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1920-25 6 entires + 1x front side Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, i.a. 1x uprated p.stat, Reg letter, 1x to Czechoslovakia; various franking; interesting U:A5
1920-26 comp. of 5 entires sent abroad, i.a. 2x Reg from that 1x to Czechoslovakia, then uprated p.stat and others.; various franking, interesting U:A5
1922 Reg letter to Athens, with Mi.61 and 88, CDS DANZIG 20.8.22; vertical fold, interesting destination U:A5
1922 Reg and airmail letter to Germany, franked with airmail stamp Mi.66, 69 and 80, CDS DANZIG 5/ LUFTPOST (airmail) 20.9.22, on reverse transit and arrival postmark U:A5
1926 1. FLIGHT DANZIG-TILSIT letter franked with airmail stamp Mi.202-203, CDS DANZIG 5/ LUFTPOST 20.4.26, additional red pmk MIT LUFTPOST BEFÖRDERT (POSTAMT TILSIT 1); decorative entire U:A5
1929 DANZIG Airmail express letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with multicolor franking of airmail stamps Mi.202 3x, 203 4x, 204, posting oval postmark DANZIG LUFTPOST 24.6.29, transit BERLIN C 25.6.29, on front side arrival air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 25.VI.29; good condition U:A5
1920-24 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains sets as Mi.1-15, 16-20, 53-62, 93-98, 123-129, 177-190, postage-due Mi.1-14 etc.; only as special postmark cat. min. 1.200€, part with CDS !, list inserted U:Z