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1924-1933 SG.16a, George V. - Coat of arms St. Helena grey / purple, "BROKEN MAINMAST"; cat. £600, significant and sought plate flaw U:A5
1934 SG.24a, George V. Map 2P black / orange "TEARDROPS FLAW" CDS ASCENSION, cat. £300 U:A5
1938-1953 SG.45ca, block of four George VI. "Dockyard" 2Sh6p black / carmine, perf 13, left lower sought printing error "DAVIT FLAW", stamp with this rare printing error is luxury, cat. £1.400+, in block rare U:DR
1938-1953 SG.45ca, George VI., Dockyard 2Sh6P red / black, "DAVIT FLAW"; one of most precious specialities from period George VI.; cat. £1.400 U:A5
1893-1895 SG.39d (2), Cape of Good Hope 2P brown with Opt BECHUANALAND BRITISH instead BRITISH BECHUANALAND; unused with fold and with CDS PALACHWE KHAMAS TOWN, cat. £800 U:A5
1896 SG.58-64, stamps of Cape of Good Hope ½P-1Sh with Opt BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY; perfect, cat. £360 U:A5
1910 SG.119-137, 141, 144, 147, 155, George V., comp. of 13 stamps, values ½P-2Sh6P, incl. several oshade varieties; cat. for basic shades ca. £780 U:A5
1971 TCP for Sc.C108-C108E, Apollo 14 - POSTE AERIENNE, 15Fr-120Fr, imperforated faze prints without yellow color on common paper; rare speciality, favourite motive! U:A5
1935-1954 Reg and airmail letter to USA with SG.151-163, Fauna, additional printing of National Parks of South Africa, CDS SIEMEND, attractive entire and popular motive + in addition FDC West Samoa 1935 with SG.180-188 CDS APIA sent to New Zealand U:A4
1966 air-mail letter to USA with 71 stamps from 1940s, George VI. bilingual pairs and others, CDS CAPE TOWN U:A4
1853 SG.3a, Allegory of Hope, pair 1P brown - red, light blue paper (slightly blued), wmk anchor; lower closer margin, left average, at top and right wide, cat. only as 2 separate stamps £7.500, rare multiple U:A5
1855-63 SG.6, Allegory of Hope, pair 4P dark blue, wide margins only lower, small cutting to outer line U:A5
1863 SG.18, Allegory Hope 1d carmine; tearing in right margin, cat. £325 U:A5
1863-1864 SG.18-21, Allegory of Hope, complete issue, 1P dark carmine with sheet margin, 4P dark blue, 6P bright violet, 1Sh bright emerald, wide margins and color; cat. £1.575 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING, provisional MAFEKING BESIEGED on overprint BECHUANALAND 1P on English ½P; on cut-square with CDS MAFEKING C.G.H, cat. £80 ++ U:A5
1884 letter to Berlin with tricolor multiple franking "Hope" 5x1/2P, 3x1P, 1x2P, CDS SOMERSET, additional "2½d." (evidently local rate for transport to Cape Town), very unusual entire U:A5
1877-1882 SG.10-13, 38-42, New face-values 4P/6P red and 3P/4P ultramarine; complete set in very nice quality, cat. £468 U:A5
1900 SG.106b, Brit. occupation, Oranje Vrij Staat 3P ultramarine with Opt "V.R.I. 3d"; joined pair WITH AND WITHOUT OVERPRINT; perfect quality, catalogue at all doesn't reflect the rarity; prestigious offer ex. Dale Lichtenstein! U:DR
1927-1930 SG.65ba, 66ba, pairs "Boer cars" 2Sh6P and 5Sh, perf 14x13½;, with Opt S.W.A., both with OMMITED DOT after "A", perfect quality, cat. £800 U:A5
1923 SG.D11a, D12a, Postage due stamp 2P and 3P in pairs ZUID-WEST AFRICA / SOUTH WEST AFRICA, both with OMMITED DOT after AFRICA; perfect, cat. £430 U:A5
1930-85 [COLLECTIONS] larger business supply of used stamps in 1 big older 15 sheets stockbook, mainly post-war issues with favourite motives U:Z
1892 SG.11, Coat of arms 2£ dark pink-red, perfect piece with CDS UMTALI, cat. £170 U:A5
1896-1909 7 bloks of four, stamps Coat of arms, penny and also shilling values, i.a. 2Sh6P, 3Sh, Opt RHODESIA 7½P, then pair 2£, all with CDS SALISBURY or BULAWAYO; interesting set U:A5
1897 SG.74, 2x Coat of arms 2£ pink-red, unused (!) with date perfin and next with violet fiscal postmark U:A5
1898-1908 SG.93a, Coat of arms 20£ (!) yellow-brown with date perfin 10.9. and with fiscal pmk; rare! U:A5
1910-1913 SG.109,179, pair Coat of arms 3Sh violet and pair 1£; red / black, on court document, violet pmk of court in Salisbury; perfect quality, rare entire! U:A4