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1908-1910 Mi.63B, 77B, 100 stamps sheet Coat of arms 1 K orange, marginal wmk, plate number 3, gutters, with folds L and lower; in addition very interesting counter sheet 1Rb - crossways inserted print sheet! U:A3v–
1908 Mi.64A,72A,75A, issue II., sheets of 100 with gutters and marginal wmk, 2 K with plate number8, 20K with number 4, sheet 20K folded, on/ margins out of stamp usual folds, stamps luxury; plate number and cross gutter are for collectors very attractive! U:A3v–
1908 Mi.64B, 66B, imperforated sheets of 100 with gutters and marginal wmk, Coat of arms 2 K green with plate number 2, 4 Koruna red with plate number 1, extraordinary quality! U:A3v–
1908 Mi.71IIB, Coat of arms 15K, corner block of 10 with Opt OBRAZEC (Specimen); luxury and rare, cat. Zverev ca. $600 U:A5
1908 Mi.72A,75A,76A, issue II., sheets of 100 with gutters and marginal wmk, 20K with plate number 4, 70K without plate number, on margins out of stamp usual folds; 50K with plate number 5 - luxury; plate number and cross gutter are for collectors very attractive! U:A3v–
1910 Mi.77B, 78A, 80D, 3 complete counter sheets, 1Rb with plate number 1 (rare) in addition corner paper crease, 3,50Rb, 7Rb margins imperforate - frame perf, interesting print on printing sheet, margins with common folds; stamps luxury U:A3v–
1910 Mi.77Bx, 1R brown / orange, complete printing sheet - 2 sheets "wide" gutter 8x, coupons 12x, full margins, as always folded; very nice and rare multiple; rare! U:A3v–
1860 Mi.U7C, envelope Eagle 10K dark grey, wmk 2, 135/85mm, CDS POLTAVA, cat. 100€ U:A5
1891 Mi.U30E, postal stationery cover 7K, uprated to Registered and sent to Hungary, additional franking 1+5+7K, Mi.48, 58, 49, CDS "TELEGRAF...", transit ST. PETERSBURG, round "R", on reverse small flaw; very nice 4-coloured mixed franking! U:A5
1922 Mi.180AxF, pair 7500R/250R, printing error - with and without overprint " 7500 RUB.", on cut-square from Reg letter with CDS MOSCOW, perfect and rare piece, cat. 200€ ++ U:A5
1918 local letter from Odessa franked with Saving stamps Mi.125A, 138A (block of four with opposite facing pairs), 140A,141A, CDS ODESSA 20.8.18, arrival 21.8.18, interesting letter, usage of tête-bêche pairs on entires is rare! U:A5
1918-1923 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 11 sheets, inflation, For Hungers, better papers, Opt colors, gutters, plate defects, Revolutionary forces, air-mail, some **, high catalogue value, interesting compilation U:Z
1927 Mi.319-323, specialized compilation of stamp with overprint 8K/1K - 8K/14K on stock-sheet A4, all used, specialisation to perf, wmk, in addition 1x Ppc with Mi.323; index inserted, cat. according to owner ca. 425€ U:A4
1937 Mi.549Gx, Pushkin 10K dark brown, rare line perforation 12½; : 14; cat. 280€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1203-1211, Professions 5K-60K, complete set in blocks of four; mint never hinged, cat. 300€+ U:A5
1964-70 Mi.2983-2987y, 3749-3758, Mushrooms, Lenin, complete set in complete 25 pcs, resp. 8 stamps printing sheets with coupons, cat. 400€ U:A3v–
1960 UNISSUED Siberian tyger "Пoчта; СССР", TRIAL PRINT CZECHOSL state printing-plant, phase print without value; interesting corner blk-of-4 U:A5
1925 airmail letter to France, franked with, overprint airmail stamp, Mi.267-270, CDS MOSCOW 11.9.25, supplemented with pmk SAMOLETOM, on reverse transit BERLIN FLUGPOST, vert. fold U:A5
1925 Reg letter sent from Moscow to Brno, with Mi.251 (4x), CDS MOSCOW/ 8.5.25, on reverse control mark 50K/1K, Mi.11 (!) with postmark; very good quality U:A5
1926 Reg letter sent from Moscow to Brno, with Mi.271, 292B and 294B, CDS MOSCOW/ 20.11.26, on reverse control mark 1R/3K, Mi.13A (!) with postmark; excellent quality U:A5
1927 Reg letter sent from Moscow to Brno, with Mi.273, 292A + 316, CDS MOSCOW/ 2.4.27, on reverse control mark 75K/10K, Mi.12A (!) with postmark; very good quality U:A5
1931 letter from Leningrad to France, with postage stamps Mi.372(2x) and 395, on reverse with "Tauschkontrollmarken" 2x Mi.16, on the left with gutter U:A5
1932 Mi.410A, 411B, 2. international polar flight 50k and 1R, on airmail letter, air-mail special postmark, CDS ARCHANGELSK and arrival MOSCOW; perfect quality U:A5
1935 Ppc to Prague franked with airmail stamp Zeppelin 20K, Mi.486 (!) and 10K Nations of USSR, Mi.438, CDS MOSCOW; light wearing U:A5
1945 postcard 20Kop red, uprated with stamp 30Kop Melnikov, without postmarks sent from Moscow to Prague, here uprated with stamp 1,20 K Masaryk with broken out CDS PRAGUE 15, interesting p.stat U:A5
1949 Reg letter to Netherlands, i.a. with Mi.519, Spartakiad 1935 - Tennis, rare on letter, CDS SMOLENSK, arrival VOORBURG, cat. 250€
1949 Reg letter with Mi.777, 776, 766, 779 to England, CDS MOSCOW, stamps in printing error "blue instead green", normal stamps for comparison included; from known corespondence of J. Barry / Surrey, rare U:A5
1951 letter to Canada, with 2x Mi.1601, Buildings 20K, CDS MOSCOW; quite unusual multiple franking U:A5
1948-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection in folder Schaubek, mostly used stamps and sets, incl. better pieces from period 1948-1952; cat. min. 1.500€ U:Z
1944-1949 [COLLECTIONS] compilation with better blocks of four, all complete sets, Mi.911-917, 932A-936A, 1047, 1295-1296, 1288-1291, 1309-1313, 1316-1317, 1327-1330, 1341-1347, 1355-1356, 1391, 1414-1417, cat. Michel 866€ (Russian catalogues much more) U:Z
1920 WRANGEL - ARMY, issue for camp post of Wrangel army, post. service between main camp in Constantinople and other camps in time 1.12.1920 - 30.5.1921, 76 pcs of stamps of Russian, Ukraine saving stamps (rare) with Opt of both types U:A5
1941-45 comp. of 7 FP cards with various added-prints, all Used, from that 2x franked; various quality U:A5
1864-1923 [COLLECTIONS] box with thousands of stamps on cards, in envelopes and on sheets, Russian Empire, inflation, RSFSR, a lot of old issues Coat of arms (incl. more expensive pieces - i.a. Mi.9 unused etc.), issue for Levant, also China and many unused stamps; part of old estate, high catalogue value! U:K