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1862 SG.1, Victoria 6P blue-green, perfect piece with part of original gum, cat. £800 U:A5
1872 SG.13, 14w,15, 1P dark red (lake), 1P scarlet INVERTED WMK, 6P blue-green; very nice quality, cat. £950 U:A5
1857 SG.Z3, GB Victoria 4P pink used on Bahamas as forerunner; perfect piece with very nice pmk A05, cat. £475 (lightly used + 125% i. e. £1.070) U:A5
1878 SG.86b, Britannia, 2x provisional 1P on 5Sh dull pink, UNCUT PAIR with perf in the middle, as always lower part with original face-value removed, at top folds in corners, right tearing, otherwise very nice and rare piece, certificate BPA, cat. £2.500, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1938-1947 SG.253a, Seal of Colony 4P black "FLYING MANE", cat. £160 U:A5
1947 SG.264ed, Seal of Colony 2P red with Opt ONE PENNY, printing error "DAMAGED "E", cat. £140 U:A5
1856 Mi.2, Sc.2, Coat of arms 3c dark carmine, block of four; nice multiple, cat. $160++ U:A5
1863-1871 SG.4, Victoria Chalon Head (Perkins Bacon) 1P green, wmk "small star"; irregular perf 14-16, perfect piece, cat. £110 U:A5
1863-1871 SG.6-7, pair(!) of Victoria Chalon Head 6P dark pink, 6P orange and 6P dull pink-red (dull rose-red) wmk "sideways", very nice, cat. £263 U:A5
1873-1874 SG.12, pair Victoria Chalon Head 6P orange; wmk Large Star, atypical CDS "F" U:A5
1875 SG.13, 13a, 2x Victoria Chalon Head 1Sh violet (deep mauve), overprint value "ONE SHILLING" and rare printing error "ONE SHLLIING", right at top missing tooth, otherwise nice, cat. £700 U:A5
1875 SG.14, Chalon Head, 1P green, wmk Large Star "upright", perf 14, signed; original gum, cat. £85 U:A5
1878-1883 SG.17, 21-23, 27, Chalon Head 6P orange, 1/2P violet, 2½P red-brown, 4P blue, fiscal 1P orange with hand-made Opt POSTAGE (uncatalogued variant of Opt with "S") - this stamp has correct CDS JAN. 83 from period of provisory and often missing in collections, cat. £120 U:A5
1881 SG.22a, Victoria Chalon Head 2½P red-brown, IMPERFORATED, with whole upper sheet margin, on edge out of stamp thin place, stamp in perfect quality, cat. £325 ++ U:A5
1883 SG.30-36, Victoria (De La Rue) 1/2P-1Sh; complete set, cat. £250 U:A5
1883 SG.30, 32-35, opposite facing pairs Victoria (De La Rue) ½P, 2½P, 6P, 4P, 8P (plate number), cat. £120 ++ U:A5
1883 SG.36, opposite facing pair Victoria (De La Rue) 1Sh light violet, blue CDS GRENADA, left short teeth, cat. £2.250, extraordinary offer U:A5
1886 SG.37, 38, Victoria Chalon Head, fiscal 1½P and 1Sh, with Opt POSTAGE 1d., perfect, cat. £105 U:A5
1888 SG.41-45, Victoria Chalon Head, fiscal 2Sh, 5 pcs with various Opt POSTAGE and POSTAGE REVENUE with provisional face-values, perfect; cat. £295, rare set U:A5
1888-1891 SG.46, 47, opposite facing pairs POSTAGE REVENUE 1d. / 8P and 2½d. / 8P; in addition not counted single piece 2½d. / 8P with part of double Opt, cat. £156 ++ U:A5
1895-1899 SG.48-55, Victoria ½P-1Sh; complete set, cat. £100 U:A5
1938-1950 SG.158bb, corner block-of-6 George VI., left at top "LINE ON SAIL", cat. £140 ++, significant and sought plate flaw U:A5
1865-1881 Brit. post JACMEL, SG.Z11, Brit. Victoria 4P green plate 15 with pmk C59, nice print; perfect quality, cat. £200 at all doesn't reflect rarity of this stamps and destination! U:A5
1903 Sc.83, 85-88, 100. Anniversary of Independence, 2C-50C, 5 values with INVERTED CENTER; 1x fold, very attractive and rare printing errors! U:A5
1860 TCP for SG.6, Victoria 1Sh brown, "plate proof", IMPRIMATUR; imperforated definitive print, probably ex. De La Rue archives, perfect quality U:A5
1916 SG.71b, block of four George V. 1½P orange with Opt WAR STAMP, printing error "TAMP" instead "STAMP", perfect and in block attractive, cat. £190 ++ U:A5
1935 SG.115a, 116a, corner blocks of four George V. Silver Jubilee, 1½P and 6P, both left at top "EXTRA FLAGSTAFF", cat. * £330, ** ca. £660 U:A5
1935 SG.117a, corner block-of-4 George V. Silver Jubilee 1Sh, left at top "EXTRA FLAGSTAFF", cat. * £280 U:A5
1938 SG.130a, corner block-of-4 George VI. 1Sh green / brown, "REPAIRED CHIMNEY", £650, significant and sought plate flaw! U:A5
1902 SG.3-7, Edward VII., wmk Crown CA, cat. £100 U:A5
1902 SG.6a, Edward VII. 6P brown, damaged frame "DENTED FRAME"; in the placeof hinge patina, nice piece with certificate Sismondo, cat. £750 U:A5
1857-1864 Sc.12, block of four Isabela 1/2R with interesting printing error, Sc.16, block-of-12 1/4R, Sc.21 block of four and block-of-10 2R; interesting compilation, especially block-of-12 black 1/4R is rare, cat. only as single stamps $450 U:A5
1890 Sc.135, 143, 145, 146, 149, Isla de Cuba, Alfonso XIII, block-of-16 1C violet, block-of-16 2½C pink, strip-of-8 5C green, block of 16 5C blue, block-of-21 10C green, all with sheet inscriptions "CUBA CORREOS 60 (100) SELLOS ....", 7x GUTTERSÍ!, some patina of gum, cat. only as single stamps $205, interesting multiples from classic period U:A4
1890 Sc.134, Isla de Cuba, Alfonso XIII 1C de Peso ultramarine, 60-blok,10x GUTTERS, upper also lower sheet margin, cat. only as single stamps $480, whole gutter are rare! U:A3v–
1962 Mi.771-800, sports organization INDER, complete set of 6 pcs (25 stamps printing sheets) U:A4
1942 SG.109ab+109a, block of four George VI. 6P purple, stamp with printing error "BROKEN E", disturbed "E" in LEEWARD as block-of-4 with ordinary stamps, left part of gutter, rare plate flaw in a luxury state, cat. £586++, in this multiple rare! U:A5
1943 SG.112ba+112b, pair George VI. 5Sh green / yellow, stamp with printing error "BROKEN E", in LEEWARD joined with normal stamp, very rare plate flaw, cat. £1.235++ U:DR
1866 TCP for SG.1 and 3, recess printing St. Ursula 1P and 6P in grey-blue instead green resp. red color, on hand-made paper, Nissen & Parker according to gravure Waterlow U:A5
1866 TCP for SG.3, St. Ursula 6P in green instead in red color on carton paper 67/48mm; trial recess printing - Nissen & Parker according to gravure Waterlow U:A5
1867-1870 TCP for SG.15, recess printing St. Ursula 4P in yellow color on carton paper, 48/50mm, rare print, according to our records are these TCP (1867-70) contrary of issue 1866 much more rarer! U:A5
1857 SG.Z1, GB Victoria 1P red-brown as forerunner on St. Lucia, with pmk A11; perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £1.300, rare stamp in extraordinary quality! U:DR
1864 SG.11a, two outer pairs originally creating block of four, Victoria 1C black, IMPERFORATED, wmk CC "reversed", with certificates Brandon 1979 and BPA 1985 for each pair separately, again joined in block of four in collection of P. Jaffé; rare and exceedingly interesting! U:A5
1892 SG.49, Victoria 6P violet (mauve)/ blue, BISECTED ON CUT-SQUARE with CDS ST. LUCIA.; also arrival postmark DOMINICA, rare, SG doesn't mention U:A5
1881 SG.35, Victoria 1Sh orange (bright vermilion) with local Opt 4P, from period of lack of small face values, on cut-square with pmk A10, cat. £800 ++, very nice, rare! U:A5
1852-1860 SG.20, local lithographic issue Britannia 1P red (so-called. 5. issue), very nice piece with numeral pmk "1", cat. £600 U:A5
1935 Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with complete set of Jubilee George V. SG.239-242; CDS TRINIDAD; on back side arrival postmark U:A5
1881 SG.11b, Victoria 1/2P on 1Sh pale blue, Opt with short dividing line, very nice piece with significant color; cat. £1.500, rare stamp! U:A5
1881 SG.12,12b,13,14, Victoria 1/2P on 1Sh violet, 1x rare Opt with short thin dividing line; very nice and complete set; cat. £1.135 U:A5
1881 SG.14a, Victoria 1/2P on 1Sh violet, printing error Opt - "WITHOUT FRACTION STROKE"; excellent quality, with certificate RPS London, cat. £700 U:A5
1881 SG.19, 19, 20, strip-of-3 Victoria 1/2P on 1Sh violet, JOINED OVERPRINT TYPES - wide and thin, so-called types 9+9+10; perfect and rare multiple, cat. only as singles £380, as JOINED TYPES much more! U:A5
1881 SG.35, Victoria 2½P on 1P dull red; perfect quality, £1.500, rare stamp! U:A5
1881 SG.48, Victoria 4P on 1P dull red "dull red", with pmk T. I.; very nice piece, cat. £550, this is last issue from provisory Opt (so-called type 28) on stamp "Victoria - Perkins Bacon" before issue "Victoria - De La Rue" from the end of 1881 U:A5
1966 SG.264a, Churchill 8P, corner piece, GOLDEN DOUBLE PRINT (inscriptions); certificate BPA for original block-of-10, cat. £160 ++ U:A5