Public auction 47 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Prephilately

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175552 - 1819 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Znojmo, with s
1819 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Znojmo, with straight line postmark V:TREBITSCH (Vot.2443/1.=130b), small format, tariff note by red raddle and broken seal on reverse; fine quality
Starting price: CZK
175029 - 1823 CZECH LANDS/ money letter with pmk ZERHOWITZ to Rokycan
1823 CZECH LANDS/ money letter with pmk ZERHOWITZ to Rokycany, in front marked porto 2 Kr (C.M.) or 6 Kr (W.W.), rate through 1-3 post. stations valid from 1.6.1817-30.7.1842, notice "Mit 1F 51Kr WHOLE WORLD", counted in old currency Wiener Währung - inflation currency changed in 1816 to C.M. - Conventionsmünze; interesting entire and rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
174090 - 1823 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Libenau, strai
1823 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Libenau, straight line postmark v:JUNGBUNZLAU (Mladá Boleslav, Vot.935/1.=180b!), note by ruddle and on reverse paper seal; nice readable sought pmk, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
174084 - 1823 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to Prague, straight line po
1823 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to Prague, straight line postmark vHORAŽDIOWITZ (Vot.815/2.=100b), in front also on reverse note by ruddle, whole paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174082 - 1825 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to Mnichov near Mariánské
1825 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to Mnichov near Mariánské Lázně, straight line postmark SANDAU (Žandov, Vot.2110/1.=70b), on reverse unbroken seal; nice print
Starting price: CZK
175031 - 1826-1843 CZECH LANDS/  2 letters with pmk PISEK and VON ZWO
1826-1843 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters with pmk PISEK and VON ZWODAU, both with half porto paid by sender, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175027 - 1827-1844 CZECH LANDS/  3 letters with pre-paid porto, pmk E
1827-1844 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with pre-paid porto, pmk EGER FRANCO, V.CARLSBAD FRANCO, WINTERBERG FRANCO (this pmk Vimperk is rare); letters with rate 4, 9 and 12kr according to valid rates 1.6.1817-30.7.1842 and from 1.8.1842
Starting price: CZK
175023 - 1828-1832 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Horažďovice, black w
1828-1832 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Horažďovice, black "writing" postmark HORAŽDIOWITZ, to Munich through 6-9 postal stations - III. tariff rate, in/at basic weight to 1/2 Loth; porto 10Kr according to rate system from 1817-1842, half paid by sender
Starting price: CZK
175030 - 1829 CZECH LANDS/ 2x heavier letter from Mladá Boleslav, ma
1829 CZECH LANDS/ 2x heavier letter from Mladá Boleslav, marked weight 1Loth and half porto 6 Kreuzer from 12Kr (7-9 post. stations for weight from 1/2 to 1 Loth, according to rates from 1.6. 1817), pmk JUNGBUNZLAU and interesting additional postmark "OFFICIO CORR." and "VON JUNG.BUNZLAUER MAAT" (Magistrat)
Starting price: CZK
176447 - 1830 CZECH LANDS/  blue 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS 30.DEC. on folde
1830 CZECH LANDS/ blue 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS 30.DEC. on folded cover letter to Hlohová + oval VON DER K.u.K.. POST-DIREKTION FÜR BOHEMIA on ex-offo letter to Pardubice
Starting price: CZK
174083 - 1830 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Prague, straig
1830 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Prague, straight line postmark v:MIES (Stříbro) in brown color (Vot.1412/1.=120b); note by ruddle, on reverse whole paper seal; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175553 - 1832-35 CZECH LANDS/  comp. 3 covers sent from Vyškov, from
1832-35 CZECH LANDS/ comp. 3 covers sent from Vyškov, from that 2 with oval pmk WISCHAU (Vot.2649/2, resp. 2649/2a) and 1 x with straight line postmark WISCHAU 30/4 (Vot.2649/3b); all with note by ruddle about postage rate, nice imprints of pmks, 2x paper seals; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175547 - 1833 CZECH LANDS/  folded cover of ex offo letter sent in th
1833 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of ex offo letter sent in the place, offícial postmaster single circle pmk K.u.K.. POSTAMT/ NICOLSBURG(Vot.3964=300b), catalogue Votoček shows oldest usage in 1845!; rare occurrence, fine quality
Starting price: CZK
174081 - 1834 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1834 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark SOBOTKA (Vot.2278/2.=100b), on reverse incomplete paper seal; fine quality
Starting price: CZK
174080 - 1834-48 CZECH LANDS/  2 letters with straight line pmk from
1834-48 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters with straight line pmk from Sudoměřice: a) from 1834, pmk SUDOMIERZITZ (Vot.2377/2.=80b), addressed to Chlumec, in front also on reverse notee by ruddle, in the middle lower small flaw; b) from 1848, pmk SUDOMIERŽITZ (Vot.2377/4a.=80b), about1 year former usage (!) of postmark, on reverse arrival postmark MÜHLHAUSEN (Milevsko, Vot.1470/1.=100b) and paper seal; interesting and very nice
Starting price: CZK
174091 - 1835 CZECH LANDS/ large folded letter with handmade note in
1835 CZECH LANDS/ large folded letter with handmade note "in causa criminali", with frame pmk v.GROTTAU (Hrádek nad Nisou, Vot.709/2./ I. condition, =300b!), nice imprint, on reverse seal; sought pmk, rare occurrence, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174088 - 1835 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1835 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark v:SCHLAN (Vot.2141/1.=200b!), marks by ruddle, on reverse unusual black! paper seal; sought postmark, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175550 - 1835? CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with oval pmk type C.74/ R
1835? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with oval pmk type C.74/ REGENS (Řehořov, Vot.1998/1.=170b), addressed to Třebíč, handwritten note by ruddle; nice print
Starting price: CZK
176448 - 1836 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to France with red pmk PRAG
1836 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to France with red pmk PRAG FRANCO, additional pmks, on reverse arrival COMPIEGNE
Starting price: CZK
175554 - 1837 CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter addressed to Třebíč
1837 CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter addressed to Třebíč, oval pmk ZNAYM (Vot.2782/2.) supplemented with still unknown pmk "recom:" italic (!), handwritten note. about postage rate; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
170987 - 1837-43 CZECH LANDS/  comp. of 2 folded letters:  a) 1837, s
1837-43 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 folded letters: a) 1837, straight line postmark NICOLSBURG (Mikulov, catalogue Votoček nr.1609/1.=40b), on reverse paper seal; b) 1843, straight line postmark SENFTENBERG (catalogue Votoček. č.2227/4.=50b), postmaster´s note by red raddle, on reverse oval transit pmk 8 MAJ/ LEUTOMISCHL (catalogue Votoček. č.1226/2a=50b); well readable pmks, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
170902 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/  cover sent from Teplice, red frame TEPLIT
1838 CZECH LANDS/ cover sent from Teplice, red frame TEPLITZ/ 2.SEP. (Vot.2412/6.=200b!); folded over pmk, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
175516 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with atypical oval pmk K.K.B
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with atypical oval pmk K.K.B.S./ KUNSTADT (Vot.1179/1.=200b!), specialist sought postal-agency (!), "K.K.B.S." (=Kaiserliche Königliche Briefsammelstelle), inside hand-made date "18.Dezbr.838", handwritten note by ruddle "6", addressed to Třebíč, on reverse half of paper seal; rare entire, here for the first time in auction, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175518 - 1839-45 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 folded covers with 2-lines p
1839-45 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 folded covers with 2-lines pmks LUNDENBURG/ 14.DEC. - black, and LUNDENBURG 18.APR. - green (Břeclav, Vot.1323/1 and 1323/2), both addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz), 1 pcs with handmade note by ruddle "6"; pmks well readable, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175672 - 1839-53 CZECH LANDS/  comp. of 3 folded letters, black line
1839-53 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 3 folded letters, black line pmksKUNSTADT 24.MAR; BOSKOWITZ; GOLDENBRUNN
Starting price: CZK
175522 - 1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover with atypical pmk MAEHR. NEUS
1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover with atypical pmk MAEHR. NEUSTADT (Uničov Vot.1340/2a=200b) + date "26/5" + FRANCO, addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz); quality print of all 3 postmarks, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174089 - 1840? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Moravská Tře
1840? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Moravská Třebová, oval pmk with decorative small frame MAEHR:/NEUSTADT + date "23/1" (Uničov, Vot.1340/2a/ I. stav=200b!); sought postmark, well readable print
Starting price: CZK
175549 - 1841-48 CZECH LANDS/  comp. of 2 letters sent from Prostějo
1841-48 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 letters sent from Prostějov, 1x folded letter from 1841 with 2-lines pmk PROSSNITZ/ 9.12.1841 (Vot.1933/2a) and 1x cover with the same pmk from 13.9.1848 in blue color!; both pmks well readable, very good quality
Starting price: CZK
175026 - 1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with pmk CZIMELITZ to Štěkně, re
1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with pmk CZIMELITZ to Štěkně, redirected to Vienna, porto 6 Kreuzer (for letter up to 10 miles, weight 1/2 Loths, according to posto rates from 1.8.1842) and notice "ZUTAX 6 Kreuzer" on "zusammen" 12Kr, for distance over 10miles, arrival postmark WIEN, interesting letter
Starting price: CZK
175521 - 1842 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1842 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark M. BUDWITZ (Vot.1337/2.=100b) in blue color; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175028 - 1843 CZECH LANDS/  comp. 3 letters with Moravian pmks WISCHA
1843 CZECH LANDS/ comp. 3 letters with Moravian pmks WISCHAU, PROSSNITZ, MUGLITZ, half postage 3 Kreuzer, complete 6 Kreuzer up to 10 miles and complete 12Kr over 10 miles, according to rates from 1.8.1842
Starting price: CZK
176449 - 1843-44 CZECH LANDS/  2 folded letters, 1x black SIEBKOWITZ
1843-44 CZECH LANDS/ 2 folded letters, 1x black SIEBKOWITZ + FRANCO; 1x green SCHLUKENAU AM 23.APRL + FRANCO
Starting price: CZK
175551 - 1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with frame pmk type C.157 in
1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with frame pmk type C.157 in black color "POHRLITZ/ Franco" (Vot.2957a=140b) addressed to Brno; on reverse 2-lines arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 14.JUL. in blue color; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175510 - 1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark
1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark AUSTERLITZ (Vot.78/1(a), with additionally by hand written date - catalogue Votoček. doesn't report!; addressed to Karlovec, note by ruddle "4"; on reverse broken seals, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175513 - 1846 CZECH LANDS/ cover Reg letter with atypical pmk RECOMMA
1846 CZECH LANDS/ cover Reg letter with atypical pmk RECOMMANDIRT/ GOLDENBRUNN/ 2.4M, catalogue Votoček type C.197, nice print, handwritten note by ruddle "88", addressed to Brno; on reverse green arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 5.APR. and broken seal, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174087 - 1846 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Jindřichův H
1846 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Jindřichův Hradec, 2-lines pmk TABOR/ am 15 September (Vot.2393/2a.=60b) + on reverse arrival blue (!) 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS/ day 16.Sept. and broken seal; good quality
Starting price: CZK
175546 - 1848 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of letter with red! 2-lines p
1848 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of letter with red! 2-lines pmk EISENBERG/ 25.NOV. (Vot.1586/1.), today DOLNÍ RUDA, catalogue Votoček. red cancel. doesn't mentione (!); addressed to Zábřeh, rare offer, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175514 - 1849 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with 2-lines bluepmk KONITZ
1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with 2-lines bluepmk KONITZ/ 20.NOV: (Vot.1085/1.=200b!), nice print; on reverse torn paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175524 - 1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) 2-lines pmk M:
1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) 2-lines pmk M: NEUSTADTL/ 23.MAR. (Vot.16569/2. blue doesn't report) + blue FRANCO (Vot.2924=50b), addressed to Polná, arrival POLNA/ 25.MAR. on reverse; decorative entire !
Starting price: CZK
175523 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with bicircular pmk NAMIEST
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with bicircular pmk NAMIEST/ 2.5. (Vot.1485/1.=140b), addressed to Třebíč; on reverse boken seal, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
175512 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with 2-lines pmk OBER=BOBRA
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with 2-lines pmk OBER=BOBRAU/ 14.MAI (=Bobrová na Moravě), Vot.159/1. in blue-green color(!), almost luxury print, addressed to Moravská Třebová; on reverse broken seal, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
175555 - 1853 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with straight line postmark
1853 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark of railway-station postal office BISENZ (Vot.4015/1.) type A.127- see Mo.14, p. 562, /later railway-station BISENZ - PISEK/, nice print, on reverse broken seal NORDBAHN - TRANSPORTEXPEDITION; rare!
Starting price: CZK
176450 - 1843 SLOVAKIA  2 folded letters, small format, 1x black 2-li
1843 SLOVAKIA 2 folded letters, small format, 1x black 2-lines TYRNAU 13 APRIL, to Týnce + frame SZENITZ 11.11. + red A.P.
Starting price: CZK
175548 - 1837 AUSTRIA/  folded cover of letter addressed to Olomouc,
1837 AUSTRIA/ folded cover of letter addressed to Olomouc, 2-lines pmk NEUSTADT/ 12 JUL 1837, long address, on reverse sought arrival decorative postmaster pmk OLMÜTZ/ 15.7.1837 (Vot.1700/5.=300b!); small format, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
176451 - 1844 AUSTRIA/   black double-circle KUFSTEIN on folded lette
1844 AUSTRIA/ black double-circle KUFSTEIN on folded letter to Bavaria
Starting price: CZK
173038 - 1824 HUNGARY/  letter with red frame pmk NAGYBÁNYA (Baia Ma
1824 HUNGARY/ letter with red frame pmk NAGYBÁNYA (Baia Mare in Romania), weight 1 Loth, to Vienna, cat. Müller 80P
Starting price: CZK