Public auction 47 / Philately / Europe / France

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176245 - 1849 Mi.1(2x),3(6x),4(3x), 11 stamps Ceres, various margins,
1849 Mi.1(2x),3(6x),4(3x), 11 stamps Ceres, various margins, mostly nice, cat. min. 1175€
Starting price: CZK
176222 - 1852 Mi.12(2),15(2),16(2), Napoleon III. 2x 10C, 2x 40C, 2x
1852 Mi.12(2),15(2),16(2), Napoleon III. 2x 10C, 2x 40C, 2x 80C on cut-square of letter from La Rochelle to New York; very attractive tricolour franking!
Starting price: CZK
175302 - 1869 Mi.32, Napoleon 5F, numeral pmk 35; nice quality withou
1869 Mi.32, Napoleon 5F, numeral pmk "35"; nice quality without usual thins
Starting price: CZK
176246 - 1876-1886 Mi.59II (2x), 61II, 70 (2x), 74, 75, 76(2x), 82, 1
1876-1886 Mi.59II (2x), 61II, 70 (2x), 74, 75, 76(2x), 82, 10y Allegory, i.a. rare unused 15C grey, 2x 5Fr, marginal pieces, red postmarks, nice compilation, cat. 1.120€
Starting price: CZK
174795 - 1775-1851 comp. of 5 prephilatelic letters; rare letter from
1775-1851 comp. of 5 prephilatelic letters; rare letter from 1775 through Ostende to England with pmk IN ALL and note 2 Shill., then from 1837 to London with pmk T. P. RATE 2P, from 1847 to Madrid with partial porto (FP-postmark.) and with Spanish porto rate 6R, police letter with half porto from ca. 1820 and cash paid 25C letter from 1851
Starting price: CZK
174787 - 1853 5 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON, Mi.16(!) 80C to
1853 5 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON, Mi.16(!) 80C to Italy, 40C to England, 3x 20C money letter, 2x pair 10C
Starting price: CZK
174789 - 1876-1900 4 Ppc and 7 letters with stamps Allegory (Peace an
1876-1900 4 Ppc and 7 letters with stamps Allegory (Peace and Trade), i.a. 2 exhibitions Ppc Paris 1900 with CDS PARIS EXPOSITION, 3 money letters, printed matter to Netherlands with 25C (!), 15+10C to New York; interesting letters, small formats, rarer frankings!
Starting price: CZK
174788 - 1862-1871 7 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON (perforated)
1862-1871 7 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON (perforated), 2x mixed franking with CERES 1870 and 1871, 2x Reg, 1x money letter and oths., interesting posting and additional postmarks
Starting price: CZK
174786 - 1871-1875 8 letters franked with issue CERES, 2x 40C to Neth
1871-1875 8 letters franked with issue CERES, 2x 40C to Netherlands and to Rome, 30C and 5+25C to Switzerland, 15+25C to Genoa, 3x5+25C - twice heavier letter to Paris and oths.; chosen quality, interesting compilation
Starting price: CZK
176184 - 1890 Reg letter from January 1893 to San Francisco franked w
1890 Reg letter from January 1893 to San Francisco franked with single franking of Allegory 50C Mi.81, CDS PARIS / R. LAFAYETTE, through New York; recipient didn't caught, atypical THIRD NOTICE (3. proclamation) under return Reg label NEW YORK EXCHANGE; notice "en cas d´absence hotel de l´ Europe Singapore" and "en cas d´absence rue Vivienne 53 Paris", after all returned in March 1893 directly to Paris, many REg and tranzit postmarks, arrival SAN FRANCISCO and PARIS rare letter in very nice quality!
Starting price: CZK
174790 - 1914 Exhibition Lyons, official postcard EXPOSITION INTERNAT
1914 Exhibition Lyons, official postcard EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE with Mi.11, with two original exhibition labels, sent to Budapest; very attractive and rare "exhibition" entire!
Starting price: CZK
174794 - 1925 Mi.Bl.1, Exhibition Sheet Paris 1925, various small fla
1925 Mi.Bl.1, Exhibition Sheet Paris 1925, various small flaws, stamps luxury, also with official exhibition envelope EXPOSITION PHILATÉLIQUE INTERNATIONALE used for VIP invitation cards; with Mi.167 and four (!) exhibition labels, all with exhibition CDS; rare entire and souvenir sheet from estate of famous French collector Raymond La Pierre
Starting price: CZK
175305 - 1936 Mi.321, Airmail 50F banknote, corner piece with margin;
1936 Mi.321, Airmail 50F "banknote", corner piece with margin; lightly hinged only in upper margin, stamp MNH, cat. 1.100€
Starting price: CZK
176215 - 1937 Mi.359, 360, Niké 30C, 55C on note-pad MUSÉE DU LOUVR
1937 Mi.359, 360, Niké 30C, 55C on note-pad MUSÉE DU LOUVRE, two pmks LOUVRE, note-pad with gum, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
175445 - 1957-1958 Mi.1120, 1177, 500Fr Caravela, 1000Fr helicopter,
1957-1958 Mi.1120, 1177, 500Fr Caravela, 1000Fr helicopter, luxury and favourite stamps!
Starting price: CZK
174791 - 1921 Ppc from Normandy franked with Mi.136 15+5C Red Cross,
1921 Ppc from Normandy franked with Mi.136 15+5C Red Cross, in addition with label PAX VERITAS / LIBERTAS / JUSTITIA peace conference, CDS TINCHEBRAY, to Budapest, combination PAX and Mi.136 is rare!
Starting price: CZK
174796 - 1924 5Reg letters with nice frankings, Olympiad 1924 and Exp
1924 5Reg letters with nice frankings, Olympiad 1924 and Exposition des Arts Paris 1924, all to Budapest, "Bedarf"; interesting!
Starting price: CZK
174797 - 1925-1938 comp. 6 pcs airmail letters with better frankings,
1925-1938 comp. 6 pcs airmail letters with better frankings, i.a. Merson 2Fr, Mi.294 and oths., 1x to Czechoslovakia, first flights Paris-Nice and Paris-Lyon, letter from Meeting D´Aviation La Baule 1938 and oths.
Starting price: CZK
173344 - 1933 heavier Reg letter with Mi.175, 5Fr Allegory from souve
1933 heavier Reg letter with Mi.175, 5Fr Allegory from souvenir sheet Exhibition Paris 1925, CDS PARIS to Bratislava, only stamp cat. 100€
Starting price: CZK
174792 - 1935 airmail letter -  first flight Paris - Nantes, with Mi.
1935 airmail letter - first flight Paris - Nantes, with Mi.166(3) + 162, addressed to POSTE RESTANTE, extra paid (!) with stamp 30C, atypical air-mail label, CDS LE BOURGET - PORT AERIEN, flight cachet "Liaison Postale Aérienne Sté Air Bleu Ligne Paris-Nantes"; rare entire!
Starting price: CZK
174793 - 1937-1957 comp. 5 exhibition entires: uprated with p.stat 40
1937-1957 comp. 5 exhibition entires: uprated with p.stat 40C PEXIP 1937, CITEX 1949 with strip of 5 Mi.840-843, Bordeaux 1951, Salon de la Philatélie Paris 1951, Journeé Nat. du Timbre - Lille 1957
Starting price: CZK
174798 - 1942-1949 6 letters to Budapest, Reg, Ex, airmail, 2x censor
1942-1949 6 letters to Budapest, Reg, Ex, airmail, 2x censorships, nice frankings, Mi.877-880, 765-770, 852-855, 606-611, 773-777 and oths.
Starting price: CZK
176071 - 1965 ITU - comp. of 9 stamps, i.a. French Polynesia, T.A.A.F
1965 ITU - comp. of 9 stamps, i.a. French Polynesia, T.A.A.F., French Comoros, New Hebrides, St. Pierre and Miquelon etc.; mint never hinged, cat. 480€
Starting price: CZK
176107 - 1920-60 [COLLECTIONS]  OMNIBUS/  smaller business supply of
1920-60 [COLLECTIONS] OMNIBUS/ smaller business supply of colonial issues in stockbook A4, contains various issues, i.a. International exhibition in Paris 1931 etc., mainly incomplete; various quality, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
174909 - 1903 CRETE Mi.19, Merson 8Pia/2Fr violet / yellow; perfect p
1903 CRETE Mi.19, Merson 8Pia/2Fr violet / yellow; perfect piece, exp. Schonmeyer, cat. 120€
Starting price: CZK
174908 - 1885-1901 LEVANT Mi.1(2), 2 ,4, 5II, 5III, 6(3), 7 stamps Al
1885-1901 LEVANT Mi.1(2), 2 ,4, 5II, 5III, 6(3), 7 stamps Allegory with Piastres Opt, i.a. 3x 20Pia/5Fr in various shades; cat. min. 180€
Starting price: CZK
175053 - 1894-1910 compilation of 66 stamps of French post in China (
1894-1910 compilation of 66 stamps of French post in China (i.a. Sc.12A, 5Fr, 13), Alexandria (i.a. Sc.15 5Fr), Port-Said (i.a. Sc.16), Morocco (i.a. Sc.6,7 1Fr,19), Zanzibar (i.a. Sc.28 5Fr) and other destination, cat. $800
Starting price: CZK
176530 - 1853-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  box with thousands of stamps on car
1853-1945 [COLLECTIONS] box with thousands of stamps on cards in envelopes and on sheets, issues Napolenon, Ceres, Allegory, Merson, also colonial issues and several interesting entires; from old estate, suitable for next elaboration and sale, very low starting price!
Starting price: CZK
176529 - 1871-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection of unused stamps in
1871-1980 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of unused stamps in 3 stockbooks, mostly MHN; contains also rarer old stamps and sets, also annual volumes, joined printings, corner pieces, favourite issue Personalities more often, souvenir sheet PEXIP (*) and oths, cat. min. 2.700€
Starting price: CZK