Public auction 47 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Chainbreaker Issue 1920

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175967 -  Pof.151, 157, 160, 161,  comp. 15 pcs of stamp., stripe and
Pof.151, 157, 160, 161, comp. 15 pcs of stamp., stripe and blocks with sheet also machine offset on gum, values 20h red, 25h without perf, 60h blue also without perf (str-of-4 with shifted perforation with margin), 185h pair, 250h; mainly hinged in picture side
Starting price: CZK
176388 -  Pof.151-158, 160-161, comp. of stamps and boků issue issue
Pof.151-158, 160-161, comp. of stamps and boků issue issue Chainbreaker, contains marginal also corner blocks of four, production defects as color stains, paper crease, shifts perf, various varieties perf etc.., all on 1 card A4, interesting research material
Starting price: CZK
175970 -  Pof.151-161, accumulation stamp. and blocks issue issue Cha
Pof.151-161, accumulation stamp. and blocks issue issue Chainbreaker on stock-sheet A4, outside values 250h all in blocks of four with margin, lot of single stamp., corner pieces, marginal pieces, the bottom 10-pásky values 50h red and 20h red etc..; blocks mostly hinged in upper pair stamp. or in margin, interesting
Starting price: CZK
174810 -  Pof.151, 154VV, 20h red, vertical pair and significant shif
Pof.151, 154VV, 20h red, vertical pair and significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp + corner blk-of-4 with production flaw "white hands", value 40h brown as blk-of-4 with significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp
Starting price: CZK
176425 -  Pof.151VV, 20h red in/at marginal block of four, double imp
Pof.151VV, 20h red in/at marginal block of four, double impression; very lightly hinged and light bend in/at one upper stamp., exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
174817 -  Pof.152, 157VV, 25h brown triple print (exp. by Karasek.),
Pof.152, 157VV, 25h brown triple print (exp. by Karasek.), full machine offset, 60h blue full machine offset and pair with plate variety "6 fingers on/for hands"
Starting price: CZK
174417 -  Pof.152A, 25h brown, comb perforation 14, double impression
Pof.152A, 25h brown, comb perforation 14, double impression, marked and exp. by Gilbert + Pof.153A, horiz. marginal Pr with double perf
Starting price: CZK
175334 -  Pof.154A + 154TBa, 40h brown, significant color shade, both
Pof.154A + 154TBa, 40h brown, significant color shade, both item/-s with various retruší cards; 154TBa exp. by Mrnak., Pofis
Starting price: CZK
175043 -  Pof.154B, 40h brown, type I - 9 linden cards, line perforat
Pof.154B, 40h brown, type I - 9 linden cards, line perforation 13¾;; exp. and marked Karasek, c.v.. 4.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
174414 -  Pof.154C, 40h brown, type I., comb perforation 14, horiz. c
Pof.154C, 40h brown, type I., comb perforation 14, horiz. comb; marked and exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
175045 -  Pof.154ST, 40h brown, comb perforation 14, horizontal pair
Pof.154ST, 40h brown, comb perforation 14, horizontal pair with joined types, on small cut-square from letter, complete CDS HORNÍ VRCHLABÍ 11.VI.22; marked and exp. by Pittermann
Starting price: CZK
175974 -  Pof.156, 157, 159, DL50, comp. 15 pcs of corner pieces and
Pof.156, 157, 159, DL50, comp. 15 pcs of corner pieces and blocks with plate number, from that 6x corner blk-of-4 or block of 6, values 50h green, 60h, 150h and to exhaustion- postage-due 50/150 + 14 pcs of used corner pieces values 50h green, interesting selection of!
Starting price: CZK
175883 -  Pof.157C, 60h blue, LR corner piece, horiz. comb; exp. Vrba
Pof.157C, 60h blue, LR corner piece, horiz. comb; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
176332 -  Pof.158B, 100h brown with upper margin, line perforation 13
Pof.158B, 100h brown with upper margin, line perforation 13½;, exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
175050 -  Pof.159B, 150h red, line perforation 13½;, types I. +
Pof.159B, 150h red, line perforation 13½;, types I. + II. + III., complete set, 1 pcs of marginal; perf marked and exp. by Gilbert., resp. Mrňák, c.v.. 7.300Kč
Starting price: CZK
174546 -  Pof.159B, 150h red, line perforation 13¾;, type I.; ex
Pof.159B, 150h red, line perforation 13¾;, type I.; exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 2.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
176380 -  Pof.155, selection of 32 pcs of used stamp. with plate vari
Pof.155, selection of 32 pcs of used stamp. with plate variety 1 - little-egg in waist (!), supplemented with other 20 pcs of stamp. with significant printing flaw - getting stain in picture of stmp, 2x hair paper crease; undamaged pieces, interesting research material, cat. only plate variety 2.240Kč
Starting price: CZK
175046 -  Pof.155DV 1 + 156DV 1, 50h red and 50h green with sheet mar
Pof.155DV 1 + 156DV 1, 50h red and 50h green with sheet margin, both values in blocks of four, with favourite plate flaw "little-egg in waist"
Starting price: CZK
175331 -  Pof.155DV 1 + 156DV 1, 50h red and 50h green, both values i
Pof.155DV 1 + 156DV 1, 50h red and 50h green, both values in/at marginal pairs with plate variety "little-egg in waist", by/on/at Pof.156 in addition plate mark - 1 cut notch in protective frame; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
175332 -  Pof.155DV 1, 50h red, 6ti-blok, 1 pcs of with plate variety
Pof.155DV 1, 50h red, 6ti-blok, 1 pcs of with plate variety "little-egg in waist"; decorative, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
174634 -  Pof.155DV1 + 156DV1, 50h red, mint never hinged + 50h green
Pof.155DV1 + 156DV1, 50h red, mint never hinged + 50h green with quite small hint hinged, both stamp. with plate flaw "little-egg in waist", marked and exp. by Pittermann
Starting price: CZK
175048 -  Pof.156RT, 50h green, favourite retouch of egg in waist; hi
Pof.156RT, 50h green, favourite "retouch of egg in waist"; hinged, marked and exp. by Pittermann
Starting price: CZK
176408 -  Pof.144-157TBa+TBb, selection of opposite facing pairs, i.a
Pof.144-157TBa+TBb, selection of opposite facing pairs, i.a. 50h green close and wide **; major-part mint never hinged, missing Pof.157TBb
Starting price: CZK
175038 -  comp. 6 pcs of close also wide opposite facing pairs values
comp. 6 pcs of close also wide opposite facing pairs values 5h, 10h and 20h, contains Pof.144TBa + TBb, 146TBa + TBb, 148TBa + TBb; minor faults. by/on/at Pof.148TBb, all exp. by Gilbert., cat. over 2.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
176041 -  Pof.157TBa, 60h blue, whole vertical bnd-of-20 with margin,
Pof.157TBa, 60h blue, whole vertical bnd-of-20 with margin, with 10 pcs of close opposite facing pair; 1x fold
Starting price: CZK
175052 -  PLATE PROOF  values 20, 25 and 30h, other design with once
PLATE PROOF values 20, 25 and 30h, other design with once numeral without year, joined printing 3 various values in/at blue-green color, on stamp paper with gum; exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
175333 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs in original colors
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs in original colors, values 50, 60 and 100h, in blocks of four, on color papers; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
175056 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing values 20 and 30h in/at hnědo
PLATE PROOF joined printing values 20 and 30h in/at hnědočerné color, on stamp paper with gum; exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
175964 -  PLATE PROOF selection of 24 pcs of proof and maculature pri
PLATE PROOF selection of 24 pcs of proof and maculature prints, from that 16 pcs of black-prints on various papers - missing value 150h, 5 pcs of in original colors on various color papers, then 3 blocks printers waste i.a. offset gutter values 40h; interesting
Starting price: CZK
174464 - 1923 postcard (Špilberk) with 50h green with plate flaw lit
1923 postcard (Špilberk) with 50h green with plate flaw "little-egg in waist", Pof.156DV1, special postmark BRNO/ I. International exhibition post. stamps/ 9.VIII.23 + front side of letter franked with. pair 50h red, from that 1 stamp. with plate variety "little-egg in waist", Pof.155DV1, CDS VARTENBERK by/on/at MIMONĚ, date badly readable, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
174465 - 1923 Reg letter franked with. opposite facing pairs 10h oliv
1923 Reg letter franked with. opposite facing pairs 10h olive, Pof.146TBa, 2x 20h orange, Pof.148TBa (block of four) and 2x 50h issue Chainbreaker green, Pof.156TBa (4-blok!); decorative entire, quite rare franking, envelope 1x vertical folded out of stmp and upper margin dusky; after all exceptional, cat. min. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
176014 -  [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection cancel. stamp. Pigeon
[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection cancel. stamp. Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker, specialisation on/for plate variety and flaw print, various blocks, bands etc.., plate variety described; placed on pages in/at pérovém stockbook, a lot of of material, estate of collector, interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 47 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Chainbreaker Issue 1920 - Information

18.6. 1920  Osvobozená republika

Autorem poštovních známek Osvobozená republika je Vratislav Hugo Brunner. Známky byly vydány v 11 různých hodnotách, od 20 h - do 250 haléřů, hodnota 50 haléřů ve 2 různých barvách (červená a žlutozelená). Všechny poštovní známky této emise vytiskla tiskárna České grafické Unie v Praze knihtiskem (KT). Stejně jako u předchozí emise Holubice byly i tyto známky vydávány postupně, ve 3 obdobích: v červnu 1920 hodnoty 20, 25 a 30 haléřů, v srpnu 1920 hodnoty 40, 50 /červená/, 60, 100, 185 a 250 haléřů, poslední 2 hodnoty 50 h /zelená/ a 150 h vyšly až v dubnu 1922. Pro tisk jednotlivých hodnot byl použit různý počet tiskových desek (TD), od 2 - do 40 kusů, v různých sestavách. Buď dvě a dvě různé hodnoty, nebo dvě desky jedné hodnoty emise Holubice a dvě desky jedné hodnoty emise Osvobozená republika (OR). U některých hodnot emise OR se dosud nepodařilo přesně zjistit kolika TD byly vytištěny, neboť byly vydány v dnes těžko uvěřitelných nákladech. Např. 60 h modrá necelých 269 milionů, 50 h zelená skoro 470 milionů kusů! Platnost poštovních známek Osvobozená republika nebyla ukončena ve stejný den, z oběhu byly jednotlivé hodnoty stahovány postupně. Dnem 30.4.1921 skončila platnost hodnot 20 a 25 haléřů, o 9 měsíců později, dne 31.1.1923 přestaly platit hodnoty 50 /červená/, 100, 150, 185 a 250 haléřů a dne 31.12.1925 byla ukončena platnost hodnot 30, 40, 50 /zelená/ a 60 haléřů. Kromě bílého papíru s hladkým lepem byl pro tisk poštovních známek této emise použit i papír nažloutlý až nahnědlý, též tenký s prosvítajícím tiskem i tlustší. Kromě bílého byl rovněž použit lep nažloutlý pórovitý, někdy i rýhovaný a také žlutohnědý. Všechny známky byly opatřeny hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14, u hodnot 40, 50, 60, 100 a 150 haléřů bylo použito i řádkové zoubkování ŘZ 13¾. Se stejným zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾ existují i hodnoty 20, 25, 30, 185 a 250 haléřů, které nebyly úředně vydány. Zajímavou specializací u poštovních známek emise OR jsou desková čísla (DČ) vyskytující se u dolních rohových známek (ZP 91 a ZP 100) na dolních okrajích PA a deskové značky na ochranných rámech na svislých okrajích PA. Sběratelé deskových a výrobních vad si s ohledem na celkový počet TD rozhodně přijdou na své.