIVATE STAMPS printing sheet 0001, VZ1-15, upper half printing sheet, Časopis Filatelie 2012, printing 600 pcs of; luxury U:A4
2112 PRIVATE STAMPS printing sheet 0003, VZ18-23, complete printing sheet, "Společnost sběratelů čs. známek", printing 600 pcs of; luxury, estimate price 5.000CZK U:A4
1994-2002 FORGERIES Pof.P35, P118, P140, P330, comp. of 4 various forgeries postage stmp to defraud the post : Brno 3CZK Prague forgery, corner blk-of-4; Slohy 4CZK, the bottom block of 8 with line perforation; Slohy 4,60 CZK - corner blk-of-8; Maceška 6,40CZK - marginal block-of-8; all marked mark Padělek U:A5
1996 FORGERIES selection of forgeries postage stmp to/at defraud pošty: Pof.P35, Brno 3CZK, block of 6 + single stamp. ; Pof.P118, Slohy 4CZK; marked Padělek U:A5
2006 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.497, Krušnohorský crib 7,50CZK, print 240x140mm + 40x23mm, author John Ungrád; interesting U:A3v–
2006 DESIGNES on stamp Pof.497, Krušnohorský betlém 7,50CZK, 1x line printing for engraver by Indian ink, size 240x140mm + 1x original study printing by pencil, size 240x150mm, author Jan Ungrád; interesting U:A3v–
2010 BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for unissued stamp 100 years from first dálkového flight John Kašpar, variant 1a with typografií, combination print and printings, size 195x195mm and 33x33mm; author John Ungrád, popular motive, interesting U:X
2010 BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for unissued stamp 100 years from first dálkového flight John Kašpar, variant 1b with typografií, combination print and printings, size 195x195mm and 33x33mm; signed, author John Ungrád, popular motive, interesting U:X
2010 NÁVRH on/for unissued stamp 100 years from first dálkového flight John Kašpar, original printing for engraver by pencil, size 195x195mm; author John Ungrád, popular motive, interesting U:A3v–
2010 NÁVRH on/for unissued stamp 100 years from first dálkového flight John Kašpar, original study printing blue by pencil, size 270x130mm; author John Ungrád, popular motive, interesting U:A3v–
2010 letter to USA franked with. imperforated pair Pof.630, Fifinka A with wide margin, uprated Apostem (Olomouc 2), exact franking, on reverse code Czechosl. sorting line, in front American; interesting entire, suitable to exhibit! U:A5
1993-97 [COLLECTIONS] selection of PB on stock-sheets A4, contains i.a. 4x Contemporary Art Pof.PL.5; PL6(2x); PL9(3x); PL27-29(3x) + coedition 100. Anniv death St. Vojtěch (Czech, Polish, German, Hungarian); high catalogue value U:O4
2003-12 [COLLECTIONS] PB S KUPONY FOR ADDITIONAL PRINTING accumulation 50 pcs of PB issued Českou post, without private added prints, various issue, face-value over 5.000CZK U:O4