Public auction 47 / Autographs

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175480 - 1820 CLAM-GALLAS Friedrich - important Czech nobleman, zakl
1820 CLAM-GALLAS Friedrich - important Czech nobleman, zakládající member Union for zvelebení music in Bohemia (1810), signature on release, nice red noble seal, printed revenues; křižné folds
Starting price: CZK
175857 - 1888 COUDENHOVE-KALERGI Maria Thekla (1865-1933), Czech šle
1888 COUDENHOVE-KALERGI Maria Thekla (1865-1933), Czech šlechtična, cabinet card with signature together with his/her/its manželem Franzem Josefem Honrichs (1856-1912), imperial officer; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174096 - 1908 COUDENHOVE-KALERGI  Max Julius (1865–1928), Austrian
1908 COUDENHOVE-KALERGI Max Julius (1865–1928), Austrian nobleman, politician and diplomat, secret council, country president in Silesia, last governor in Bohemia in years 1915-1918, postcard with autograph with dedication
Starting price: CZK
175862 - 1891 LEDEBUR-WICHELN Johann (1842-1903), předlitavský nobl
1891 LEDEBUR-WICHELN Johann (1842-1903), předlitavský nobleman and politician, minister agriculture in/at Badeniho government, member Panské sněmovny, supporter of Mladočechů; cabinet card with autograph, excellent condition
Starting price: CZK
174426 - 1912-13 LOBKOWICOVÉ  comp. of 2 Ppc with signatures of nobl
1912-13 LOBKOWICOVÉ comp. of 2 Ppc with signatures of noblemen, i.a. Wenceslas Eusebius Lobkowicz, Jaroslav Lobkowicz, 1x sent to Henriettu von Thurn-Taxis; interesting
Starting price: CZK
174355 - 1900 MARIE TEREZA PORTUGALSKÁ (1855-1944), Portuguese princ
1900 MARIE TEREZA PORTUGALSKÁ (1855-1944), Portuguese princess, archduchess Austrian, wife archduke Carl Lewis and nevlastní mother archduke Francis of Ferdinand d´Este, handwritten 2-page letter sent to Maria Carlose Richarda prince von Clary and Aldringen to Teplice, signature "Erzherzogin Maria Tereza", written on/for castle in/at Zákupech 18. July 1900, so mere 18 days after/around svatbě arciknížete and crown prince throne Francis of Ferdinand d´Este with Žofií Chotkovou právě on/for castle in/at Zákupech; very good condition, incl. envelope/-s, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
176136 - 1861-98 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY comp. of 2 děkovných and congratul
1861-98 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY comp. of 2 děkovných and congratulatory sheets Františku Ladislavu Riegrovi (1818–1903); 1x from zástupců side/party Konzervativního estate with signature Bedřich from Schwarzenberg (1862-1936) and count Eduard Pálffyho from Erdödu, size 40x29cm + 1x decorative sheet with congratulation from zastupitelů community Ruzyně, with revenue 72kr; exceedingly interesting
Starting price: CZK
175860 - 1890 SCHRATTOVÁ Katherine  (1853-1940), Austrian actress Bu
1890 SCHRATTOVÁ Katherine (1853-1940), Austrian actress Burgtheatru, milenka emperor Franz Joseph I. I.; cabinet card with signature "Katharina Schratt", atelier Adéle; excellent condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
175474 - 1936 THURN-TAXIS Alexander (1851-1939), important Czech nobl
1936 THURN-TAXIS Alexander (1851-1939), important Czech nobleman, member Panské sněmovny, member Order of Maltese Knights, signature on B/W photograph from lovu lvů in/at Africa, dated on/for his lordship Loučeň; interesting
Starting price: CZK
173399 - 1935 THURN-TAXIS Alexander (1851-1939), important Czech nobl
1935 THURN-TAXIS Alexander (1851-1939), important Czech nobleman, member Panské sněmovny, member Order Maltese Knights, signature with dedication on Ppc sent from his lordship Loučeň; light patina
Starting price: CZK
174198 - 1864 THURN-TAXIS Rudolf (1833-194), important Czech nobleman
1864 THURN-TAXIS Rudolf (1833-194), important Czech nobleman, lawyer and mecenáš, i.a. together with K.J. Erbenem founded journal Právník; 2-page handwritten letter with signature
Starting price: CZK
176135 - 1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY   4-page děkovný and congratulatory s
1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 4-page děkovný and congratulatory sheet Františku Ladislavu Riegrovi (1818–1903), in/at that period předsedovi Czech club poslanců on/for Empire radě and country congress with signatures important political and kulturních personalities - poslanců, stoupenců Czech státoprávního program, i.a. count Egbert Belcredi (1816-1894); John baron Nádherný; Eugen count Černín, Charles Adámek, Charles Mattuš; Ferdinand Deym from Stříteže; Joseph Dürich; Wenceslas Šulc etc..; size 43x33cm, incl. original kaligrafických plates, quite extraordinary document from period of vrcholné stage fight after/behind prosazení Czech státoprávního program!
Starting price: CZK
172544 - 1936 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), 2. Czechoslovak president,
1936 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), 2. Czechoslovak president, foreign minister, autograph on prezidentském jmenovacím decree, attached signature minister abroad Kamila Krofty (1876-1945), Czech historian Gollovy school, academic Professor, Czechoslovak politician and diplomat, foreign minister in years 1936-1938; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
176497 - 1929-48 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak
1929-48 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak President, foreign minister, whole signature on dlužním úpisu + BENEŠOVÁ Hana (1885–1974), wife of president Beneš, signature on B/W photograph, decorative, nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
174919 - 1934 BRADÁČ Bohumír (1881-1935), Czechoslovak politician,
1934 BRADÁČ Bohumír (1881-1935), Czechoslovak politician, minister agriculture and national defence after/behind Agrarian side, signature on povyšovacím decree Ministry national defence; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174949 - 1960-81 DAVID Wenceslas (1910-1996), foreign minister Czecho
1960-81 DAVID Wenceslas (1910-1996), foreign minister Czechoslovakia in years 1953-1968, signature on děkovném letter with heading MZ + MAMULA Miroslav (1930–1986), important communist functionary, vedoucí tajemník Sm KV Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, member of parliament Federálního meeting (SL), signature on New Year's congratulation
Starting price: CZK
172536 - 1970 DUBČEK Alexander (1921–1992), Czechoslovak and Slova
1970 DUBČEK Alexander (1921–1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, main representative of the Prague Spring 1968, autograph on cyklostylovém letter sent minister abroad J. Markovi concerning stížnosti on/for okamžité discharge from work poměru from 24.9. 1970... "Buďte without starostí, ja about/by dalšie zamestnanie obavu nemám. Nie som taký uplakaný and roztrasaný, ako sa to oficiálně about/by mne šíri"; very interesting text and document nastupující normalization ; in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
174159 - 1948 FAJTL Francis (1912-2006), Czechoslovak fighter ace WWI
1948 FAJTL Francis (1912-2006), Czechoslovak fighter ace WWII.; autograph on introductory side from book/-s Sestřelen. Z diary stíhacího pilot
Starting price: CZK
176496 - 1985 FULBRIGHT James William (1905–1995), important Americ
1985 FULBRIGHT James William (1905–1995), important American senator; handwritten letter with signature on heading paper; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174351 - 1888 GABLER William (1821-1897), important Czech politician,
1888 GABLER William (1821-1897), important Czech politician, journalist and pedagogue from period of vrcholné stage National obrození, podílel with on/for sestavení Svatováclavské petice emperor in/at revolutionary year 1848, spolupracoval with K. H. Borovským, F. Palackým etc.., přispíval to National newspapers, also member of National (staročeské) side/party, member of parliament Czech (TESTER) country congress and Empire council/court; whole signature on card with French text "Une place pour chaque chose, et chaque chose à; sa place" with date 11. June 1888; very interesting osobnost; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
176495 - 1970 GÁNDHÍ Indira Prijadaršiní (1917-1984), important i
1970 GÁNDHÍ Indira Prijadaršiní (1917-1984), important indická politička, ministry předsedkyně, daughter Džaváharlála Néhrú, zavražděna in 1984; signature on card + B/W photo; rare autograph
Starting price: CZK
172534 - 1951 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist
1951 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist politician, president + ŠIROKÝ Viliam (1902-1971), Czechoslovak communist politician, in years 1953–1963 chairman Czechoslovak governance, foreign minister, handwritten signatures on/for prezidentském decree; very good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
162948 - 1964 JEREMENKO (Jerjomenko) Andrew Ivanovich (1892-1970), So
1964 JEREMENKO (Jerjomenko) Andrew Ivanovich (1892-1970), Soviet vojevůdce, marshal Soviet union, hero USSR and hero Czechoslovakia, autograph on card with photo
Starting price: CZK
176493 - 1963-83 KAHUDA Francis (1911-1987), Czechoslovak fyzik, peda
1963-83 KAHUDA Francis (1911-1987), Czechoslovak fyzik, pedagogue and politician, minister education, signature on official letter + JAKEŠ Milouš, (*1922), Czech communist politician, signature on official gratulačním letter
Starting price: CZK
176492 - 1984 KENNEDY Edward M. (1932-2009), important American polit
1984 KENNEDY Edward M. (1932-2009), important American politician from klanů Kennedyů, dlouholetý senator after/behind state Massachussetts; signature on acknowledgments with heading United States Senate; interesting, rare
Starting price: CZK
174145 - 1861 KOBER Leopold Ignác (1825-1866), important Czech publ.
1861 KOBER Leopold Ignác (1825-1866), important Czech publ., tiskař and knihkupec in time National obrození, publisher the first Czech encyklopedie - Riegrův dictionary naučný, then popular Českomoravskou kroniku Carl Vladislava Zapa, or National bibliotéku - souborná product klasiků (Tyl, Mácha, Čelakovský, Němcová) etc..; handwritten letter sent to Carl Adámka (1840-1918), Czech writer, národopisec and mladočeský politician, interesting text, good condition
Starting price: CZK
176491 - 1930 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician
1930 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten 2-page letter with signature, sent to Antal Stašek; interesting text, folded
Starting price: CZK
176490 - 1916 KROBATIN Alexander (1849-1933), Austro-Hungarian Genera
1916 KROBATIN Alexander (1849-1933), Austro-Hungarian General, politician, in years 1912–1917 minister of war Austria-Hungary; autograph on portrait photo postcard in uniform; interesting
Starting price: CZK
172565 - 1927-32 KROFTA Kamil (1876-1945), Czech historian Gollovy sc
1927-32 KROFTA Kamil (1876-1945), Czech historian Gollovy school, academic Professor, Czechoslovak politician and diplomat, foreign minister in years 1936-1938, autograph on letter with heading Ministry foreign Affairs, L holes from letter file/-s, folded + FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechoslovak governance 1945-1946, ambassador in USSR, chairman Czechoslovak State Railways, communist politician, signature on cyklostylovém letter addressed on/for Kamila Kroftu; light křižné folds
Starting price: CZK
172587 - 1946 LAUŠMAN Bohumil (1903-1963), social demokratický poli
1946 LAUŠMAN Bohumil (1903-1963), social demokratický politician, chairman ČSSD, after/around Únoru 1948 vězněn, minister industry + STRÁNSKÝ Jaroslav (1884-1973), minister spravedlnosti, minister education + HÁLA Francis (1893-1952), Postmaster General 1945; selection of signatures on/for official ministerial letters; good condition
Starting price: CZK
176489 - 1936-37 MACHNÍK Francis (1886 - 1967), Czechoslovak agrárn
1936-37 MACHNÍK Francis (1886 - 1967), Czechoslovak agrární politician and member of parliament National Assembly of Czechoslovakia, minister national defence in years 1935-38, promotion warrant with signature, good condition + KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politician, chairman National side/party socialistic, journalist, typed written letter with autograph
Starting price: CZK
172347 - 1926 MASARYK John (1886–1948), important Czechoslovak poli
1926 MASARYK John (1886–1948), important Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, son T.G.M., strojopisné personal doporučení with full signature, written in London, addressed to to USA, incl. envelope/-s; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
172539 - 1923 MASARYK  John (1886–1948), important Czechoslovak pol
1923 MASARYK John (1886–1948), important Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, son T.G.M., strojopisné confirmation with full signature about/by receiving reserve / advance £100 for journey to Paris and London in/at červenci 1923; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174107 - 1928 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), General and politician, Cze
1928 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), General and politician, Czech writer; portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Langhans + card with text and signature; superb condition
Starting price: CZK
174240 - 1935? MIKLAS Wilhelm (1872-1956), meziválečný Austrian pr
1935? MIKLAS Wilhelm (1872-1956), meziválečný Austrian president, free of function and vězněn after/around Anšlusu; whole signature on card
Starting price: CZK
172580 - 1950-60 MINISTŘI  very interesting selection of official mi
1950-60 MINISTŘI very interesting selection of official ministerial letters with signatures postwar komunistických ministrů and funkcionářů, contains: KYSELÝ Jozef (1912-1998), minister local economy 1953-1958; ŠIMŮNEK Otakar (1908-1972), minister chemického industry 1951-1954; DAVID Wenceslas (1910-1996), foreign minister 1953-1968; MACHÁČOVÁ - DOSTÁLOVÁ Božena (1903-1973) ministryně výkupu and spotřebního industry 1954-1968; ERBAN Eugen (1912-1994), minister social care 1948-1951; JANKOVCOVÁ Ludmila (1897-1990), ministryně industry, výživy; holes after/around letter file
Starting price: CZK
172581 - 1950-60 MINISTŘI  very interesting selection of official mi
1950-60 MINISTŘI very interesting selection of official ministerial letters with signatures postwar komunistických ministrů and funkcionářů, contains: ŠIROKÝ Viliam (1902-1971), Prime Minister 1953-1963; ĎURIŠ Julius (1904 - 1986), minister finance 1953-1963, KAHUDA Francis (1911-1987), minister education 1954-1963; MÁLEK Alois (1893-1958), minister light industry 1951-1956; LOMSKÝ Bohumír (1914-1982), minister national defence 1956-1968; JANKOVCOVÁ Ludmila (1897-1990), ministryně industry, výživy; JONÁŠ Joseph (1913-1960), minister stavebnictví and paliv; holes after/around letter file
Starting price: CZK
176488 - 1970 MUHRI Franz (1924-2001), important Austrian communist p
1970 MUHRI Franz (1924-2001), important Austrian communist politician, dlouholetý chairman Komunistické side/party Austria; handwritten written acknowledgments with signature
Starting price: CZK
172332 - 1916 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and pol
1916 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and politician, minister education and work, handwritten text with signature on reverse own portrait photo postcard, atelier Bufka
Starting price: CZK
172573 - 1953 NOSEK Wenceslas (1892-1955), communist politician, mini
1953 NOSEK Wenceslas (1892-1955), communist politician, minister of Internal Affairs in years 1945-1953, minister TESTER Forces, klíčová osobnost in/at operation ovládnutí Czechoslovakia komunisty; autograph on ministerském sheet, L holes after/around letter file
Starting price: CZK
172542 - 1960 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist
1960 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph on kondolenci to death Joseph Jonáše; L holes after/around letter file, křižné folds, interesting
Starting price: CZK
173418 - 1868-1888 PALACKÝ John (1830-1908), important Czech geograf
1868-1888 PALACKÝ John (1830-1908), important Czech geograf, biogeograf, academic Professor, nationally obrozenecký politician and mecenáš, son Francis Palacký, signature on vizitce of Central School Foundation + handwritten jednostránkový letter; exceedingly interesting osobnost from period of vrcholné stage National obrození, good condition
Starting price: CZK
176483 - 1919 PIK Luděk (1876-1948), important prvorepublikový poli
1919 PIK Luděk (1876-1948), important prvorepublikový politician, mayor Plzeň + HABRMAN Gustav (1864-1932), Czechoslovak politician, member of parliament, senator and minister education and social care; signatures on/for tinted Upomínce on/for national celebration Czech people on/for Dobřansku from April 1919; interesting, on reverse hints of mounting
Starting price: CZK
174108 - 1921 PODHAJSKÝ Alois (1864-1946), Austro-Hungarian field ma
1921 PODHAJSKÝ Alois (1864-1946), Austro-Hungarian field maršálek, Czechoslovak military General, handwritten dvoustránkový letter with signature with heading "Country militar commander for Moravia and Silesia"
Starting price: CZK
176482 - 1931 PODLAHA Anthony (1865-1932), important Czech R.C. pries
1931 PODLAHA Anthony (1865-1932), important Czech R.C. priest, teolog and historian art, handwritten letter with signature; interesting osobnost
Starting price: CZK
174421 - 1980? SCHMIDT Helmut (1918-), important German politician, s
1980? SCHMIDT Helmut (1918-), important German politician, spolkový kancléř, defence minister and finance, signature on back side portrait photo postcard, on face-side signature print
Starting price: CZK
174193 - 1937 SOUKUP Francis (1871–1940), Czech politician, journal
1937 SOUKUP Francis (1871–1940), Czech politician, journalist and publicist, minister and chairman Senátu, one from "five men 28. October 1918"; autograph on postcard from Paris with signatures other 10 foreign levicových politicians, i.a. Otto Bauer, the first foreign minister Austria, Otto Wels, chairman Sociální democracy in Germany, M. Bracke, member of parliament and agent (of) min. chairman France L. Bluma etc.., including jmenný listing with heading "Předseda senátu"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
176481 - 1946 SVOBODA Lewis (1895–1979), Czechoslovak General and p
1946 SVOBODA Lewis (1895–1979), Czechoslovak General and politician, in years 1968–1975 president Czechoslovakia, signature as minister national defence on/for decree from 22. October 1946; in the middle folded, otherwise very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
172532 - 1970 SVOBODA Lewis (1895–1979), Czechoslovak General and p
1970 SVOBODA Lewis (1895–1979), Czechoslovak General and politician, in years 1968–1975 president Czechoslovakia, prezidentský edict with signature, odvolání A. Gregora from function ambassador in/at Poland; horiz. fold, otherwise very good condition
Starting price: CZK
172531 - 1968 SVOBODA Lewis (1895–1979), Czechoslovak General and p
1968 SVOBODA Lewis (1895–1979), Czechoslovak General and politician, in years 1968–1975 president Czechoslovakia, prezidentský letter of appointment with signature, designation V. Davida velvyslancem in/at Bulgaria; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174950 - 1976 ŠALGOVIČ Viliam (1919-1990), Slovak and Czechoslovak
1976 ŠALGOVIČ Viliam (1919-1990), Slovak and Czechoslovak communist politician, one from main representatives konzervativního and prosovětského proudu Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in time of invaze, chairman Slovak National Council, after/around Sametové revoluci spáchal sebevraždu; autograph on congratulation to International Women's Day; rare
Starting price: CZK
172576 - 1957 ŠIROKÝ Viliam (1902-1971), Czechoslovak communist pol
1957 ŠIROKÝ Viliam (1902-1971), Czechoslovak communist politician, in years 1953–1963 chairman Czechoslovak governance, autograph on děkovném letter + including congratulatory letter addressed to Širokému with signature syna minister paliv Joseph Jonáše; L holes from letter file/-s, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174135 - 1880 ŠKARDA Jacob (1828-1894), important Czech lawyer and p
1880 ŠKARDA Jacob (1828-1894), important Czech lawyer and politician vrcholného period National obrození, member of parliament Czech (TESTER) country congress and Empire council/court, aktivně vystupoval for foundation National theatre etc..; jednostránkový handwritten letter with full signature, interesting
Starting price: CZK
176479 - 1980? WALDHEIM Kurt (1918-2007), Austrian politician, presid
1980? WALDHEIM Kurt (1918-2007), Austrian politician, president in years 1986-1992 and čtvrtý general tajemník U.N. in years 1972-1981; signature on děkovné card U.N.; interesting, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
172530 - 1957 ZÁPOTOCKÝ  Anthony (1884–1957), Czechoslovak commun
1957 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884–1957), Czechoslovak communist president, ministerial chairman, autograph on prezidentském pověřovacím decree jmenujícím Z. Hradec velvyslancem in/at Kambodži and Laosu; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
172529 - 1955 ZÁPOTOCKÝ  Anthony (1884–1957), Czechoslovak commun
1955 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884–1957), Czechoslovak communist president, prime minister + DAVID Wenceslas (1910-1996), communist politician, foreign minister 1953-68, handwritten signatures on/for prezidentském pověřovacím decree jmenujícím LLD. A. Gregora velvyslancem in China; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174349 - 1862 ZELENÝ Wenceslas (1825-1875), important Czech journali
1862 ZELENÝ Wenceslas (1825-1875), important Czech journalist and politician, member of parliament Czech (TESTER) country congress and Empire council/court, zastánce, author životopisů K. H. Borovský, J. Jungmanna, K. J. Erbena, etc.., vystupoval with požadavky zrovnoprávnění češtiny and němčiny etc..; handwritten letter with signature; in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
174420 - 1932 ZEMÍNOVÁ Fráňa (1882-1962), important politička,
1932 ZEMÍNOVÁ Fráňa (1882-1962), important politička, členka Národně-socialistické side/party, signature on own tinted portrait photo postcard; interesting
Starting price: CZK
172569 - 1946-53 ZENKL  Peter (1884–1975), Czech politician, mayor
1946-53 ZENKL Peter (1884–1975), Czech politician, mayor town Prague (1937-39, 1945-46), chairman Council free Czechoslovakia + VACEK Wenceslas (1877-1960), communist politician, mayor Prague 1946-57; handwritten signatures on/for děkovných pages; light horiz. folded, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174361 - 1890-1950 AKADEMICI / interesting selection of letters and c
1890-1950 AKADEMICI / interesting selection of letters and cards with texts and signatures 10 important akademiků: Rudolf Urbánek (1877-1962), historian; Charles Stloukal (1887-1957), historian; Arne Novák (1880-1939), literary historian; Francis Drtina (1861-1925), philosopher; then Justin Prášek, Emanuel Chalupný, Richard Tenora, Wenceslas Vojtíšek, Henry Vančura, Jaroslav Vlček; overall very good condition, interesting set!
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 47 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.