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1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection bands, coupons, gutter-pairs - issues Landscape (incl. highest values), sheets - Dvořák, Postilion, miniatures Heydrich, plate flaws, plate numbers Postage due stmp, guide points - Linden Leaves etc.., all on unbound pages, uchyceno on/for labels only in margins, high catalogue value, ca. 30.000CZK U:K
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in big older stockbook, contains 1x overprint issue doplněnou about/by several bloks of four, from other issues blocks of four, gutter, coupons, horseshoe, plate number, bnd-of-20 big Krajinek, horseshoe large A. Hitler. etc.., all in perfect quality, according to owner c.v.. ca. 34.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] slightly specialized collection, general line as Overprint issue incl. coupons highest values, rozpracovány coupons, plate number and plate mark on issue Landscape, other issue - coupons, gutter-pair, postage-due gutter etc., all on hingeless album sheets in spring folder, c.v.. ca. 18.000CZK U:Z
1939-43 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation various issues, it contains e.g. 4-stamps. horiz. gutter Linden Leaves (15x); variants of coupons issues Country, castles and town I. also II., much in blocks of four incl. plate number, dagger, asterisk also color shades; complete corner miniatures A. Hitler. 10h-4K, in addition other corner blocks of four; then Official II; R. Heydrich as blk-of-4 with plate variety "little-egg", etc..; very good quality, in stockbook A4, cat. min. 8.200Kč U:Z
1940 COF29a, whole parcel card with emblem and valuable 5h, with 2x 2 Koruna Olomouc, Pof.34, with CDS MLADÁ BOLESLAV 1/ 5.XII.40; without fold, good condition U:A5
1941 larger part international post. dispatch-note, COF47, i.a. franked by stmp 10K Wallenstein garden and 5 Koruna Bechně, Pof.48 and 45, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1.XII.41; good condition U:A4