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1849 Mi.1(2x),3(6x),4(3x), 11 stamps Ceres, various margins, mostly nice, cat. min. 1175€ U:A5
1852 Mi.12(2),15(2),16(2), Napoleon III. 2x 10C, 2x 40C, 2x 80C on cut-square of letter from La Rochelle to New York; very attractive tricolour franking! U:A5
1869 Mi.32, Napoleon 5F, numeral pmk "35"; nice quality without usual thins U:A5
1876-1886 Mi.59II (2x), 61II, 70 (2x), 74, 75, 76(2x), 82, 10y Allegory, i.a. rare unused 15C grey, 2x 5Fr, marginal pieces, red postmarks, nice compilation, cat. 1.120€ U:A5
1775-1851 comp. of 5 prephilatelic letters; rare letter from 1775 through Ostende to England with pmk IN ALL and note 2 Shill., then from 1837 to London with pmk T. P. RATE 2P, from 1847 to Madrid with partial porto (FP-postmark.) and with Spanish porto rate 6R, police letter with half porto from ca. 1820 and cash paid 25C letter from 1851 U:A5
1853 5 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON, Mi.16(!) 80C to Italy, 40C to England, 3x 20C money letter, 2x pair 10C U:A5
1876-1900 4 Ppc and 7 letters with stamps Allegory (Peace and Trade), i.a. 2 exhibitions Ppc Paris 1900 with CDS PARIS EXPOSITION, 3 money letters, printed matter to Netherlands with 25C (!), 15+10C to New York; interesting letters, small formats, rarer frankings! U:A5
1862-1871 7 letters franked with issue NAPOLEON (perforated), 2x mixed franking with CERES 1870 and 1871, 2x Reg, 1x money letter and oths., interesting posting and additional postmarks U:A5
1871-1875 8 letters franked with issue CERES, 2x 40C to Netherlands and to Rome, 30C and 5+25C to Switzerland, 15+25C to Genoa, 3x5+25C - twice heavier letter to Paris and oths.; chosen quality, interesting compilation U:A5
1890 Reg letter from January 1893 to San Francisco franked with single franking of Allegory 50C Mi.81, CDS PARIS / R. LAFAYETTE, through New York; recipient didn't caught, atypical THIRD NOTICE (3. proclamation) under return Reg label NEW YORK EXCHANGE; notice "en cas d´absence hotel de l´ Europe Singapore" and "en cas d´absence rue Vivienne 53 Paris", after all returned in March 1893 directly to Paris, many REg and tranzit postmarks, arrival SAN FRANCISCO and PARIS rare letter in very nice quality! U:A5
1914 Exhibition Lyons, official postcard EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE with Mi.11, with two original exhibition labels, sent to Budapest; very attractive and rare "exhibition" entire! U:A5