Public auction 47 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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175552 - 1819 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Znojmo, with s
1819 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Znojmo, with straight line postmark V:TREBITSCH (Vot.2443/1.=130b), small format, tariff note by red raddle and broken seal on reverse; fine quality
Starting price: CZK
175029 - 1823 CZECH LANDS/ money letter with pmk ZERHOWITZ to Rokycan
1823 CZECH LANDS/ money letter with pmk ZERHOWITZ to Rokycany, in front marked porto 2 Kr (C.M.) or 6 Kr (W.W.), rate through 1-3 post. stations valid from 1.6.1817-30.7.1842, notice "Mit 1F 51Kr WHOLE WORLD", counted in old currency Wiener Währung - inflation currency changed in 1816 to C.M. - Conventionsmünze; interesting entire and rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
174090 - 1823 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Libenau, strai
1823 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Libenau, straight line postmark v:JUNGBUNZLAU (Mladá Boleslav, Vot.935/1.=180b!), note by ruddle and on reverse paper seal; nice readable sought pmk, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
174084 - 1823 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to Prague, straight line po
1823 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to Prague, straight line postmark vHORAŽDIOWITZ (Vot.815/2.=100b), in front also on reverse note by ruddle, whole paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174082 - 1825 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to Mnichov near Mariánské
1825 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to Mnichov near Mariánské Lázně, straight line postmark SANDAU (Žandov, Vot.2110/1.=70b), on reverse unbroken seal; nice print
Starting price: CZK
175031 - 1826-1843 CZECH LANDS/  2 letters with pmk PISEK and VON ZWO
1826-1843 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters with pmk PISEK and VON ZWODAU, both with half porto paid by sender, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175027 - 1827-1844 CZECH LANDS/  3 letters with pre-paid porto, pmk E
1827-1844 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with pre-paid porto, pmk EGER FRANCO, V.CARLSBAD FRANCO, WINTERBERG FRANCO (this pmk Vimperk is rare); letters with rate 4, 9 and 12kr according to valid rates 1.6.1817-30.7.1842 and from 1.8.1842
Starting price: CZK
175023 - 1828-1832 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Horažďovice, black w
1828-1832 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Horažďovice, black "writing" postmark HORAŽDIOWITZ, to Munich through 6-9 postal stations - III. tariff rate, in/at basic weight to 1/2 Loth; porto 10Kr according to rate system from 1817-1842, half paid by sender
Starting price: CZK
175030 - 1829 CZECH LANDS/ 2x heavier letter from Mladá Boleslav, ma
1829 CZECH LANDS/ 2x heavier letter from Mladá Boleslav, marked weight 1Loth and half porto 6 Kreuzer from 12Kr (7-9 post. stations for weight from 1/2 to 1 Loth, according to rates from 1.6. 1817), pmk JUNGBUNZLAU and interesting additional postmark "OFFICIO CORR." and "VON JUNG.BUNZLAUER MAAT" (Magistrat)
Starting price: CZK
176447 - 1830 CZECH LANDS/  blue 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS 30.DEC. on folde
1830 CZECH LANDS/ blue 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS 30.DEC. on folded cover letter to Hlohová + oval VON DER K.u.K.. POST-DIREKTION FÜR BOHEMIA on ex-offo letter to Pardubice
Starting price: CZK
174083 - 1830 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Prague, straig
1830 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Prague, straight line postmark v:MIES (Stříbro) in brown color (Vot.1412/1.=120b); note by ruddle, on reverse whole paper seal; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175553 - 1832-35 CZECH LANDS/  comp. 3 covers sent from Vyškov, from
1832-35 CZECH LANDS/ comp. 3 covers sent from Vyškov, from that 2 with oval pmk WISCHAU (Vot.2649/2, resp. 2649/2a) and 1 x with straight line postmark WISCHAU 30/4 (Vot.2649/3b); all with note by ruddle about postage rate, nice imprints of pmks, 2x paper seals; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175547 - 1833 CZECH LANDS/  folded cover of ex offo letter sent in th
1833 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of ex offo letter sent in the place, offícial postmaster single circle pmk K.u.K.. POSTAMT/ NICOLSBURG(Vot.3964=300b), catalogue Votoček shows oldest usage in 1845!; rare occurrence, fine quality
Starting price: CZK
174081 - 1834 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1834 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark SOBOTKA (Vot.2278/2.=100b), on reverse incomplete paper seal; fine quality
Starting price: CZK
174080 - 1834-48 CZECH LANDS/  2 letters with straight line pmk from
1834-48 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters with straight line pmk from Sudoměřice: a) from 1834, pmk SUDOMIERZITZ (Vot.2377/2.=80b), addressed to Chlumec, in front also on reverse notee by ruddle, in the middle lower small flaw; b) from 1848, pmk SUDOMIERŽITZ (Vot.2377/4a.=80b), about1 year former usage (!) of postmark, on reverse arrival postmark MÜHLHAUSEN (Milevsko, Vot.1470/1.=100b) and paper seal; interesting and very nice
Starting price: CZK
174091 - 1835 CZECH LANDS/ large folded letter with handmade note in
1835 CZECH LANDS/ large folded letter with handmade note "in causa criminali", with frame pmk v.GROTTAU (Hrádek nad Nisou, Vot.709/2./ I. condition, =300b!), nice imprint, on reverse seal; sought pmk, rare occurrence, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174088 - 1835 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1835 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark v:SCHLAN (Vot.2141/1.=200b!), marks by ruddle, on reverse unusual black! paper seal; sought postmark, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175550 - 1835? CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with oval pmk type C.74/ R
1835? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with oval pmk type C.74/ REGENS (Řehořov, Vot.1998/1.=170b), addressed to Třebíč, handwritten note by ruddle; nice print
Starting price: CZK
176448 - 1836 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to France with red pmk PRAG
1836 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to France with red pmk PRAG FRANCO, additional pmks, on reverse arrival COMPIEGNE
Starting price: CZK
175554 - 1837 CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter addressed to Třebíč
1837 CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter addressed to Třebíč, oval pmk ZNAYM (Vot.2782/2.) supplemented with still unknown pmk "recom:" italic (!), handwritten note. about postage rate; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
170987 - 1837-43 CZECH LANDS/  comp. of 2 folded letters:  a) 1837, s
1837-43 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 folded letters: a) 1837, straight line postmark NICOLSBURG (Mikulov, catalogue Votoček nr.1609/1.=40b), on reverse paper seal; b) 1843, straight line postmark SENFTENBERG (catalogue Votoček. č.2227/4.=50b), postmaster´s note by red raddle, on reverse oval transit pmk 8 MAJ/ LEUTOMISCHL (catalogue Votoček. č.1226/2a=50b); well readable pmks, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
170902 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/  cover sent from Teplice, red frame TEPLIT
1838 CZECH LANDS/ cover sent from Teplice, red frame TEPLITZ/ 2.SEP. (Vot.2412/6.=200b!); folded over pmk, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
175516 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with atypical oval pmk K.K.B
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with atypical oval pmk K.K.B.S./ KUNSTADT (Vot.1179/1.=200b!), specialist sought postal-agency (!), "K.K.B.S." (=Kaiserliche Königliche Briefsammelstelle), inside hand-made date "18.Dezbr.838", handwritten note by ruddle "6", addressed to Třebíč, on reverse half of paper seal; rare entire, here for the first time in auction, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175518 - 1839-45 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 folded covers with 2-lines p
1839-45 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 folded covers with 2-lines pmks LUNDENBURG/ 14.DEC. - black, and LUNDENBURG 18.APR. - green (Břeclav, Vot.1323/1 and 1323/2), both addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz), 1 pcs with handmade note by ruddle "6"; pmks well readable, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175672 - 1839-53 CZECH LANDS/  comp. of 3 folded letters, black line
1839-53 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 3 folded letters, black line pmksKUNSTADT 24.MAR; BOSKOWITZ; GOLDENBRUNN
Starting price: CZK
175522 - 1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover with atypical pmk MAEHR. NEUS
1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover with atypical pmk MAEHR. NEUSTADT (Uničov Vot.1340/2a=200b) + date "26/5" + FRANCO, addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz); quality print of all 3 postmarks, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174089 - 1840? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Moravská Tře
1840? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Moravská Třebová, oval pmk with decorative small frame MAEHR:/NEUSTADT + date "23/1" (Uničov, Vot.1340/2a/ I. stav=200b!); sought postmark, well readable print
Starting price: CZK
175549 - 1841-48 CZECH LANDS/  comp. of 2 letters sent from Prostějo
1841-48 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 letters sent from Prostějov, 1x folded letter from 1841 with 2-lines pmk PROSSNITZ/ 9.12.1841 (Vot.1933/2a) and 1x cover with the same pmk from 13.9.1848 in blue color!; both pmks well readable, very good quality
Starting price: CZK
175026 - 1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with pmk CZIMELITZ to Štěkně, re
1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with pmk CZIMELITZ to Štěkně, redirected to Vienna, porto 6 Kreuzer (for letter up to 10 miles, weight 1/2 Loths, according to posto rates from 1.8.1842) and notice "ZUTAX 6 Kreuzer" on "zusammen" 12Kr, for distance over 10miles, arrival postmark WIEN, interesting letter
Starting price: CZK
175521 - 1842 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1842 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark M. BUDWITZ (Vot.1337/2.=100b) in blue color; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175028 - 1843 CZECH LANDS/  comp. 3 letters with Moravian pmks WISCHA
1843 CZECH LANDS/ comp. 3 letters with Moravian pmks WISCHAU, PROSSNITZ, MUGLITZ, half postage 3 Kreuzer, complete 6 Kreuzer up to 10 miles and complete 12Kr over 10 miles, according to rates from 1.8.1842
Starting price: CZK
176449 - 1843-44 CZECH LANDS/  2 folded letters, 1x black SIEBKOWITZ
1843-44 CZECH LANDS/ 2 folded letters, 1x black SIEBKOWITZ + FRANCO; 1x green SCHLUKENAU AM 23.APRL + FRANCO
Starting price: CZK
175551 - 1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with frame pmk type C.157 in
1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with frame pmk type C.157 in black color "POHRLITZ/ Franco" (Vot.2957a=140b) addressed to Brno; on reverse 2-lines arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 14.JUL. in blue color; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175510 - 1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark
1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark AUSTERLITZ (Vot.78/1(a), with additionally by hand written date - catalogue Votoček. doesn't report!; addressed to Karlovec, note by ruddle "4"; on reverse broken seals, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175513 - 1846 CZECH LANDS/ cover Reg letter with atypical pmk RECOMMA
1846 CZECH LANDS/ cover Reg letter with atypical pmk RECOMMANDIRT/ GOLDENBRUNN/ 2.4M, catalogue Votoček type C.197, nice print, handwritten note by ruddle "88", addressed to Brno; on reverse green arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 5.APR. and broken seal, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174087 - 1846 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Jindřichův H
1846 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Jindřichův Hradec, 2-lines pmk TABOR/ am 15 September (Vot.2393/2a.=60b) + on reverse arrival blue (!) 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS/ day 16.Sept. and broken seal; good quality
Starting price: CZK
175546 - 1848 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of letter with red! 2-lines p
1848 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of letter with red! 2-lines pmk EISENBERG/ 25.NOV. (Vot.1586/1.), today DOLNÍ RUDA, catalogue Votoček. red cancel. doesn't mentione (!); addressed to Zábřeh, rare offer, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175514 - 1849 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with 2-lines bluepmk KONITZ
1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with 2-lines bluepmk KONITZ/ 20.NOV: (Vot.1085/1.=200b!), nice print; on reverse torn paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175524 - 1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) 2-lines pmk M:
1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) 2-lines pmk M: NEUSTADTL/ 23.MAR. (Vot.16569/2. blue doesn't report) + blue FRANCO (Vot.2924=50b), addressed to Polná, arrival POLNA/ 25.MAR. on reverse; decorative entire !
Starting price: CZK
175523 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with bicircular pmk NAMIEST
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with bicircular pmk NAMIEST/ 2.5. (Vot.1485/1.=140b), addressed to Třebíč; on reverse boken seal, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175512 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with 2-lines pmk OBER=BOBRA
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with 2-lines pmk OBER=BOBRAU/ 14.MAI (=Bobrová na Moravě), Vot.159/1. in blue-green color(!), almost luxury print, addressed to Moravská Třebová; on reverse broken seal, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175555 - 1853 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1853 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark of railway-station postal office BISENZ (Vot.4015/1.) type A.127- see Mo.14, p. 562, /later railway-station BISENZ - PISEK/, nice print, on reverse broken seal NORDBAHN - TRANSPORTEXPEDITION; rare!
Starting price: CZK
176450 - 1843 SLOVAKIA  2 folded letters, small format, 1x black 2-li
1843 SLOVAKIA 2 folded letters, small format, 1x black 2-lines TYRNAU 13 APRIL, to Týnce + frame SZENITZ 11.11. + red A.P.
Starting price: CZK
175548 - 1837 AUSTRIA/  folded cover of letter addressed to Olomouc,
1837 AUSTRIA/ folded cover of letter addressed to Olomouc, 2-lines pmk NEUSTADT/ 12 JUL 1837, long address, on reverse sought arrival decorative postmaster pmk OLMÜTZ/ 15.7.1837 (Vot.1700/5.=300b!); small format, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
176451 - 1844 AUSTRIA/   black double-circle KUFSTEIN on folded lette
1844 AUSTRIA/ black double-circle KUFSTEIN on folded letter to Bavaria
Starting price: CZK
173038 - 1824 HUNGARY/  letter with red frame pmk NAGYBÁNYA (Baia Ma
1824 HUNGARY/ letter with red frame pmk NAGYBÁNYA (Baia Mare in Romania), weight 1 Loth, to Vienna, cat. Müller 80P
Starting price: CZK
174347 - 1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre yellow, MP, type Ib, wide
1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre yellow, MP, type Ib, wide margins, fragment CDS PRAG 30.4.; from the front small fold
Starting price: CZK
174767 - 1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, type Ib, HP,  print on
1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, type Ib, HP, print on both sides!, wide margins
Starting price: CZK
176291 - 1850 Mi.1HIII, strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow on cut-sq
1850 Mi.1HIII, strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow on cut-square with single-circle pmk FALGENDORF B.H. 4/10; rare
Starting price: CZK
170437 - 1850 Mi.2X, Ferch.2, strip of 3, 2 Kreuzer HP IIIa type, on
1850 Mi.2X, Ferch.2, strip of 3, 2 Kreuzer HP IIIa type, on cut-square with CDS WIEN; cat. 1200€ +25%
Starting price: CZK
174587 - 1850 Mi.3IIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, machine made paper; b
1850 Mi.3IIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, machine made paper; blue cancel. BLEIBURG
Starting price: CZK
176288 - 1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer type Ia, HP, dark bricky
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer type Ia, HP, dark bricky (dunkel zinnober), with part of blue CDS RUMBURG; cat. Ferchenbauer 225€+, nice piece + Mi.3MIII, with red TANNWALD
Starting price: CZK
173887 - 1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, Ia type, str-of
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, Ia type, str-of-4 + 1 piece on small cut-square, round CDS WIEN 23/JUN, on 3 stamp. plate flaw - "color stain in crown", certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.750€ , very nice and decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
173886 - 1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, type III., str-
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, HP, type III., str-of-6 on cut-square, round CDS BRÜNN 15/10, on 3rd stamp omitted print in UL corner, on 2nd stamp plate flaw white stain in ribbon, certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 3.750€ + 25%, very nice, rare and decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
174342 - 1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, type I.a, Pl.1, sta
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, type I.a, Pl.1, standard margins, fragment blue pmk "Kirchberg"
Starting price: CZK
176284 - 1850 Mi.4Y,X, 5X, cut square 6 Kreuzer MP type III with red
1850 Mi.4Y,X, 5X, cut square 6 Kreuzer MP type III with red CDS RECOMMANDIRT WIEN 1858; cut square 9 Kreuzer HP type I with CDS LEMBERG RECCOMANDIRT; in addition stamp 6 Kreuzer HP type I with 4 pmk REGISTERED, 9 Kreuzer Liliputschnitt; perfect quality, cat. Müller total 530P!
Starting price: CZK
174476 - 1850 compilation of 22 stamps of the first issue, from that
1850 compilation of 22 stamps of the first issue, from that 2x pair and 7 small cut-squares, all with well readable pmk from territory of Slovakia, for example. ROSENBERG, TIRNAU, SZENITZ, KL: KANISA, TRENČHIN, NEUSOHL, SERETH, KUTTY; usual quality
Starting price: CZK
174977 - 1850-58 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of more than 50 classic a
1850-58 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 50 classic and newspaper stamps, from that 24 pcs first issue, contains various color shades, types, varieties of papers, 1x rare pmk in violet color, in addition reprint of pink Mercure; in general good quality
Starting price: CZK
176301 - 1850 comp. 14 cut-squares and used stamps with various pmks
1850 comp. 14 cut-squares and used stamps with various pmks on stamps Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, i.a. MARBACH, RAAB, ROCHLITZ, GOLTSCHJENIKAU etc.
Starting price: CZK
176079 - 1900? REPRODUCTIONS  Mi.1, 2, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow and 2
1900? REPRODUCTIONS Mi.1, 2, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow and 2 Kreuzer black, blocks of four; 1 Kr small gum flaw
Starting price: CZK