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1916 POLAND Mi.1, 2, 5, Local issue SOSNOWICE Coat of arms 3 Koruna, 10K and 3 Koruna "triangles"; all exp. Köhler U:A5
1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.96-100, set in complete sheets; Mi.99 partially loosened perf, rare occurrence, cat. min. 100€++ U:A3v–
1940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT R service letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, multicolor franking of 5 stamps, CDS SANOK 30.9.40, supplemented with blue label "Durch Deutsche Dienstpost Osten", on reverse arrival postmark OLMÜTZ / Deutsche Dienstpost BüM 1.10.40; good condition U:A5
1941 JERSEY - German occupation, letter from I. day of issue of occupation stamps franked with SG.2 + Brit. SG.481 with CDS JERSEY 1 AP 41, sent to GUERNSEY and here franked with SG.1a + 482a (bisected 2P) with CDS, also I. day of issue of stamps GUERNSEY 7 AP 41, interesting mixed franking U:A5
1941 USSR German post in occupied part, COB USSR 60Kop red sent as Reg, with pmk of German FP FIELD-POST 25.9.41, censorship, to Koblenz U:A5
1943 UKRAINE letter addressed to Prague with Mi.1 (2x) + Mi.4 (2x), CDS FASTOW/ DEUTSCHE DIENSTPOST UKRAINE/ 30.1.43, small format; non-philatelic correspondence U:A5
1943 OSTLAND, UKRAINE 3 letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 2x with CDS RIGA/ Deutsche Dienstpost OSTLAND and 1x as Registered, sent to V. Indra, CDS GRETSCHANY/ Deutsche Dienstpost UKRAINE; usual frankings, censorship, interesting U:A5