Pof.SO34 (2x) and SO38, Ornament - postage-due 10h and 30h + SO27 Express stamp 5h, all with very shifted overprints outside picture stamps; interesting
letter to Germany, franked with. 8-coloured franking stamp. Hradčany, i.a. 15h bricky red, Pof.SO5A with bar type II., 10h green, Pof.SO4C etc.., CDS RADVANICE (SLEZS.) 26.7.20
Hungarian postal stationery cover Crown 15f sent already after validity as Registered to Sydney (!), with mixed franking of stmp issue Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue and SO1920 (overprint), 60h orange, CDS SLEZSKÁ OSTRAVA 1/ 13.IX.20, on reverse transit and arrival postmark., sender Jóža Dvořák, exact franking in IV. postal rate abroad 2,50CZK, rare destination; exp. by Karasek., rare offer!
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection cancel. stamp. issue SO 1920, specialisation on/for plate variety, contains also blocks, bands etc.., various values, then supplemented with about/by other postage stmp issue, postage-due etc.. with plate number; on pages in spring folder, lot of of material, it is worth seeing
[COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps SO1920 (overprint) Hradčany on 3 cards A4, zaměřeno on/for various plate variety, overprints etc..; all described, values 5h-120h, perforated also imperforated
1919Pof.PP2 I., Charitable stamps, value 25k red, imperforated, with overprint "Balíčky home / 50R", wide margins!; right stamp. without gum, exp. by Mrnak., Majer
1919 Pof.PP2B-PP4B, Silhouette 25k - 1Rbl, line perforation 13¾;, complete set of in/at corner blocks of 6 incl. 1R dark brown PP4a, print upevňovacíchkolíků in margins
1922 Pof.PP2-4B, Silhouette 25k - 1Rbl, line perforation 13¾;, in/at 6ti-blocích, complete set types I. - VI., all types marked, value 1Rbl exp. by Gilbert
1918 Pof.SK2, 20h red, well centered, offset stamps on/for lepu(!); sought by specialists, in/at c.v.. Pofis very underprized, exp. by Gilbert and Karasek
1918MUDRUNKA A. refused návrha on/for post. stamp. Horn 20h, PLATE PROOF in blue color on chalky paper, letterprint, unworked cliché, this design was/were components/parts joined printing so-called. I. competition, size 80x64mm, exp. Vrba
1919PLATE PROOF designes for postage stmp 3h-10K, National motives from Z. Volkara in blue color on common paper with gum, total deset bloks of four, interesting, hinged
1920 PLATE PROOF designes on/for Czechosl. stamp. with motive of Štefánik, Zboriv and Štrbské lake, joined printing 3 stamps on/for perforovaném sheet paper with perfin S.N. + blocks 2 motives in/at sheet arrangement
1920PLATE PROOF designes for postage stmp and newspaper stamps 3h-10K, National motives from Z. Volkara in brown color on chalky paper without gum, 7 pcs of vertical or horiz. pairs, part also with margin, interesting
1920 PLATE PROOF selection of 30 pcs of various gravure plate proofs designes on/for Czechosl. stamps, with motiven St. Wenceslas, Allegory, Huss's memorial, part PLATE PROOF on/for white carton without gum, larger part on stamp paper with gum without perf
1920 PLATE PROOF comp. 7 pcs of, 3 sorts designes on/for post. stamp. or revenues, 2x design Professor. Kysely, various formats and color, all on paper without gum, exp. by Pittermann., Vrba
1923 PLATE PROOF printing-plant HAASE, selection of 17 pcs of gravure plate proofs with motive of T. G. Masaryk in oval, various bary, with perf also without, various size
1923 PLATE PROOF printing-plant HAASE, selection of 23 pcs of gravure plate proofs with motive of Legionary with pochodní, Pochodující legionnaires and Lion, without perf also with perf, various size
1923 PLATE PROOF printing-plant HAASE, plate proof stamp. T. G. Masaryk 80h in/at green color on paper sheet size 83x100mm, gravure, print of whole printing block
1923 PLATE PROOF printing-plant UNION, Děvčátko in/at čepci, comp. 4 pcs of copy-print according to designes Mudruňka, 1x in black color pair on/for carton, 1x in violet color on chalky paper, 1x larger format also with imprint printing-plant Č.G. Union
1923PLATE PROOF printing-plant UNION, comp. 4 pcs of refused stamp designes Comenius, design Mudruňka, value 1CZK and 100h in/at grey-blue color on/for larger sheet paper without gum + 2x 80h in/at ultramarinové and brown color on/for stronger paper, die-stamping from flat plates
1921 Maxa R5, whole invoice with mounted Czechosl. revenue 40h issue 1919 with perfin f. S-L-Reimann sons, Prague, light fold and filling holes also in corner revenue
1922-26Maxa S52, comp. 3 pcs of whole invoices with mounted Czechosl. revenues of issue 1919, 2x 20h, 40h and 1CZK with perfin "S.S." f. Salomon Schulhof, Prague; fold and filling holes outside revenue stamp.
1919FRANCE CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT 23/ VELITELPLUKU big red francouzsko-české postmark Czechosl. legions on Ppc sent to USA (!), nice print, good condition
1919 FRANCE service letter from Czechosl. national council/court in Paris sent courier to Czechoslovakia, bicircular cancel. CONSEILNATIONAL DES PAYSTCHEQUES - PARIS, 84, RUEBONAPARTE, supplemented with straight line postmark "ARRIVED BY COURIER"; nice postmark, envelope open from 2 sides
1918-22ITALY letter of appointment for hodnostpodporučíka infantry issued commander Czechoslovak corps in Italy 21. October 1918 + předávací edict for medal War Cross VittorioEmanuella III. "Merito di Guerra" with cancel. VRCHNÍVELITELČESKOSLOVENSKÝCHVOJSK NA SLOVENSKUGENERÁLPICCIONE + letter of appointment on/for captain in/at reserve from 7. July 1922 with signature defence minister Francis Udržala; overall in good condition condition, folded, interesting selection of
1920RUSSIA 11. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT, red bicircular military unit postmarks with lion supplemented with line filovým cancel. CZECHOSL. ARMY / FP Č.8, envelope letter sent to 4. Czechosl. P. V. Regiment; good condition, nice print, exp. Majer
1919 RUSSIA CZECHOSLOVAKIAN ARMY / FIELD POST 1B, violet postmark on letter franked with. Russian stamp. 35k, CDS JEKATĚRINBURK 19.5.19, sent on/for Headquarters Czechosl. armies in/at Irkutsk (Иркутck), viewing of quality recommended signs of usage, missing back flap, exp. Majer
1919RUSSIA letter incl. content to Vladivostok, with violet bicircular cancel. CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POSELSTVO K SIBIŘSKÉARMÁDĚ / Republic of Czechoslovakia, Czech - French text, according to content written 10.6.1919; nice print, exp. Majer, rare usage!
1920RUSSIA / EVAKUAČNÍ ÚŘAD (= office) CZECHOSL. VOJSKA V RUSKU, red coat of arms' postmark on reverse of cover addressed to Czechoslovakia, on face-side violet double circle pmk FP CZECHOSL VOJSK with trubkami; good condition, exp. Majer, rare usage
1919 RUSSIA blank form Confirmation money mailing with čtvercovým cancel. POLITICKÝODDÍLMINISTESTVAVOJENSTVÍ Czechoslovakia/ INFORMAČNÍOSVĚTOVÝODBOR with coats of arms, on reverse round FP-postmark CZECHOSL VOJSK No.1 in/at Krasnojarsku; good condition, nice print, rare
1919 RUSSIA FP card with bicircular FP cachet cancel. 7-GO CZECH REPUBLIC SLOVENSKOGOSTR. TATRANSKOGOPOLKA, addressed to to Czechoslovakia according to text 3.1.1919, postmark CZECHOSL. Red Cross and CDS PRAGUE - HRAD 2.VII.19; small stains, nice postal imprints, usage early FP cachet postmarks in/at Russian alphabet
1919 RUSSIA FP card with bicircular FP cachet cancel. VELITEL 2. BATERIE 2. SAMOSTATNÉTĚŽKÉDĚLOSTŘELECKÉDIVIZION with lion, addressed to to Czechoslovakia according to text 30.6.1919, postmark CZECHOSL. Red Cross and CDS PRAGUE - HRAD 26.X.19; slightly faded 2 margins, nice print
1920 RUSSIA postcard addressed to to Omsku, sent from Vladivostok to member of 6. Czechosl. shooting regiment, print dvojkruhového violet postmark with trubkami and flash, FP CZECHOSL. VOJSK; good condition, exp. Majer
1919 RUSSIA/ postcard sent from the way CZECHOSL. units home, according to text written in/at Tokyo 16.6.19, with blue FP cachet coat of arms' postmark EVIDENČNÍKANCELÁŘ ... ČECHOSLOVÁKŮ Z RUSKA, transfered by courier and in Czechoslovakia posted as Reg mailing (!) with mailing CDS PRAGUE 2/ 23.IX.19; good condition good condition, estimate price 2.000CZK
1920RUSSIA FIELD POST / CZECHOSL. ARMY NA RUSI, black round cancel. supplemented with violet FP cachet UPRAVL. KORPUSIINTENDANSTVAČECHO - SLOV. KORPUSA / DLJAPAKETOV and straight line postmark ADVISTBUJUŠČAJA... / FIELD POST ČÍSLO, postmark on letter with content sent from Irkutsk (Иркутck) 10.1.20 to Czechoslovakia; small tearing in upper margin, else preserved and decorative, nice postal imprints, exp. Majer
1920 RUSSIA Program výletu and sports celebration pořádanévracejícími Czechosl. vojíny home on/for ship "President Grant" from Vladivostok to Trieste, in/at Kolombu on/for Cejloně 20.5.1920, i.a. veiltelem this transport was/were Gen. Syrový; folds
1920 RUSSIA Passport - permit vystoupit on/for pevninu in/at Hong Kong, preprinted blank form 23. ship transport USAT "President Grant" with big round cancel. ŠTAB CZECHOSL. VOJSKA NA RUSI with coats of arms; folds, exp. Majer, rare blank form!
1917RUSSIA comp. 2 pcs of common PC values 3k sent to Czech officer from period before zřízením separate Czechosl. field post, 1x with violet bicircular cancel. ZAPASNOJBATALION3-GOČECHO - SLOVACKOTATRANSKOGOPOLKA / DLJAPAKETOV, recipient here already member 8. Czechosl. shooting regiment, according to text from 30.9.17, other card to same addressee with violet bicircular cancel. ZAVDYVAYUSCHIJVOENNOPLENYMI 574 DRUŽINY / PRI 574 DRUŽINY, supplemented with incomplete print CDS PESJANKA 7.2.17; good condition, superb print FP cachet postmarks, decorative pieces - rare usage!