1918-19 comp. 2 pcs of entires with provisory surtax, 1x Printed matter franked with. 8h sent from Wien (Vienna) to Brno 1.XII.18, in Brno burdened by surtax 25h, forerunner postage due provisional - Austrian postage stmp 10h Crown and 15h Charles with overprint "T", cancelled nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 3.XII.18; 1x letter sent in the place, MC PRAGUE 1/ 8.II.19, burdened by provisory surtax 2x 20h Charles with overprint "PORTO", hand obliteration; good condition
1918 comp. 4 pcs of entires with forerunner and parallel franking, 2x cut square from accounting sheets with rich mixed frankings Austrian postage-due stamp. Malé number and to exhaustion-, Porto Mi.47, 52, 62, 63 with CDS TRUTNOV 9/12 and 8.XII.18, supplemented with cut-square and postcard with halving franking Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 90h and Charles 20h with CDS VIMPERK 1.I.19 incl. Reg labels and arrival postmark, on Ppc with CDS TEREZÍN 11.I.19
1918-19comp. 2 pcs of entires, larger part small p.stat money dispatch-note with foreign state Charles 20f brown with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG, Mi.238 and Hungarian CDS BESTERCZEBÁNYA 919 Már/12, exp. Karásek and 1x postcard franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. Charles 10f red, Mi.213 with CDS SZAKOLCZA 918 Dez.14.; all in perfect quality
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 48 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with mixed frankings stamp. Hradčany and Austrian postage stmp Charles, Coat of arms and Crown, various combinations, i.a. 5x with value Coat of arms 2 Koruna, from that 2x Ex etc..
Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), complete set 3h-10K incl. express stmp., major-part stamp. practically light hinged, value 10K dark violet clear print **, mark AČ, exp. Tribuna, Fr, Le, Be, Vrba, c.v.. ca. 5.000CZK
Pofis. RV2KL, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), Crown 5h with coupon L for bklt issue, black Opt on stmp also coupon I + type II.; hand-made rate, commercial mark A. Stach, exp. Le, Vrba
Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), War surcharge stmp stamp. 20h and 35h, Mi.183, 184 with red inverted opt; heavier hinges, several short tooth, exp. Hefer, Gilbert
Pof.RV17+RV38 Pp, Prague overprint I + II (small/rare + large emblem), pair Coat of arms 3 Koruna red with joined overprint types in/at inverted position (!); large emblem mint never hinged, exp. by Mahr., rare!
Pof.RV18+RV39 Pp, Prague overprint I + II (small/rare + large emblem), pair Coat of arms 4 Koruna green with joined overprint types in/at inverted position (!); Small Emblem mint never hinged, exp. by Mahr., rare!
Prague overprint II (large emblem), Express stamp. triangle 2h and 5h, Mi.217, 218 with black overprint; value 5h short tooth, commercial mark ČA, exp. Le, Mrňák
Pof.RV22-36, RV41-42, Prague overprint II (large emblem), set 3h - 1 Koruna supplemented with Spěšnými stamp., line 17 values; mint never hinged, exp. Kraus John
Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), values 3h - 1 Koruna with overprint in red color; all values mint never hinged, expertized various experts (Gilbert, Mrňák, Vrba)
Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set 42 pcs of with overprint in black color; value 80h inverted overprint; light hints of unstuck labels, several stamp. very light yellowy teeth; all exp. Gilbert + commercial mark Mareš!, c.v.. 5.500CZK
Pof.RV146-149, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Charles 10f - 25f, Šrobár's overprint on/for overprint stamp. Köztársaság, all with lower margin; value 15f minor gum fault, all mint never hinged, on all stamps commercial mark Pofis, rare offer, very rare usage!
Pof.RV150, RV151, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Zita 40f and 50f, overprint on/for overprint stamp. Köztársaság, both stamp. with lower margin; value 50f small production gum flaw and light bend, commercial mark Pofis, very rare usage!
PLATE PROOF joined printing 6 pcs of copy-print cancelled cliché overprints Prague small/rare and large emblem and Skalica overprint, in black color on common paper
Fontanův overprint, comp. 7 pcs of, contains larger cut out from letter with stamp. Crown 12H, Charles 25H and PORTO 1H with 2-lines overprint "Czech post" + stamp. Charles 20H and newspaper 2H with 2-lines resp. 1-řádkovým overprint "Czech post" + newspaper 10h with three-line overprint "Czech post/ Sláva/ Masaryk!" and newspaper 30H with 2-lines overprint "Sláva/ Masarykovi!", both stamp. on small cut-squares with CDS KRALOVICE/ 21.12.18 (see Monograph No.1, str.60-61); 1 pcs of exp. by Gilbert
FORGERIES Žilina issue + Prague overprint II, selection of 43 pcs of stamp. with forged overprint, Prague overprint zastoupen 4 pcs of stamp. large format Coat of arms values 2 Koruna - 10K and other 9 pcs of with inverted opt, all marked forgery / Padělek
1918 Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) Reg letter to Hluboké with multicolor franking 7 pcs of stmp with overprint Pof.RV43-49, CDS DŘÍTEŇ 1/11 18, on reverse arrival HLUBOKÁ 2.XI.18, exp. by Gilbert., good condition
1918 Prague overprint I, philatelically influenced Express letter sent in the place, with Pof.RV10, RV12, RV13, RV14, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 3.XI.18, sent to Rösler - Ořovský, exp. by Mrnak
Pof.1-26, selection of 44 pcs of, incl. better values Pof.4a, 6 (exp. by Karasek.), 21a (exp. by Stupka.), 26a, various color shades; only 4 pcs of *, interesting ticket
Pof.1-24VV comp. of 4 stamps with production flaw - double impression, values 1h, 3h, 60h and 400h /carton paper/ + other 2 stamps, 5h and 25h on carton paper; sought by specialists, values 3h and 25h exp. by Gilbert., resp. Karasek
production flaw - offset on gum, selection of 16 pcs of, from that 13 pcs of with full offset and 3 pcs of with incomplete offset, it contains e.g. Pof.6, 11 I, 11 II, 17, 17a, 21C (2x), 25; nice quality
comp. of 2 various values with significant folded paper, resp. paper creases, Pof.4, 5h blue-green and Pofis. 17a, 60h red-orange; sought by specialists
Pof.7 + 26, value 15h bricky red with lower margin and partial of machine offset, mint never hinged + value 1000h violet with partial machine offset, lightly hinged
Pof.7 STs+STk, 15h bricky red, L the bottom corner block-of-8 with control-numbers, pos. 81-84/ 91-94, plate 1, contains 3x joined spiral types and 1x combination joined types /pos. 91 spiral type I and bar type II./; rare multiblock!, mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, comp. of 4 pcs, contains: a) spiral type I + bar subtype IIa, pos. 23, plate 1 (hinged), marked and exp. by Karasek.; b) bar type II + plate flaw, pos. 78, plate 2; c) bar subtype IIa, pos. 8, plate 2; d) bar type II.; standard margins
Pof.7ST, interesting comp. of 3 joined types, contains 1x pair Pof.7STs, spiral, pos. 83, 84, plate 1, marked exp. by Gilbert.; 1x pair Pof.7STk, combined, position 2, 3, plate 1, marked and exp. by Karasek.; 1x vertical strip of 4 Pof.7STp, bar, type II on pos. 15, plate 2; good margins