Public auction 47 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Philatelic Domains / Prisons, Work Camps

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174519 - 1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  PC CDV16 addressed to to ghetto w
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC CDV16 addressed to to ghetto without statement sender, MC BRÜNN 2/ 22.I.43, on reverse obsáhlé private message; good quality
Starting price: CZK
161480 - 1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  preprinted postcard to Switzerlan
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT preprinted postcard to Switzerland, "Poděkování for parcel", franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 50h A. Hitler, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 11.XII.43, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition
Starting price: CZK
175005 - 1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT, preprinted postcard - thanks for
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT, preprinted postcard - thanks for parcel addressed to to Prague, with A. Hitler 30h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 9.IX.43; good condition
Starting price: CZK
135323 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  PC without franking sent to Terez
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC without franking sent to Terezin (Theresienstadt) from pobočného camp in/at Chrudim, frame presentation and censorship mark, date 22.XI.1944, arrival postmark. date-stamp 16.XII.1944, good condition
Starting price: CZK
174492 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  PC from prisoner to Příbram, wi
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC from prisoner to Příbram, with A. Hitler. 10h + 50h, PRAGUE 2/ 30.VIII.44, red off. cancel. RÜCKANTWORT NUR/ AUF POSTKARTE IN DEUTSCHER SPRACHE...
Starting price: CZK
143735 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  correspondence card without frank
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT correspondence card without franking addressed to to Prague, additional blue four-line cancel. "ANTWORT NUR ...." (Answer only through Jewish Council of Elders in Prague); sender: F. F., Badhausgasse 1, good condition
Starting price: CZK
174507 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card addressed to to Switzerland,
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card addressed to to Switzerland, franked with. German stamp. 15pf A. Hitler, CDS BERLIN W62/ 31.8.44, additional four-line cancel. "Rückantwort nur ..... " and line censor's cancel.; text from 2.8.44, sender C. E., Jägergasse 15, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174503 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card addressed to to Switzerland,
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card addressed to to Switzerland, franked with. German stamp. 15pf A. Hitler, MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 25.7. + CDS BERLIN W62/ 2.8.44, additional 2-lines cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf ..... " and censorship mark.; text from 24.4.44, sender E. R., Langestrasse 13, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
174522 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  Hungarian PC Mi.P112 addressed to
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT Hungarian PC Mi.P112 addressed to to Terezín ghetto, CDS MISKOLC/ 44.VI.30., supplemented with three-line blue frame cancel. post Jewish samosprávy"JÜDISCHE SELBSTVERWALTUNG/ TERESIENSTADT and red cancel. German censorship; mailing from abroad are exceptional and collector sought!, signs of usage., well preserved
Starting price: CZK
139610 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  pre-printed PC with thank for par
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT pre-printed PC with thank for parcel, with 50h A. Hitler, CDS PRAG 2/ 29.VIII.44, addressed to to Sweden (!), red censorship mark with eagle "Oberkommando des Wehrmacht/ geprüft", from important foreign collection (ex F. Hanzl), mailing abroad rare and sought by specialists, fine quality
Starting price: CZK
174508 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  preprinted postcard addressed to
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT preprinted postcard addressed to to Vienna, "Poděkování for parcel", franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 30h A. Hitler, MC PRAG 2/ 8.V.44, hand-made dated 12.4.1944, without censor's cancel.; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
174512 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  comp. 2 pcs of cards with 60h A.
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT comp. 2 pcs of cards with 60h A. Hitler, various blank form/-s, from that 1x without CDS, additional four-line cancel. "Rückantwort nur ....", sender: S. V., Langestrass 9; 1x stamp. crossed out red by pencil, without přídavného cancel., odes.: E. J., Langestrasse 18; usual quality
Starting price: CZK
174497 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  blank form with calling to withdr
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT blank form with calling to withdrawal admission stamps, print IV/44, sender Jewish Council of Elders in Prague, cross fold, L at top stain and tearing
Starting price: CZK
174188 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  story - complete set 3 entires, c
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT story - complete set 3 entires, contains pink part I blank form/-s for sending admission stamps with imprint A5/227a-G-4n ... with mounted margin admission stamps (only vertical fold), certificate of mailing for parcel to Terezin (Theresienstadt) with CDS PŘÍBRAM 26.VIII.44 and franked with. card with pre-printed thank after/behind sent parcel with CDS PRAGUE 25/ 20.IX.44 (fold in corner and small tearing), all on one Czech prisoner
Starting price: CZK
174499 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  story - complete set 3 entires, r
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT story - complete set 3 entires, rose blank form with calling to withdrawal admission stamps, print X/43 + certificate of mailing + děkovná PC for parcel, with A. Hitler. 60h, CDS PRAG 2/ 18.IV.44, on reverse preprinted text; all from one prisoner!; interesting
Starting price: CZK
174523 - 1944 INTERNAČNÍ TÁBOR SVATOBOŘICE  postcard with 60h A.
1944 INTERNAČNÍ TÁBOR SVATOBOŘICE postcard with 60h A. Hitler, CDS HEILIGENBERG/ 22.IX.44, addressed to to internment camp for občany of Jewish origin and political prisoner; good quality
Starting price: CZK
174513 - 1945 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR  PC CDV16 sent from camp for shrom
1945 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR PC CDV16 sent from camp for shromažďování Jews from mixed manželství (Prague - Hagibor, Schwerinstrasse 1201), MC PRAG 3/ 12.1.45, addressed to to Old Town; on reverse very interesting text about povoleném number sent parcels and their/its weight, with validity from February 1945 (!); usual quality
Starting price: CZK