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1897 Sc.86-94, Imperial Post - "Japanese" issue, 1/2C-50C, perforation 11-11½, cat. $410
1921-1932 Sc.243-246, 312-323, Yeh Kung-cho and oths. 1C-10C and "Martyrs"1/2C-50C, 2 complete sets
1928 Sc.276-279, marshal Chang Tso-Lin 1C-1$ U:A5
1929 Sc.280-283, president Chiang Kai-shek,1C-1$ U:A5
1932 Sc.307-310, Expedition 1C-10C, unusual motive, complete and only rarely offered set! U:A5
1950-52 Mi.146-175, 312-342, blocks of four Gymnastics and Mao, all issue II + in addition NORD-EAST China Mi.172II-175II, blocks of four Mao from that value $20.000 with plate number and sheet inscription; cat. total 385€ U:A4
1972 Mi.1108-1112, Support of sport, complete set; cat. 180€ U:A5
1972 Mi.1113-1116, Commercial ships, complete set issued without gum, all pieces wioth margins; cat. 260€+ U:A5
1972 Mi.1117-1120, 1. championship of Asia in table tennis, 2 complete sets, cat. 240€ U:A5
1972 Mi.1121, Working-class, 2 stamps, cat. 150€ U:A5
1980 Mi.MH2, Chinese water delphin, stamp booklet, contains 6x Mi.1656C + 1x Mi.1657; perfect, cat. 180€ U:A5
1896 Local issue CHEFOO, Sc.15, 16, Port Cheffo 20C and 25C, print Schleicher & Schull (Germany), wmk "Yan Tai", CDS of French (!) post office CHEFOU CHINE POSTE FRANCAISE, attractive stamps
1913 comp. of 4 franked Ppc sent to Bohemia, franked on picture side with overprint stamps, CDS TIENTSIN, MOUGDEN, SHANGHAI; good condition U:A5
1880 SG.28, Victoria 2C dull pink, wmk CC; new gum, cat. £275 U:A5
1880 SG.31, Victoria 48C brown, wmk CC; big part original gum, cat. £1.500, very nice and rare stamp U:A5
1885 SG.40, Victoria 20C/30C orange-red; perfect piece with original gum, cat. £200 U:A5
1885 SG.41, Victoria 50C/48C yellow-brown; new gum, overall very nice, cat. £400 U:A5
1885 SG.42, Victoria 1$/96C grey-olive; part of gum - usual with regard to conditions in Asia, cat. £750, rare stamp U:A5
1904-1906 SG.90, Edward VII. $10; wmk "Multiple CA", highest value; perfect rare stamp, cat. £1.900
1938 SG.155a, George VI. 1$ violet / blue, chalky paper, SHORT "R" IN "DOLLAR" (short right leg to right); very nice piece, favourite plate flaw, cat. £180 U:A5
1862-1946 [COLLECTIONS] ca. 300 stamps, especially from Victoria era, from SG.4, unwatermarked, CC, CA, nice used, also cut-squares, colors etc., incl. better stamps, cat. min. £1.480, very low starting price! U:O4
1886 Mi.56-62I/II, overprint issued OFFICIEL of the issues Rising Sun and Shah 5C-5P, CDS TEHRAN; very nice quality, cat. 410€ U:A5
1902 Mi.150-159I, overprint issued. "red lion", 1 Chahi - 50 Krani, 10 pcs with various CDS, i.a. less frequent KAZVIN (Qazvin) and YEZD (Yazd); very nice compilation, cat. 650€ U:A5
1902 Mi.161-165, overprint issue "Blue lion", complete set 10 Tomans -100 Tomans, 4x CDS TEHRAN, control numbering on reverse; perfect condition, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1902 Mi.166-170, Provisional 1 Chahi - 12 Chahis, with hand made Opt "PROVISOIRE", mostly CDS TEHRAN; very nice quality, cat. 540€ U:A5
1911 Mi.325VIa-k, overprint issued "Relais", on issue "lion" 2 Chahi -13 Chahi and "Shah" 2 Chahi - 13 Chahi, 8 pcs with various CDS, complete set; cat. 440€ U:A5
1940 Reg letter with overprint airmail issues Sc.C51-C60 and Sc.862, CDS TEHRAN, German censorship, arrival postmark SATALICE U:A4
1924-31 comp. of 7 postage stamps, issue TAZAWA, contains Mi.110 II, 111 III, 112 IIA, 114 IIA, 116 III, 176 II and 203; on reverse stronger hinges, cat. 180€ U:A5
1934 Mi.Bl.1, Exhibition air-mail souvenir sheet; lightly hinged, several small flaws; cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1875-88 comp. of 4 classic postcards, cat. JPSC No.9, 10, 11 and 15 - address part; good condition U:A5
1906-10 2 official letters without franking, various CDS, Meiji 39.3.30 (=30.3.1906) and 43.1.29 (=29.1.1910); well preserved U:A5
1957 CZECHOSLOVAK MILITARY HOSPITAL in CONGDZI letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.93aB, pair Mi.105B (!) and Mi.115B, CDS COREE/ 11.5.57, air transport disallowed, on reverse transit pmk FYONYANG/ 15.5.57; envelope at top unprofessionally opened U:A5
1957 air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with Mi.52B,53B, 116B, sent from CHICON, transit pmk KOREA PHYONGYANG U:A5
1958 view card with imprinted stamp, sent to Czechoslovakia, 10Ch red, Koerean sender sending in Czech language written New Year's wish, on stamp "blind" postal imprint U:A5
1895 Sc.6, 7, Yin Yang 5p green, 10p dark blue, used block-of-10 with marginal inscriptions " Andrew B. Graham Bank Notes...", cat. only as single stamps $370
1887 Sc.24, 26, 28, blocks of four 5 Reis/80Reis and 10Reis/80Reis, pair 20Reis/80Reis, cat. for (*) $640 U:A5
1934 Sc.24, Pagoda 2Fen, on printed-matter (!) to Germany sent from catholic mission YENKI (Kirin); perfect quality, rare U:A5
1934 letter from Lhasa to Dhilli, franked with Sc.14-18, Lion 1/2, Trangka - 4 Trangka, CDS LHASA U:A4