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1899 Mi.69A-80A + 81C-83C, Emperor Franz Joseph 1H - 4Kr, complete set, 2 cheap stamps (1H and 2H, cat. 4€) with light fold, several pcs **, values 40H, 50H and 60H marked by Pofis, 25H and 2 Koruna old expert's marks; cat. min. 380€
1908 Mi.154, Ferch.154, block of four 2 K Jubilee, red / olive, luxury multiple; cat. ca. 500€ U:A5
1908 Mi.156, Ferch.156, Franz Joseph 10K Jubilee, CDS WIEN; cat. Ferchenbauer 100€ U:A5
1916 Mi.156, Ferch.156, block of four Franz Joseph 10K Jubilee, blue CDS WIEN 17. X. 16, print on blue-gray "war" paper, typical for 1916, 1 stamp cat. 275€ , block of four ca. 1.600€, very nice and rare multiple! U:A5
1916 Ferch.185, 185y, 2x Crown 3h violet, ordinary and STRONG paper; cat. 140€ U:A5
1916-17 Ferch.203bA + 207A, Coat of arms 10K, 2 highest values, both stamps mint never hinged, cat. Ferchenbauer 510€ U:A5
1918 Ferch.226C, FLUGPOST 2,50/3K, horizontal pair with line perforation 12½; : 11½;, mint never hinged; cat. 200€ U:A5
1904 TRIAL PRINT Mi.117, 60H Franz Joseph, trial printing in black color, on thin white paper; at our place rare, exp. Wallner, cat. Ferchenbauer 250€ U:A5
1908 TRIAL PRINT Mi.144, 10h red Franz Joseph, trial printing in original red color - double impression, block of 12 on stamp paper with darker gum; upper margin slightly wrinkled, exp. Wallner U:A5
1908 POSTAGE-DUE comp. of 4 stamps, Ferch.34y, 36y, 37y and 40y, all thin paper, well centered; cat. 210€ U:A5
1890-1918 9 letters with train postmarks, i.a. local (!) letter with 6h (1900) transported in Prague, route Cheb-Praha, with pmk Field Postoffice. EGER-PRAG No.34 U:A5
1894-1919 10 entires, sent Reg or Reg and Express, from that 1x money letter for 1000 K with 72h, Mi.152, 2x Reg and Express letter, 7 Reg entires, with issues 1908, 1916, various pmks as i.a. BOHUMÍN, VRŠOVICE, BOHORODCZANY, HUSTOPEČ, PECZENIYN; good condition, estimate price 2.000CZK U:A5
1899 court document with delivery stamp 17½Kr, blue-violet, perf 12½;, postmark court ZLOCZOW; nice quality U:A5
1899 court document with delivery stamp 34h, light blue, perf 10½;, postmark of court LWOW, in addition interesting violet "Za doreczenie...34 halerzy"; perfect quality, cat. Ferchenbauer stamp 130€, for bright color + 25%, on blank form + 200%, total 490€, rare U:A5
1908 2x money letter, 1x with franking 1K44h with CDS WEIPERT and 1x with 48h (20+20+3+5) with CDS TATOBITY (small village in Semily), addressed to soldier of Feld- Artillery Reg. No.8, Erster Battalion in Brixen U:A5
1908 posting sheet for telegram from 1915, franked with stamps 12+12+60h Jubilee issue, CDS PROSSNITZ / PROSTĚJOV, exp. Fritz Puschman U:A4
1908 front side of Express - money letter with amount of 50.000K, franked with 20h+60h+5K+10K (grey-blue paper), CDS WIEN 17.III.16, only 10K stamp cat. 275€, rare also only as a part of letter U:A5
1908 printed matter 3h, Mi. 141, with postal agency pmk OBER NEUGRÜN - (now not exiting), today part of the village Dolní Nivy (Unter Neugrun) in Sokolov; on stamp CDS HEINRICHGRÜN - Jindřichovice, perfect quality, rare postal-agency! U:A5
1908 Mi.139-156, Jubilee issue Franz Joseph (without value 72h), on larger cut-square with CDS WIEN 2.12.08; from 2.12 is known especially red anniv. postmark to Anniv of 60 years reign of FJ; set 1h-10K (without 72h) with this red postmark according to cat. Ferchenbauer - 1.250€, with daily postmark from this date very rare! U:A5
1910 bank Reg letter with anniv. Franz Joseph 1910 1 K CDS PRAGUE 1, red additional pmk "R.E." - paid "Empfangsanzeige", fee 25h for card sent from final post office by ender; letters with issues 1910 sent "R.E.", are very rare, cat. min. 800€ U:A4
1910 Reg letter to Chicago, 4-coloured franking of anniv. Franz Joseph 1910, 1+30+10+25h with CDS NEUERN 31.12. 0 (Nýrsko, district Klatovy); porto 65h for Reg letter over 20gr abroad overfranked by 1h, many transit and arrival postmarks, additional "NOT FOUND", "NO SUCH NO...", arrival NEUERN 13.3.11; cat. min. 700€, letters with issue 1910 sent abroad are very rare, extraordinary offer ! U:A5
1910 Reg letter franked with Jubilee Franz Joseph 1910 5+25+10+10h as exact porto 50h for Registered letter to abroad, CDS DEJVICE/DEJWITZ, to ANCONY - CANAL ZONE, transit NEW YORK, arrival blue CDS ANCON C.Z. RECEIVED; letters with issue 1910 sent abroad are very rare, thanks to destination probably unique U:A5
1915 2x heavier Reg letter to Denmark with exact franking 60+5h issue 1908 (25+15+25), CDS WIEN, COPENHAGEN, censored; very nice quality, rarer franking and destination! U:A5
1915 4x heavier (!) Reg letter to Denmark with exact franking 60+35h 1908 (25+15+15+15+25), CDS WIEN, COPENHAGEN, censored, several short tooth; otherwise very nice quality, very rare franking! U:A5
1916 4 telegraph cards franked 20H, 20H, 2x20H and 10+30H 1908, CDS PRIBISLAU, ZWIKAU, ZWIKOWETZ (!) and DONAWITZ BEI KARLSBAD, 2 for local and 2 for intercity calls, bicolored franking is rare! U:A5
1916 4 telegraph card, franked with 60H and 60+60H 1908, CDS TEPLITZ SCHÖNAU, BRUX, JAROMER, for intercity calls to Chomutov, Kostelec n. Orl., N. Paka and Slaný U:A5
1898 FISCAL USAGE OF POSTAGE STAMP Franz Joseph 1 Kr/ VIII. issue, Mi.50, a bill of blacksmith master with fiscal usage of post. stamp as revenue - 1 Kr, overwritten; folds, format A4, cat. 400€, rare usage; sought! U:A3v–
1899-1916 [COLLECTIONS] COURT DELIVERY STAMPS Ferch.1-3, small collection of delivery stamps 1.-3. issues, contains single stamps + 6 court blank forms, i.a. 1x Ferch.1, 17½H, line perforation 12½;; 2x 10h etc.; ex. Kořínek, placed in stockbook on sheets with descriptions U:Z