Public auction 47 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hussite Issue 1920

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175102 -  Pof.162 + 163, Hussite-issue 80h violet and 90h black, prac
Pof.162 + 163, Hussite-issue 80h violet and 90h black, practically complete set plate numbers, contains: and) Pof.162, 1x pair, 2x block of four and 1x corner piece with plate number 1, 2, 3 and 4 + 2x block of four and 2x corner piece from shodných plates without plate number; b) Pof.163, 2x block of four with plate number 1 and 2; by/on/at one block of four horiz. fold in paper, otherwise nice; quite rare offer, here for the first time in auction!
Starting price: CZK
175042 -  Pof.162, 80h violet as Pr, with the bottom part/-s gutter (
Pof.162, 80h violet as Pr, with the bottom part/-s gutter (!) on maculature paper /see c.v.. Pofis, page. 81/; 2x výrobně ribbed paper, exceedingly interesting, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
175889 -  Pof.162, 80h violet, complete 100 stamps sheet without mark
Pof.162, 80h violet, complete 100 stamps sheet without marking folder (!); cross fold, allowed in perforation on/for margins
Starting price: CZK
175891 -  Pof.163, 90h black, complete 100 stamps sheet; shifted cut
Pof.163, 90h black, complete 100 stamps sheet; shifted cut to control-numbers, 1x stain between stamp.
Starting price: CZK
175851 -  Pof.162N-163N, unissued stmp 80h and 90h imperforated, in b
Pof.162N-163N, unissued stmp 80h and 90h imperforated, in blocks of four + PLATE PROOF Pof.162-163 in/at opačných colors (!), 80h black and 90h violet, in blocks of four on stamp paper with gum; interesting and decorative, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
175850 -  PLATE PROOF  Hussite-issue 90h black, Pof.163, unfolded hor
PLATE PROOF Hussite-issue 90h black, Pof.163, unfolded horiz. gutter (!), on/for lightly yellowy maculature paper; minor faults - in the middle gutter more/larger thin place after/around neštrně removed label; after all exceedingly interesting, quite rare occurrence, exp. Vrba, c.v.. 10.000CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
175103 -  PLATE PROOF  selection of 49 pcs of (!) plate proofs, from
PLATE PROOF selection of 49 pcs of (!) plate proofs, from that 21 pcs of with value 80h and 28 pcs of 90h, in various shades and colors, by/on/at 2 pcs of fold in paper; rare multiple
Starting price: CZK
175849 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing 2 pcs of, plate proof Hussite-
PLATE PROOF joined printing 2 pcs of, plate proof Hussite-issue 90h and 80h, in red color on/for lightly yellowy and on reverse partially imprinted paper; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
175292 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing 4 pcs of, plate proof Hussite-
PLATE PROOF joined printing 4 pcs of, plate proof Hussite-issue 90h and 80h + 2x 25h revenue, in brown color on stamp paper; glued cut off L margin, exp. Beneš
Starting price: CZK
175310 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof unissued stmp 25h Professor. Kysel
PLATE PROOF plate proof unissued stmp 25h Professor. Kysely from joined printings PLATE PROOF Hussite-issue, larger format in golden color, letterprint from unfinished printing block on/for blue thin paper without gum, size 66x117mm, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
175848 - 1920 PLATE PROOF  joined printing 4 pcs of, plate proof Huss
1920 PLATE PROOF joined printing 4 pcs of, plate proof Hussite-issue 90h and 80h + 2x 25h revenue, in light green color on stamp paper with gum, without horiz. pruhu in the middle; interesting, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
175847 - 1920 PLATE PROOF  joined printing 4 pcs of, plate proof Huss
1920 PLATE PROOF joined printing 4 pcs of, plate proof Hussite-issue 90h and 80h + 2x 25h revenue, in light green color on stamp paper with gum, with horiz. band in the middle; interesting, exp. Vrba, c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
176331 -  trial print 90h, 2x marginal block-of-4, print in/at olive
trial print 90h, 2x marginal block-of-4, print in/at olive and green color on stamp paper with gum
Starting price: CZK
176354 - 1920 letter to Helsingborgu (Sweden), with Hussite-issue 90h
1920 letter to Helsingborgu (Sweden), with Hussite-issue 90h, Pof.163, heavier imprint of daily postmark PIEŠTANY 9.VII.20, passed through censorship, by mistake to Helsingfors (Helsinki - Finland) consequently sent to Sweden, arrival HELSINGBORG 19.7.20; letters abroad are rare!
Starting price: CZK
176356 - 1921 C.O.D.  commercial R-dobírka on/for 7CZK to Klášterc
1921 C.O.D. commercial R-dobírka on/for 7CZK to Klášterce n./O., with mixed franking Hussite-issue 80h+90h and Pigeon-issue 5h blue and 10h olive + on reverse pair Express 5h, CDS ÚSTÍ N. L. 1/ 29.IV.21, arrival postmark.; definitely interesting entire
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 47 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hussite Issue 1920 - Information

1.6. 1920  Husita. 

Autorem poštovních známek s obrazem husitského kněze s kalichem je Alfons Mucha.

Byly vydány pouze 2 hodnoty, 80 h v barvě fialové a 90 h v černé, známky vytiskla opět Česká grafická Unie v Praze, tentokrát hlubotiskem (HT). Pro známky 80 h byla zhotovena pouze 1 tisková forma (TF) se čtyřmi stokusovými deskami, pro hodnotu 90 h byly zhotoveny 2 TF o dvou stoznámkových deskách ve dvou variantách: vedle sebe, kterou byla vytištěna většina známek a pod sebou protisměrně, ze které byl vytištěn jen malý počet listů. Známky byly vydány na bílém, výjimečně na nažloutlém papíru, s bílým až nažloutlý lepem, s řádkovým zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾. U obou hodnot se vyskytuje řada barevných odstínů. Vzácně se vyskytují vodorovná i svislá meziarší obou hodnot na makulaturním papíru.

Protože motiv známek nevyhovoval jedné z tehdejších velkých politických stran, nebyly poštovní známky Husita Hospodářskou ústřednou v Praze přidělovány do mnoha krajů v republice a přesto že byly vydány v poměrně značném množství (od každé hodnoty přes 4 mil. kusů), byly staženy z oběhu. Jejich platnost skončila 30.4.1921, u filatelistické přepážky na hlavní poště v Praze zůstaly ale v prodeji až do roku 1935.