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1891-97 POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE TISCHNOWITZ - BRÜNN NO. 1704 and PILSEN - DUX NO. 1111, comp. of 2 Ppc with line postmark, 1x color lithography Tišnov, nice postal imprints; good condition U:A5
1898-1906 4 Ppc with railway pmks, POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE GMUNDEN - LAMBACH NO. 2580, POSTBEGLEITER IM ZUGE LAMPRECHTSHAUSEN - SALZBURG NO. 206, circular railway pmk GMUNDEN - LAMBACH 277 and CERVIGNAMO - MONFALCONE 347; nice prints, good condition U:A5
1903-10 CZECH LANDS comp. 11 Ppc and cards with postal agency pmks, SLEZSKÉ PŘEDMĚSTÍ, ZÁPY, NECHVALICE, TISMICE, SÁZAVA, BEZDĚKOV, BŘEST, REICHSTADT, SEIDENSCHWANZ, DONNERSBERGWARTE, LANŽOV; nice prints, good condition, estimate price 1.200CZK U:A5
1885 perfin "PAGET & Co WIEN" on used PC 2 Kreuzer Eagle, Mi.P43, with commercial additional-printing on reverse, addressed to Brno, CDS WIEN 6/10 85; vertical fold U:A5
1901 CZECH LANDS/ Maxa A36, lithographic Ppc of Šmíderberk and picture of hotel A. Kalla, sent to Znojmo on Julius Kalla (son of owner?), used stamp Franz Joseph with perfin "A.K." f. A. Kalla, CDS SCHMIDERBERG 1.4.01; small tearing in upper margin Ppc, interesting postally hictorical entire! U:A5
1904 CZECH LANDS/ Maxa H40, Ppc sent from Jiřetín Varnsdorfu to Broumov, with Franz Joseph with perfin "H.P.S." company Herman Pollack synové from Broumov, CDS ST. GEORGENTHAL 19/5 04; fold in corner U:A5
1905-07 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - VIENNA 2 uprated postcards 5h used by pneumatic-tube post, 1x with stamp Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "H.G.K.", 1x stamp Franz Joseph 20h with perfin "H.R.G." company H.R. Glaser, p.stat with typical folds from pneumatic-tube post
1907 CZECH LANDS/ Maxa B87, letter with commercial additional-printing with Franz Joseph 10h with perfin "B&W" company Breda & Weinstein, CDS TROPPAU; several light stains U:A5
1909 CZECH LANDS/ Maxa B17, larger part of parcel card with stamp 60h with perfin "B.B./ P." company Vratři Böhmové, CDS PRAGUE 16.IX.09, arrival Hungarian CDS MOSÓCZ; good condition U:A5
1904-09 CZECH LANDS/ Maxa F74, Ppc sent by company owner from Karlsbad, used stamp Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "F.W." f. Francis Wichterle, MC KARLOVY VARY 24.IV.09, addressed to Prostějov, very interesting postally historical document! U:A5
1914 CZECH LANDS/ Maxa Č6, commercial PC for typewriter with 5h Franz Joseph with perfin "Č.B." company "Česká banka", CDS PRAGUE 12.VI.14; good condition, rare usage, estimate price 1.000CZK U:A5
1901-13 comp. of 5 entires with perfins, 2x identification letters, 1x with perfin "Rakouské prodejny zápalek Vídeň", 1x with perfin "H.F.S." company J.Franck synové Linz, supplemented with 3 Ppc with various perfins - "J.P./W.", "S.C." and "E.G."; good condition U:A5
1913 comp. of 8 dispatch-notes with multicolor frankings of stamps with perfins, from that 7x larger part with perfin "S.R.G." Graz - 3 pcs, "H.S." Wien 2 pcs and 1 pcs with perfin "G.H." Wien, supplemented with 1 complete 1. part of C.O.D. dispatch-note with with perfin "ETTI" Wien, all addressed to STUBNYAFÜRDÖ; good condition
1844-92 3 entire - folded letter to Padua with 2nd issue Franz Joseph 15 Kreuzer, cancel. LLOYD VIA TRIESTE + p.stat to Vienna, through Trieste, cancel. VAPORE DALMAZIA ED ISTRIA + pre-philatelic letter transported by ship, note. Col Vapor, round cancel. TRIESTE and arrival CATTORO U:A5
1903- S.M.S. ZENTA / 9.6.03, black circular pmk with date, Ppc from Argentina + Ppc sent from London with violet straight line postmark S.M. SHIP "ZENTA"; cat. Pithart for round pmk 7.000CZK for war period U:A5
1904 smaller cut square from title newspapers side from Zagreb, franked by revenue 2H/1899 instead of newspaper stamp, CDS K.u.K. MILIT. POST/ ? - unreadable domicile/ 21.VIII.04; good condition U:A5
1878 Feldpostbrief, pre-printed yellow envelope with eagle and valuable 6 Kr in imprint, round postmark K.u.K FELDPOSTEXPOSITUR No.5/ 28/9 78, supplemented with pmk FRANCO, on reverse arrival WIEN 29/9 78; thin envelope with some tearing in margins U:A5
1878 Feldpostbrief, pre-printed yellow envelope with eagle with postmark K.u.K HAUPTFELDPOSTAMT D.II/RM 24/11 73, supplemented with pmk FRANCO, on reverse arrival WIEN 26/11 73; thin envelope with some tearing in margins U:A5
1914 S.M.S. MARIA THERESIA round violet postmark with eagle on FP card; cat. Pithart doesn't report! U:A5
1914-18 6 Ppc with ship postmarks: S.M.S. DONAU, MARS, BELLONA, WIEN, STEPHANIE, KR. ERZ. RUDOLF; nice prints, good condition, estimate price 2.800CZK U:A5
1914-18 8 Ppc with ship postmarks: S.M.S. PRINZ EUGEN, HABSBURG, S.M.T. BOOT 10, S.M.S. CUSTOZA, CSEPEL, MAGNET, BELLONA, WIEN; nice print, good condition, 1x Ppc with ship Zenta, estimate price 3.600CZK U:A5
1915 DANUBE FLOTILLA - S.M.S. SAVA, red round postmark with eagle, Hungarian CDS ORSOVA 915 Nov.9., supplemented with big red official pmk TEMESVÁR 915 XI.11., Ppc Orsova addressed to Bohemia; nice print, estimate price 2.500CZK U:A5
1915 MARINEDETACHEMENT KOBILA 2-lines black postmark on Ppc of military camp Igalo, supplemented with round FP-postmark U:A5
1915 S.M. BOOT "13" red postmark with eagle, luxury print, supplemented with round FP-postmark.; very good condition U:A5
1915 S.M. BOOT "68F" violet round postmark with eagle; luxury print, supplemented with round FP-postmark POLA on Ppc torpedo boat 68F Krake; very good condition U:A5
1915 S.M. BOOT "70F" violet round uniquely designed postmark with eagle; very nice print, supplemented with FP-postmark POLA U:A5
1915 S.M. BOOT "78T" violet round postmark with eagle on Ppc with pmk SEBENICO 20/6.15; very nice print U:A5
1916 S.M. BOOT "59T" violet round postmark with eagle on Ppc with pmk SEBENICO; nice print U:A5
1916 S.M. BOOT "86F" violet round postmark with eagle on Ppc with FP-postmark POLA; very nice print U:A5
1917 S.M. B. 65 red oval postmark with emblem; luxury print, supplemented with round FP-postmark SPLIT U:A5
1917 S.M. B. 71 red oval postmark with emblem; nice print, supplemented with round FP pmk U:A5
1917 S.M. BOOT "61" red line postmark on Ppc, supplemented with FP-postmark POLA; nice print U:A5
1918 S.M. TORPEDOBOOT "1" red line postmark, nice print, supplemented with violet round FP-postmark U:A5
1913-18 MONTENEGRO 2 Ppc sent from Montenegro, 1x franked with ship pmk CATTARO - FIUME 913 Apr.24. TENGERI POSTA, according to text " military blokade of Montenegro..."+ 1x Ppc with EPA NJEGUSI 18.IV.17; luxury print, good condition U:A5
1914 K.u.K RADIOSTATION NR.3, red round postmark with eagle supplemented with CDS HP 129/ 5.Dec.14 on letter addressed to Vienna, passed through censorship, envelope with additional-printing Eugen Böck Leutnant im Telegraphenregimente; good condition U:A5
1914-15 comp. of 2 entires, 1x card on birch bark with nice print of pmk K.u.K.. Kavallerienschützdivision N.7., 1x Ppc with provisory district pmk Tarnstempel IX/59 and straight line postmark 4. ARMY TEL.- ABTH./ STATION 2.; good condition, estimate price 700CZK U:A5
1915 censored FP letter to Switzerland, proper franking 12h FP I + 3h +10h FP II, CDS ETAPPENPOST DABROWA, arrival YVERDON; mixed franking of I. and II. issues of field post is rare!, abroad cat. 700€ U:A5
1915-17 SERBIA 2 entires franked with FP stamps, 1x Reg letter to Hungary, franked with overprint stamps FP Mi.8, 9, 1x money letter addressed to Bohemia, with 60h, FP Mi.39, both CDS EPA BELGRADE 14.IX.15 and 14.III.17, arrival postmarks, good condition of seals and entires U:A5
1915-18 violet pmk K.u.K.. SCHULLFLUGSTATION; red round K.u.K.. KÜSTENFLUGSTATION SEBENICO; red frame SEEFLIEGERKORPS PULA; blue 2-lines LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN AIRCRAFT COMPANY No.16; 2x violet line SEEFLIEGERSTATION KUMBOR; comp. of 6 Ppc with FP pmk; interesting compilation U:A5
1915-1916 2 censored letters of FP to Switzerland, exact franking 20h+5h issue FP II, CDS ETAPPENPOST SLEPAK and FELDPOSTAMT 111, perfect U:A5
1916 CHIRURGENGRUPPE DES SOUV. MALTESE - RITERORDENST oval violet pmk with Maltese cross, supplemented with CDS FELDPOSTAMT 217/ 31.I.16, on envelope addressed to Bohemia; good condition, nice print, estimate price 2.500CZK U:A5
1916 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN / Ballonabteilung 21, round violet coat of arms' postmark, supplemented with CDS FP 404b / 25.XII.16, photo-PC of field smithery U:A5
1916 SERBIA Reg letter addressed to Zagreb, with FP with Opt SERBIA values 2 K and 3 K, Mi.18, 19, CDS Etappenpostamt UŽICE 16.VII.16, on reverse arrival ZAGREB 916 Jul.19., supplemented with pmk Kreiskomando in Užice, good condition U:A5
1916 SERBIA Reg letter addressed to Zagreb, with FP with Opt SERBIA values 35 and 20h, Mi.32, 29, CDS EPA UŽICE 13.VI.16, on reverse arrival ZAGREB 916 Jun.17., supplemented with pmk Kreiskomando in Užice, good condition U:A5
1916 SERBIA Reg letter addressed to Zagreb, with FP with Opt SERBIA values 45, 10 and 6h, Mi.34, 27, 6, CDS EPA UŽICE 15.VII.16, on reverse arrival ZAGREB 916 Jul.16., supplemented with pmk Kreiskomando in Užice, good condition U:A5
1916-17 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL - ITALY, FRANCE comp. of 10 prisoner cards sent to Bohemia and to Moravia from Czech prisoners in Italy (9x) and in France (1x), all via Italian resp. French and Austrian censorships; good condition U:A5
1917 2 postcards of FP Coat of arms 8h green, uprated with stamp Franz Joseph I 3H issue FP II., CDS ETAPPENPOSTAMT KRUŠEVAC A BELGRADE, to Geneva, 1x POSTE RESTANTE, 1x through Serbian red cross and redirected to Zurich, interesting war kontext U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. FELDRADIOSTATION No.31 line violet postmark, supplemented with FP-postmark.; very nice print U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ BALLONABTEILUNG No. 20, Ppc with pmk in violet color, supplemented with cancel. FP 145/ 29.IV.17; well readable prints, signs of usage U:A5
1917 SERBIA money letter for 100 K, envelope form with eagle, addressed to Vienna, with mixed franking of stamp FP Charles values 40h and on reverse Franz Joseph values 15h and 5h, Mi.64, 25, 30, CDS KRAGUJEVAC 16.XI.17, on reverse arrival WIEN 19.XI.17, good conditionof seal, light fold U:A5
1917-1918 two censored Reg letters with 40h FP II and 40h FP III, exact franking, CDS and Reg labels KRUŠEVAC and KRALJEVO, perfect U:A5
1918 Field post in Italy, letter from FP 643 addressed to small community of Talmasson in occupied territory by Austrian army, franked with Postage due stamps strip-of-4 6Cts/5h and strip-of-3 11Cts/10h, all in rarer perf 11½!; straight line postmark K.u.K.. Schützenregiment No. 30, CDS K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT 643; perfect quality, rare offer U:A5
1890-1912 8 entires with special postmarks to exhibitions and events, PC with special postmarks LAND u. FORSTWIRTSCHAFTLICHE EXHIBITION WIEN 1890, JUBILÄUMS EXHIBITION WIEN 1898 (6 pcs) and double photo-PC with special postmark EUCHARISTISCHER KONGRESS WIEN 1912; nice print, good condition, estimate price 2.000CZK U:A5
1891-1912 CZECH LANDS comp. of 8 p.stat Ppc, Ppc and PC with commemorative postmarks PRAGUE EXHIBITION 1891, 1898, 1908, VI. FESTIVAL SOKOL PRAGUE 1912, KARLSBAD PHILATELISTENTAG 1909, MLADÁ BOLESLAV EXHIBITION 1912, only 2x unused; good condition, estimate price 2.000CZK U:A5