Public auction 47 / Philately / Europe / Germany / Occupied terr.

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175599 - 1916 POLAND Mi.1, 2, 5, Local issue SOSNOWICE Coat of arms 3
1916 POLAND Mi.1, 2, 5, Local issue SOSNOWICE Coat of arms 3 Koruna, 10K and 3 Koruna "triangles"; all exp. Köhler
Starting price: CZK
175679 - 1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.96-100, set in complete sheets;
1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.96-100, set in complete sheets; Mi.99 partially loosened perf, rare occurrence, cat. min. 100€++
Starting price: CZK
172982 - 1940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT R service letter addressed to Bohemi
1940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT R service letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, multicolor franking of 5 stamps, CDS SANOK 30.9.40, supplemented with blue label "Durch Deutsche Dienstpost Osten", on reverse arrival postmark OLMÜTZ / Deutsche Dienstpost BüM 1.10.40; good condition
Starting price: CZK
173810 - 1941 JERSEY - German occupation, letter from I. day of issue
1941 JERSEY - German occupation, letter from I. day of issue of occupation stamps franked with SG.2 + Brit. SG.481 with CDS JERSEY 1 AP 41, sent to GUERNSEY and here franked with SG.1a + 482a (bisected 2P) with CDS, also I. day of issue of stamps GUERNSEY 7 AP 41, interesting mixed franking
Starting price: CZK
176572 - 1941 USSR  German post in occupied part, COB USSR 60Kop red
1941 USSR German post in occupied part, COB USSR 60Kop red sent as Reg, with pmk of German FP FIELD-POST 25.9.41, censorship, to Koblenz
Starting price: CZK
174639 - 1943 UKRAINE  letter addressed to Prague with Mi.1 (2x) + Mi
1943 UKRAINE letter addressed to Prague with Mi.1 (2x) + Mi.4 (2x), CDS FASTOW/ DEUTSCHE DIENSTPOST UKRAINE/ 30.1.43, small format; non-philatelic correspondence
Starting price: CZK
172603 - 1943 OSTLAND, UKRAINE  3 letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravi
1943 OSTLAND, UKRAINE 3 letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 2x with CDS RIGA/ Deutsche Dienstpost OSTLAND and 1x as Registered, sent to V. Indra, CDS GRETSCHANY/ Deutsche Dienstpost UKRAINE; usual frankings, censorship, interesting
Starting price: CZK