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1843 ZURICH, Mi.2I, 6Rp vertical background print, unclear print of black pmk; nice piece with complete margins; cat. 1.600€ U:A5
1851 Mi.9II, Rayon I, without frame, rarer dark blue color; very nice piece with atypical hand-made cancellation, cat. 130€++ U:A5
1848-62 9 classical stamp Sitting Helvetia, contains i.a. used Mi.13II (2x), 14II, 15II, 17II - Bern print, Mi.20-21; various margins and quality, cat. ca. 330€+ in addition supplemented with 3 entires U:A4
1854 Mi.17I, Sitting Helvetia 40Rp yellow - green with rhombic line pmk, so-called. "München druck", nice margins, cat. 550€ U:A5
1862-1867 Mi.21, 27, 28(2), 33a, 33b, Helvetia 60C bronze, CDS LUZERN; extraordinary quality, also 3C black, 1Fr gold light and dark, 30C (1867) light ultramarine and Prussian blue, cat. 765€ U:A5
1881 Mi.41, 43, Helvetia 25C and 50C on granite paper; very nice quality, cat. 600€, 50C is rare and in collections often missing U:A5
1882 Mi.62B, Helvetia 50C blue, perf 9 and 1/4 on 9¾;, CDS NEUCHATEL; exp. Kohler, cat. 380€ U:A5
1913-1933 Mi.107, 110, Sitting Helvetia 50C green and 3Fr brown-yellow, 50-bloky (!), with CDS BASEL KONTROLE and BERNE 1 BRIEFVERSAND, on parts of 2 accounting sheets, one on reverse with cancel. BETREIBUNGSAMT WINTERTHUR KREIS II, rare complexes U:A4
1934 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet NABA, exhibition special postmark ZÜRICH/ NABA/ 5.X.34; sought, cat. 750€ U:A5
1940 Mi.Bl.5, souvenir sheet Pro Patria, luxury; cat. 450€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Bl.6, souvenir sheet War Charity, with CDS LAUSANNE 2/ 27.V.42; cat. 450€ U:A5
1943 Mi.Bl.8, souvenir sheet 100. years of Swiss stamps; cat. 110€ U:A5
1943 Mi.Bl.9, Bl.10, 417-418, comp. of 2 souvenir sheets, 100 years of Swiss stamps + souvenir sheet GEPH + 2 stamps from souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.8; cat. 250€ U:A5
1943 Mi.Bl.9, 100 years of Swiss stamps, cat. 110€, perfect U:A4
1941-1943 Mi.Bl.10 + Bl.12, Exhibition Geneva GEPH and Pro Juventute Winter relief; cat. 195€ U:A5
1951 compilation of souvenir sheets and stamps on 2 cards A4, contains i.a. Mi.Bl.14, souvenir sheet LUNABA **, Bl.16, 17 and 18**, blocks of four etc.; practically all mint never hinged, cat. ca. 400€ U:O4
1939-41 MILITARY STAMPS compilation of 31 pcs of various military stamps on stock-sheet A4; hinged or used U:A4
1956-75 1956-1975 SPECIAL PRINTINGS - lower outer block-of-15 TRIAL PRINT and SPECIMEN, General Directorate of PTT in Berne - Fishes 1956, Hermes 1966, Locomotive 1967, Farm 1975, cat. Derrick M. Slate 2013 - Swiss Trial Prints: No. 300, 301, 302; 600, 601; 652C; 680 (only block-of-10 and small gum flaw); Slate evaluates with market (!) price total to 130GBP, multiples with margins and sheet numbers much more! U:A4
1867-1900 11 p.stat, postcards and COB, Mi.U2,3,5,8,9,P2,4,6, i.a. 2x COB 30C blue to Saxony and to Milan, 5C brown with surtax, cat. total min. 150€, in addition rare postcard P2 5C bricky red CDS CLARENS 14.10.1870 - 14. day usage of these first Swiss cards! U:A5
1862 Mi.19, Sitting Helvetia (Strubel) 2Rp grey on printed-matter CDS BASEL, arrival AARAU; right lower cut in margin, otherwise wide to adjoining stamps (quite common in this issue), very nice entire, cat. SBK (Schweizer. Briefm. Catalogue) 1.400CHF U:A5
1924 FLIGHT LA CAGUERELLE - LAUSSANE, Reg and airmail letter franked with airmail stamp 65c, Mi.189 and Surtax special label 40c for Anniv of 31. regiment, posting commemorative postmarks and at the back arrival LAUSANNE POSTE AÉRIENNE SUISSE 31.VIII.24; decorative, good condition U:A5
1925 first flight BASEL - MANNHEIM, airmail letter to Germany, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.180, 156 2x, oval blue postmark FLUGPOST BASEL - MANNHEIM 28.IX.25; good condition, decorative U:A5
1925 first flight GENÈVE - MILAN, airmail letter to Italy, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.213, 156, 202, violet cachet, posting air-mail cancellation GENÈVE 3.IX.25 and arrival MILAN POSTA AREA 3.10.25; good condition, decorative small size U:A5
1929-30 AD ASTRA AFRICA FLUG 2 Reg and airmail entires carried by airmail to Africa, both with flight cachets from1929 and 1930, franked with. i.a. airmail stamp. 1Fr, Mi.191, CDS ZÜRICH LUFTPOST 15.XII.29 and 2.XII.30; good condition U:A5
1932-44 FIELD POST comp. of 13 entires of Swiss field post, from that 7 pcs with various unit labels, various postmarks of field post, 2x arrival postmark on reverse, part philatelically motivated entires; good condition, estimate price 1.600CZK U:A5
1939 compilation of 19 pcs of picture CDV exhibition Zurich 1939, 20C red, from that 3 Italian, 6 French and 10 German, cat. 290€ U:A5
1850-1963 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in spring folder, i.a. Sitting Helvetia, Bl.2, 4, 7,8, popular Mi.Bl.11, also Bl.12,13,14,15; set PAX 10Fr *, otherwise **, Pro Juventute except 1912 and three stamps complete, Pro Patria set, cat. 3.900€ U:Z
1850-1944 [COLLECTIONS] very solid collection in album Leuchtturm, i.a. Sitting Helvetia imperforated (Strubel) and specialized for perforated stamps, Mi.19, 43, issue "Cross" and Standing Helvetia specialisation according to papers, wmks and perfs, also Tell, Pro Juventute and air-mail issue, in addition compilation of postage-due stamps, cat. 6.300€ U:Z