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1852 Sas.1, 1a, Coat of arms 1/2Baj grey and grey-blue, two horiz. pairs, line pre-stamp cancel BAGNACAVALLO and ARGENTA; perfect, exp. Diena, cat. min. 840€ U:A5
1852 6 pairs of Sass.1, 2, 3, 4, 8 (2), i.a. ½Baj with pre-philatelic cancel FORLI, 7Baj in 2 shades, 2Baj pair + 3Baj (2) as rare bicolored multiple franking, 10 Bajochi exp. Diena, very nice compilation, cat. min. 1400€ U:A5
1852-1868 Sass.1A-7, 13,15-20, 22, 24-30, the first issue 1/2Baj - 6Baj, The 2nd issue 2c-80c imperforated and The 3rd issue 2c-80c perforated, both nominal complete; stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, various signature - Bolaffi, Senf, Rieger and oths., cat. min. 4.020€, ex. Dr. Rieger, perfect and rare set! U:A5
1855-1857 Sass.F3, "Falso dell´epoca" FORGERY TO DEFRAUD THE POST - Bologna, 5Baj greypink; perfect piece with typical close margins, on cut-square with grid pmk, rare offer, certificate Pfenninger U:A5
1852 Sass.1c, marginal pair Coat of arms 1/2 Baj, purple-grey "grigia lilio" on very small letter, grid pmk and CDS FOSSOMBRONE, to Urbina; perfect quality, cat. 4.000€, very attractive piece! U:A5
1867 Sass.5A, Coat of arms 4Baj yellow, on letter with CDS MONTE ROTONDO, to Montefiascone to a officer of infantry, desinfection - Cholera Roma region in summer 1867, very fine U:A5
1852-1859 Sass.1-4 and oths. from issue Coat of arms and Governo Provisorio, i.a. Sass.1(*),9 (2), total 32 stamps, mostly II. quality, but also perfect pieces; 1 Lira Sass.11 (4.250€) is forgery and UNCOUNTED, cat. others total 4.290€, very low starting price! U:A5
1852 Sass.1(3),2(2), Reg letter from Modena to Padua, with stamps Coat of arms 5+5+10+10+10+10C, 2x fold, after all very attractive and rare franking, only 5+10C cat. 2.000€, estimation min. 8.000€, Sassone this combination doesn't report, only note. "Le altre combinazioni sono tutte molto piú rare." U:A4
1855 letter from year 1862 franked with UNISSUED 2x 9C newspaper 1855, postaly used by post office, pmk "P.D.", CDS MODENA, red arrival postmark ARRIVO GENOVA; signs of age, very interesting letter! U:A5
1857 Sass.8, Coat of arms 5C olive green on letter to Modena, on stamp grid pmk, next to rare decorative CDS CARPI, dusky corners, otherwise very nice letter, stamp with full to wide margins etc., cat. 900€ U:A5
1859 GOVERNO PROVISORIO Sass.15, 2x emblem 20C violet on letter with CDS MODENA to at that time Austrian Venice, Sardinian transit MILAN, arrival Austrian VENICE, marked "10" (Kreuzer or Soldi - Austrian part of postage due); light vertical fold, otherwise nice, cat. 1 stamp on letter 2.000€, 2 stamps doesn't mention, for pair 21.000€, for stamp 40C 15.750€; very rare letter! U:A5
1858 Sass.3-10, 43 pcs of Coat of arms 5x 1Gr, 5x5Gr, 10Gr, other 2Gr, various plates, colors, plate flaws, counted as the cheapest variants, cat. 2.400€, interesting set ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1860 Sass.15, Mi.8, Coat of Arms ½Tor blue, marginal piece!!, very wide margins on 3 sides, right close margin, almost complete framed pmk ANNULLATO !; certificate RPSL, cat. 15.000€, very nice piece, in this quality rare offer U:DR
1859 Sass.3b, Coat of arms 1Gr "rosa" on printed-matter, black ANNULLATO, red decorative CDS CHIETI, paid - notice " 1 Insuft" (Insufficiente); nice quality, cat. 550€+ U:A5
1860 Sass.3 + 6, Coat of arms 1Gr Tavola I + 2Gr Tavola II, from Napoli to Palermo, on Sicilia extra paid 3 Grana, CDS PALERMO and red INSUFFICIENTE FRANCATUR. PER TASSA, by hand "3", signed; cat. this combination doesn't mention, thanks to surtax it is rare letter! U:A5
1862 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE, Sass.19, 20 (2), Victor Emmanuel II. 1Gr black and pair 2Gr blue, on letter with CDS NAPOLI to CAPOLIVERI; signs of age, cat. min. 600€, "traveling letter", 11 tranzit and arrival postmarks! U:A5
1862 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE, Sass.22. Victor Emanuell II. 10Gr orange on letter to Paris, CDS NAPOLI, red "P.D.", blue commercial pmk, border ITALIE MARSEILLES, arrival PARIS, part of back lapel missing, overall very nice and decorative letter, exp. Diena, cat. 1.500€ U:A5
1856 NEWSPAPER Sass.2, Stati Parmensi 9C blue, grid pmk, on newspapers GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DI MILAN; stamp ordinary to large margins (the first issue without regular margins for cut - major-part of used pieces is cut through 2 corners of ornament, perfectly cut pieces occur only exceptionally); according to certificate Sorani "leggermente mal tagliato da un lato", overall very fine quality; cat. 20.000€, rarity! U:DR
1852 letter with Sas.3, Coat of arms 15C black / pink, CDS PARMA, very nice letter with light folds out of stamp, small size, cat. 400€ U:A5
1853 Sass.1+2, Coat of arms 5C+10C with wide margins with grid pmk., on small letter with beautiful red CDS BORGO S. DONNINO; very nice quality, exp. Diena, cat. 1.500€ U:A5
1860 Sardinia Sass.16Ca, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C "carminio" on letter with CDS PARMA 9. GIUG; exp. Sorani, cat. 2.100€, early usage of Sardinian stamps in Parma U:A5
1851-1854 Sass.2, 5, 6(2), 8, 8b, 9, stamp 40C 1853 exp. Pfenninger, various quality, we doubt about stamp 40C 1854 Sass.9 (5.500€) and is UNCOUNTED; cat. fro the rest 4.550€, very low starting price U:A5
1855-1859 Sass.16, 5 pcs of sought early prints 40C (Tinte del 1855, 1857, 1859), colors: Sass.16c (1855) bricky-pink "vermiglio rosa", also 16a vermiglio, 16Aa rosso scarlatto chiaro, 16Ab vermiglio arancio, 16Bb rosso carminato and oths., identified according to Sassone and Tavole cromatiche; very nice quality, correct pmks, cat. min. 2.900€ U:A5
1858-1862 Sass.17, 80C in various issues and colors, all 5 issues, i.a. No.17 the first issue (Tinte del 1858) bistro arancio, 17Aa (1859) giallo olivastro, 17B, 17C and 17Da, (No. 17 counted as cheaper "bistro arancio" for 1.250€, even when the darker color is close to "bistro arancio scuro" for 5.500€), various quality, genuine pmks, cat. 5.100€, interesting specialized compilation, ex. Dr. Rieger, very low price! U:A5
1859-1861 Sass.14, 6 rare colors of 10C, Sass.14A (Tinte del 1859) bruno grigiastro, 14Be (1860) bruno grigio 2 pcs on cut-square, 14Ca grigia olivastro, 14Caa verde grigiastro chiaro (!), 14Cbb oliva brunastro; identified according to Sassone and Tavole cromatiche, on cut-square patina, otherwise all very nice, cat. 5.950€, rare offer! U:A5
1860 Sass.18, Vcktor Emanuel II 3Lire "copper", with bicircular CDS ".......CORTE"; signs of age, L outside of picture small flaw margins, in addition 2x unused without gum (1x part o.g., counted as (*), 2 shades, several dots; cat. 7.350€, guarantee of genuines! U:A5
1858-1862 compilation of 28 stamps Victor Emmanuel II. mostly with interesting postmarks, i.a. 40C hand obliteration, 2x 5C with first Sardinian postmarks, 10C with "grill" of Papal State, color CDS, red PD, cut-squares, better colors etc.; major-part in perfect quality, high catalogue value! U:A5
1851-1860 22 of forgeries mostly of rare stamps of Sardinía, Tuscany and Vatican City, some ordinary, other dangerous; important comparison material U:A5
1824 letter from 1824 from Lanzo franked 15C - "Cavallini di Sardegna", very nice embossed print of "Sardinian horse"; to Torino; extraordinary quality, cat. 1.000€, very rare U:A5
1838 letter from 1838 from San Remo franked 15C - "Cavallini di Sardegna", nice print of blue "Sardinian horse"; to San Stefano; extraordinary quality, cat. 1.000€, very rare U:A5
1853 letter with Sass.5, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue, embossed printing on blue paper, with CDS TORINO, addressed to Asti; very nice stamp with complete margins, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1854 Sass.8, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue, on letter with CDS TORINO, to Genoa; very nice quality, stmp with full to wide margins, exp. Diena ,kat. 1.000€ U:A5
1854 Sass.8d, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C green-blue, on letter with rare CDS CARLOFORTE, to Cagliari; very nice quality, stamp with full to wide margins, exp. Diena etc.,kat. 1.350€ U:A5
1856 letter with Sass.15, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C cobalt, so-called the first issue (Tinte del 1855), to Genoa, CDS CHIAVARI; perfect quality, cat. 550€ U:A5
1857 Sass.13A and 15f, V.E.II 5C dark green "verde mirto" + 20C "celeste", so-called. II. (1857) + I. (1855) issue on letter with CDS NIZZA MARITTA (today Nice - France) to Antibes, missing part of lapel on back side, cat. 3.500€ + 975€, in addition rare cross-border porto 25C instead ususal 40C for France; extraordinary offer U:A5
1858-1863 Sass. 13Ad V.E.II. 5C yellow green "verde giallo" on printed-matter with CDS TORINO and strip-of-3 13E late print green on letter with CDS ALESSANDRIA, very nice quality, cat. 1.600€ U:A5
1859 Sass.14Ab, Victor Emanuel II. pair 10C "bruno violaceo", so-called. II. print of this issue (Tinte del 1859) on letter with CDS ISEO, to Brescia, full to wide margins, nice quality, exp. Diena and Raybaudi, cat. 3.600€ U:A5
1860 Sass.14Bd, Victor Emanuel II. pair 10C "bruno olivastro scuro" (color determined according to Tavole cromatiche - Quarta emissione di Sardegna), so-called. III. issue (Tinte del 1860) on letter with CDS BRESCIA, to Milan; wide margins, very nice and rare letter, exp. Diena and Raybaudi, cat. min. 5.500€ U:A5
1863 Sass.13E, 3x Victor Emmanuel II. green 5C on letter from Naples to Austrian Mantova (Austrian fortress till 1866); marked general porto "65" centesimi (=26kr as rate A3+S2, so 15+11kr), with 15C unssuficient franking and extra paid, CDS NAPOLI, AFFRANCATURA INSUFFICIENTE, Austrian arrival postmark MANTOVA; notice "11"(kr) means evidently Italian part of franking = 27,5C, at top "....ITALIANO CENT 13" surtax to franking 15C; perfect small and rare letter! U:A5
1863 Sass.16E,16F, 2x Victor Emmanuel II. 40C carmine, P.D. letter to Nice (Nizza Maritima), CDS PORTO MAURIZIO; 40C bricky, P.D. letter to Paris, CDS GENOVA, cat. 565€ U:A5
1862 Sass.15Da, horizontal(!) pair Victor Emmanuel II. 10C "celeste" on atypical square envelope, from Tuscan Florence to Viterbo, on reverse interesting railway pmk AMB. LIV-FIR No 2 (Livorno-Firenze), exp. Sorani U:A5
1859 Sass.4c, Ferdinand II. 1Gr brown-olive; nice piece, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 2.750€ U:A5
1859 Sass.14, Ferdinand II. 50Gr brown, tiny tears; cat. 9.500€ U:A5
1851 Sass.4b, Lion 1Cr carmine on blue paper; very nice piece with large part o.g., small fold in the place of wmk, wide margins; certificate Chiavarelo, cat. 14.000€ U:A5
1857 Sass.12, Lion 1Cr carmine; very nice piece with original gum, left dark spot, very wide margins; certificate Diena originally for pair, cat. 16.500€, rare stamp just for symbolical price! U:A5
1851-60 comp. of 15 classical stamps, contains i.a. Sass.2, 1So, cat. ca. 5.000€; various quality U:A5
1857 compilation of 34 stamps "Lion" and "Coat of arms", i.a. Sass.8a, 10(2), 12, 13 - 2Cr blue strip-of-3 on cut-square (2.700€), and oths. typical various margins, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 13.300€ U:A5
1853 Sass.6, strip of 4, 4Cr gren-blue + Sass.4, 1Cr red, on letter to Edinburgh, str-of-4 lower closer margin (usual for multiples), 1Cr perfect, black grid pmk, CDS P.D. FIRENZE, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival AUG 26 1853; rare destination and franking, only str-of-4 4Cr on letter cat. 35.000€, with other stamps min. 40.000€; this unique letter originate from important collection, interesting starting price! U:A5
1853 Sass.6, Heraldic Lion 4Cr green on grey paper, on letter with CDS FIRENZE P.D. to Romagna - LUGO, extra paid "3" (Bajochi) and redirected to Bologna, arrival postmark BOLOGNA; stamp with wide margins, interesting letter!, exp. Diena, cat. 1.000€++ U:A5
1855 Sass.6, pair 4Cr green-blue + Sass.8b, 9Cr violet-brown on "funeral" letter to England "Inghilterra", CDS MONTECATINI, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival OCT 16 1855, PETERBOROUGH and ABOYNE; addressed to duke of Huntly to Peterborough, redirected on mansion to Aboyne Castle in Aberdeenshire and then again to Peterborough (!), marked POSTAGE DUE FOR TWICE RESENDING "2" (Pence); signs of age unimportant, scarce franking and destination, cat. min. 7.500€; prestigious offer from important collection! U:DR
1857 Sass.5f, Lion 2Cr green-blue, on letter from 1857 to Carrary, red CDS LIVORNO and P.D., stamp also letter perfect, rare late usage of I. Tuscan issue, exp. Pfenninger, cat. 1.200€++, exceedingly attractive entire! U:A5
1859 Sass.15, Lion 6Cr grey-blue on letter from Livorno to Sicilian Messina, notice "Col Postale Francese / Via di Mare", cat. 1.600€, very nice and interesting letter transported by French ship on line to Levant connecting post offices in Livorno, Civittavecchia, Naples, (Messina), Malta, Syra, Smyrna, Dardanelles U:A5
1861 GOVERNO PROVISORIO Sass.20, 20a, Coat of arms 20C blue and light blue on 2 letters with CDS FIRENZE, to Cortona and Napoli; wide margins, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1862 Sass.2, 3, 4, 11, 14 pcs of Victor Emmanuel type II., Sardinia, but perforated, also 3x Sass.11; outer, cut square 20+40C; mostly perfect, stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 1.720€, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1868 2 letters with Sass.21, V.E.II. 60C light violet (De La Rue), from Genoa to London, with CDS GENOVA and GENOVA FERROVIA, various commercial pmks of Netherlandish company Leupold Fréres, perfect quality U:A5
1925-26 Mi.222-224A+B, 25. Jubilee King Victor Emanuel III. 60C-1,25L, both variants of perf; cat. 282€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445, Rome - Chicago, horizontal strip of 3 with pilot name, contraction MIGI, popular issue; stamp 19,75L from the front side with lightly dented paper, cat. 250€ U:A5
1934 Mi.483, Football 1934, 5L+2,50L, the most expensive and highest value of the set, cat. Mi.250€, Sass. 300€ U:A5
1934-37 Mi.514-519, Victor Emmanuel III. + Mi.570-575, Fair; 2 complete air-mail sets, cat. 210€ U:A5
1948 Mi.740-745, 600. anniv of birth of St. Catherine from Siena, complete set incl. airmail stamps.; cat. 170€ U:A5