Public auction 47 / Autographs

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175473 - 1904 NÁPRSTKOVÁ Joseph, born Křížková (1838–1907), w
1904 NÁPRSTKOVÁ Joseph, born Křížková (1838–1907), wife and pomocnice cestovatele and etnologa Vojtěch Náprstka; handwritten text on Ppc, interesting kontext and text describing dění on/for univerzitě; long address, overall in good condition condition, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
174128 - 1895 NIEDERLE Lubor (1865-1944), important Czech archaeologi
1895 NIEDERLE Lubor (1865-1944), important Czech archaeologist, antropolog, etnolog, founder modern Czech archeologie; handwritten text sent to parliamentarian with heading Ethnical Museum českoslovanské in Prague, interesting text
Starting price: CZK
176486 - 1920? PEKAŘ Joseph (1870-1937), one from best known Czech h
1920? PEKAŘ Joseph (1870-1937), one from best known Czech historiků, disciple Gollovy school, rektor Charle's university; quite extraordinary manuscript with pojednáním about/by part/-s handwritten estate placed in/at National muzeu, jejíž part composes entries about/by pramenech to Legendě about/by Svatém Prokopovi; Joseph Pekař i.a. patřil to názorovým oponentům T. G. Masaryk in sporu about/by smyslu Czech history; size rukopisu more/larger A4, very interesting, mounted on carton, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
175471 - 1917 PURKYNĚ Cyril (1862–1934), important Czech geolog, p
1917 PURKYNĚ Cyril (1862–1934), important Czech geolog, přírodovědec, member Královské Czech company nauk, grandson J. E. Purkyně, handwritten text on Ppc
Starting price: CZK
174357 - 1901 RÁDL Emanuel Prof. Dr. (1873 - 1942), important Czech
1901 RÁDL Emanuel Prof. Dr. (1873 - 1942), important Czech biolog and philosopher, zastánce realismu T. G. Masaryk, handwritten text with signature on postcard addressed to on/for important publ. and publisher John Laichtera (1858-1946), i.a. publisher ediční line České history etc..; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
173405 - 1900? THOMAYER Joseph (1853-1927), important Czech doctor wo
1900? THOMAYER Joseph (1853-1927), important Czech doctor world úrovně, one from zakladatelů Czech lékařské vědy, signature on cut-square; also with B/W photo from newspapers
Starting price: CZK
175466 - 1925 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), important Czech travell
1925 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), important Czech traveller and polárník, participant expedition admirála Byrda /1928-30/, the first Čech/Bohem in territory of Antarctica, portrait photo postcard with autograph; very good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
174358 - 1895 ZÍBRT Čeněk (1864-1932), important Czech cultural hi
1895 ZÍBRT Čeněk (1864-1932), important Czech cultural historian, folklorist and ethnographer , Professor UK, handwritten letter with signature on heading paper "Redakce sborníku Český lid"; good condition
Starting price: CZK
174929 - 1943 CALMA VESELÁ Mary (1881-1966), important vocalist, aut
1943 CALMA VESELÁ Mary (1881-1966), important vocalist, authoress and poetess, signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Drtikol! and signature below photos; original adjustment on carton paper, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174518 - 1924 ČERVENÝ George (1887–1962), Czech humorist, writer,
1924 ČERVENÝ George (1887–1962), Czech humorist, writer, composer and kabaretiér, founder kabaretu Red sedma, signature on postcard "Červené sedmy"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
176478 - 1945-48 DAVENPORT Marcia (1903-1996), slavná American autho
1945-48 DAVENPORT Marcia (1903-1996), slavná American authoress and musical kritička, near přítelkyně John Masaryk, whole signature on introductory side book/-s Údolí decision (The Valley of Decision); very interesting osobnost with kontextem to Czech dějinám
Starting price: CZK
174365 - 1931 DUBROVSKÁ Tereza (1878-1951), important Czech poetess,
1931 DUBROVSKÁ Tereza (1878-1951), important Czech poetess, překladatelka, klavíristka and mecenáška, pohybovala with in/at circuit F. X. Šaldy and Jaroslav Vrchlický; portrait photo postcard (bromografie) with signature + card with text and signature; interesting osobnost
Starting price: CZK
176476 - 1950 ERENBURG Ilja Grigorjevič (1891-1967), slavný Soviet
1950 ERENBURG Ilja Grigorjevič (1891-1967), slavný Soviet writer, poet and publicist, autograph on card with dedication; interesting
Starting price: CZK
174099 - 1978-79 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999) Czech write
1978-79 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999) Czech writer, vedoucí scout divisions, card with handwritten text "Pojď with mnou there, where nebe is high and modré.." with printings and full signature +čb portrait photo postcard with signature; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
174948 - 1906 HERITES Francis (1851–1929), important Czech lékárn
1906 HERITES Francis (1851–1929), important Czech lékárník, poet and writer, member Czech academy věd and art and Art forum; handwritten 2-strákový letter with signature, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
175787 - 1969 KOŽÍK Francis (1909-1997), Czech prose-writer and dra
1969 KOŽÍK Francis (1909-1997), Czech prose-writer and dramatist, signature on P.F. 1969; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
176474 - 1923 KRÁSNOHORSKÁ Eliška (one's own name Elizabeth Pechov
1923 KRÁSNOHORSKÁ Eliška (one's own name Elizabeth Pechová, 1847–1926), Czech poetess, libretistka, authoress and překladatelka; handwritten text with signature; interesting, very good condition, small tearing L
Starting price: CZK
174158 - 1913-39 KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), important Czech poet
1913-39 KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), important Czech poet and dramatist, handwritten written 4-page letter + interesting New Year card "New Year's 1939" "...zatněmež zuby: es kommt der Tag!" with signature
Starting price: CZK
174242 - 1903-1941 LOM Stanislav (1883-1967), Czech dramatist, writer
1903-1941 LOM Stanislav (1883-1967), Czech dramatist, writer, critic and publicist, director National theatre; handwritten text with signature + SCHMORANZ Gustav (1858-1930), important theatre director, artist and director National theatre, autograph on invoice; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
162946 - 1934 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, pros
1934 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, prose-writer, satirik, publicist and politician; handwritten written letter with signature, interesting text dokládající význam his personality in/at cultural sféře period 1. republic, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174149 - 1899 MAŠEK Charles (1867-1922), Czech poet, writer, dramati
1899 MAŠEK Charles (1867-1922), Czech poet, writer, dramatist, journalist and translator, author fejetonů in/at National pages, 4-page letter with signature
Starting price: CZK
174348 - 1897 QUIS Ladislav (1846-1913), important Czech writer, jour
1897 QUIS Ladislav (1846-1913), important Czech writer, journalist, poet, representative Ruchovců, author "Hloupého Honzy"; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature, good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174130 - 1918 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), Czech writer, han
1918 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), Czech writer, handwritten 2 pages letter smaller format with signature; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174356 - 1870-1960 WRITERS / selection of 30 letters, cards and portr
1870-1960 WRITERS / selection of 30 letters, cards and portrait photo postcard with signatures various important Czech writers and básníků, contains i.a.: Rudolf Těsnohlídek, Francis Zákrejs, Stanislav Reiniš, M. Šárecká-Radoňová, Miloslav Matas, John Rokyta, Dominik Tatarka, Edmond Conrad, Ivan Stodola, Wenceslas Lacina, Jarmila Loukotková, Anthony Macek, Vojtěch Martínek etc..; very good condition, interesting set!
Starting price: CZK
174364 -  WRITERS / selection of 35 letters, cards and portrait photo
WRITERS / selection of 35 letters, cards and portrait photo postcard with signatures various important Czech writers and básníků, i.a.: Paul Kohout, Joseph Jahoda, Gusta Fučíková, Francis Procházka, jan Opolský, Henry Snížek, Vlasta Javořická, Zdeněk Pluhař, Miloš V. Kratochvíl, Mary Fantová, Francis David, Joseph Krušina from Švamberka, Rudolf Nešvera, Wenceslas Lacina etc..; overall very good condition, interesting set, suitable to supplement collections!
Starting price: CZK
174925 - 1920-40 WRITERS / comp. of 4 portrait photo postcard with si
1920-40 WRITERS / comp. of 4 portrait photo postcard with signatures important writers: Wenceslas Štěch, A. M. Tilschová, Method Jahn (+ text on/for vizitce) and Joseph Hais Týnecký; very good condition, 1x atelier Langhans
Starting price: CZK
171252 - 1950? TILSCHOVÁ Ann Maria (1873-1957), important Czech proz
1950? TILSCHOVÁ Ann Maria (1873-1957), important Czech prozaička, představitelka mladší wave Czech realistické to naturalistické prózy start dvacátého century; autograph on portrait photo postcard
Starting price: CZK
174196 - 1889 TURNOVSKÝ Joseph Ladislav (1838-1901), Czech actor, jo
1889 TURNOVSKÝ Joseph Ladislav (1838-1901), Czech actor, journalist, writer, translator, manžel Ann Forchheimové-Rajské, švagrové Joseph Kajetána Tyla, together vychovávali Tylovy children, in years 1887-99 director office of Central School Foundation, author Tylova životopisu, theatre games, povídek and pamětí; handwritten 2-page letter with signature, interesting text zmiňující přípravy on/for Tylově životopisu etc..; interesting manuscript, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174243 - 1900? VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Frí
1900? VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Frída, 1853–1912), slavný Czech writer, poet and translator; autograph on card with podpobiznou his mother/-s Mary Frida, née. Kolářové; interesting, decorative
Starting price: CZK
174922 - 1911 BURIAN Emil (1876–1926), Czech opera singer, handwrit
1911 BURIAN Emil (1876–1926), Czech opera singer, handwritten letter with signature; rare
Starting price: CZK
175769 - 1918-20 ČESKÉ KVARTETO - Charles Hoffmann, Joseph Suk, Geo
1918-20 ČESKÉ KVARTETO - Charles Hoffmann, Joseph Suk, George Herold, Ladislav Zelenka, koncertní program from year 1918 with signatures virtuosů + card with signatures members kvarteta "London 13. Nov. 1920"; very interesting, in good condition condition, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
174132 - 1928 DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), slavný Czech photograph
1928 DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), slavný Czech photographer, handwritten text with signature on paper A4 with heading Drtikol & Co., interesting text with instructions for dražbu books; exceedingly interesting, light tearing L, very rare manuscript, quite rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
175772 - 1910-41 MUSIC  Ševčíkovo quartette, postcard hudebníků
1910-41 MUSIC Ševčíkovo quartette, postcard hudebníků with signatures + 2x Prague quartette, koncertní program with signatures umělců: Wilibald Schwejda and Ladislav Black + Jihočeské smyčcové kvartet; good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
175774 - 1940-77 MUSIC / NOVÁK Vítězslav (1870–1949), important
1940-77 MUSIC / NOVÁK Vítězslav (1870–1949), important Czech composer and musical pedagogue, signature on hudebním program to 70. anniv of birth V. Novák + TALICH Wenceslas (1883–1961), Czech conductor; signature on portrait photo postcard + HUDEČEK Wenceslas (1952-), slavný Czech virtuoso violinist, signature on hudebním program; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
174927 - 1935-96 MUSIC / comp. of 6 exhibit sheets with signatures im
1935-96 MUSIC / comp. of 6 exhibit sheets with signatures important musical skladatelů, dirigentů atd.: contains Rafael Kubelík (!), M. Turnovský, J. Stárek, J. Praveček, P. Ludikar, Ch. Munch; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
174363 - 1890-1950 MUSIC / very interesting selection of 40 letters a
1890-1950 MUSIC / very interesting selection of 40 letters and cards with signatures, texts also parts partitur important Czech hudebníků and musical skladatelů, i.a. Otakar Šín, Roman Blahník, Jaroslav Kvapil, Charles Hoffmann, George Herold, Lewis Podéšť, Otakar Hostinský Charles Hoffmeister, Joseph Cyrill Sychra, Charles Šejna, Stephen Suchý, Anthony Huml, Joseph Hutter, Anthony Sychra, Anthony Balatka, Francis Pícha, Joseph Plavec, Martin Turnovský, Ivan Moravec, Ernest Koštál etc..; overall very good condition, suitable to supplement collections or to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
175781 - 1932 HUDEČEK Anthony (1872-1941), important Czech painter,
1932 HUDEČEK Anthony (1872-1941), important Czech painter, krajinář, handwritten letter with signature incl. envelope/-s, interesting text, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174126 - 1935? JEŽEK Jaroslav (1906-1942), Czech composer, conductor
1935? JEŽEK Jaroslav (1906-1942), Czech composer, conductor, dramaturg and pianist - 2-lines text on letter with signature, supplemented with about/by texts and signatures other important musical skladatelů and dirigentů: Paul Bořkovec (1894-1972), Francis (Iša) Krejčí (1904-1968) and Wenceslas Holzknecht (1904-1988); interesting, horiz. folded, otherwise perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
175771 - 1938 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist a
1938 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor; signatures on reverse postcard J.R. Kubelíka, authoress Clára Kubelíková + koncertní program Pilsner philharmonic orchestra with vystoupením J and R. Kubelíků; interesting, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
175468 - 1899 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist a
1899 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, handwritten text with signature "Tvůj Kubelík" postcard; Us, long address, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
174928 - 1927-44 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), important Czech violini
1927-44 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), important Czech violinist and composer, signature on portrait grafice + short note writing/note + KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor, handwritten description with dedication below B/W photos from concert; original adjustment, nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
176466 - 1937 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), autograph on back side post
1937 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), autograph on back side postcard Padesát years Ivančického Sokol; very good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
174121 - 1908 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer,
1908 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer, conductor and violista, handwritten in Czech written 4-page letter with signature, interesting content + envelope with his manuscript and additional-printing on reverse; rare manuscript, letter light folded, on/for last side hints of mounting in collection
Starting price: CZK
171256 - 1934 NOVÁK Vítězslav (1870–1949), important Czech compo
1934 NOVÁK Vítězslav (1870–1949), important Czech composer and musical pedagogue; handwritten text on Ppc with signature
Starting price: CZK
175996 - 1938-39 OPERA / actors National theatre in Prague, Stanislav
1938-39 OPERA / actors National theatre in Prague, Stanislav MUŽ, Saša RAŠILOV, William ZÍTEK, Stanislav CHOVANIČ, Štěpánka ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, comp. 5 pcs of photos with manual signatures
Starting price: CZK
174910 - 1930 OSTRČIL Otakar (1879–1935), important Czech composer
1930 OSTRČIL Otakar (1879–1935), important Czech composer and conductor, chief opera National theatre, handwritten dedication with signature
Starting price: CZK
175779 - 1930-80 SKLADATELÉ, DIRIGENTI, OPERA/  interesting selectio
1930-80 SKLADATELÉ, DIRIGENTI, OPERA/ interesting selection of correspondence and musical program with signatures important Czech dirigentů and hudebníků: Vojtěch Bořivoj Aim, John Zdeněk Bartoš, Victoria Švihlíková, Francis Stupka, Jaroslav Křička, Anthony Devátý, Francis Rauch; overall very good condition
Starting price: CZK
175780 - 1945-80 SKLADATELÉ, DIRIGENTI, OPERA/  interesting selectio
1945-80 SKLADATELÉ, DIRIGENTI, OPERA/ interesting selection of correspondence and musical program with signatures important foreign dirigentů and hudebníků: Walter Ducloux, Robert Soëtens, Jaroslav Alexandrov, Svjatoslav Richter, Milena Mollova, Hans Bitterlich, Michael Ponti, Halina Czerny Stefanska; overall very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174951 - 1944-55 SKRBEK Jaroslav (1888-1954), academy painter, discip
1944-55 SKRBEK Jaroslav (1888-1954), academy painter, disciple Max Švabinský, signature on B/W photo postcard + FIALA Wenceslas (1891-1968), important Czech academy painter, illustrator and graphic artist; signature on card; original adjustment
Starting price: CZK
174913 - 1933 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), Czech composer, violinist and p
1933 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka, autograph on portrait B/W photo postcard, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
174245 - 1890-1950 ARTISTS/ selection of 20 letters and cards with si
1890-1950 ARTISTS/ selection of 20 letters and cards with signatures important artists, painters, graphic artists, sochařů etc.., i.a. Bernard Seeling, John Šír, Anthony Dušek, Leo Brož, Francis Tichý, Charles Špillar, Wenceslas Sochor, George Winter Neprakta (2x), Vlasta Ambrožová, A. Parkham, George Kolář, V. Šindler, Vojtěch Pernica, Emil Hlavica; very interesting, very good condition, suitable to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
175783 - 1928-65 ART/  ŽIVNÝ Charles (1899-1973), important Czech a
1928-65 ART/ ŽIVNÝ Charles (1899-1973), important Czech academy painter, krajinář and graphic artist, exceptional set personal correspondence and graphic sheets with signatures, i.a. also wedding notification, 2x visiting card etc..; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174921 - 1916 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884-1969), important Czech painter and
1916 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884-1969), important Czech painter and graphic artist, i.a. author product Ďáblova garden or Přírodopis strašidel; handwritten text on Ppc addressed to on/for writer Jaroslav Šimánka, interesting content zmiňující přípravu various work, i.a. product Kalvárie; very good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
174194 - 1920? DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930), letter Czech krajana D
1920? DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930), letter Czech krajana Dr. Jaroslav Vojana (editor krajanský sheets in/at Chicago) sent to E. Destinnovou, very interesting contemporary text supplemented with about/by jednořádkový official letter E. Destinnové, i.a. mentioned Richard Strauss, Feodor Ivanovich Šaljapin etc..; in addition card Mary Martinkové (1886-1972), dlouholeté společnice E. Destinnové, authoress, i.a. authoress pamětí about/by E. D.; very interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
175746 - 1911 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930), světoznámá Czech ope
1911 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930), světoznámá Czech opera singer, handwritten text on reverse own visiting cards "Emma Věnceslava Destinn", interesting text; exceedingly decorative and rare
Starting price: CZK
175467 - 1930-35? FERBASOVÁ Věra (1913–1976), one of nejslavněj
1930-35? FERBASOVÁ Věra (1913–1976), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, autograph on photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
175789 - 1968 HORNÍČEK Miroslav (1918-2003), important Czech actor
1968 HORNÍČEK Miroslav (1918-2003), important Czech actor and writer, signature on blahopřejném card to 50. birthday
Starting price: CZK
176475 - 1917 JIRÁSEK Alois (1851-1930), Czech prose-writer and dram
1917 JIRÁSEK Alois (1851-1930), Czech prose-writer and dramatist, handwritten 2-page letter with signature, interesting text + MAJEROVÁ Mary (one's own name Mary Bartošová, 1882–1967), Czech authoress, signature on main page book/-s
Starting price: CZK
174384 - 1930 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actr
1930 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; atelier Ströminger; small abrasion, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
176452 - 1975-85 MOLAVCOVÁ Jitka (1950-), known Czech actress, songs
1975-85 MOLAVCOVÁ Jitka (1950-), known Czech actress, songstress, authoress, comp. of 3 portrait baravných photo postcard, all with signatures + 1x žánrová color photo Suchý-Molavcová-Dvořák; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK