Public auction 47 / Autographs / Scientists, Historians and Explorers

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174361 - 1890-1950 AKADEMICI / interesting selection of letters and c
1890-1950 AKADEMICI / interesting selection of letters and cards with texts and signatures 10 important akademiků: Rudolf Urbánek (1877-1962), historian; Charles Stloukal (1887-1957), historian; Arne Novák (1880-1939), literary historian; Francis Drtina (1861-1925), philosopher; then Justin Prášek, Emanuel Chalupný, Richard Tenora, Wenceslas Vojtíšek, Henry Vančura, Jaroslav Vlček; overall very good condition, interesting set!
Starting price: CZK
175473 - 1904 NÁPRSTKOVÁ Joseph, born Křížková (1838–1907), w
1904 NÁPRSTKOVÁ Joseph, born Křížková (1838–1907), wife and pomocnice cestovatele and etnologa Vojtěch Náprstka; handwritten text on Ppc, interesting kontext and text describing dění on/for univerzitě; long address, overall in good condition condition, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
174128 - 1895 NIEDERLE Lubor (1865-1944), important Czech archaeologi
1895 NIEDERLE Lubor (1865-1944), important Czech archaeologist, antropolog, etnolog, founder modern Czech archeologie; handwritten text sent to parliamentarian with heading Ethnical Museum českoslovanské in Prague, interesting text
Starting price: CZK
176486 - 1920? PEKAŘ Joseph (1870-1937), one from best known Czech h
1920? PEKAŘ Joseph (1870-1937), one from best known Czech historiků, disciple Gollovy school, rektor Charle's university; quite extraordinary manuscript with pojednáním about/by part/-s handwritten estate placed in/at National muzeu, jejíž part composes entries about/by pramenech to Legendě about/by Svatém Prokopovi; Joseph Pekař i.a. patřil to názorovým oponentům T. G. Masaryk in sporu about/by smyslu Czech history; size rukopisu more/larger A4, very interesting, mounted on carton, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
175471 - 1917 PURKYNĚ Cyril (1862–1934), important Czech geolog, p
1917 PURKYNĚ Cyril (1862–1934), important Czech geolog, přírodovědec, member Královské Czech company nauk, grandson J. E. Purkyně, handwritten text on Ppc
Starting price: CZK
174357 - 1901 RÁDL Emanuel Prof. Dr. (1873 - 1942), important Czech
1901 RÁDL Emanuel Prof. Dr. (1873 - 1942), important Czech biolog and philosopher, zastánce realismu T. G. Masaryk, handwritten text with signature on postcard addressed to on/for important publ. and publisher John Laichtera (1858-1946), i.a. publisher ediční line České history etc..; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
173405 - 1900? THOMAYER Joseph (1853-1927), important Czech doctor wo
1900? THOMAYER Joseph (1853-1927), important Czech doctor world úrovně, one from zakladatelů Czech lékařské vědy, signature on cut-square; also with B/W photo from newspapers
Starting price: CZK
175466 - 1925 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), important Czech travell
1925 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), important Czech traveller and polárník, participant expedition admirála Byrda /1928-30/, the first Čech/Bohem in territory of Antarctica, portrait photo postcard with autograph; very good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
174358 - 1895 ZÍBRT Čeněk (1864-1932), important Czech cultural hi
1895 ZÍBRT Čeněk (1864-1932), important Czech cultural historian, folklorist and ethnographer , Professor UK, handwritten letter with signature on heading paper "Redakce sborníku Český lid"; good condition
Starting price: CZK